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- Why conflict while peace is just a modicum?
Allow me to share the tweet I created on May 3, 21. It just came to me and I sealed the deal by posting it. Concerning our god given gift, we ALL have. Our universal vessel while down here. While one considers it art & beauty with proper respect and values, Many others desecrate it with vile, evil thoughts and views while Using outdated puritan morals and values, While relating it to just 1 sole function, it performs: Creating and Bringing new life here. WHY?? Answers......???? Someone???? Is this ugly? Or, sexual?? You can find the original post here: "That was what I came up with." So, what is wrong with these 2 attractive young people? Did I come back late, and now smiles are "sexual" somehow? Both of them are totally gorgeous!! A Very cute and attractive couple before you. POINT BLANK!!.......There are absolutely NO sexual connotations! If anyone somehow envisions anything even related to sex or sexual innuendoes, THEY are the ONLY ones that must seek help! Then I got to thinking, like I always do, there must be some reason that the "higher power" (whatever power be over this entire planet) prevents us from living together, in an "open and free" lifestyle where we ALL can be courteous and kind to each other, while down here on this planet. YES! When I say, "Open & Free" I think of nudity, along with how it makes me feel when I actually can partake. Read my blog on the difference of nude & naked. But I never made up the saying, "Open & Honest" I wonder why these are so similar. If you're open, does "honest" somehow correlate? For a LONG time now, I have been thinking about the link of 3 distinct elements, there MUST be some reason why there is a correlation between the 3 of them: 1 - SEX, what the majority matches with nudity. WHY? Ignorance of nudism and what it stands for; clean, tasteful and respectful to ALL! THIS is nudism! Also, what the media (always controlled by govt) constantly bombards us with hypnotic messages that sheeple listen to and obey, NO hesitation!! 2 - NUDISM itself, the state of being open, honest with others, and putting your genuine self out to others for their acceptance and compassion, as well as our birth state (born nude). That brings us to the 3rd one. Ready? 3 - POWER, the ability to act or have influence over others. This certainly is 1 post that I am really requesting your help with. I have ideas or a few suspicions, but there is so much more than meets the (or my) eye. I know I am not the smartest tack out there, so if you or anyone else have any ideas, please shoot them my way or leave comments here. You can always contact me publicly OR ALSO PRIVATELY, no problem. There is so much not being seen or answered. Whenever govt is involved, this is always the norm. Shouldn't we ALL concern ourselves with increasing good feelings while trying not to stir up more conflict and other harmful feelings with others? We define peace as: a state or period in which there is no war, or a war has ended. OR freedom from disturbance; tranquility. I must ask, Who in their right & sane mind does NOT want tranquility? Those that can ONLY see $$$$, POWER, GREED then transforms into SELFISH. This is just mind-blowing for me. I would LOVE any tranquility, that I could receive! But now, we ALL are forced to live in a world of conflict, constantly! Oh yeah, I can provide numerous examples! NO PROBLEM!! The only matter that gets me thinking is I have been told that war is profitable. Is this why "they" require all of our continual wangling "together?" No wonder the currency they have laden us with must be completely EVIL and VILE, with constant conflict and turmoil! The elites, or should I say the "fat rich pigs," are far away and beyond.....not sure at this point whether I should declare them evil or greedy or just selfish.... Or just pick ALL 3! Do any of these strike a chord with you? "Peace is a stress-free state of security and calmness that comes when there's no fighting or war, everything coexisting in perfect harmony and freedom." So, after all these definitions about tranquility, no war, freedom from disturbance, why would anyone want conflict, war, or upheaval? Then I went to find synonyms for serenity, and aside from comfort and equilibrium, along with others, guess what else was under serenity, CONTROL. Any comments?? Chris
- Why do you really hate us bi guys?
After reading this article, suggesting gals look at us as less masculine and weaker than straight men, per some studies showing that women perceive bisexual men, First "less romantically attractive and even less sexually attractive than straight men." Second, "they were less likely to date and have sex with a bi guy." Lastly, "bi men were perceived as being significantly more feminine than straight men." This really astonished me! I have always conveyed my masculinity to others while never acting feminine. Any BI guy I have been around NEVER acted feminine, or less of a man to me. Even so, after close examination of these studies, if these women really feel this way, it essentially forbids us to be BI. "In one study, out of 1k women surveyed: 63% wouldn’t date a man who’s had sex with another man." "Simultaneously, 47% of women said that other women have attracted them, while 31% of women have had sexual encounters with another woman." Very hypocritical stats. So, it's just fine for THEM, to not ONLY be attracted to THEIR OWN sex, but also having sex with THEIR OWN gender..??? BUT contradictorily, WE BI guys are FORBIDDEN to do anything with OUR own sex! Why is the double standard always applied ONLY to female needs in society? Did you ever notice this standard is ALWAYS to HER advantage, NEVER ours? This double standard allows HER preferences of various activities with anyone, so SHE can freely choose HER life. So, SHE can be BI, while society adversely treats BI guys negatively for their BISEXUALITY. This double standard is ALWAYS much more advantageous for females since men will have fun with a BI female, however with prejudice, ladies HATE BI men. This standard, "BI" far, puts all BI guys in a terrible light, while females divergently ALWAYS have their fun with ANYONE they choose, since females get chosen back, while men also choose their own partners, these partners will not choose BI guys. So, does that seem fair to you? Not if you are a BI guy!! Since, by default, They force us BI men to pick from two quite objectionable options: 1 - either admit to who we are deep down while possibly NEVER finding our soul mate to share our life with. Sadly, this is MY consequence. OR 2 - lie if we are BI. MUST pretend to be straight OR gay, just NOT BISEXUAL! MUST hide your NATURAL attractions to others. These equate to: habitually lying in order to find someone, for if & when that ever happens, our lives with our new soul mate will be unfulfilling while being forced to live a lie. Is this you? This is the, PARADOX of BISEXUALS Yet, doesn't everyone expect honesty in their relationships? What a sick, twisted joke!! Then the article proposes that we "look for" other BI people to associate with. Well, keep in mind, Looking for & Attaining are, in fact, 2 separate actions! Where, exactly, do we find fellow BI people? Now, this should be the QUESTION of BISEXUALS!! This is an arduous, if not impossible, feat to endure! GOOD LUCK with YOUR search & ATTAINING this task. The ridiculous conclusion that escapes me is how there are some "guys??" out there who throw on a dress, and other feminine accessories, while parading and pretending to be someone entirely the opposite of what they REALLY are, while certain other guys* and even "society" somehow accept these sick twisted "individuals." With us BI guys, who simply have different sexual preferences than others have, ONLY WE get shunned by a LOT of you in society, just because we have an attraction to BOTH genders, we are less than desirable to many others. UNDERSTAND THIS??? Well, I most certainly DO NOT!! Is there anyone anywhere who can explain, logically, the rationale behind this? Thanks for your attention, as I remain BI my stance, Love YOU BOTH, Christopher Jeremiah certain other guys*--defined as those guys that prefer the wacky freaky female pretenders over and beyond a REAL BI guy!
