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- The 3 reasons we read
Good morning my loyal Fans & Readers alike. I am trying something a bit different to attain and retain your interest. So, please allow me to share with you how I actually learned these 3 reasons. There is an avid writer on Medium that creates some very compelling and educating content. Since I have no idea how to spell or even pronounce his name, we will cheat a bit by using his initials, AA. Yup, those are his! So, getting to my point, one of his posts sticks in the vault of my memory banks. He once wrote about the very topic of this post. Still intrigued what the 3 reasons are? Ok now, enough suspense. They are verbatim: EDUCATE INSPIRE ENTERTAIN Simple, cut & dry. I have decided to start writing my own blogs this way. Perhaps I might attract others to peruse my site after I take AA's advice. It is of the utmost importance to me also to keep you here as you learn more about me and my life experiences. My posts might be short and sweet, but also inspiring. OR Maybe they can be my usual long boring?... posts, while educating you. But I will attempt to do at least one of these three in every post henceforth hoping that you may become addicted to my various sincere posts of various topics. In an attempt to retain you fantastic loyal readers, and perhaps attract more, I will always put forth my absolute utmost efforts to be sure you are entertained, inspired, or even more importantly, educated while you enrich yourself with the benefits of "education" in my 2 primary passions and much more. I always strive for your complete comfort with my material, while I enjoy helping you, and making a difference together. By ALL means, please remember, it is NEVER my intent to offend you. I always remember that we are all equally created from birth with a brand spanking new slate as we either choose to polish it or tarnish it with our intelligent or ignorant actions and decisions in life, as we move slowly to the next stop on our eternal journeys. However, I also never forget about our various differences while sharing our own unique trials and tribulations, as well as the rewards for our decisions in life. I, for one, accept others for both their similarities as well as their individual traits and attributes. I must assert it is such a damn shame that we can't all get along together and allow ourselves to open up to others. This is not only factual of the nudist community battling textiles but also sadly a very bleak and disturbing fact of our lives. I would give anything I have of extreme value just to open up my heart and soul to another humane human. That, to me, would just be way.....should I say it? ......BEYOND FUCKING AWESOME!! As you can see, "fucking" in this rare instance, is actually used in a much more positive manner, for emphasis. Agree? Speaking of inspiring being one of the 3, I just read recently that, "you never run into anyone by accident" Some actually believe that we are either one immense entity or at least linked together somehow. So whoever crosses your path is meant to be there with you. But also realize that some are only temporary for you to learn from and then you must move on to your next step in life. This reminds me of a quote that I actually came up with myself. You ready? "when a person leaves, to go away, don't make them stay, try to learn from them so you can tackle another day." Is that just the perfect quote? Ok, enough tooting my own horn here. To me it just has the perfect tone, or perhaps rhyme?.....to it. I am always very interested in your honest opinions though. I request you to allow me the opportunity to execute ALL 3 for you, so you can receive new hope and confidence in my abilities. So, what do you say? Do you feel I would make an outstanding COACH for YOU to get all 3 into your life? Ok, is this post way too long again? They always end up being so lengthy, so before I add much more, I would like to declare that I....... Love you BOTH, and also sincerely express my gratitude and appreciation for your loyalty Christopher PS: I CAN & WILL..... ....YOU, if you will continue to be a LOYAL reader here.
- Don't allow yourself to be fucked by quora, like me!
Good early morning, to all my fellow nudists and guests alike. It is now very early AM, before 7. I know that we can all agree that it is way too fucking early in the AM to be dealing with TOTALLY IGNORANT SHALLOW SUPERFICIAL textiles and this completely narrow-minded one track mind society at large. First, let me begin by saying right away that my "exhilarating uplifting" experience this morning, had me losing control while I also had NO fucking clue where my composure went either! (Hope you didn't miss my delightful sarcasm wedged in there.) I will firmly attest that I despise liars! Perhaps you might feel the same way? This leads me to firmly declare, that in light of this, losing my composure then turns into anger for me. So why don't I say for the record, that when I'm angered, I just may, perhaps, use certain verbiage that can be construed as, maybe..... "colorful language." But once again, I am getting WTF ahead of myself, so allow me to give you some background. About 2 years ago, I discovered a new site that was actually devoted to specializing in Q&A. I have asked a few questions but mostly reserve my time for answers. When you give good insightful compassionate answers, others can UPVOTE your answers. My record is around 10 on one single answer. Most of my time I spend helping youth with their confusion about their orientation and why their useless parents don't love them. When I am not answering that question, I am encouraging them to be themselves and not to let others tell them they are not worth their time. They also ask constantly how to "come out." I have done what I can but 1 lone single caring compassionate individual cant help an entire world. So, in order to continue my worthy cause, and help the perpIexed youth of the world, I decided to create a "space" where we can congregate and share our views and help each other in this cruel vile world. Yeah, me too, I also thought it was a great idea. I referred to it as, BISEXUAL Nudist club. Its title gives you an idea of the clientele I am reaching out to, in order to help them. Robert is 1 of 3, that loved my answer to this question. So, I am doing what little I can to enrich the lives of people that I touch. However, it greatly hinders me helping others when the site itself tells me to change something on my space. Out of the blue, I see a message from...Alina Din? I received exactly what I predicted I would and she, dishonestly informed, or maybe misled, me-- before I even took my 2nd breath. As I already knew, it was going to be some negative issue about my space or more likely, my pics. Well, well, well-- Am I not just always spot on? I will point out how the misinformed ignorant public perceives this whole misperceived subject. 1 - Does NOT violate said policy as she claims. 2 - Refers to it as "ADULT" content, a pic of nudity does NOT dictate sex!!!!!!!!!! also even if it was, it does NOT matter whether ADULTS have consented to it or not, she is still saying forbidden. 3 - Doesn't she specifically state, the pic can be changed? Not sure what she means by THEY can change it to a pic of MY choosing. This, to me, means that the picture can be changed!! Keep THIS in mind! My response above, Im attempting to communicate by asking her what type of pic she recommends that still represents "NUDE" Needless to say, she NEVER even gave me the courtesy of any type of response at all. IMO, very UNPROFESSIONAL. Next step was reviewing their ridiculous UNFAIR policy: I, at least, failed to see ANYTHING WHATSOEVER even relating to nudism. Below, you can see my, perhaps not perfect response, firmly declaring that there was absolutely NOTHING AT ALL covering, in any way, anything regarding our human bodies. The next thing I receive is.... So, in case you didnt catch it, do you remember, 3 - Doesn't she specifically state, the pic can be changed? Not sure what she means by THEY can change it to a pic of MY choosing. This, to me, means that the picture can be changed!! This was earlier in this post. So, instead of complying by their original claim, this was their "solution" Also, direct your attention to the very last line in the message, the part about NOT even being able to reply. How fair and impartial of them, they cant even allow you to reply, rebut, or state your side in defense or anything!!!!! This entire unnecessary spar is completely unwarranted and caused by the misunderstanding of this programmed puritan inhibited society led by government bureaucrats and oversexualized media. All I did was create a space for me to come together with others who share my interests and passions while I try to help others which I thought is a good cause. All they do is disregard anything positive I have done to help others and the space's purpose as a whole and they instead focus only on a miniscule trivial picture that was tiny and not even very noticable. I was a space pic that was about the size of a thumbnail. All I can say is their priorities are way out of range of where they should be. This ENTIRE society needs to be on the same page and understanding with proper definitions and matching perceptions. Not to mention increased fairness and complete communication. My perception is different from yours and most everyone's. If I see nudity, it's as natural and beautiful as being born. I don't see all the vile, disgusting dirty perception you see. When you see forbidden parts, you just think sex, or maybe sex or possibly just sex. Hmm, one track mind? In my case, I see the complete picture, and see the other uses for the same parts you see. These parts have at least one other use, having NOTHING whatsoever to do in the sexual realm. Think about other uses for our parts down there, and you may start perceiving them differently. The last statement I will tell you before we depart, is quora has been very unfair to me, as they essentially snapped their fucking fingers, and after ALL the goddamn work I put into my space to make it attractive to fellow bisexuals and nudists alike, they blatantly without the slightest warning or regard for my effort of presenting a inviting safe comfortable space, just ripped it right away from me. This is what they do for me to show me the proper gratitude and appreciation for all the upvotes and appreciation others are showing me. There was NO fucking warning whatsoever, NEVER gave me any chance for my rebuttal, NO panel, NO jury, NO NOTHING at all in my favor! I submitted my BPD post to a space also. It was accepted by the space admin/owner. The same person also invited me to join her in helping with her group. Did you notice her upvote in the bottom left corner? MY POINT? I must be doing something right, somewhere! while someone, somewhere appreciates my actions and compassion. But because of a stupid miniscule trivial fucking picture, MY OWN space was deleted in a split second. Priorities???? Dont worry about it. It's just this bullshit world I was brought into by mistake. Now I am forced to be here. So, I will just make the best of it, until such time I can move on to some better more loving compassionate place. Here we must worry about 1 negative action, instead of a lifetime of positive ones. Its obvious, this is EXACTLY why I am right here right now on MY OWN site. HERE, I and I alone, control my site, make MY OWN rules on MY site, post on MY OWN site, and mostly design MY OWN site. At the most, I may give someone consideration and discuss something with them, but ultimately, the FINAL LAST decision is MINE only! Thank you for your attention, and getting all the way through this. Im DONE! Good night!
