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You want an absolute answer? It just depends

Writer's picture: Christopher JeremiahChristopher Jeremiah

Updated: Jan 9, 2021


Be sure to grab that beverage before you even begin, as this is the longest post I have ever done! and while youre at it, maybe you should grab a snack? Up to YOU!

So, 1 day, when Beck, a "guy" I know, informed me that the correct answer is always.....

What do you think?

You mean the answer to EVERY question?

I wasn't exactly sure what he meant, and thus I also wasn't sure if I believed him, cause he might just be yanking my chain, so I challenged him quite extensively.

You should listen to our convo, and tell me what you think, as he explains:

"Are you serious, Beck?

Ok, let's start simple:

Are you male or female?"

So, Im still in the dark, does that mean your Male, or the other one?

"Well, it depends on what time it is."


The time?

What's that got to do with it?"

"Well, over 90% of the time, I'm a babe!

But a fraction of the time, I'm a dude!"


"Yeah, and also when I see my dad!"

"Uhm, and what time would that be?"

"It could be anytime!"


Then, how do you know or keep track of the time?"

"Oh, it doesn't matter. And he never calls me a FEmale."

"Oh yeah, cuz at that time you are male?

I think?"

"NO! Im NEVER a FEmale!"

"Wait a minute! Didn't you just say that most of the time you are?"

"No! I never said FEmale!

I'm a woman!"

"So, lets see if I got this straight, because you are confusing the fuck outta me here! you are NOT a FEmale, but a woman instead?"

"You got it!"


Hold on!!

Aren't you what they call, tran.....trans.....uhm,

a tranny?"

"Absolutely correct!

Since you are my pal, you can say that to me but any others get offended at that word."


Ya mean, the trannys?

What kind of "tranny"' are you?

Well, I guess I'm rebuilt, since I was not one from birth. I was something else then.

"Oh, ok, I think I see your point, I'm trying to comprehend this.

So, they are offended if I say Trannys, but they are not worried about offending me wearing the total opposite entirely wrong attire?

But, isn't tranny short for what you just said?

It's like someone calling me BI!

Do you think I am, or should be, offended if they don't call me BISEXUAL?"

Well, at the end I finally decided to comply, otherwise we could go on for hours!

The answer is apparently always,


Confused already? You just wait!

Let's try this out and say the same answer applies to ALL questions, even if it doesn't, because it is a waste of valuable time, breath and energy to argue.

Lets prove or disprove this theory:

I will ask some questions and you tell me what you "think" the CORRECT answer is, that way we'll know for sure.

I will guarantee that you will NEVER get the answer correct!

Think you have a 50/50 chance? not if "it depends"

What do you think?

Now, let's give it a try, and remember what Beck says.

Getting back what he said about,

"I'm NOT a female, I'm a woman!

I am attempting to get a clue here, so

WTF am I missing?

Please enlighten me on WTF the difference is.

If you are a woman and the one over there is a female, then the difference is?

between a "female" and uhm a "woman" I just don't get it!

Oh, now if you are NOT the same, which one of you is "HER" and which is NOT?

Cause again, you're NOT the same right?

Since you are NOT a female, then what were you as an infant?

A woman?

NOT a female?

Oh, maybe you started as a female, but now you're a male?

But now realize, that if you are a male now, then I'm pretty sure, the last time I checked anyway, you can't be a woman, if you are now a male?

I think that's correct, but these days, I just don't know anymore because it could change again tomorrow.

Understand though, I KNOW I am A MAN, but ALSO a MALE, so if you are not a female, but also claim you're a woman, then maybe you need to reassess, uh...... YOU!

I think so. yeah, it must just be me.

I bet you remember what Beck said now!!

Now, we can get into all these imaginary genders with initials like, NB, GQ, GF, and probably many more next week when they come out with a few more.

Ok, so we covered the M & F issue, so now, you might say you are, what again?

Lets see, as of this writing, we are up to, I'm pretty sure, maybe 4-5 now?

Of course, this could actually change next week or month, cant it?

There are:

NB, GQ, GF (no not Girl Friend), and probably a slew of others.

As, I think I understand it anyway, they are, as follows:

NB (Non-binary) -- which means, if I got this right, they are NOT MALE OR FEMALE?

Your guess is as good as mine!