PAY very close ATTN, to what these 4 revelations ALL have in common. This is key to understanding the message. You'll see how deranged our home is AND the way this vile, greedy, selfish world treats us in this preposterous "prison planet" 1 The United States of America is an insane place, ( uh, YEAH!!) where you can, in a few areas, with the correct permits, legally carry and conceal a gun, while the 2nd amendment is fraudulent, or ignored by our all-inclusive friendly government, but risk imprisonment should anyone see your genitals. 2 We live in a world where, under the banner of free speech, YouTube permits videos calling for racism, sexism, and homophobia &, don't forget ALL the VIOLENCE! but Facebook censors a mother breastfeeding? 3 We live in a world where “Mature” video games like Grand Theft Auto entertain children with fantasies of murdering innocents, while a game showing a nipple for a split second earns a much stricter “Adult” rating. 4 We live in a world where the Westboro Baptist Church can rally at a gay soldier’s funeral with signs that read “God Hates Fags” as police stand idly by, but should a man or woman show up in nothing but the body we are all born into, they would promptly get arrested for indecency. I have seen thousands of pictures of BOTH sexes, yet I fail to see what is "INDECENT" on EITHER of us!! It's very daunting and dismal that we are ALL here in this sad, heartbreaking, bleak existence with corrupt, greedy, and power hungry, MISLEADING leaders who condone dangerous activities, while at the same time, will arrest you for activities that DO NOT HURT, AFFECT, INJURE, or HARM YOU /ANYONE in any way!! Accompany me as we peruse each, one at a time. 1 -- Some info pertaining to guns, carrying, 2nd amendment Depending on location and various laws, you may carry it in full view. If you conceal it though, then you are subject to fines, court, and jail or prison. Heres the kicker! If you decide to follow the regulations, and carry it in FULL view, LEGALLY, PIGS still may arrest YOU! Below, you will observe what a cop said to me As a security officer, I had my 357, and while discussing this issue of open carry with one of those famous PIGS, he said, generally "I'll find a reason to arrest you!" Now, do you see the conundrum? OR maybe the paradox? Carry it in view, LEGALLY, AND still risk being arrested just as the GUNG HO & ABOVE THE LAW officer had stated, ARREST while drawing attention to yourself. On the other hip, however, with guns, if you hide it while carrying, unless you have a CCW, permitting you to do this, ARREST!! So, in reality, if you prefer to act as a well-behaved little citizen, you are defenseless! Now, do you comprehend how govt forces us to OBEY while we behave like good petty SUBSERVIANT LITTLE CHILDREN, OR MAYBE YOU PREFER ROBOTS? Our all powerful govt always watches over us, while placing illegal precedence in place, oh like our muzzles perhaps, all while they disregard THEIR OWN BILLS AND legislation. So, now what? There's the eternal AMBIGUITY! Fucked if you do, Fucked if you don't!!! Don't you just LOVE our country? Quickly on Bill of RIGHTS???? WHOA!! It should be a Bill of LIES, or BULLSHIT Why? Well, let's see.....Since we, AS NUDISTS, mostly deal with the 1st amendment, let us look at it. Amendment I "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." First Amendment | U.S. Constitution | Source Do you know which govt follows this? No! NOT USA! In this shortened version it says nothing about "expression" But this longer version DOES! freedom of expression Second Amendment "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Now, upon scrutinizing the 2nd amendment, it falsely claims you may "show, carry, or possess a firearm," as it continues with their false allegations, stating your rights will NEVER be stricken from you. After reading, you can decide if the govt is truthful, forthright, transparent, and always stands by anything they claim. You will understand immediately how false their bullshit is by stating, OUR RIGHTS WILL NEVER BE TAKEN FROM US!!! It will show YOU adamantly that our deceitful, dishonest, self-serving, govt (local, county, state and the fucking feds) NEVER stand behind their false claims. This one says ONE thing, but does another! Most would agree we call this DECEPTION or FRAUD. Well, maybe we should look at all the people having ARMS, don't get cute...ARMS are guns, in this case, NOT the ones with hands. OK, I will say this quickly then move on to #2 above, "We live in a world where, under the banner of free speech," False lies & deception! OR, do you prefer a side of MUTINY & TREASON with their dishonesty? 1 We are NOT a FREE state!! NEVER will be! 2 Most people, that at least I know, don't have arms that fire ammo. 3 My favorite...."shall not be infringed!" The reason those last words are my favorite is the dishonesty of govt who infringes OUR RIGHTS EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY DAY!!!!! KEEP AND BEAR!! KEEP = Don't take them from us!! BEAR = SHOW and shall NOT be INFRINGED!!! It means that OUR RIGHTS WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR US!! HOWEVER, They take guns away from us--ALL the time!! In case you don't notice, if PIGS see them in your car--SEIZED In court rooms, in any federal building - SEIZED INSIDE PLANES/airports, how many you see? ZERO 0 NONE!!! FELONS - ANY crime ANYwhere ANY time, even if you have a felony like hit and run, YOU may NOT own, fire, or possess & bear arms. So, if you would care to tell me how ALL OUR rights are NOT being infringed, I'm ALL ears!! The govt will 1.--I will mention quickly, I HAD a few LEGAL guns, PIGS entered home WITHOUT a warrant!! ILLEGAL entry! THEN they searched the house ILLEGALLY with NO warrant at all! GUNS & knives, SEIZED - NEVER saw them again!! 3 acts they did ILLEGALLY!! MY guns were LEGAL, so stealing them, AND MY KNIVES was theft!! Since when are KNIVES illegal?? Since MY guns ARE LEGAL, why were they even SEIZED, WTF???? I will tell you why! THE DISHONEST CORRUPT MENDACIOUS GOVT WORLDWIDE WILL ALWAYS DECEIVE US BY CONTINUALLY PREVARICATING THEIR PURPOSE, AS THEY KEEP US BLIND TO THEIR EQUIVOCAL PLAN, SIMPLY BY DIVERTING THE SHEEPLE TO WEAR OUR MANDATED MUZZELS!! SIMPLE VERSION - ABOVE THE LAW!! ALWAYS WILL BE UNTIL ALL OF US WORK TOGETHER!! SINCE WE NEVER HAVE NOR EVER WILL THERE WILL NEVER BE ANY CHANGES!! UNTIL THEY UNLEASH THE NEXT PART OF THEIR INEVITABLE PLAN! It is a MAJOR SHAME, that we and others in this frightening DEpopulation plan that will take place in '25, can't work with others to stop this genocide of humanity! 2 -- This simply is way beyond ME!! But if you want to see what REALLY harms kids, it CERTAINLY IS NOT nudity, it's the daily bombardment of VIOLENCE. that these oblivious ignorant parents allow. Not only racism, sexism, and homophobia, but ALL the VIOLENCE! This is the point where I'm so lost at their absurdity!! So, whoever is at the top level with this lunacy, is sending out a directive that constant negative bombardment with these characteristics above, is NOT AT ALL concerned about children's safety or care about tomorrow's adults. So, lets see if we can figure this out? Read my piece on, Does nudity harm children? It will demonstrate much more logic! Let me get a grasp on this idiocy, The blind and inattentive parents, and also our "caring" and disingenuous and "honest" govt somehow condones the violence & racism, and even SEX?? along with homophobia, and BIPHOBIA too, is also running rampant with NO one ever giving any of these a 2nd thought. (ALL of which is BOTH negative & illegal) So, mindless parents will be fine with sex in a video game?.... but for some unknown reason they protect their children's eyes from looking at the human body, the same one that children actually have also, a human body themselves. This whole aberrant existence sounds insane to me! Well, look at where you are! uhm....hmm, oh, Earth? BINGO!! It looks like there may be a connection between SHEEPLE, and ignoramuses. Hmmm.... ....Isn't SEX what all the absurdly ignorant ones with misapprehension are always so concerned about? Good point, however, the brainless, illiterate, individuals appear to ONLY associate the human body with sex. They are too obtuse to grasp clear-cut concepts, like SEX & NUDITY have NO connection. 