- My formal intro to you, my loyal readers
Thank you for joining me and showing an interest in learning more about me. I would like to begin by declaring that, I am who I am, proud of who I am and certainly don't hide who I am. EVER!!! I live by, NO one can EVER make ME feel inferior without MY explicit consent, at all! I have blatant self-confidence and always exude this through my demeanor and personality. I am the same person in front of my family, co-workers, friends, and every other kind accepting soul that is gracious enough to allow me into their lives and accepts me for both my strengths and as well as my faults. I am a avid writer that has been exploring my hobby and passion for a few years and will continue to hone my skills so that I can communicate better with you, my fabulous readers. My verbal communication is sometimes lacking in tact and tone, as I have come across harsh, direct, and very blunt offending a lot of you. In writing, I can slow down, think of the proper vocabulary, and edit until I achieve the correct tone to come across properly. I will inform you that on my site, you are the most important to me, as without readers, there would be no one reading my thoughts and feelings. In light of this fact, I welcome ANY and ALL comments and feedback. Yes, positive or negative, since I appreciate your valuable time perusing my material. I am making a sincere effort to improve my writing as well as myself, so if I may humbly request your patience with my present faults, it would mean a lot to me. I thank you in advance for your understanding. I am having an arduous time getting into the proper niche as I have been writing on TABOO & controversial topics such as nudism, as well as dabbling in sexuality, limiting my scope and not being able to show my skills on other more popular topics to prospective employers. All site members have the privilege of suggesting new topics that I will try my utmost to produce into posts. For a few months, I challenged myself by entering a writing challenge on FL that gave me a daily word that I wrote about. I composed some exemplary writings that I am very proud of. Keep your eye out for these. I have gained this website so I have total freedom on what I display on it. It comprises all my material and will give you an excellent idea of my skills, which are always being improved. I am attempting to attain a career in the proper area of writing so that I can support myself with my passions. Is it your dream of doing something you enjoy while making the lifeblood of the economy? After all, if you enjoy what you are doing, you never work a day in your life, right? Before I close, I just want to inform you that I am working diligently to come across in the proper respectful manner, while also being confident in my material. I don't hold back, however I don't want to offend you either. If I do happen to do this, please bring it to my immediate attention and I will edit my work so that you can take comfort in reading it again. I have initiated a new category, my rants of confusion. If you are courageous enough to dive into these, please be strong and don't take offense, as these will probably have tones of anger. Take it with a grain, and allow me to vent. Again, remember ALL comments are encouraged and appreciated. Also if you may have a different take on a subject, you may teach me something, as I wont cease learning until I am beyond this place. I have some strong views on my passionate topics. I am very logical and also very analytical in my thinking. If you can't prove yourself right or prove me wrong, then I highly doubt you will change my mind. But please try, as I always love a great challenge! It shows us where our true limits are. Please feel free to converse with me anytime about anything. I make it a point to reply ASAP! If I don't hear from you, please enjoy my vast array of categories on a wide spectrum of topics. Sincerely, Christopher Jeremiah Please accept my friendship, because IF YOU ARE HUMAN, YOU ARE MY FRIEND
- Accidental? Well, you decide & let me know
There was this 1 lonely boring night, so I thought I would ask you to join me now and see what a spicy, frightful, nerve-wracking, thankfully brief adventure this boring night transformed into! So, are you game for a very unique adventure? I will guarantee that you will NEVER have this type of adventure after reviewing my post, ever again! Good, so you will join me? Ready? Lets GO! This evening may have started out boring and lonely but it developed into the very opposite! It all started with my beyond stupid crazy idea. I dared myself to do something "out there" (Double meaning, you will soon see.) Also, not only "cray," (crazy) and "out there" but I s'pose not totally legal either, but nothing that would affect anyone else, or harm anyone. Just really very embarrassing for me and me alone. I was to go downstairs to the backyard between the two bldgs. So, what's the big deal? Well, how shall I refer to my stupid idea I had, that should NOT have been carried out? I got it! I was to wear the same suit that I was born in. Yes, you are spot on! I was not the "brightest" bulb in the package that night, to say the least. However, there was just 1 unexpected tiny glitch during my very stupid stunt. You guessed it!! The neighbors came home unexpectedly and instead of just going right inside like they normally do, they were outside and just hung out a while instead. So here I was totally stark, uh "Open & Free" ( yeah, you're correct, NOT exactly free) ...in the backyard not being able to make it back to my front door without being spotted. They were all over the place between our buildings, but not in the back, yet, where I was, so at least I was safe so far, as long as they didnt come "back." That way, at least, I would be ok without being seen. Ok, so far so good, but I didn't really get "so far" OR "so good" either, because just as I was starting to feel better that they weren't coming to the backyard, someone DID see me!! Of all people to spot me, it, sure enough, was a teenager that had hopped the back wall and saw me! Standing right in front of each other, I did NOT know WTF to do! OH SHIT!!! Lets recall, I was horrified? or maybe terrified? Not sure of the stronger word here, but whichever it is, I will use it! How could my already BAD luck get any worse? WAIT! I better NOT ask that, for fear of it actually getting worse. So scratch that question right out! Truthfully, in hindsight, my luck could have been much worse. like he could have... said something to them called the pigs yelled out in shock, etc. so my luck wasn't all THAT bad I guess. Anyway, getting back to it, I was so scared when I saw him, I just froze!!! Much to my relief, and surprise, he was alone with no GF and he didn't freak out like I did. He must have kept quiet about me being in the backyard, because the neighbors never came back to see me. Whew!! (so far) THANK GOD, ALMIGHTY! The fucking cops must have known about as much as the neighbors did or I would have met them on this unique adventurous night. Thank God for his help?! Not really sure if that's a question or what. I was very surprised by the fact that no one had been in the back of the house for a while but it appeared as though I finally got my chance to go back inside my house. They must have gone inside because I finally heard quiet ( if that's even possible) and saw darkness (ditto). Nows my chance! My ONLY chance! Better get while the getting is good, or perfect! So since the coast was clear I started home, BUT WAIT!! HOLD ON! There was a truck in the parking lot that looked like it had someone in it. I wasn't sure, but at this point, I just had to get TF (the fuck) inside NOW!. Seen or UNseen.... Well, it looks like I am back inside my "safety zone," so I can finally utter a sigh of relief. So here it goes.... WHEW!!!! Why do people consider the human body such a TABOO or FORBIDDEN sight, that NO one is allowed to "see?" Just a question for the ages.....since I doubt anyone will ever have an answer that makes sense!!
- May I say VA day is so gay cuz I must "PAY!"
Ok, today is Nov 11th, 20 I thought its VETS day? But I'm really not sure it is! It doesn't feel any different to me. Let me tell you about MY veterans day. While I sit here ALL ALONE and starve, my BF is getting a $40 meal, FREE from his work. "Too much food," he tells me Now, I thought I was the vet!! So while he gets his $40 comped meal, I get offered a $3 meal? Are you fucking serious? As I look through our offers, I come across 1 from a wiener place and its a whopping hot dog with fries thrown in and a lousy drink that costs them maybe 35 cents. Now I'm not really sure how you other vets feel about the "fabulous" offers we get, but I feel like they can be a real smack in the face. It seems to me, some can be a real fucking joke. Did you notice that it is just a hot dog, not the burger or anything of real value, real thanks, or to say the least, real nutrition, either. Oh yeah, did you also notice the "size" that we are offered also? Do any of you even have a fucking clue WTF we have been through? Now I never want to sound ungrateful or unreasonable, so before I give you that impression, allow me to fill you in on MY military experience for OVER 3 years and you tell me if a $2-$3 meal is worth "it." "IT" means my blood, toil, tears and sweat during my long years in the service. If, after reading my TOTAL experience of OVER 3 years, you believe a $3 meal is worth it for ALL I have been through, then I will march, just as I was trained to do, right on down to wiener and get my free meal. Sound like a plan, Stan? I'm sure it will just hit the spot, don't you think? After all, he is getting his $40 free meal and I am getting a whole $3 meal, that sounds fair with him not even being a vet. For those of you, that read my posts regularly you know just how lengthy they are. So here's what I will do for you: Divide it up into 4 parts! 4 parts: 1 - BT 2 - AIT 3 - PDA 4 - BONUS! Don't worry, all these letters will be explained. So, let's get to it!!! PART 1 - BT After my father, as well as my grandfather, were both in the military, my dad somehow convinced me to follow suit. It was really just to get me out of his hair, but the end result: I went in. He told me that I would get college paid for. I guess everyone else gets their parents to pay for it somehow, but my life is always different from yours, his, hers and theirs. So, skipping the whole "honest" recruiter experience let's get right into where I went to see if I even qualify. What's first, right after I signed my LIFE rights away? First, they sent me to get a physical, and if I passed they let me pick my Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) (my job) for my Permanent Duty Assignment (PDA) and where I chose my dream pick for where I want to be stationed, because no one ever really gets what we ask for anyway. Surprised? I picked Hawaii, guess where I ended up. Keep reading! When I picked my MOS, my GT (aptitude score from the ASVAB) score was 95, which was not great. This limited my choices for a job so I ended up picking 63D (Artillery mechanic) for when I got to my PDA. Now don't forget where I picked. This had me working on howitzers which are similar to tanks but cannot move while shooting. I started having 2nd thoughts about going in before I even started. So after grad HS, I went back to my childhood hometown before reporting for BT (basic training). Now you know what BT stands for. However, as you will see later, if you or I sign a contract we are obligated. When the fucking govt does though, they are NOT obligated in any way, shape, or form. But you should know this already. Keep this in mind for later. When I finally went to BT, I went through MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station). In the army, the first item on the learning agenda is all the abbreviations that you must deal with. Then the 2nd item is the physical I had to edure. I don't remember the exact circumstances, or even how I met her, but on the way to BT, one thing I will never forget is my once in a lifetime experience when I actually somehow managed to meet Dawn, and speak persuasively to her because we got touchy feely on the bus, including some real hot and heavy kissing as I recall. At some point when we finally got there, I actually got applause from the other guys. Me? get applause? and from other guys? Like I said, Once in a lifetime! My 1st and only time that I, of all guys, got the girl! Don't ask me how I did it & with all the competition, because if I knew how, I would do it again. These are those memories I will NEVER forget!! Especially where they never happen again for me! Once there at BT, it was a strict "NO touch NO talk NO see NO anything at all" policy. The ONLY one I got to see was....... When I got there, I got EVERYTHING