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Don't allow yourself to be fucked by quora, like me!

Writer's picture: Christopher JeremiahChristopher Jeremiah

Updated: Nov 19, 2020

Good early morning, to all my fellow nudists and guests alike.

It is now very early AM, before 7.

I know that we can all agree that it is way too fucking early in the AM to be dealing with TOTALLY IGNORANT SHALLOW SUPERFICIAL textiles and this completely narrow-minded one track mind society at large.

First, let me begin by saying right away that my "exhilarating uplifting" experience this morning, had me losing control while I also had NO fucking clue where my composure went either! (Hope you didn't miss my delightful sarcasm wedged in there.)

I will firmly attest that I despise liars!

Perhaps you might feel the same way?

This leads me to firmly declare, that in light of this, losing my composure then turns into anger for me. So why don't I say for the record, that when I'm angered, I just may, perhaps, use certain verbiage that can be construed as, maybe.....

"colorful language."

But once again, I am getting WTF ahead of myself, so allow me to give you some background.

About 2 years ago, I discovered a new site that was actually devoted to specializing in Q&A.

I have asked a few questions but mostly reserve my time for answers. When you give good insightful compassionate answers, others can UPVOTE your answers. My record is around 10 on one single answer. Most of my time I spend helping youth with their confusion about their orientation and why their useless parents don't love them. When I am not answering that question, I am encouraging them to be themselves and not to let others tell them they are not worth their time. They also ask constantly how to "come out."

I have done what I can but 1 lone single caring compassionate individual cant help an entire world. So, in order to continue my worthy cause, and help the perpIexed youth of the world, I decided to create a "space" where we can congregate and share our views and help each other in this cruel vile world.

Yeah, me too, I also thought it was a great idea.

I referred to it as, BISEXUAL Nudist club.

Its title gives you an idea of the clientele I am reaching out to, in order to help them.

Robert is 1 of 3, that loved my answer to this question. So, I am doing what little I can to enrich the lives of people that I touch.

However, it greatly hinders me helping others when the site itself tells me to change something on my space. Out of the blue, I see a message from...Alina Din?

I received exactly what I predicted I would and she, dishonestly informed, or maybe misled, me-- before I even took my 2nd breath. As I already knew, it was going to be some negative issue about my space or more likely, my pics.

Well, well, well--

Am I not just always spot on?

I will point out how the misinformed ignorant public perceives this whole misperceived subject.

1 - Does NOT violate said policy as she claims.

2 - Refers to it as "ADULT" content, a pic of nudity does NOT dictate sex!!!!!!!!!!

also even if it was, it does NOT matter whether ADULTS have consented to it or not, she is still saying forbidden.

3 - Doesn't she specifically state, the pic can be changed?

Not sure what she means by THEY can change it to a pic of MY choosing.

This, to me, means that the picture can be changed!!

Keep THIS in mind!

My response above, Im attempting to communicate by asking her what type of pic she recommends that still represents "NUDE"

Needless to say, she NEVER even gave me the courtesy of any type of response at all. IMO, very UNPROFESSIONAL.

Next step was reviewing their ridiculous UNFAIR policy:

PAY ATTN: states SEX - RELATED or graphic violent content

I, at least, failed to see ANYTHING WHATSOEVER even relating to nudism.

Below, you can see my, perhaps not perfect response, firmly declaring that there was absolutely NOTHING AT ALL covering, in any way, anything regarding our human bodies.

The next thing I receive is....

So, in case you didnt catch it, do you remember,

3 - Doesn't she specifically state, the pic can be changed?

Not sure what she means by THEY can change it to a pic of MY choosing.

This, to me, means that the picture can be changed!!

This was earlier in this post.

So, instead of complying by their original claim, this was their "solution"

Also, direct your attention to the very last line in the message, the part about NOT even being able to reply.

How fair and impartial of them, they cant even allow you to reply, rebut, or state your side in defense or anything!!!!!

This entire unnecessary spar is completely unwarranted and caused by the misunderstanding of this programmed puritan inhibited society led by government bureaucrats and oversexualized media.

All I did was create a space for me to come together with others who share my interests and passions while I try to help others which I thought is a good cause. All they do is disregard anything positive I have done to help others and the space's purpose as a whole and they instead focus only on a miniscule trivial picture that was tiny and not even very noticable. I was a space pic that was about the size of a thumbnail. All I can say is their priorities are way out of range of where they should be.

This ENTIRE society needs to be on the same page and understanding with proper definitions and matching perceptions. Not to mention increased fairness and complete communication.

My perception is different from yours and most everyone's. If I see nudity, it's as natural and beautiful as being born. I don't see all the vile, disgusting dirty perception you see. When you see forbidden parts, you just think sex, or maybe sex or possibly just sex. Hmm, one track mind? In my case, I see the complete picture, and see the other uses for the same parts you see. These parts have at least one other use, having NOTHING whatsoever to do in the sexual realm. Think about other uses for our parts down there, and you may start perceiving them differently.

The last statement I will tell you before we depart, is quora has been very unfair to me, as they essentially snapped their fucking fingers, and after ALL the goddamn work I put into my space to make it attractive to fellow bisexuals and nudists alike, they blatantly without the slightest warning or regard for my effort of presenting a inviting safe comfortable space, just ripped it right away from me.

This is what they do for me to show me the proper gratitude and appreciation for all the upvotes and appreciation others are showing me. There was NO fucking warning whatsoever, NEVER gave me any chance for my rebuttal, NO panel, NO jury, NO NOTHING at all in my favor!

I submitted my BPD post to a space also. It was accepted by the space admin/owner. The same person also invited me to join her in helping with her group. Did you notice her upvote in the bottom left corner?


I must be doing something right, somewhere!

while someone, somewhere appreciates my actions and compassion.

But because of a stupid miniscule trivial fucking picture, MY OWN space was deleted in a split second. Priorities????

Dont worry about it.

It's just this bullshit world I was brought into by mistake. Now I am forced to be here. So, I will just make the best of it, until such time I can move on to some better more loving compassionate place.

Here we must worry about 1 negative action, instead of a lifetime of positive ones.

Its obvious, this is EXACTLY why I am right here right now on MY OWN site.

HERE, I and I alone, control my site, make MY OWN rules on MY site, post on MY OWN site, and mostly design MY OWN site. At the most, I may give someone consideration and discuss something with them, but ultimately, the FINAL LAST decision is MINE only!

Thank you for your attention, and getting all the way through this.


Good night!

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1 Comment

Nov 19, 2020

Good article Chris. I don’t hold with the idea that Nude=sex, but then I’m just one guy where as most people I know do think that way. Fucked isn’t it? Paul.

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