3 -- This is just the insanity that I was referring to. It escapes me who leads this world, (we will NEVER know), I don't even know how to respond to this lunacy, but I will give it my BEST shot. The BEST we could do is to accept everyone for who they are! If we actually could do this very act, WE WOULD NOT EVEN NEED CLOTHES!! Since we have no way out, people should be more accepting of others. There must be a link between sex, nudity, and control, which I have not figured out. But, it may take a while, this would have to be researched to a much greater level. Not sure where to find the best info on that. Perhaps we need to consult with, Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) and attempt to figure out their totally absurd, ludicrous insanity. EARLY CHILDHOOD. Titles rated EC (Early Childhood) have content that may be suitable for persons ages 3 and older. ... EVERYONE. Titles rated E (Everyone) have content that may be suitable for persons ages 6 and older. ... Hmm, another one that baffles me!! So, I will ask you to tell me where a 5 yo would fall. I contacted them, needless to say, they obviously ignored me. I guess they do NOT want to inform us properly of their misleading system they have devised. They do NOT have to, as they seem just as untouchable as our "friendly & honest" government. 4 - Westboro Baptist Church can rally at a gay soldier’s funeral with signs that read “God Hates Fags” as police stand idly by, Well, I don't know whether I should laugh at this church's utter and complete ignorance of people they don't understand having different preferences OR ask why god would hate cigarettes...... OR WTF he made humans, with bodies that everyone seems to be ashamed of, and WTF we ALL have them, only to conceal/cover what he made in his image This fucking church is insulting MY homosexual brothers??! BAD MOVE!!! This ENTIRE post has been TRUE, 1-4. Now stay with me from here to the end, as I provide feedback & a moral to #4. From this point on, I am using #4 & examining it and educating ALL those that somehow are cruel, and judgemental to other groups. You have already read #4, and I include the facts it has within the story below. #4 insinuates: "god hates fags" AND that useless PIGS do NOTHING about prejudice behavior, until NEWDISM arrives on the scene, then and only then, do they spring into action!! Well, well - VERY INTERESTING!!! Why is that? I sincerely hope you will read my entire story, as it shows EVERYONE that certain groups hate others for NOTHING! It just takes the right person/people to present facts to ignorant individuals. Once they see it presented differently and finally see......!!!!....the TRUE LIGHT!!!!.......they should cease with their ignorance, and MAY stop with their unwarranted behavior, while they may even apologize?? Wishful thinking anyway Side note--- I have had my site for at least a few months, and I still don't see many compliments or feedback on my content. Why? Please enter any comments/feedback you would like to share. With little feedback, I am still not sure you find my content worthwhile or enjoyable. Remember, I like feedback of any caliber, so I can change or modify my work. Now, on with my story!! Carol's fantastic retort astonished me!! When she put old Brutus in his place....away from us!! So, read till the end, you just might agree! Ok, 1st, I would like to know from these useless PIGs why they are just standing around watching the grass grow. Here's one now. "Well, useless PIG, I demand to know WTF you are doing besides absolutely NOTHING?" "OK, YOU dont comprehend.....NO, Mr...." (I better not say piggy again.) "Over THERE!!!" "Lets see if you finally...uh smell....oh yeah....coffee" (I hope he didn't sense all of my controlled sarcasm) "Is this "party" something you are simply watching, while you gobble up your doughnuts OR is there any chance I might incline you to stop them from insulting my brothers, while you finally stop wasting MY TIME AND everyone's money.?????" Well, (talking to myself) I see I called him the correct name, I am rarely wrong, as he just went over to his "boyfriends" and I can see why he is TOP- NOTCH useless. As he's telling his boyfriends, probably about me, another one just looked my way. Yeah, now another one gazed at me. Ha ha LOL, yeah PIGS, I am just waiting for you corrupt sleaze balls to harass ME. I will then have a fun field day, whenever you sleaze balls come, try me on for size. They stopped looking now. No prob, I know exactly how to handle these slime balls. I can deal with professional ones, but these are far from honorable. While they play with each other, I will straighten out this goddamn church. It's one deal when they play by the rules, but I can tell they are just itching to take someone in. Here's one of these cruel religious freaks now. I am coming right at you, hon. "Hey, is there a reason your picking on those gays?" "What do you mean, what do I mean?" "Your signs, chants, disturbing the peace!" "What? What do you mean, god hates em?" "Now YOU are telling ME who god hates?" "Oh, an abomination?" (If she thinks gays are an abomination, she should see some of the trannys where I live) "Oh, that's what you......(I might have used perceive here, but she would be oblivious)...call them? (Im only being extra polite for now, but make sure, when I go in for the "kill", you read carefully!) Yeah, this is what she's got for ammo? I normally wouldn't waste my time with such a dubious broad, but the pig wasn't budging either. "Now explain to me, how you figure god hates them." "Hey sweetie, ( she is so far off the main track!) I really am interested in your flawed sense of reality, can I get more info on these...... people?" (Did you notice she totally missed "flawed?" It went right over her head!) "Oh, really? Thanks a bunch" This dope didn't even see me coming! I mean, if she was even using 25% of her brain, she could NOT smell a skunk from 10' away. (Yeah, you're right. Not the best analogy, but work with me here.) Now we (Yeah! U and me, you have been reading this far, so stay until the end ) must talk to this Father...uh....Bob? I see who the bimbo pointed out. Now to attempt the....perhaps impossible task, speaking to this guy....sorry, I meant Father. "Good morn...Father?" (whew! I got the right guy) "I attempted to talk to....." (as I point to the broad) "yeah....Shirley. " "She informed me that....what was that? Oh yeah, that these gays? Were......Hmmm trying to think what she called them...was uh....amob..something?" (Now, you MUST know that I'm just acting semi-stupid to accommodate him. My method to my madness....If he thinks I am really this dumb, he won't suspect a thing. My ONLY objective is saving my family and sticking up for my deserving bro's. Anything they need, I AM HERE FOR ALL OF THEM!!! WITHOUT FAIL!!) SO, I AM READY TO ENGAGE @ ANY MOMENT!! "Yeah, bobby....or Bob I should say. Ya see, these GUYS that you seem to uhmm, DISlike? Well, man, I have actually ya know..met a few....and really now, I must reveal they are not really that bad, ya know? So, can I like....what's the word? Oh, yeah, maybe strike a deal here?" "Oh? really? Not too hip?...on deals? Well, how can I persuade you, ya know, to stop the lunacy towards them? I...really respect them and....from what I see, they don't seem to be all bad or anything....what do you think? Can you help me out?" (Dam, I just had a killer idea!!! Listen up, this is what I was referring to earlier about moving in for the KILL!!!!) "Uh, Father, or uh, Bob....well, no