taken! It's kind of like jail. So imagine NO clothes, NO jewelry, NO magazines, NO everything, got the idea? Then I got a fun visit to my new home for about 8 weeks, called the barracks. I got to sleep with about 10 other guys in the same room, (how fun?!) Yes! bunk beds. Now, back when I was in, way back in 88, gays were not allowed, totally different times from today. It was still a sissy army though just the same because I heard, at some point, that a drill SGT lost his hat because he forced a PVT to stand in a clean trash can. What happened to the hard core seasoned soldier days? I Have NO fucking clue what happened to these days! But I think when vietnam was just a memory, these days were too! Since, in BT, I was a civilian learning how to be a soldier they taught me everything. You name it they teach it. So just in case, I wasn't sure how to talk, walk, dress, eat, or even salute, don't worry they taught it to me, for over 8 weeks. In BT, the only thing I tend to remember is all the push-ups I did. Because that is the way I got punished constantly, as I was just a punk kid out of high school. Take it from me, Drill SGT Pendelton & I, did NOT get along at ALL! We had to be up at around 5 am, an early time to get "chow" YES! Food! That's right! You have to realize, that these idiots just had to come up with all their own stupid names, like after "chow" do you think we were "ate up"? NO! Not after chow, but since I was fucking up all the time and was a real mistake prone PVT, I got called "ate up" a LOT!! Just ask me, I should know this saying the best! They had many more but I wont get into all of them. I ate at specific times, and there was NO talking, it was "eat and run." So I had to wolf it down and get back to BT. I remembered talking to one guy and he was smart enough to keep his trap shut, unless he was wolfing down food, because he didn't want to get in trouble. It was an assembly line set up, cafeteria style. Another important lesson to learn is, as you may have heard, the eternal lines. Have you ever heard "hurry up and wait?" That's the military for me! There was one time I had so much action that day, when I finally got to sleep, I was so overworked, I actually slept through a "fire....???drill that is.Firedrill! The Drill SGT threw me out of bed! It's the last time I slept through anything! You thought that was just a fabrication? NOPE!! And once you learn all about being a soldier, you are finally ready for AIT!!!!! Thats next, right after BT graduation. WOW! Graduation! Now It's safe to contact Dawn again! Even though I contacted her after BT was over, I never saw Dawn again, as she had her parents visiting her at least. NOT me though! NO dad, mom, bros, cuz, NO family & NO visitors at all! Well, I'm not sure if the worst of it is over, but after Basic, is AIT! Hmmm, All Into Training ?? Not sure but you will find out at the next stage of my military experience!!
- MY rights are not even considered, I will show you.
Ok, I just know that you're burning with intense desire to submerge yourself into this NOW!! But FIRST, you must inundate yourself with the prequel, because "it depends" on if you want to absorb the info here. That way this wonderful piece will make much more sense to you in greater depth. Lets begin with my brain jolting experience, I just have to share with you, what happened when my caring, thoughtful, foresightful local pigs explained the ol emergency concept to me. YOU are just going to LOVE this!!! Makes you wonder if your pigs are the same way, similar priorities, perhaps? They informed me that someone who is NOT even bothering you, NOT affecting you, and NOT even harming or hurting your property, kids or pets, who may not even see you, IS an emergency!? Did you get that? No, no mistake, you heard correctly! So keep in mind, that a man, or any living human, that you can actually ignore and blow off and not even consider paying attn to, is one that pigs are going to apprehend NOW!! So calling 911 on this type of guy, will get you instant results! Now on the other foot, anyone, maybe a man or perhaps even some mischievous kids, who are destroying your property, hurting you or your kids, or even going after your pets to hurt them, is an action that is of NO concern to the useless pigs. You got that? So it's like this, if they are hurting you or anyone you care about, or your property, the pigs just blow them off and must concern themselves with more "important" issues! Doesn't this just give you a major happy high? But now if it's someone that isn't even in your life that is just passing you by that you just barely noticed in your field of vision, that doesn't even see you, then they better get there NOW!! Now, I better elaborate because I can see you are more than perplexed, and then I can see if you are actually on the pigs side. TRUE story: When I noticed 2 little fucking bitches who had nothing better to do than to throw rocks at my bedroom window and thus damaging my property by breaking the glass, which keep in mind, can get on the floor/carpeting and injure me by stepping on said broken glass, and then me calling useless 911, it was then HOURS later, and guess who never even bothered to show up? Was it the useless pig cops??? YES!!!!! OF COURSE!!! YOU got it correct on the first try!!! So I had to literally proceed from my place to theirs, so I could see if by some act of god, there could be even a slight chance of some kind of justice, while I file a PR, in person. I was a just a little perplexed as to what these so called "fast emergency responders" considered an emergency, so of course my inquisitive self, just had to ask, "What exactly do you consider an emergency?" Then being even more specific, I gave a scenario so they could comprehend my inquiry, so then I thought of, "Well, if a person," (understand I didn't specify a sex) "is walking down the street, who perhaps forgot to get dressed, is spotted, then is this an emergency?" "Oh, well, yes! That's an emergency, cuz if a little girl spots him" (AGAIN I NEVER said it was a guy) "then she might uh, well..... .....or he could be on drugs!!" Oh my god! My mouth was wide open in shock!!! "So what if he IS on drugs?" "in case you forgot, or maybe I failed to mention, he was WALKING down the street, I NEVER said that he was harming or hurting or affecting anyone else!!!" "Even so, this is an urgent emergency!" she exclaims to me firmly without hesitation. "Well uh shit!" "Damn! You better get there like 20 minutes ago!!!, before someone else, looks? at him!" Now I will point out, that the metro employee, just assumed that it was a guy, did you catch that? Because a "crime," if that's what this is,? of this nature could NEVER be committed by a female!! That's a GIVEN!!! So before I keep; rambling, Its like this: Someone who is essentially doing nothing wrong, who in fact can, in all actuality, and reality, can logically, really just be ignored, IS an emergency!!??? Because remember, they are NOT actually hurting ANYone! BUT, when 2 little bitches are destroying my property while injuring me or my family, including pets, and what I thought is breaking the law, this is apparently something that can just be blown off or forgotten about after you call 911! So once again, I'm in the dark here, because I guess you probably understand this, but I'm totally shaking my head in total confusion!! So in other words, I'm just beyond perplexed! So what does this mean, exactly?? Maybe it means if you are being robbed or assaulted while at the same time, I just decide to stroll down the street maybe at like 2 am, when the entire world is sleeping, while I'm wearing my favorite suit which, BTW, just happens to be the suit I was born in, the fucking cops will not even worry about you, they would rather apprehend me like NOW or immediately, whichever is fastest, but forget about you being raped, robbed, assaulted, hurt, injured or even harmed.... or for that matter, KILLED!! because someone who is minding their own business better get hauled off to jail ASAP, but maybe tomorrow when they're not busy fucking with innocent people, they might come back and see how you're doing during their donut break, perhaps. Now folks, this is why I'm in a constant state of eternal confusion!..... ....while you are always correct? In my way of unorthodox, weird, off the wall thinking, it would stand to reason for me to.... I don't know..... perhaps, deal with someone who is hurting, harming or actually affecting another innocent person, like before......I don't know.......hauling someone off who is NOT even bothering anyone else. But as I mentioned that's just my fucked up way of thinking, but I'm sure YOU agree totally with the pigs because we wouldn't want some little "girl" to see something they are going to see at some point anyway right? Because that would just be an unspeakable heinous crime of the century! Now getting back to the title of this thought provoking blog, regarding how MY rights are NOT even the slightest concern of yours, and this is the perfect time to bring it up, because remember I am still wearing my favorite suit, the one I wore as I was being born! Now, it may not be 2 am anymore, but it could be........ DAYLIGHT???!!! Holy shit!! GOD fucking forbid! As I understand it, only YOUR rights matter NOT MINE!!! So if I can try to comprehend this, while you so patiently explain it to me, if Im "open & free" then I am infringing on YOUR rights, but YOU are NOT infringing on mine, because YOU can really just ignore me, look the other way, or NOT even pay attn to me, because I could be fairly far away. Then, YOU are NOT infringing on my rights for denying me my great feeling of being open and free? Continuing in the same direction, I am NOT allowed to wear what I'm born in, because then I would be (OR NOT BE?) in your field of vision, which you can change at any moment by. ....... Now let's contemplate this very thoroughly....... What do you think you could actually do if the sight of what we were ALL given by god, disgusts you in some unknown way? OPTION A Look right at me? NOPE!! Lets try B now, B - Look totally in the opposite direction? Does this one work? HOLY SHIT!!!! YES!!! it does!! So again, I'm trying to fathom this here. I can't be nude, because YOUR rights would be invaded, since you could just ignore me. Ok, so ignoring me is an option, in which this probably never even occurred to you. Now we shall switch to our other sense, hearing. If I don't want to hear something, then now it doesn't matter, because what was the title again??? MY rights are NOT even considered! RIGHT!! When I don't want to hear music from a certain annoying vehicle, then I am just fucked because if I complain to the useless pigs they will just say I have to deal with it, or "there's really nothing we can do" or any of the many other lovely beneficial choices they give us. Because if you don't want to see it, you don't need to look!! BUT if I don't want to HEAR it, then am I just supposed to not hear it? I better break it to ya, Putting your hands over your ears really does NOT WORK!!! So in my case, my rights are actually being infringed since I can't just NOT hear it. But you can just NOT look at anything you don't want to see!! If I don't want to hear it, then either, I AM forced to hear it, if I stay outside OR I must go inside, which forces me to do something, right?? so do you see how my rights are infringed but you don't have to do the same thing to not see it!! OR I must close my door, but then again I'm being forced to do something which infringes on my rights!! Does it NOT?? If i still hear it, I have to turn my music on being the only way that I can ignore it. So, as I understand????? (using that word loosely): I am not respecting YOUR rights BUT, YOU are respecting mine???? OR, do I have that backwards??? is it actually, I am infringing on your rights, but you are not infringing on mine?? Do I have that correct?? I may have to study up on this because I am still not getting this!! I know there's something that just ain't jiving or meshing up here! . Because I am still NOT understanding this particular concept!! So, since I must be out in left field, or maybe not even ON the field, if I offend YOU, I must adhere or abide by what YOU want or tell me to do. Ok, lets see, so if you offend me, does that mean YOU must abide by me or what I tell you to do?? If so, then if I tell you to lose weight, get a facelift or make a drastic change to your appearance or your body, then you must comply now??!!?!?! Right? So then if the human body offends you, then I must just get dressed to please you!! So then I guess that means if you are too fat or too ugly or too whatever then you must comply with my demands??? Right????? NO that's NOT right!!! OK, well I think I made MY point!!! MY point??? Look at the title!! IT'S MORE than totally spot on!!!