It is way beyond me how they can be this imaginary gender, yet still have "specific" equipment down there. I just run with it, because I don't like to waste my breath and time arguing with them. I mean, tomorrow they will say they are an astronaut but never left earth! So WTF knows? Then govt will say they have rights!

Exactly! That's why YOU make NO sense to me!

GQ (Gender Queer) with this, uhm, particular sex? or is it gender? (It really escapes me as to which one it is anymore), but I believe this just means they don't claim any particular gender, or is it sex again?

Oh, just a side note, I have no fucking idea who in their right rational mind would ever prefer to be known as queer anything, but rather than elaborating here, check out my post on QUEER titled "The B is for me, but Q is for you!"

Again, I'm really not too up on all these fake genders, so I really don't know how GQ differs from NB. It seems like the same damn thing to me.

What do you think?


WTF? That makes 2 of us, I have NO idea either!

Oh, just when you thought we were done!


Not that lucky.

Now if your head isn't spinning by now with complete perplexity, just wait until after we cover this next one.

Get ready!!

GF (Gender Fluid) You are asking me? I just know that it isn't Girl Friend, I know that much anyway. So, again the difference between all these, uhm fake, made up or imaginary genders (again if that's the right word now) I have NO FUCKING CLUE!

But I have begun to notice something different from MY day and TOday!


Lets cease right there, before this turns into the longest post I have ever done.

And I thought this was going to be brief?

Yeah right!

Now at this point, if you are not, way beyond, totally confused, just wait for the next part!

We are already not exactly sure what all these initials mean, but now we shall get into how you refer to them based on their "gender identity"

Pay very close attention, as this "stuff" gets even more confusing!

Maybe you are asking "my" question.

To wit:

If they are not M or F, but still human somehow, then I can't really say he or her, so do I just say "it?"


Well, not exactly.

You are supposed to, at least this is how I understand it, call them whatever they perceive themselves as.

Which brings me to my very next point!

TRY TO STAY WITH ME here, because...

...YOU are just going to LOVE this next one!

Saying it once more, PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION!

I can't stress this enough!

So now, how does this all work?

If reality dictates you are MALE, but you IDENTIFY as a FEMALE (let's keep it simple for now) then all of us must treat you as if you are, in fact, FEMALE?


This is "societal standards" (SS), I will call it.

So then, in a nutshell we are to call you whatever you say you are, (ID yourself as).

Question is:




Remember that question!

Ok, lets run with this.

I would like to see how this really works, so, let me give a try.

I have just decided that I will (ID as)......Hmm, let me go big here......GOD!

So everyone, since I am now GOD, as I ID myself as, I require you to worship me, bow down and kiss my feet and while you're down there suck my toes too.

Ok, now what are you all waiting for, since I am the "SUPREME" creator, that is everything you are and whatever you see, touch, taste, smell or hear, I can just relax and the world, I guess,

will just revolve around me?

So I can just speak and ALL of you must obey!

Since I "IDENTIFY" as GOD!

Am I Correct?

Is this how your "ID as," really works?

Yeah, I really doubt it.

Let's get back to reality now and ask,

Why must I treat you as you ID as, but you don't have to do the same for me?

Is god too big or too much for you?

Ok, how about if I ID as a doctor, lawyer, judge, or maybe even a cop?

Because if god is too much for you, then POTUS, would be also, right?

That still wouldn't work for you?

Why NOT??


So, do you remember the question?

Lets review,




This can be translated as:

Treat you as:

your body dictates?


what you say you are?

Do you see that you will NEVER get the correct answer now?

One quick little item on the agenda before we get to the next question,

I have heard that honesty is the best....what again??



However, we need to ask, what is reality?

Honesty may be the best policy? but DIShonesty is actual reality!

So again, if you are honest, that should be the correct way to go.

I would think.

But remember we are here (where it NEVER ALWAYS applies)

Don't worry, I'll explain.

Ok, which is it? or is it BOTH?? What?

Again, this is brief, just wanted to plant a seed for you to think about.

If you are "open and honest"


in this case "open & free" as I call it,

about who you are, you go to jail!


Not for long, because if you are, "OPEN & FREE", you are NUDE, and walking down the street this way, putting it mildly, is never a good idea,

am I right?

BUT, on the other foot,

If you are in the mood to lie and deceive everyone,

then you won't even get a 3rd glance.

Yes, you may get a 2nd one but not a 3rd.

Again, don't worry I will enlighten you.