deals?..but you might agree on a ....uh....AGREEMENT?" "Oh, now you're ALL ears? GREAT! This will grab you right into your heart!!" (This is where you better pay close attn, watch..errr Read carefully now.) "Well, let me say the magic word, children!! Oh No! Bob, relax! These kids..are special! NO! Nothing like that! Listen, Bob, just listen. You ok now, Bob? ok, I will carefully continue. It's, children SAFETY, NOT ABUSE!!" I will explain, that back home, there are 2 youth organizations. Both of them provide accommodations for homeless youth. My boys are really concerned, as they help the organizations and provide funds for the youth. The ONLY actual participation they do is whatever the organization's allow. NOTHING ELSE! I heard, with the organization's permission, they may have taken the boys on a parade once, WITH THE ORGANIZATIONS APPROVAL ONLY!" "Now Bob, still listening I hope, I will ask you a question, let's say it's the million dollar one, How can god, assuming you are speaking of the same one, hate bros that provide homes for the children that he created? "Hello, Bob--are you still with me?" Bob finally speaks!!?? "Wow!! I'm stumped, uh.....never got your name." I am talking to myself here under my breath, "Holy shit, dam!!!" "It's Bob & Carol!!" "NOT NOW!!!" "Just call me, CJ......Sorry Father, I gotta run now, there's a couple of people I MUST speak with fast!!" "Just think about my question and change your ways to be respectful to ALL of us!!" "Thats all I ask!" "See ya, Father!!" I need to coach these 2, Bob & Carol, I didn't actually think they would do it, in front of everyone. (Oh, yeah! You are still reading, huh? I thought we all were finally at the end, because I was just going to handle the Father, but then my 2 friends show up unexpectedly! Out of the blue! Speaking of blue, you are still in the dark....Ok, well, for now, I will explain they are BOTH "OPEN & FREE" But if I don't get to them in time, they won't really be "free" Excuse me now, I better "save" the day and get them hidden.) Bob!..... Carol!! You BOTH get over here NOW!! What are you 2 thinking??? Get over here behind this trailer, at least those PIGS won't see you!! Now, you better answer my question....... Where are your cloaks & facades? YES!!! I mean your clothes!! Oh, dam it again!! A PIG is coming this way, now!! You 2 must get out of sight somehow!! But where? Think FAST!! Oh, heres something!! Wrap this around you NOW!! Quiet!! He's almost here! To Bob: "HEY!!! you fucking pervert...... Didn't your mommy dress you today?" To Carol:" But, hey sweetie, I didn't see you there. As long as you came "dressed" for the occasion, why don't we go back to MY place? "WTF are YOU???!! Are you approved?" "WTF, are you talking about?" "Yeah, that's what I figured, YOU need to disappear NOW!! I can ONLY handle 1 problem at a time, so BI now!!" "Hey bud, you just go over there while I speak with this fine young chickadee" "Look, Brutus .....I believe I said DISAPPEAR....NOW!!! Understand, NOW?? Carol speaks up, "Are you speaking about me?" "If you are, let me, educate YOU! "1st off, why are you hitting on ME, when there are other ladies all around here?" "Before you continue to make a total ass out of yourself, I will defend my space and lifestyle, until you recognize & therefore respect ALL of us nudists. If you refuse to acknowledge our human form as a beautiful entity, instead of some abhorrent, ignominious piece of trash for you to defile at your will while you desecrate our mutual grace & elegance, mutual as in us nudists, there is ABSOLUTLEY NO PLACE for you anywhere near us!!!" "YOU MUST NOW, dispel your lurid ass from our proximity, and since you don't seem to comprehend NOW, I will say instantly!!!!" Uh, Wha...I am not, hmm, underst....I guess you want me..... CJ, Bob, and Carol in unison, LEAVE, AT ONCE! "Even, I was impressed! Are you a walking thesaurus, or what babe?" "Well, I really am too drained, dealing with them. Before one sees you, try to hide under those or something, till I get my car!" "Carol, well you too Bob, really need to give me more time to prepare next time! That could have turned into a nasty situation!" Hey, it's me again, CJ! I hope you all enjoyed this brief sketch I created, while working on a few projects: Newd challenge - it's a fictional account of what could happen to us, where the malicious textiles call our "friends" (yeah right) in blue and how to handle them. I am trying to post 1 for Newd, 1 for BI each week, but I may not make it, depending on a couple other projects. I will do my best though. Now, what do I have to do, in order to get you to post comments? The only reason I ask is so I know how you like them. Why can't we ALL move FORWARD? After reading the following, we are moving backwards! Instead of us making progress, we are absolutely going in the unequivocally backward direction!! “Holistic naturism permitted our ancestors to see each other as sacred whole people and to accept different body types as perfectly natural. Youths were able to see the entire cycle of human development from birth, through puberty, young adulthood, adulthood, elderly adulthood, and eventually death, as a normal part of life. Our ancestors accepted their bodies as they were, without diet crazes, plastic surgery, steroids, harmful beauty products, latest fashions, or bank-breaking ‘bling.’ LOVE U BOTH, Christopher
- You Nude? YES! New Too? Then You're NEWD!
"Good morning to you! I was told you were coming. So, you must be the NEWD one, he was speaking of. I remember when I was new, but I wasn't nude yet." "But you are nude? and New? Yes! Then U R NEWD!!....without a doubt!" "Oh! Keep quiet. He is about to address the major problem in today's preposterous backasswards society." I am speaking now, to you ALL! Greetings, one & ALL, I am Christopher, but if you prefer calling me CJ, that's perfectly acceptable as well. Whether you are nude, new here, or just really NEWD, and even you seasoned vets of our lifestyle. I welcome you ALL. This is a unique examination into the eternal, yet also irrational, ludicrous and totally insane judgement of our lifestyle, by our adversary, the textiles, who has called their local enforcement on us, as they share the same illogical beliefs. I will attempt to demonstrate their reverse logic, if we can even refer to it as logic, our adversary uses to keep us distracted from the main issue, preventing our enjoyment of our vested interest, while I show how deranged the opposite POV is. As veterans of my usual material, you will see a new side of me today, as this is a narrative of my POV on how this demented society acts towards us, as they hinder our desire of enjoying our alluring, elegant anatomy in a completely innocent and tasteful proclivity. As for the rest of you who are NEWD here, I'm sure you will enjoy the sketch at the end of my presentation today, but usually I am much more serious. For you ALL, even though nonfiction seems to be my forte, this is a rare look into my meticulous ability at fiction, regarding our mutually beneficial lifestyle. This will be a cross between humorous fiction and blatantly serious non-fiction. I consider it an oxymoron, with us being the "OXY" while our ridiculous rival is the "MORON" YES! My 1st attempt at humor, but by the way you all reacted it is also my last. LOL!! 1st, I would also like to address a few points about changes to society and show our sentiment that all other minorities are receiving their own rights, but we see nothing at all for our rights as nudists, naturists and others who want to experience just how "OPEN & FREE" nudism really is. Why MUST WE be the only group inconvenienced by being the only minority without rights? I thought we are actually in the 21st century. But I seem to have my doubts with the way our USA society handles us. World is changing, while ALL of us are NOT able to partake any change, so why hasn't nudism