- You want an absolute answer? It just depends
DISCLAIMER: Be sure to grab that beverage before you even begin, as this is the longest post I have ever done! and while youre at it, maybe you should grab a snack? Up to YOU! So, 1 day, when Beck, a "guy" I know, informed me that the correct answer is always..... What do you think? I wasn't exactly sure what he meant, and thus I also wasn't sure if I believed him, cause he might just be yanking my chain, so I challenged him quite extensively. You should listen to our convo, and tell me what you think, as he explains: "Are you serious, Beck? Ok, let's start simple: Are you male or female?" "Well, it depends on what time it is." "What? The time? What's that got to do with it?" "Well, over 90% of the time, I'm a babe! But a fraction of the time, I'm a dude!" "Huh?" "Yeah, and also when I see my dad!" "Uhm, and what time would that be?" "It could be anytime!" "Anytime? Then, how do you know or keep track of the time?" "Oh, it doesn't matter. And he never calls me a FEmale." "Oh yeah, cuz at that time you are male? I think?" "NO! Im NEVER a FEmale!" "Wait a minute! Didn't you just say that most of the time you are?" "No! I never said FEmale! I'm a woman!" "So, lets see if I got this straight, because you are confusing the fuck outta me here! Uh......so you are NOT a FEmale, but a woman instead?" "You got it!" "Wait!! Hold on!! Aren't you what they call, tran.....trans.....uhm, a tranny?" "Absolutely correct! Since you are my pal, you can say that to me but any others get offended at that word." "Who? Ya mean, the trannys? What kind of "tranny"' are you? Well, I guess I'm rebuilt, since I was not one from birth. I was something else then. "Oh, ok, I think I see your point, I'm trying to comprehend this. So, they are offended if I say Trannys, but they are not worried about offending me wearing the total opposite entirely wrong attire? But, isn't tranny short for what you just said? It's like someone calling me BI! Do you think I am, or should be, offended if they don't call me BISEXUAL?" Well, at the end I finally decided to comply, otherwise we could go on for hours! The answer is apparently always, IT DEPENDS! Let's try this out and say the same answer applies to ALL questions, even if it doesn't, because it is a waste of valuable time, breath and energy to argue. Lets prove or disprove this theory: I will ask some questions and you tell me what you "think" the CORRECT answer is, that way we'll know for sure. I will guarantee that you will NEVER get the answer correct! What do you think? Now, let's give it a try, and remember what Beck says. Getting back what he said about, "I'm NOT a female, I'm a woman! I am attempting to get a clue here, so WTF am I missing? Please enlighten me on WTF the difference is. If you are a woman and the one over there is a female, then the difference is? Oh, now if you are NOT the same, which one of you is "HER" and which is NOT? Cause again, you're NOT the same right? Since you are NOT a female, then what were you as an infant? A woman? NOT a female? Oh, maybe you started as a female, but now you're a male? But now realize, that if you are a male now, then I'm pretty sure, the last time I checked anyway, you can't be a woman, if you are now a male? I think that's correct, but these days, I just don't know anymore because it could change again tomorrow. Understand though, I KNOW I am A MAN, but ALSO a MALE, so if you are not a female, but also claim you're a woman, then maybe you need to reassess, uh...... YOU! I bet you remember what Beck said now!! Now, we can get into all these imaginary genders with initials like, NB, GQ, GF, and probably many more next week when they come out with a few more. Ok, so we covered the M & F issue, so now, you might say you are, what again? Lets see, as of this writing, we are up to, I'm pretty sure, maybe 4-5 now? Of course, this could actually change next week or month, cant it? There are: NB, GQ, GF (no not Girl Friend), and probably a slew of others. As, I think I understand it anyway, they are, as follows: NB (Non-binary) -- which means, if I got this right, they are NOT MALE OR FEMALE? Your guess is as good as mine! It is way beyond me how they can be this imaginary gender, yet still have "specific" equipment down there. I just run with it, because I don't like to waste my breath and time arguing with them. I mean, tomorrow they will say they are an astronaut but never left earth! So WTF knows? Then govt will say they have rights! GQ (Gender Queer) with this, uhm, particular sex? or is it gender? (It really escapes me as to which one it is anymore), but I believe this just means they don't claim any particular gender, or is it sex again? Oh, just a side note, I have no fucking idea who in their right rational mind would ever prefer to be known as queer anything, but rather than elaborating here, check out my post on QUEER titled "The B is for me, but Q is for you!" Again, I'm really not too up on all these fake genders, so I really don't know how GQ differs from NB. It seems like the same damn thing to me. What do you think? REMEMBER, COMMENTS ARE BELOW!!!!! UNDERSTAND THIS? Oh, just when you thought we were done! NOPE!! Not that lucky. Now if your head isn't spinning by now with complete perplexity, just wait until after we cover this next one. Get ready!! GF (Gender Fluid) You are asking me? I just know that it isn't Girl Friend, I know that much anyway. So, again the difference between all these, uhm fake, made up or imaginary genders (again if that's the right word now) I have NO FUCKING CLUE! But I have begun to notice something different from MY day and TOday! Lets cease right there, before this turns into the longest post I have ever done. And I thought this was going to be brief? Yeah right! Now at this point, if you are not, way beyond, totally confused, just wait for the next part! We are already not exactly sure what all these initials mean, but now we shall get into how you refer to them based on their "gender identity" Pay very close attention, as this "stuff" gets even more confusing! Maybe you are asking "my" question. To wit: If they are not M or F, but still human somehow, then I can't really say he or her, so do I just say "it?" Well, not exactly. You are supposed to, at least this is how I understand it, call them whatever they perceive themselves as. Which brings me to my very next point! TRY TO STAY WITH ME here, because... ...YOU are just going to LOVE this next one! Saying it once more, PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION! I can't stress this enough! So now, how does this all work? If reality dictates you are MALE, but you IDENTIFY as a FEMALE (let's keep it simple for now) then all of us must treat you as if you are, in fact, FEMALE? Right? This is "societal standards" (SS), I will call it. So then, in a nutshell we are to call you whatever you say you are, (ID yourself as). Question is: DO I TREAT YOU AS YOU ACTUALLY ARE? OR AS YOU SAY YOU ARE? Remember that question! Ok, lets run with this. I would like to see how this really works, so, let me give a try. I have just decided that I will (ID as)......Hmm, let me go big here......GOD! So everyone, since I am now GOD, as I ID myself as, I require you to worship me, bow down and kiss my feet and while you're down there suck my toes too. Ok, now what are you all waiting for, since I am the "SUPREME" creator, that is everything you are and whatever you see, touch, taste, smell or hear, I can just relax and the world, I guess, will just revolve around me? So I can just speak and ALL of you must obey! Since I "IDENTIFY" as GOD! Am I Correct? Is this how your "ID as," really works? Yeah, I really doubt it. Let's get back to reality now and ask, Why must I treat you as you ID as, but you don't have to do the same for me? Is god too big or too much for you? Ok, how about if I ID as a doctor, lawyer, judge, or maybe even a cop? Because if god is too much for you, then POTUS, would be also, right? That still wouldn't work for you? Why NOT?? So, do you remember the question? Lets review, DO I TREAT YOU AS YOU ACTUALLY ARE? OR AS YOU SAY YOU ARE? This can be translated as: Treat you as: your body dictates? OR what you say you are? Do you see that you will NEVER get the correct answer now? One quick little item on the agenda before we get to the next question, I have heard that honesty is the best....what again?? Policy! Right? However, we need to ask, what is reality? So again, if you are honest, that should be the correct way to go. I would think. But remember we are here (where it NEVER ALWAYS applies) Don't worry, I'll explain. Again, this is brief, just wanted to plant a seed for you to think about. If you are "open and honest" OR, in this case "open & free" as I call it, about who you are, you go to jail! Confused? Not for long, because if you are, "OPEN & FREE", you are NUDE, and walking down the street this way, putting it mildly, is never a good idea, am I right? BUT, on the other foot, If you are in the mood to lie and deceive everyone, then you won't even get a 3rd glance. Yes, you may get a 2nd one but not a 3rd. Again, don't worry I will enlighten you. So trying to stay brief again, if you are MALE and wearing your lovely little dress, make up and high heels, not to mention your wig you just bought, you won't even be bothered, because this is......... uhm??? Normal? if that's what you call it? But being "HONEST???" about who you are, as in "open and free" is ALWAYS...... NOT normal? NOT allowed? I have NO fucking idea, but it appears to me that honesty is not the best policy after all! So basically, HONEST is NOT, as a matter of fact, always the best policy! Now you may know what I meant by "ALWAYS NEVER" Now staying on topic (kind of) If we must obey you as whatever YOU ID as, and not by what your body actually dictates then, when a pig cop asks you if you have been drinking at the party you just came from, now while you're driving home....