So trying to stay brief again,

if you are MALE and wearing your lovely little dress, make up and high heels, not to mention your wig you just bought, you won't even be bothered, because this is.........



if that's what you call it?

But being "HONEST???" about who you are, as in "open and free" is ALWAYS......

NOT normal?

NOT allowed?

I have NO fucking idea,

but it appears to me that honesty is not the best policy after all!

So basically,

HONEST is NOT, as a matter of fact, always the best policy!

Now you may know what I meant by "ALWAYS NEVER"

WTF?? Did you, at least, comprehend anything he said?

Now staying on topic (kind of)

If we must obey you as whatever YOU ID as, and not by what your body actually dictates then,

when a pig cop asks you if you have been drinking at the party you just came from, now while you're driving home....( lets keep it between us that you had 4 beers)

What is your answer?

You tell him:

A- that you are totally sober and you're fine


B- you had 4-5 beers

OK, assuming that you don't want the exorbitant expense of jail, bail, towing and then also impound, not to mention the inconvenience and time wasted,

lets just go with A.

I just want to make it easy to prove my point, ok?

Just so I know how this works,

He must obey you as you ID as, while taking your word, right?....

NOT what your body actually dictates..... I understand this correctly?

Because, if he just takes your word, as you ID as,

end of simply just go home and invite more people for the next party.

But I believe I said, "back to reality"

and I dont think thats the way it really works, am I right yet, again?

But on the other "foot" if he gives you any tests, you will fail and maybe come up with a .10 BAC?

But this is called, going by what your body says, NOT what you perceive you are!

But we can't do that, because he will disobey the SS, remember?

He would be listening to what your body dictates, rather than what you ID as,

Are we ALL on the same page here?

Don't I just have the PERFECT title to this piece?

Oh, you stickler you, I know you aren't going to answer me, "IT DEPENDS" ARE YOU?

Ok, let's get to a different question aside from your imaginary genders.

When do you think you are an adult?

What age?

Are you an adult at the age of 16?

How about down to 13?

Lets cover 16 1st, then further down I will get into 13.

Ok, 1st 16....


Ok, now be careful!

Beck is an authority on this!


Beck is right!

because, it depends, yet AGAIN,

this time on what the fucking court wants as their advantage.

As we ALL know, if it's the INJUSTICE court, then you are absolutely an adult!

that is, as long as they want you to be one,

the 1 and only advantage for, strictly their OWN purposes:

If they want to put you away and steal your entire childhood from you,

Then, and only then, will they try you as an adult if you do a heinous crime.

Cut and dry, real fucking simple.

Now, fair is a completely different concept, because......WHY??

since, of course, the courts have their very own definition! you should know by now,

But now if its an advantage to YOU, however, to keep you innocent and OUT of prison, then little boy blue is still a minor.

Can you guess where I'm going with this?

Yeah, now if you had, let's say some, "real sexy fun" with him,

he now magically transforms into a little boy again.

Aren't fucking courts just the greatest magicians?

But now that he's a boy again, he isn't allowed to participate in ANY privileges like:

signing contracts, unless of course, you are only 17 and signing your life rights away to enter the government program called the military.

Do you see how the fucking government is ALWAYS involved in "AGE EXEMPTIONS?"

I hope you caught that!

On with the list,

how about the fun privileges that he is NOT entitled to.

You know the ones?


gambling, (not just Vega$, but state lotteries and much more.)

So you see my point here,

He CAN be an adult for punishments, but NOT ever for privileges!

My point here, my avid readers, is if its advantageous for the courts, who ofcourse are the fucking government, they make him an adult for their own purpose,

so in this case, ONLY, then He is an ADULT!

NO ????? ever asked!

But on the other hand, if it's to YOUR advantage......then NO FUCKING WAY!!


He's still little boy blue!

Do you see just how our "fair and impartial" govt works.....

for you?


strictly just for them!!

Do you understand now, the fair life we lead and the ethical moral world we live in?

Oh, yeah--This also proves Beck right too!

Just a side note,

In law school I learned that at around age 6-7 is the age at which you have the faculties to ascertain right from wrong.

So now what?

Are the courts going to try these kids as adults too?

What's the logical limit?

Do they have any rhyme or reason for the ages they pick?

Courts....what do you think?

Why don't we just try newborns as adults too?

Ok, now, lets not get totally ridiculous!!

We will leave that up to the unprincipled courts in all their infinite wisdom and being so

"honorable and irreproachable".