changed for the better in modern society? Or at least having a more modern POV about the divine gift bestowed upon us? While the entire world is far beyond puritans, we are still left behind in life?? At least, all should, by now, have different attitudes towards our lifestyle. As others have the govt protection, they are all strong in their presence. NO change for NUDISM!!! NO change for "NATURAL" life NO change for an OPEN, HONEST lifestyle NO EQUAL RIGHTS for us! Its perplexing why, in the past years, like the 60s - 70s, nudity wasn't such a big deal, i.e., everyone could be O&F while they swam at the YMCA. There was even a school, Mercyhurst PREP, that allowed boys to skinny dip! But now, 40-50 years later, this whole ignorant society, instead of Progressing towards the future, has regressed, or at minimum, just stagnating. We are so far out of the pilgrims and puritan days! Imagine if technology just stood still! Where would we be? Why aren't WE allowed OUR very OWN lifestyle, while being honest with ALL? As time continues on into the future, we, as a society, are NOT changing at all!!! Speaking of the times, many people have been advocating these very peculiar imaginary genders in the spotlight lately. This is brand new, just starting out only about 6-7 years ago. Yet, these "individuals" have all the rights of respect, while professing validity, and then telling all of us we should, or must, call them what they claim to be, even though they are NOT! Deception, & mendacious lying, are so rampant & certainly NOT EQUAL in ANY way! As time changes, the government allows individuals to change their "gender" at will, while these uniquely disturbed individuals dictate that they have a different gender (ID) & at the same time keeping all their rights, while society/govt simultaneously forbids US NUDISTS, to have ANY rights!! These individuals are actually showing the entire world they have gender dysphoria, which, of course, is a DISORDER!! I am mighty surprised they want their DISORDER public broadcasting their mental state all over the place!! I look at this as dishonesty, as they claim a gender which is the counterpart of their actual sex/gender, then some of them say NB, thus claiming they are sexless, meaning they are NEITHER male NOR female!?!? What?? Is your head spinning out of confusion, yet? MINE is!! So, I ponder what these sexless, individuals have, down & up there? I would love to have anyone, EXPLAIN WHY they CAN JUST mislead society, while they falsely claim who they are (or aren't) and just proclaim & PRETEND to be something they are NOT!! So, as they lie and deceive the entire world, pretending to be something else while using deceptive deceitful methods, they have NO problem from anyone, while being protected by the govt, thus NOT bothered by any enforcement, and usually don't even get dirty looks from society. Oh, but it is perfectly fine to ignore us, unless someone sees you! Us being seen?? I don't even know if man would survive! Someone sees us??? I hope the world would survive! WOW!! Do you even know what a major catastrophe that would emerge?? We, as nudists, are completely the opposite, as we believe in total honesty and transparency with whom we are as peaceful, loving, and accepting people. However, they forbid us from being completely open & honest with society. We don't hide behind cloaks of secrecy, and facades that mask who we actually are. We are being unconditionally forthright with BOTH ourselves, and others. While society turns around & shuns us, we treat them respectfully. Instead of getting any protection from the govt, they turn around and arrest us instead, without even considering who we are as peaceful respectable human beings, and then also charge us with heavy or stiff punishments, such as a possible "sexual offense" especially us guys while simply showing the world who we really are. I will reiterate that we show the world precisely who we are, without secrecy and any prevarication, because we hide nothing from anyone! That's what we nudists stand for! While nude, we are HONEST, down to our inner self, showing everyone, we are authentic, proper people, with NOTHING to hide EVER!!!! NO hiding behind garments, as we DO NOT have OR want any!! It is the backbone of our mutual lifestyle. As we show everyone our real genuine authentic selves, all who see us, instead always consider us as deviant, deranged, sex fiends, as they stare, gawk and scrutinize us with an evil mannerism. Some may actually come at us, very livid and agitated. You MUST ALWAYS keep your spray handy! WHY are they so irate at our honesty & self-confidence?? I will leave this question for you to think about & answer it in the comments. When a friend of mine was in his CD attire, the officer actually asked him, "what do you ID as?" THIS REALLY BLOWS ME THE FUCK AWAY!! LIE to world, and its just fine? But, us? While WE are being honest with the world about ourselves, the PIGS DO NOT even ask any question: he would simply just haul us off to lock us up!! GOD FORBID..... let us be OPEN & FREE, while also being OPEN & HONEST!! Yeah, that is really "fair?" to ALL of us!! EVERYONE ELSE has rights, but NOT us nudists!!!! .Honesty forbidden--> while dishonesty, & deception is now the american way! Name every minority in the world, country, etc and rights THEY have! We nudists are a minority, so, where's our rights? what rights do we have? NONE!! NO NUDE COLONIES EXIST!! Now, we have nudist RESORTS. So, don't get ANY ideas that we are to be restricted to one little spot on earth, ONLY allowed here, but not there! NO WAY!!! If you consider this a right, then why don't we place another minority there. Even HIV's didn't have a separate colony or their very own little spot! HIV people even had/have an incurable disease!!!.....and intermingled with others. UNACCEPTABLE!!! Cretinous, & obtuse, certainly NOT logical!!!! But it's these imbeciles with their PIG uniform that somehow reverse it back on us! I raise my arms up in confusion, I can't comprehend the absurd irrational laws!! In my sketch coming up, it shows their lunacy of placing unwarranted & unjustified blame on US again. The DERANGED & PERVERTED cops in action!!! It addresses the lunacy of not being able to be O&F in your very own home! It's just this kind of absurdity and idiocy that really gets under my skin and stays there. The world has been changing, however, NOT for progression, more like regression or stagnation. Time for this brief sketch I conjured up. I meant this to be humorous, yet also very serious! Its NO laughing matter at the way this fucking world treats us, as you will see momentarily, you will observe how the PIG is laughable, and ludicrous, just by the fact he's talking to the WRONG person. We just want to be left alone and "dress" our own way! WTF, can't we do just that? We are bothering NO one!! That right there is the ENTIRE paradox. Now, I shall show you how a visit from ill-advised deficiently dense cops, can turn the blame around directing it to US, while the OTHER party just dictates what WE MUST do! One more matter I thought I would bring up, is how textiles somehow can ignore us when we dress, BUT when we are O&F, they stare right at us!! WHY???? Doesn't our natural pure form make them uneasy or uncomfortable? OH my YES! Textiles are superficial AND very shallow too! They actually have a human body too! SCENE: Pleasant weather about 70 degrees. I locked my door, but the screen allows the fresh air in, along with a window. I am in MY OWN home, relaxing in MY HOME, which is MINE, understand? I pay rent I clean it I take care of it!!!!!! I....... What?? a knock on my door, really? I was just relaxing, about to have dinner. Now, I must get up off the couch where I was MINDING MY OWN GOD DAMN BUSINESS!!!! NOT BOTHERING ANYONE!!!!!! By golly gee, it's the insane cops?!!! GREAT!! Last ones I would EVER want to speak with! PIGS that were born with NO LOGIC!!!!! Remember, they cannot compel you to speak. 