( lets keep it between us that you had 4 beers) What is your answer? You tell him: A- that you are totally sober and you're fine OR B- you had 4-5 beers OK, assuming that you don't want the exorbitant expense of jail, bail, towing and then also impound, not to mention the inconvenience and time wasted, lets just go with A. I just want to make it easy to prove my point, ok? Just so I know how this works, He must obey you as you ID as, while taking your word, right?.... NOT what your body actually dictates..... ....do I understand this correctly? Because, if he just takes your word, as you ID as, end of story....you simply just go home and invite more people for the next party. But I believe I said, "back to reality" and I dont think thats the way it really works, am I right yet, again? But on the other "foot" if he gives you any tests, you will fail and maybe come up with a .10 BAC? But this is called, going by what your body says, NOT what you perceive you are! But we can't do that, because he will disobey the SS, remember? He would be listening to what your body dictates, rather than what you ID as, Are we ALL on the same page here? Don't I just have the PERFECT title to this piece? Oh, you stickler you, I know you aren't going to answer me, "IT DEPENDS" ARE YOU? Ok, let's get to a different question aside from your imaginary genders. When do you think you are an adult? What age? Are you an adult at the age of 16? How about down to 13? Lets cover 16 1st, then further down I will get into 13. Ok, 1st 16.... YES OR NO Ok, now be careful! Beck is an authority on this! That's CORRECT! Beck is right! because, it depends, yet AGAIN, this time on what the fucking court wants as their advantage. As we ALL know, if it's the INJUSTICE court, then you are absolutely an adult! that is, as long as they want you to be one, the 1 and only advantage for, strictly their OWN purposes: If they want to put you away and steal your entire childhood from you, Then, and only then, will they try you as an adult if you do a heinous crime. Cut and dry, real fucking simple. Now, fair is a completely different concept, because......WHY?? .....as you should know by now, But now if its an advantage to YOU, however, to keep you innocent and OUT of prison, then little boy blue is still a minor. Can you guess where I'm going with this? Yeah, now if you had, let's say some, "real sexy fun" with him, he now magically transforms into a little boy again. Aren't fucking courts just the greatest magicians? But now that he's a boy again, he isn't allowed to participate in ANY privileges like: signing contracts, unless of course, you are only 17 and signing your life rights away to enter the government program called the military. Do you see how the fucking government is ALWAYS involved in "AGE EXEMPTIONS?" I hope you caught that! On with the list, how about the fun privileges that he is NOT entitled to. You know the ones? drinking gambling, (not just Vega$, but state lotteries and much more.) So you see my point here, He CAN be an adult for punishments, but NOT ever for privileges! My point here, my avid readers, is if its advantageous for the courts, who ofcourse are the fucking government, they make him an adult for their own purpose, so in this case, ONLY, then He is an ADULT! NO ????? ever asked! But on the other hand, if it's to YOUR advantage......then NO FUCKING WAY!! or simply, NOT IN YOUR LIFETIME EVER!! He's still little boy blue! Do you see just how our "fair and impartial" govt works..... for you? NO!! strictly just for them!! Do you understand now, the fair life we lead and the ethical moral world we live in? Oh, yeah--This also proves Beck right too! Just a side note, In law school I learned that at around age 6-7 is the age at which you have the faculties to ascertain right from wrong. So now what? Are the courts going to try these kids as adults too? What's the logical limit? Do they have any rhyme or reason for the ages they pick? Courts....what do you think? Why don't we just try newborns as adults too? Ok, now, lets not get totally ridiculous!! We will leave that up to the unprincipled courts in all their infinite wisdom and being so "honorable and irreproachable". That reminds me, I almost forgot! Well, what do we have here? It can't be that you are, more than required to pay the fucking adult price, but then you CANNOT partake of, what again? the ADULT PRIVILEGES!!!!! It does state VALID for ages 12+, right? This also goes for ANY admission price ANYWHERE!!! Movies, admission to the High Roller, etc., etc., etc. So PAY adult price but NO WAY may you drink the same drinks! I AM NOT EVER EVEN GOING TO GET INTO FAIR/UNFAIR ANYMORE!! So I have NO FUCKING CLUE WHEN WE ARE AN ADULT ANYMORE!!!! Depends on who is going to get the advantage YOU?? NEVER ADULT!! COURTS? ONLY if it suits them!! PAYING ADMISSION? Then of course you are an adult! PRIVLELEDGES? NEVER!!!! While we are at it, Do we consider your birth date or your conception date? Because in case you weren't aware, if a pregnant woman is murdered, then per the law, since they make up their own rules as they go, then 2 murders have taken place. Did you know that? But remember, if you are in the carpool (HOV) lane, you are STILL only you, NOT 2! So round and round we go, are you a person by birth? or by conception? Again, you CANNOT forget the key words for today, NOT always "context" but more importantly, what is advantageous for our "law-abiding" and "scrupulous" govt!! Right? Isn't that always the case? As long as we are on the age subject, let's continue moving forward. because this post isn't long enough already! If you do your research you will actually learn that if someone is 30 years old, it may be illegal for you to "have fun" with him. Since there's NEVER an absolute answer to anything in this lovely place we must call home, let's take the 2 scenarios again, Scenario 1 Hes normal and you go for it, it's all good, dont worry about it. But, (there's ALWAYS a But) Scenario 2 He's of age again, since his body dictates he's legal, however, there's a glitch here, He is NOT legal in his brain now. I'll explain, If he's at a mental age of less than 18, He's back to being ILLegal, because he is "unable" to give legal consent. Hey, wait! This is just a little too familiar. Weren't we just talking about this earlier? You know what I mean? It was something about bodies matching their perception of who or what they are? Is there a connection? Maybe, but let's just get on with it, because I really just want to get this post done, and I know you are about done with reading it too. It just fucking amazes me how people are able to be at various ages, per our insightful impartial court systems, don't you agree? Now, how it's determined what his actual mental age is, for the pros to decide. It's another long and complicated ordeal for the lawyers to play the game and do the ol song and dance routine back and forth with the judge. Now you know why they are in the money and partake of all those years of law school! But you know how I always love to play opposites, So, now lets go the other way, If junior is 15, (good age??) and HIS BRAIN is over 21? Hes, let's say again, at a mental age and maturity level that he's thinking and reasoning at a more than an adult level, using the courts magical formula, he should be perfectly legal! Right? Or have you NEVER heard of a younger person getting into college? That right there, tells me that he is "older" than his actual age! like 18, perhaps? You know, since he is, "for all intents and purposes," "ALLOWED" to give consent if he is functioning at an older age, like an adult? Don't forget now, we're just using the "unbiased and unprejudiced" (and legal?) courts logic. After all, if his mental age is LESS than 18, he CANT give consent, so logically if he's functioning at an adult age, then he SHOULD be allowed or able to give consent. Right? No problem, if we just mimic the courts magical & perhaps "off the wall" reasoning. We must ask the million $$$$ question, is the MENTAL age the deciding factor OR is the body's age the more pertinent factor? I am beginning to see reality, the fucking courts are allowed to NOT only have their celebration cake, but thoroughly indulge in it also! Did you notice this too? OR Is it just me? However, (trying to use a different word rather than but) When is the last time you heard of a younger person being nice & perfectly legal? NEVER!!!! So let's look at the reality in full complete form. DOES NOT WORK BOTH WAYS: If you are of age, then we go back to...... BUT (Back to but again) if your UNDER age, (brain or body) then it "all of a sudden" is NEVER allowed!!! or ALWAYS against the law. Do you remember what we learned earlier? I'm absolutely positive there are many more instances in which, becks absolute answer is always the case, but if you even made it this far, I congratulate you! Because, guess what!!!! If you really actually made it to the end, there really should be some reward for you!! I just can't think of what you deserve, HOWEVER I am open to your suggestions But, understand, I am finally done, finished, finito! YES you are actually completely at the end, except for my eternal and heartfelt closing You know what I always say!! Love you BOTH, CJ Yes, the longest post I have ever done! 19k characters not sure of the word count, though
- The "B" is for ME, But the "Q" is for YOU!