That reminds me,

I almost forgot!

Well, what do we have here?

It can't be that you are, more than required to pay the fucking adult price, but then you CANNOT partake of,

what again?


It does state VALID for ages 12+, right?

This also goes for ANY admission price ANYWHERE!!!

Movies, admission to the High Roller, etc., etc., etc.

So PAY adult price but NO WAY may you drink the same drinks!



Depends on who is going to get the advantage




ONLY if it suits them!!


Then of course you are an adult!



While we are at it,

Do we consider your birth date or your conception date?

Because in case you weren't aware,

if a pregnant woman is murdered, then per the law, since they make up their own rules as they go, then 2 murders have taken place.

Did you know that?

But remember, if you are in the carpool (HOV) lane, you are STILL only you, NOT 2!

So round and round we go,

are you a person by birth?


by conception?

Again, you CANNOT forget the key words for today,

You got that right on target!!

NOT always "context" but more importantly,

what is advantageous for our "law-abiding" and "scrupulous" govt!!


Isn't that always the case?

As long as we are on the age subject, let's continue moving forward.

because this post isn't long enough already!

If you do your research you will actually learn that if someone is 30 years old, it may be illegal for you to "have fun" with him.

Since there's NEVER an absolute answer to anything in this lovely place we must call home, let's take the 2 scenarios again,

Scenario 1

Hes normal and you go for it, it's all good, dont worry about it.

But, (there's ALWAYS a But)

Scenario 2

He's of age again, since his body dictates he's legal, however, there's a glitch here,

He is NOT legal in his brain now.

I'll explain,

If he's at a mental age of less than 18,

He's back to being ILLegal, because he is "unable" to give legal consent.

Hey, wait! This is just a little too familiar.

Weren't we just talking about this earlier?

You know what I mean?

It was something about bodies matching their perception of who or what they are?

Is there a connection?

Maybe, but let's just get on with it, because I really just want to get this post done, and I know you are about done with reading it too.

It just fucking amazes me how people are able to be at various ages, per our insightful impartial court systems,

don't you agree?

Now, how it's determined what his actual mental age is, for the pros to decide.

It's another long and complicated ordeal for the lawyers to play the game and do the ol song and dance routine back and forth with the judge.

Now you know why they are in the money and partake of all those years of law school!

But you know how I always love to play opposites,

WOW, heavy dude!

So, now lets go the other way,

If junior is 15, (good age??)

and HIS BRAIN is over 21?

Hes, let's say again, at a mental age and maturity level that he's thinking and reasoning at a more than an adult level, using the courts magical formula, he should be perfectly legal!


Or have you NEVER heard of a younger person getting into college?

That right there, tells me that he is "older" than his actual age! like 18, perhaps?

You know, since he is, "for all intents and purposes," "ALLOWED" to give consent if he is functioning at an older age, like an adult?

Don't forget now, we're just using the "unbiased and unprejudiced" (and legal?) courts logic. After all, if his mental age is LESS than 18, he CANT give consent, so logically if he's functioning at an adult age, then he SHOULD be allowed or able to give consent.


No problem, if we just mimic the courts magical & perhaps "off the wall" reasoning.

We must ask the million $$$$ question,

is the MENTAL age the deciding factor OR is the body's age the more pertinent factor?

I am beginning to see reality, the fucking courts are allowed to NOT only have their celebration cake, but thoroughly indulge in it also!

Did you notice this too?


Is it just me?

However, (trying to use a different word rather than but)

When is the last time you heard of a younger person being nice & perfectly legal?


So let's look at the reality in full complete form.


If you are of age, then we go back to......

I should've learned this in law school!

BUT (Back to but again)

if your UNDER age, (brain or body) then it "all of a sudden" is

NEVER allowed!!!


ALWAYS against the law.

Do you remember what we learned earlier?

but the courts have NO clue what this says!

I'm absolutely positive there are many more instances in which, becks absolute answer is always the case, but if you even made it this far, I congratulate you!

Because, guess what!!!!

YES!! It's the truth! We actually are!!

If you really actually made it to the end,

there really should be some reward for you!!

I just can't think of what you deserve,


I am open to your suggestions


understand, I am finally done, finished, finito!

YES you are actually completely at the end,

except for my eternal and heartfelt closing

You know what I always say!!

Love you BOTH,


Yes, the longest post I have ever done!

19k characters

not sure of the word count, though

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