1-- Right to remain silent, even if they don't read Miranda 2-- They WILL use anything they can to be sure YOU are guilty. ANYTHING! 3-- READ THIS 1 NOW! SILENCE CAN NOT BE CONSTRUED AS GUILT. Door is now opened. Don't forget----> Keep yourself as the principal focus! DO NOT allow them to look inside! PIG: "Hello, my name is officer PIG. Sir, WE got a...... " "LOL!! Are you serious, NO WAY Officer PIG??? You just fucking with me? right? HAHA HA Ok, I think I am ok, that is a just multitude of laughs, how many people don't laugh??" "Can we continue?" "I sure hope so!" "As I was informing you, there is a complaint from across the street...". "Ok? Great!, Now what exactly does that have to do w/me?" PIG: "Well, the lady says that she doesn't want to see you." ME: "Well, that's great, as it stands I really don't want to see her either! Besides, she has no appointment with me, never called me back, if she is the same one. So, you are here to inform me about a bitch way across the street or other side of complex? So, what are YOU here for, OFF PIG?" PIG: "You must be responsible for HER actions and wellbeing, by altering what YOU are doing, by covering YOURSELF." ME: UHM, excuse me? You are really confusing the fuck outta me here. What does that have to do with me reading my book? PIG: "SHE wants us to tell YOU to close your blinds or put something........on...". ME: "Let me try to fathom, or at least maybe understand or comprehend what you are saying...... SHE doesn't want to see ME? SHE, wants ME to cover, conceal, hide who I am??? So that SHE can't see ME??? Am I in the right ballpark with you.......whatever, guys? Am I close? Or just way too shocking!" PIG: "Yes!" ME: "Allow me to fill you in on MY logic, because it doesn't seem like you have the littlest bit. Now listen carefully! I am in MY home, you understand so far?" Officer PIG: "Well, yeah, that sounds right, I think so." ME: "which I pay rent for, NO ONE ELSE, again that's ME, are you still with me???" PIG: "Yeah, you pay the rent." ME- This is the most ridiculous, absurd shocker I have ever had!!! and I AM the one O&F!!! Now, I have an idea, but it may be tricky for you 2, so I will go slow. Fair enough? Earlier, I was training my son, who's in kindergarten now, I taught him a brand newd lesson. I asked him a question, and he would answer. Got it so far? Simple enough, right? My question was, (NOW U 2, need to pay attention, because it might get confusing for you BOTH) ME: Here's what I asked him. Again, he's in kindergarten. "What do you do, when YOU DONT want to see it, or them, or ANYTHING!!!!!??????" He totally amazed me. He got the right answer on the very 1st try!!!! He's a really great kid, so proud of him, he gets his sense and logic from me. I look at him, and can't fig out what his mom gave him. Ok, now we shall fig out YOUR level of comprehension. PIG: Well, sir, were you uh.....ya know.......exposed? ME: That depends, but it's not in my nature to hand over info to you. Esp, when my GF Miranda, tells me NOT to. PIG: Oh no sir, we don't expect you to tell us all about you. We were simply inquiring. ME: Well, what are you doing asking me questions then? PIG: "We are simply trying to have everyone get along" ME: Hmm, Very intriguing. Everyone getting along sounds peachy to me too! Well, let me make a LOGICAL suggestion, so we CAN. You may not have had that before? A LOGICAL suggestion. But again I will speak slowly so U 2 can keep up. ME:: Very 1st action for you. When you go back to her, you ask HER to make sure HER blinds ARE CLOSED! Then close HER drapes. Then if that fails, direct her vision, that means to change HER direction of HER line of sight, over to ANYTHING SHE DOES WANT TO SEE. That way, SHE won’t SEE ME!! But wait!! Here's the fabulous news! When SHE alters HER vision, SHE can make HER choice of 3, not just 1, methods to see SOMETHING ELSE. Don't get distracted now. SHE can use 3 DISTINCT parts of HER body to see what SHE wants to see! The 3 parts are: HER EYES, NECK, and YES!!! Even HER complete body!! Just 1 thing though, tell HER to take it easy and the first time SHE attempts this to only use 1 part at a time, that way she can acclimate herself slowly, conform at her pace, I don't want her to strain herself SHE can also cease being a vouyer, which I thought was illegal, at least at some point. Guess what THAT will do to HER sight or vision!! And NOW, PROBLEM SOLVED!!! Love you BOTH, Christopher
- ANYone, ANYwhere, ANYtime??
Just curious if there is ANY of YOU, ANYplace, @ ANY time in YOUR life that can even come CLOSE to having this much BADLUCK ALL @ once. The million $$$$ prize is up for grabs, if YOU can top this!! WORST luck in the world I had in MY life on March 10, 21 1st - Just came back from the bathroom, and I forgot something, HAD to return. 2nd - After a shower the curtain rod fell down, so I just left a little wet, NO drying. 3rd - Power co. NOW wants more $$$$, after I just paid them yesterday, $60 4th - As I go to sit down at my desk, my RT foot lands on a drink bottle. 5th - SD card is FULL on my phone, so I can't record ANYTHING!! 6th - While Im on Evernote, there is some kind of field I can't get rid of. 7th - Pen broke while I was writing all of this down!
- New Name Of The Game We BOTH Love
What's the new name of the game we BOTH enjoy playing together? OH, you don't know the one I am referring to? You know, it MUST be where we BOTH are trying to win before S/HE does. When HE plays HIS very own version, it's to "SCORE" when HE NAILS HER in bed. AND HERS? Well, HER key move is simply to empty HIS wallet. Don't forget, it MUST have EXACTLY 2 players! Really? Still stumped? Ok, here is your LAST hint! Both HE and SHE are in it to win it. Give up? I remember everyone calling it "Battle of the Sexes" long ago. Is that still the correct name for it? Well, the reason you may not have guessed, is even though the name may be outdated, this doesn't stop s/he from playing this crafty, underhanded, dirty game against each other by exploiting each other's manipulative techniques with a combination of finesse and really fabulous acting. Some of these "beauties" should be in Hollywood!! We really need to be more up front with our counterparts. They are onto your games and dishonesty. Do you really think they are as stupid as you think? Ok, maybe a few are, lucky for you. In speaking for myself, if you request something for nothing, 1st: I will assume you are just another 1 who is out of touch with reality somehow. 2nd: Depending on my patience that day, I may just hold everything in. Whether that works, I will warn you now it doesn't work ALL the time! 3rd: Now, if I am in a mood, then you might just want to disperse! Best advice for you. Otherwise, if I am chilling and relaxed, I will be approachable. Until you say, that you are one of these: "FINDOMS." OR money hungry vultures, OR any other bitch that is after MY money, or any money at all. OR any other females that do their best at snatching away at EZ $$$ I won't waste my time with anyone who simply wants something for NOTHING!! Now, for all of you guys, there are way too many of you, who just want to get your rocks off, and females know this, and take advantage of you. They know we can be desperate, and this is exactly why they want to profit off you. Well, even if Battle of the Sexes does NOT give it away, it is ALWAYS the ONLY game where HE likes to play mind games with HER, so HE can "score" victoriously! Now, PAY ATTENTION!!!! as this is exactly where their "BATTLE" begins. Not a bloody battle by any means, but the award for HIM is "getting off" or HER getting GREEN, the root of all corruption. So, while HE begins HIS hunt for some "tasty" female delicacies, SHE will give HIM ALL the attention HE desires. This initial maneuver is critical in HER arsenal, while SHE adheres to HER very own scheme with scrupulous detail. This