As I understand it, anyone falling within the LGBT umbrella is considered "queer" Allow me to very humbly inform you of my opinion. I am BI & very proud to say that I love BOTH, however, I must inform you I find the term, "queer" to be very derogatory and totally demeaning. Now, actually, it's not in your cards to literally "offend" me, while, I am attempting to convey pleasantly, that I do not allow anyone to refer to me or my orientation as, what I feel, is a very disparaging vernacular, QUEER. I hope that makes sense. Calling ME queer is the same concept as calling him HOMO, or even FAG. So just as he does NOT enjoy those terms, I resent "QUEER" the very same way. How about calling him/her, or whatever, Tranny. Do you surmise that he/she would like that colloquial? Now, I know for a firm FACT, that no one even remotely likes, or maybe I should just say most really HATE or despise, a word that really denigrates POC. However, much to my surprise, it is NOT always defamatory. If you refer to OED, and direct your attention to "a" (lower case) you will be as surprised as I am to learn that it is sometimes neutral, a. Used by people who are not black as a relatively neutral (or occasionally positive) term, with no specifically hostile intent. Are you as taken back as I am? As we all know, it is actually censored like most words and eye-catchers always are. But for some reason, other euphemisms are not, such as honkey or cracker. I am veering way off course though, and hopefully I have made my point clear that I hate, queer. The term, not the person. I am very accepting of most anyone. I ALWAYS give you, what I get from you. RESPECT = RESPECT Speaking of slang lingo, & keeping in mind, it's not WHAT you say but HOW you say it, if you are homo/BI, do you consider it fine to say, fag, in a brotherly playful way? I am a firm believer in HOW it's said, as long as it's said with camaraderie as well as total respect, I don't really think there is any harm, especially if you know him well. But, keep in mind that if I hear a hetero say it, I will most certainly give him a very PPP (Prominent Painful Problem) in his short life. Since, once again, s/he is NOT a member of the community of gay/BI guys. I NEVER intend to offend, even though it happens just the same, quite often. So, as offending you is NOT my aim, I will not call you queer, if that's offensive to you, while I hope you will not ever call me this very belittling vernacular. How do the rest of you feel about "QUEER"? I find it very derogatory and I don't believe it even has a place in the English language, but once again that is only MY opinion, which does not seem to hold any water or even any weight, so it doesn't really count. So, my fellow "QUEER??" friends, it's time for you to weigh in with your opinion, in the comments below. Remember that the "FREEDOM of SPEECH" is always encouraged as well as enforced on my site! As I have already informed you, words CANNOT ever hurt you at all, or me anyway! Enough said. Good night everyone, I will expect to see a slew of comments in the morning. Thanks, and you know what? Still Love you BOTH, (regardless or your comments) CJ
Good evening, on this beautiful night, that is a MAJOR relief to me! I really feel that I was resuscitated after receiving my call of relief. The reason being, I was so down and depressed that joining my eternally resting family, even crossed my mind. What is so bad, that warrants this type of action, you may be asking? Well, even though you may disagree, my BF ghosting me is a totally valid reason. However, before I get too far ahead of you, perhaps I better fill you in on my very dismal week. So first, flashback to the 2nd, on Monday he and I were texting and I wasn't being as mature and respectful, as I should have been. So all in all, after I had texted some very idiotic messages....., Before I continue, I MUST stop and declare, 1 MAJOR lesson I learned was: STOP AUTO TEXTING!!!! This very fatuous action is a very asinine way to communicate. I have even read some of the ridiculous texts that I have sent this way, and even I am like, WTF?? Furthermore, I have even been asked if english is my primary language after they read some of my previous writing. So now, I have definitely learned to STOP this. Getting back to my story, he was angry about my witless texts and the LAST thing he said was, "That's not true." I wasn't even entirely sure what he was referring to. So you could probably imagine, my week has been more than bleek, sad, dismal and even a little scary too, believing that I had lost him, the only one I have ever cared for, because of his total silence. After these last 5 days, I was beginning to wonder if perhaps he ghosted me. After all, since that night, I have NOT ever heard even the slightest peep from him. I had sent him an email yesterday and then even tried calling him today only to get his voicemail, thinking he was purposely ignoring me, so I left a message hoping to hear from him. I was feeling extremely scared and hopeless because....... So, NOW tonight, the 7th, finally my prayers were actually answered, very unusual!! This is why I wanted to spread my exuberance and tell you about the extra special phone call I got.... ....from? MY BF!!!.....I was completely enraptured and relieved to finally hear his distinctive ring tone. Hearing that gave me new HOPE and a MAJOR feeling of RELIEF, since it told me it was HIM!!!! After finally hearing from Rob today, I want to express my true sincere comfort and exhilaration, in addition to my exuberance already mentioned. His call almost gives me a feeling as if I was revived. However, he has made it very clear that I must show him a lot of effort and practice any new found knowledge I gain from him. He also firmly stated that I need to take care of myself, including going to the ER or DR, if I need to. So, I guess now, I am back to living "MY BEST LIFE" now that he is back in it. At this point, I will close by saying my usual...... Love you both, (but now that I finally heard from him, love him more,) CJ Have a fabulous night, I know I will!
- Does nudity harm children?
Too many people seem to think nudity harms children in some way. After examining the evidence, I have come to a valid conclusion. This will be presented. Furthermore, there are many ways it can actually benefit them. With an open mind on what is presented, you will be shocked at the different perspective you will have after reviewing my analysis. Always remember that context is of the utmost importance. It doesn’t mean you must be nudists, but you can’t be paranoid and freak out if they inadvertently glance at you nude. What you must do is be proud of what you have and instill this into your children. Showing pride instead of shame will be one of the most valuable lessons they can be taught. They will absolutely thank you for it later. As a bonus, I will divulge how, not only children are being harmed, but also society as an entire cohesive unit, and it is NOT related to our bodies. Unfortunately, women receive the worst of it through rape and other types of violence against them. The very first article I researched, the title says it all, Nudity isn’t harmful to kids. In it, Dr. Reinisch answers a parent’s question on her concern about her 3-4-year-old kids seeing her with nothing on. Her direct answer to the parent was, “Nudity has not been found to be harmful to children – in fact, it is the norm in many cultures.” as she further reiterates to the parent, “As long as you are comfortable with them entering the bathroom while you are there, they are likely to feel equally comfortable with the situation.” She is saying, if you’re comfortable with it, they are too. If you are self-conscious and worried about your own body, then you are the one who passes your self-consciousness and embarrassment onto them. If you have kids, you already know they are natural nudists. They would much rather be natural as opposed to wearing unnecessary, uncomfortable clothes. The only time they start wearing anything is after their parents teach them that they should be ashamed of what they were born with. The very next article reinforces the point of comfort, “Nudity between parents and children is fine as long as both are fully comfortable,” parent coach and author of the book aimed at helping kids, What to Do When You Worry Too Much, Dr. Huebner firmly states. She also clarifies what the goal is with children, “The goal with children is to foster delight and confidence in their bodies while gradually, over time, teaching norms related to privacy and consent.” How will you “foster delight and confidence” if you don’t even have confidence in your own body? You must show your children how to have total self-confidence. This will assist them in many areas of life. You must have confidence in your own appearance before you can pass that onto them. Don’t teach them to be ashamed; teach them, Blatant Self-Confidence. This is one of the most important lessons you can teach them. Instead of teaching your children that their bodies are something they should be ashamed of or hide from others, it’s a better idea to teach them to be proud of themselves and their bodies and care for it while treating their body with respect. At the same time, they celebrate what they have regardless of size or shape. Children, especially girls, are already self-conscious of their bodies. If you teach them to be proud of themselves and what they have from an early age, then they will learn to be proud and confident before they are teenagers. This will also prevent them from ailments like anorexia. Next, Dr. Huebner goes into the pros and cons of parental nudity. Two PROS she mentioned are: You can promote body positivity and acceptance You can teach the difference between nudity and sexuality and two CONS were: You’re going to get awkward comments, questions, and stares Boundaries can get blurred _________________________________________________________________________ So, the PROS first: Body Positivity Haley, a mom of two, concedes, “I think it’s important that she grows up seeing what normal actually is. Equally important, I want her to grow up seeing her mom being OK with what normal is.” Do you parents truly desire your children to emulate what they observe on TV? We all know how fictitious the media is about everything they portray. They constantly bombard us with prime bodies that only Hollywood stars have. Haley also wants her daughter to understand that men see women as real people, saying, “Moms of boys can also want to pave the way for a new generation of men who see women as real people, not pinups on a pedestal.” Don’t you want your kids to grow up with proper morals? If children learn that women are just pieces of meat, we will never get a decent generation of respectful men who see women as equals, only as substandard citizens. Boys should learn respect early on, so they can treat others with more dignity, especially the opposite sex. If boys growing up into men showed respect, there would not be violence such as rape, and blatant disregard for women. Difference between sexuality and nudity Most of society must be educated on these, and believe me; there’s a monumental difference between them. Unfortunately, too many people have been bombarded by improper conditioning, such as the media and religion. They link these two converse concepts together mistakenly. Always keep in mind that sex is an action, and nudism is a state of being or mind. This is the parents’ chance to be a great role model for their children. Instead of sexuality being considered when the body is seen, show them pride instead of shame in their bodies. This will also convey to the boys that they should show more respect to others. This way, they will treat their partner much better. Now the cons: Getting awkward comments and questions This is elementary and self-explanatory; you may be a 30-something adult, coaching perhaps a mere 10-year-old. I would assume that you have the intelligence and knowledge to advise such a young child properly. No matter the child’s age, you have much more experience and can explain it to them. It should be effortless to teach them properly. Boundaries getting blurred. Dr. Bartell, a New York-based child and parenting psychologist, declares, “If you’re very clear what the boundaries are, then that child has no question whatsoever.” She continues relaying same-sex parents are perfectly fine; she believes, “It’s always OK for children to be naked around their same-sex parents; she says a different dynamic eventually develops with mothers/sons and fathers/daughters.” This is what I always assert, children or no children, all males have the same equipment, and all females have their own specific equipment. So, there is no problem with seeing the same thing on another body that you have yourself, i.e., a boy seeing a man or a girl seeing a woman. It’s the same exact thing! In Felicity’s blog, she writes a blog “dedicated to naturism, body image, feminism, topfreedom / topfree equality, censorship, environmental issues, healthy living, and more.” She relayed, to her readers, a study by Dr. Story, where she interviewed over 260 kids and classified them into one of three categories: social naturists or simply put – nudist kids, at-home nudist, and non-nudist kids. The study concluded that naturism/nudism was a more important variable than gender, race, and geographical area in terms of having a positive self-concept, body acceptance, and self-image. Then the Montana Naturist Organization declared, “Children feel at ease in the nude until parents teach them that it’s ‘wrong,’ ‘indecent,’ or ‘shameful.’” The article conveys that two individuals that were raised as nudists compiled a book, The Naked Child: Growing Up Without Shame, and inside they conclude, “the viewing of the unclothed body, far from being destructive to the psyche, seems to be either benign and totally harmless, or to actually provide positive benefits to the individuals involved.” Yet another study referenced in the article surveyed 210 male and female undergraduate college students to determine, in part, what effect childhood exposure to parental nudity had on them as young adults. Its findings were: “Childhood experiences with exposure to nudity and sleeping in the parental bed are not adversely related to adult sexual functioning and adjustment. In fact, there is modest support that these childhood experiences are positively related to indices of adjustment” furthermore, “they conclude that for boys, exposure to nudity in early childhood appears to be modestly related to greater comfort levels concerning physical contact/affection.” Furthermore, the article also attests, “there is no evidence that children are harmed by non-sexualized social nudity, and there is good reason to believe they actually benefit by it.” In the same article, it boldly asserts that “the fear that seeing naked people in some way harms children is not supported by academic research.” The last item in the article was where a UCLA psychology professor, Paul Okami, did empirical research examining 160 psychiatric outpatient children and compared them to non psychiatric hospital inpatient children. He wanted to see if children who saw their parents nude and those who didn’t had any significant difference in socialization. His research didn’t find any difference at all. Now for the benefits I promised, as it’s, in fact, good for the children They include, but are not limited to: 1 - One already mentioned was having a positive self-concept, body acceptance, and self-image. 2 - It can encourage children to develop self-esteem and body image. This encourages children to feel comfortable to ask questions about their bodies. 3 - children get a sense of what a normal body looks like, rather than what you would see in cartoons, magazines, and billboards. This causes children to grow in body positivity and to come to embrace that bodies come in different sizes and that there is no superiority/inferiority in looking one way or another. 4 - Finally, it can help to UNLINK nudity with sexuality. When children see their mother breastfeeding a sibling or when the family goes skinny dipping, children may experience neutral moments of nudity or memories of body positivity, which would help them when they start comparing their bodies with others. The family is one of the few places where children can see nude human bodies that are not being marketed in advertisements or sexualized. Where most think that nudity and sexuality are linked together and may feel that it shows children that they are synonymous, it actually, per above, UNLINKS the two. I have proven that nudity has absolutely NO detrimental effects on children and, as promised, showing the benefits as well. Now to reveal how parents are really harming, not only their own children but also society as a whole, while women mostly get the brunt of it. First ask, what a lot of children do to entertain themselves. Games perhaps? Maybe even VIDEO games? Any particular type? Perhaps VIOLENT video games? If YES, these are the very cause of rape and violence in society. Various sources will be cited for proof; I am in no way overstating this. I’ll begin with two articles from Harvard University, a more than reputable source. The 1st one is about protecting children from the dangers of virtual violence and states, as it speaks of video games, that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) made the following statement included in their policy statement entitled Virtual Violence. “Media violence is woven into the fabric of American children’s lives.” However, the article then indicates something very frightening, that the last comprehensive assessment of “screen” violence was done way back in 1998, and it found “that the typical child will have seen 8,000 murders and 100,000 other acts of violence (including rape and assault) before middle school.” But then they also point out, “That was 18 years ago, 7 years before YouTube began and nine years before the first iPhone was released.” The present numbers must be beyond frightening and staggering! But that's not all, the vast collection of extreme violence is overwhelming! All the violence on YouTube proves this very point, yet censors any kind of nudity and states that “this video may not be appropriate for some viewers.” This is so very sad for our children and society, as it leads our children down the wrong path by exposing young impressionable children to “virtual violence,” which has many detrimental negative effects as seen in all the evidence that will be presented. The benefits of them seeing nudity have already been relayed, such as body positivity, so them seeing the human body that they have themselves is fine for their upbringing. On the other hand, “Multiple studies have shown that children exposed to violence may be more aggressive, and they may have behavioral problems. They may also become desensitized to violence, which may be the worst outcome of all.” Considering something very frightening, “imagine a generation of children growing up thinking that violence is acceptable and unremarkable.” Or per my research, perhaps they already do. Pediatricians recommend a list of their suggestions regarding “virtual violence.” I picked only two: “First person shooter” games, in which killing is the central theme and the goal, are not appropriate for children of any age. Parents need to be mindful of what their children see and what games they play. To the extent that it’s possible, parents should try to watch and play with their children. With older children, especially those with computers and smartphones, it’s important to talk about what they are seeing and doing. It’s ALL about being aware of the effect that violence can have on our children. The real issue is the parents allowing their children to do anything they want while not supervising their children’s actions. Some may call this very lazy parenting. The next article, also from Harvard, gives a list of harmful actions that these video games show children every day: Blood and gore. Intense violence. Strong sexual content. Use of drugs. I don’t believe these are what a growing child needs to educate themselves with. However, the Grand Theft Auto series provides ALL of this for your totally zealous and vulnerable children to partake and perhaps carry out themselves! Oh, I just want to make sure you saw the one in red about sexual content. The very content that children see every day, so it seems that all these video games the children are always playing could account for all the sex children are exposed to, NOT the human body. According to AAP and AACAP, if you allow your kids to play violent video games like Grand Theft Auto and many more, you “can contribute to real-life violent behavior and harm children in other ways.” Naturally, every parent wants to raise their children to have healthy and respectful social attitudes. Sadly, an over-emphasis on monitoring content with sexual themes is often paired with a “blind spot” regarding content with a lot of violence. For many parents, this may be a subconscious thing, as they feel as though they can depend on content providers providing filters for sexual content. That casual attitude leads them to overlook that there are fewer filters for violent content. Another alarming and very disturbing stat the article revealed is: “A separate analysis found that more than half of all video games rated by the ESRB contained violence, including more than 90% of those rated as appropriate for children 10 years or older.” One special note worth revealing, I reached out to the ESRB, and not surprisingly was blatantly ignored. Their lack of response, to me, means they don't really care about our impressionable youth. Parents, we all can see that extreme violence is not a great concept for a mesmerized young 10-year-old, so we should all be more aware of what they observe in video games and other captivating activities. Don’t you think a theme like violence is much more detrimental than seeing a natural human body all of us have? So, maybe watching a mother nursing her infant and possibly glancing at her nipple for a split second is not so bad after all. What do you think is worse? Violence, blood, gore, and other brutality, OR Seeing a mom giving tender loving care to her newborn infant that has joined us all? Any respected college professor down to an elementary school teacher will all agree that repetition is the best teacher. So how a child would be harmed by seeing a human body just once, while video games that are played every single solitary day does not harm them, escapes me. Most violent video games are rated appropriate for children as young as 10, but most parents don’t allow these same children to see our natural human bodies that we ALL have, including children. Is this appropriate parenting? One KEY point the article states is, “Parents can protect children from potential harm by limiting the use of video games.” So, this means, to have the proper influence, you should closely monitor what they do while out of your immediate view. So, logically, parents do not want to harm their children by allowing them to play very violent games with drug use or imagery of sexual innuendos. Do you realize that kids, and all of society, are being continuously enervated daily by allowing this very activity in homes? The authors of AAP policy state, “Video games are particularly harmful because they are interactive and encourage role-playing. As such, these games may serve as virtual rehearsals for actual violence.” The only difference is, that real-life doesn’t have an extra life! So, as proven, STRONG SEXUAL CONTENT is plentiful in VIDEO GAMES, so it sounds as if, instead of hiding human anatomy, perhaps hiding their joysticks would be a superior alternative. If these young, impressionable children incorporate what they interact with during their games, with violence and rehearse it every day, then there’s a good chance they will go out and “execute” it in the real world. Assassinating a person in a game is one thing, but executing a real-life person is not! Once that is done, there are NO more “extra lives” or "respawning" to bring a person back to life. This world is already too violent; I don’t comprehend why it needs any more than it already has. So, attempt to understand that children don’t need to be shielded from our body; it’s entirely a different activity that they need suppression from. It’s all the violence and SEX in video games that teach the unacceptable element, like brutality, that is forbidden by law at any age. So, what should children NOT see? Before you decide, I will share a list of negative themes that popular video games promote: According to the AACAP “While some games have educational content, many of the most popular games emphasize negative themes and promote:” The killing of people or animals The use and abuse of drugs and alcohol Criminal behavior, disrespect