ensures the pinpoint precision SHE MUST use to implement HER plan with "Balls to the Wall," accuracy for HER strategic counterattack. SHE hones in on HIM with HER brutality and cruelty as SHE aims straight for HIS hard earned money. HER well thought out, craftiness, and blatant mendacity is paramount as she leaves HIM confused and disappointed, while SHE pilfers everything. SHE begins by joining a dating website, let's say, BDSM-local, where SHE unleashes HER money-making scheme. Keeping in mind the technique I am explaining is ONLY 1 way!! There are MANY more, so NEVER let your guard down, while staying VIGILANT using the unforgiving internet. The Net can be a pleasant journey OR EVIL hellhole. ONLY YOU can decide your fate. SHE has only one primary target in HER conniving little devilish mind: ALL the desperate lonely men, who are older, fatter, or otherwise unappealing. These are EXACTLY who she preys on, as SHE strikes with true precision! SHE craves too much $$$$$$ so it's HER ONLY motivation to manipulate HIS type: RETIRED & Desperate Steady $$$ these guys have!!! These are only 2, but there are many more! SHE continues HER teasing, sending brief messages, using her sophisticated language and foreign accents. The next step, after intriguing HIM, will be to lure HIM away from the dating site to a phony untraceable number or Google Hangouts, where SHE can blend in with ALL the other "Money Hungry Vultures" allowing the anonymous, invisible internet to cloak her incognito from everyone. Can you even comprehend just how awesome it would feel to have honest friends 1st? AND how much time we BOTH would save just by our blatant complete honesty? What I would give just to have YOU simply hang out with me. Our confidence would emanate through our willingness to share our deepest, darkest secrets. This would allow us to be humane to each other while we are "open & free" to simply "be" together. But there is NO ONE in this ENTIRE forsaken place that is willing!! It can certainly be HIM because HE may enjoy talking about HIS new promotion, perhaps, or the big game on Monday. OR, SHE is more than welcome too, because I might coax her into informing me of HER date last night while SHE seeks my advice. Just imagine, for the moment, how awesome you would feel just being YOU, without concealing your soul inside, or your exterior flaws and imperfections. I could answer anything you bring up. This environment would be conducive to shedding ALL your guards and facades in every way, 1st, you must share the deep dark secrets you have hidden away deep inside your soul, 2nd, ALSO any exterior flaws/imperfections you conceal every day. This new environment would allow everyone to share anything they wish, far beyond any secrecy that society requires of us all. The $10 trillion question is....... WTF can't we just accept others as they are, for who they are, instead of trying to mask our identity and appearance? If we ALL could simply accept others, that would be monumental for BOTH of us. This is a world apart from the present lunacy we are ALL forced to live in. So, ladies, why do you feel YOU must purposely deceive HIM? Is HIS money really more important than how HE feels once you have stolen it? Well, if you don't care 1 bit, Who does? NO ONE!!! So, you will continue your extortion So, let's see your handy-work here..... when he finally sees your true black soul, after your ravenous claws snatch his last dollar, you kick him to the curb outside as he no longer will have anything you're after!! At this point, you are no longer interested in him! A real detriment to this already evil, vile society. NO worries, you simply compliment the type of existence we ALL are used to down here!! Now for you, GUYS, why do you insist on playing mind games with HER? WAIT!! I can answer that!! While SHE does her own deception, you are simply blending in with society! Sex is over, exactly when the night is, but the way SHE feels after you scored is not. She is counting the profit from a dazzling eve. It will happen the same way the next day, who cares? BOTH of YOU, are simply adding to what is already down here. Our beautiful lives on this forsaken place. It will NEVER change. Be honest with the guys, since I do surmise they are already privy to your game(s) Disregard the above statement, I meant it for the next life AFTER this one!! Besides, remember you get free items, they do not force you to go into war, not to mention you get admission FREE!
- Andropause - MALE menopause
Hello, all readers & loyal followers!! Since today's topic is, ANDROPAUSE!! I will apprise you of the definition, as well as a few symptoms, of OUR version of menopause, so you can understand what it is. You will be more familiar with today's topic, as we journey together learning additional information on fresh topics, which is none other than-- Andropause. “andropause” is defined as a syndrome associated with a decrease in sexual satisfaction or a decline in a feeling of general well-being with low levels of testosterone in older men. The 'male menopause' because of sudden changes in the function of our prized family jewels, this syndrome can start emerging as early as 45, completely by age 70. Now, the good news is, symptoms are not as severe as our counterparts version is, yet, the symptoms can still last up to 20 years These are a few of the symptoms, mood swings and irritability. loss of muscle mass and reduced ability to exercise. fat redistribution, such as developing a large belly or "man boobs" (gynaecomastia) a general lack of enthusiasm or energy. difficulty sleeping (insomnia) or increased tiredness. poor concentration and short-term memory. Today is my special treat for us all. My treat to you is my friend, Wild Child from a particular site where we met, is contributing his own writing.... on, YES!!.... andropause. When I looked over his work, he informed me what it was in the very first sentence and I remained captivated for the duration. Once you read the 1st sentence, you know that it just HAD to be on this site. He and I have shared our various ideas, and a while back he accepted my proposition to become a moderator in one of my 4 groups!! A formidable friendship was born!! Way to go, WILD! Ever since, if I get called out on something I might be slightly below par, he will always bring it to my attention. An excellent editor and writer, he is. Time to arrive at HIS accomplishment, with NO more rambling from me!! So, without further ado, he now has the floor. It's a taboo subject. If you google andropause, you'd think that it was a disease, what with all the information about "symptoms" and "treatment." It would appear that many men do not see andropause as simply part of the male life cycle. As a person interested in conservation, I find it very tedious to read of endangered species after endangered species which is being poached mainly because old men in China think that parts of it will make their dick hard. Well, there's a reason it's called the change of life. Andropause is the Creator's way of telling you it's time to have some different priorities than you had before. But this is difficult for many men; especially if certain things of their younger years are important to their sense of self. I don't know if women have the same difficulty with menopause. Sure, menopause has some uncomfortable effects, such as hot flashes. But there are women who are relieved to be finally free of the sexual and reproductive expectations of them. Well, I am at the age where andropause is my reality. I'm okay with it. I enjoyed my younger years, but I can see new things to enjoy in the future. So, I am opening up this discussion for those of us who are going or have gone through andropause -- to discuss any difficulties and issues and how we dealt with them; but also any blessings we have found in it. Excellent material, Wild Child!!!
- What Is The Best Way To Define The Ocean?