for authority and the law Sexual exploitation and violence toward women Racial, sexual, and gender stereotypes Foul language and obscene gestures, as the article adamantly states. These are the very types of extremely disturbing and influential themes that parents need to be aware of when their own children are partaking of these constantly since their kids may go out in the real world and “execute” what they learn. Let’s break it down: killing, abuse, criminal behavior, sex and violence towards women, and obscene gestures. Your choice, the above negative topics your children are being subjected to continually, OR observing human anatomy in a clean, respectful non-sexual way that is part of every human being on earth, which they are going to see anyway at some point! It seems as though a lot of parents make an incorrect conclusion, which is one of the causes contributing to women being raped continually. I’m sure that boys make up the majority of players of these games, so they grow up to imitate what they grew up with, hence practice rape and other abhorrent delinquencies. Did you notice that the AACAP mentioned sex not once but TWICE while referring to video games? Remember, these are the video games that are rated fine for kids down to 10-years-old. Is violence and rape of women not sexual? Rape is always about power and sex, not to mention the blatant disregard and disrespect towards women. I don’t comprehend why a parent would ever desire to allow their children to get involved with the themes mentioned above repeatedly, but then they feel that a human body glanced at for a mere minute by their children will have an adverse effect on them. What parents should do is have their kids go outside to play with.... perhaps other children?! Maybe have them move around and exercise instead of stagnating on the couch, would be a fresh and much more educational option. They would socialize and learn about.... REAL life! They would be around REAL people and experience what life REALLY is about, instead of constant fakery. They would talk to REAL people. Ask questions they have, to REAL people. Socialize with actual REAL human beings. They would understand REAL-LIFE situations and meet decent people. What a concept! One that is unheard of these days. Now, it’s all about social media and texting everyone all over the place; they are hypnotized by their phone. Parents should be more concerned with what their children see daily rather than what they might catch a glimpse of for less than a minute. In real life, violence and the rest of the cruelty children are continually exposed to can then spiral out to innocent people while having a dramatic impact on all of us. Parents need to get their priorities straight! We’ve already seen that our bodies are completely natural and beautiful without even a hint of sexual innuendoes, but I have also proven, as promised, that the violence that is transferred to young, impressionable children while their parents are oblivious to what their children are being inundated with, is far more harmful. So, it’s safe to conclude that parents are clueless about what they allow their child to experience. Also, parents are oblivious to where the real actual harm to children is, according to numerous studies. The very next article, again from a reputable source, Dr. V. Dunckley, explains the exact effect of video games on unsuspecting children. She explains, “a perfect storm is brewing.” as she takes us on a wild ride as to what a child goes through as he is exposed to the very harmful and frightening effects of video games. First, his heart rate “increases from 80 to over 100 beats per minute, and his blood pressure rises from a normal 90/60 to 140/90” as he’s ready to do battle while stagnating on the couch. She then relays that levels “of the feel-good chemical dopamine rise in his brain as it shuts off other parts it considers nonessential.” All this intensifies his preparedness for conflict or escape! When his mom has had enough and shuts down the game, he is enraged! After he slams his door, his very childish, primitive mind is fully engaged like a predator on a hunt for any inviting prey, while ready for a deadly duel with anyone. He angrily gets into bed while throwing his light and smashing it on the floor. Now, all he’s thinking is how his mother is against him and how he will get her back. As an end to the evening, he kicks his bedroom door forcefully. Then she explains that the dopamine and the adrenaline in his body begin to slow, his rage loses focus. It doesn’t stop there just yet. She also indicated that the boy, Aiden, can’t think straight or calm down because stress hormones are too high as he’s trying to get to sleep. But Aiden isn’t quite out of the woods yet; that very night, he suddenly awakens after he has panic attacks more than a couple of times. It’s definitely not good to have a racing heart and blood pounding in his ears. The good doctor does mention one critical note, “it will take weeks before his body, brain, and mind return to some sense of balance.” Certainly, it is NOT good to remain in a confused or suspended state for WEEKS! She also makes it crystal clear that if this suspended state occurs too often or too intensely, his brain and body are always under chronic stress. . Dunkley also makes a couple more pertinent points. She lists the long-lasting effects of what children experience from constant exposure: “he will have trouble paying attention, managing emotions, suppressing impulses, following directions, tolerating frustration, accessing creativity and compassion, and executing tasks.” Her last and most crucial point is, “repeatedly enduring fight-or-flight responses when survival is not an issue does more harm than good.” At this juncture, I think brief nudity is a much more preferable sight than all these effects of constant vegetation with sinister dissimulation. If I haven’t convinced you yet, let’s continue with one final article. Cheryl Maguire lists 6 negative effects caused by playing video games, in which she informs us about a time when she took her son to a doctor. He stated that her son started having nervous tics after playing so many video games, causing over-stimulation of his brain. She seems to agree with Dunkley as she explains, “when my son isn’t playing video games, his brain craves this stimulation which can cause the tics and other problems.” After a few weeks of no video games, he stopped being so isolated since he was socializing with others. He also appeared less annoyed and much more content. Guess who she mentioned in her article, yes, Dr. Dunckley, as well as the doctor’s book, Reset Your Child’s Brain. In her book, she defines “electronic screen syndrome (ESS) as a child who experiences symptoms of hyperarousal that cause impairment in some aspect of the child’s life. These behaviors can mimic other disorders such as tics, ADHD, or Bipolar.” Maguire accurately lists the six negative effects caused by video games: Overstimulation of the Sensory System Psychologically Addictive Sleep Disturbances Impaired Social Interactions Poor Sense of Time Mood Dysregulation After examining and reviewing all the evidence, it is quite obvious that I have proven, nudity does NOT harm children!. I have proven: NO harmful effects by children seeing or being around tasteful nudity. In fact, nudity can actually benefit children in many ways. Finally, all evidence that has been presented shows constant exposure from incessant video games they play has perpetual adverse effects for long term. If some of you still disagree with this, then you really are just closing your eyes to the truth right in front of you. I’m sure that even though you have seen that all evidence has been given in a thorough and concise manner, some will still take NO beneficial actions and continue shielding the inevitable, yet continuing the deception of video games that may lead to a multitude of atrocities later in life.
- MY "2" ways to get confidence in YOURSELF!
There are many of you needing to GET CONFIDENCE IN YOURSELF!! First, I ran into a lady that was having body image issues and I talked her up a lot. This is a PM (Pvt msg) that I wrote to her and I proceeded to inform her that her entire attitude needs to drastically change, ALL of us are IMperfect, and finally, NEVER EVER allow anyone to put you down, belittle you, feel less than you are! Heed exactly what I told her! Keep in mind that, Every bit of it was TRUE!! I implicitly stated, You absolutely MUST have the attitude that your body is imperfect, so is mine, so is his, Oh, and hers is too. Get it understood that WE ALL ARE IMPERFECT! It's what makes us all human. There are things you cannot change, live with those things. The things you can change, work on. But NO one is ever going to humiliate me or make me less than who I am! Get that attitude! And you will have confidence in yourself. I am making a formal declaration that, I can stand before you or ANYone and NO one will ever offend me! Yes, that means even if I'm nude! How many MF on this good green earth can even come close to saying that? NO one that I know! That's how much blatant self-confidence I have. I'm certainly far from perfect, but then the person in front of me is too. That's what you must ingrain into yourself. Keep your chin up and have a Fabulous day now. CJ I hope she got the message. Now, just today I came across a very disturbing post entitled, This is why I can't come out. Now when it is one of my fellow BI people, I don't take that lying down. BI's are part of my family. I stick up for them just as quick as my blood. I just can't comprehend how anyone should, would or could be in any way ashamed of LOVING BOTH!! So, after both of these crossed my path, I am stepping in firmly & boldly. Here is the way I handle the confidence issue. See if it works for you too. Its as simple as, going down deep into the depths of your soul and find your inner strength to let any invisible word bounce off you like superman!! Very elementary, when invisible words are innocuous. How many of them are invisible? ALL of them!! They are just invisible benign forces that come out of your mouth! Think about it, they are: TASTELESS ODORLESS YOU Can't even feel them! Get the point? They can't hurt you!! Unless you let them. So don't let them!! Tricky, huh? Well, practice! Here's how you do it! When someone calls you, for instance, a little bitch, there are only 2 possibilities: 1 - You are one? 2 - You are NOT one? If it's #1, then you shouldn't be offended. You are being called out accurately. Now, if its #2, which I assume it is, why would YOU be offended if the OTHER person is wrong? If he called you something that you are NOT, why are YOU put down by HIS ignorance? He is the 1 that's wrong, mistaken, or uneducated, so HE should be the one that feels offended or idiotic, right? Take this example, If I walked up to you and called you an ugly tree, wouldn't YOU be the one that laughs at ME? You are obviously NOT a tree, right? So wouldn't that show how stupid I am? So, just replace "tree" with something else. If someone calls you a little fag, then go back up to the 2 possibilities and go through them. You are a little fag? OR you are NOT a little fag? When #2 applies, laugh at the idiotic moron that is calling you a name. His stupidity should not offend you! He's the one that's not going anywhere in life! But YOU are! Remember that!! Look at me, I'm a famous blogger. Ok, not really that famous, but Where do you think all the imbeciles that made fun of me, are today? You are correct! Probably at BK or Mc. D's. flippin burgers, because they were too busy putting me down to study very hard. What do you think? Always keep in mind, The only way someone can offend you is if you somehow believe that maybe they are correct in their statement. Here's the crucial element, so you must: KNOW WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE AND KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE Get that confidence in yourself and then NO ONE ever will offend you at all, EVER AGAIN! Remember: "Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance.” — Brene Brown Remember, If you cannot find peace within yourself, You will NEVER find it anywhere! When you're truly at peace and in touch with yourself, nothing anyone else says or does bothers you and no negativity can touch you. You're un-fuck-with-able! Ok, READ this STUDY this LEARN this and finally PRACTICE this! Love you BOTH, Christopher Jeremiah