After you attempt to answer this question, I will then, and ONLY then, give a dictionary definition. Please understand that we are all more intelligent than books, aren't we? OR at least we should be? Another question we shall save for later. I am very curious what you will come up with. As I compose this blog, I am also wondering how a book will define "ocean." Let's just say, it's a "Large body of water?" But is that enough to define these behemoth bodies of water? What shall, or should we, consider "large?" Decades ago, when I was playing around at the great lakes, during my happy childhood, I noticed I couldn't even see Canada on the other side when I was looking across the lake. To me, this was a HUGE body of water! But compare any great lake to any ocean. Absolutely a massive difference, right? Now, is there anything else we should take into consideration at this point? I believe our 1st step is to agree what we ALL consider "large." Or do you consider this frivolous? What about the characteristics it has? Now we really MUST ALL agree on certain points, before we look at the correct definition below. Ready? Look at these pictures for something, or ANYTHING, we may have overlooked in our analyses, before you even try looking at the definitive answer! Look at what Dictionary.com stated: noun 1 - the vast body of salt water that covers almost three fourths of the earth's surface. 2 - any of the geographical divisions of this body, commonly given as the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Antarctic oceans. 3 - a vast expanse or quantity What do you think so far? Now, just for shit & giggles, I will reveal Merriam-Webster's conclusion. Definition of ocean 1 a: the whole body of salt water that covers nearly three fourths of the surface of the earth. The ocean covers most of our planet, regulates our weather and climate, absorbs vast amounts of carbon dioxide, provides most of our oxygen, and feeds much of the human population.— National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration b: any of the large bodies of water into which the great ocean is divided the oceans of the world 2: a very large or unlimited quantity or expanse. I really see that the main issue is its size. Allow me to share my initial thoughts when I came up with this post. I was wondering, "what if?".......we drained the entire ocean and put a different type of water, like tap water, or any other type of water, in its place? Would we still consider it an ocean? But since this will NEVER happen, it is really a void question. It's just another one of my crazy thoughts I can come up with. It is fun to imagine, though. To close, I wilI share this very paradoxical fact I found today, below. After perusing these detailed delineations above, it is extremely humorous while also very satirical that 2 synonyms for ocean were: pond & puddle!! Now, isn't that the most unexpected relation I ever found? YES!!! I can declare, with the utmost certainty, that this is by far the most unexpected, contradictory relationship, that I have ever found! If you re able to come across other logical questions, I can use for this category, please send them MY way!! Love you BOTH, Christopher "CJ" Jeremiah
- Bi the Way, This Is Why I'm Bi
I sincerely hope you will not only enjoy what I call my "coming of BI" story, but hope you may learn from it as well. My story is completely factual from my heart to yours. After I went inside myself to determine my sincere reason for sharing my life with you, I sincerely feel my story can assist young adults, with their own issues and confusion about their own sexuality. You MUST comprehend one declaration to get through life................ YOU MUST live YOUR OWN life, while NOT allowing ANYONE ELSE to live it for YOU! I wish to share my life story with you, touching on the various encounters from early childhood through the present day. What I went through, the people I have met, and their actions are what, I surmise, formed me into what I am today. I wrote my heart-wrenching story to assure you that you are not alone in what you may go through in your young adulthood. So, allow me to share the circumstances that led up to accepting myself. I finally took comfort, not only in my sexuality, but also allowed the little boy inside to come out so that others can love and accept him, while I also reveal the influential people that may have formed me into what I am today. Without a doubt, I am..... I will begin with my memorable, yet rough childhood. Like most of you, I can barely remember much before I was six years old. I will, however, get to my first memory around this age. Growing up in the 70s, an entirely different time back then with, NO internet, NO social media, NO computers, as they were NOT even in many households yet. NO cell phones either! No luxuries like these at ALL! These were the days of going to our friend's house and asking their parents if they could come out to play. But somehow, I made it to the present day, 2020. My cousin, Mike, 11, and I were playing down at the creek. Being such a tender 6 years old, I had to be with an older family member. After a long hot day, we were ready to go home. After we got back from playing all day, Mike just wanted us to relax in our sleeping bags upstairs. So, he invited me up to bed a little early. I found this to be strange, but accepted his invite just the same. He started asking me some troublesome questions. Being only 6, I didn’t really understand everything he wanted to know. Since I was having a tough time with his line of questions, he had an extremely radical idea. He showed me what he was speaking of instead, and being 5 years older than me, he seemed very influential which led me to believe that I could not ONLY look up to him but also trust him in suggesting I perform something I had NEVER done before. I was oblivious to whether it was good & condoned or bad & TABOO, so I just complied with his very peculiar, unfamiliar suggestion. Being so young back then, I didn't even know that he had exposed me to my very 1st sexual awakening, referred to as fellatio. But it was enough to shift my preference for life! I have heard that your 1st sexual experience is the one that follows you, being your favorite. If this is true, I can certainly relate to this as I look back on mine. Afterwards, he firmly told me, “Don’t tell grandpa, he’ll get angry.” As young and naive as I was, I didn't completely understand why he said this, really confusing me. I didn't realize that I needed to keep certain things to myself, considering this, I felt it was fine to share this with my best friend, Carl. This was my life altering mistake. He violated my trust after he told kids in school. After everyone knew my secret, it was from this point on that my turbulent childhood began. Everyone labeled me "GAY" henceforth. But I was NOT gay at all! At my age, being only in single digits at the time, it was really completely inaccurate and unwarranted to allege anyone's sexuality, as I didn't even know about sex, sexuality or what my preferences were or understood anything relating to it. My entire life would have been far better & much different if only I would have simply kept it to myself. I would NEVER live it down as they isolated themselves from me. One action they used against me, making me feel deserted and solitary, was simply not picking me for their team in gym class. I was always the very last one they picked. I am sure at least a few of you can relate to this very feeling. Another more harsh step they took was isolating me by relentlessly making me feel so small and despised by all of them, was using so many cruel words, such as fag, gay boy, and even fairy, as they followed me from school to school. I even recall talking to girls as someone went by telling them I was gay, making them scream in disgust, never talking to me again while they joined the others in being hateful to me afterwards. Being so isolated from everyone, I always felt alienated and empty. This must be why today, even as an adult, I have always hated being alone. This could be why I feel needy now, in my relationships, as well. My mother never let me leave the house until my room was clean. Well, now I finally figured out why I never cleaned it. Why would I clean it? to go outside to play? With who? All the kids who hated me and made fun of me? NO thanks! Back in the 70s, not everyone understood sexuality like they do today. People spoke very little about non-heterosexual/monogamous relationships, so everyone frowned upon homosexuality. Ever since 2nd grade, when Mike & Carl violated me and my trust, the taunting, teasing, and constant tormenting for the rest of my entire miserable, disheartening childhood started. Even kids who liked me, could not be my friends, otherwise, the kids would tease them too. This entire ordeal made me feel completely lonely and hopeless. So, I didn’t even bother socializing with others, which has always made it hard for me to make friends, even now. So, I grew up isolated and sheltered with NO friends, until I finally vanished from that petty, insignificant little town. It still makes me feel very irate, as if they stole my childhood away. This is probably why I have NEVER been happy at all in my life, as this has influenced even my adulthood. Most distressing, I have never had a genuine relationship with anyone in my life!! I finally had an escape, though! My parents were getting divorced and my dad wanted to move out west. OH, WOW! This was finally my chance to GTFO of this dismal going nowhere town & life. I had to jump on it! I immediately told my dad that I would love to come support him in his endeavors. The two of us moved far away across the country. Since I left, I could start fresh in high school, finally away from the cold, cruel kids of my past. But they already did the damage. I was always way too shy to talk to girls, so I never attained a girlfriend, which didn't help matters, while I only had a few friends. I really felt like I didn’t know who I was, or any way to discover this, either. While everyone else was having their teenage fun years, I just sat idly by, watching from the sidelines, all alone. I didn’t even have any experience with girls yet while I tried to come out of my shell and making just a couple friends. First, there was Steve, in 9th grade. Then he moved on, never seen again. In 10th grade, there was Vance, and we were good friends. He made me feel different, like I was a decent guy. He was so positive about life, he even said things like, “girls have more to cover.” He was good looking with baby blue eyes and I remember being slightly attracted to him. I thought I could make my move on him at my house, as we planned to masturbate with each other. I even told him it wouldn't be gay if we only did ourselves. But it never worked out, just like everything in my life. But in time Vance also moved away, leaving me alone once AGAIN. Then finally, in 11th grade, I met my next best friend, Dale, who is still my friend to this very day. Even recently, he has come to my aide. I love him for being such a great BB, Big Bro. Thanks, Bro! A 1st for me!! We fooled around a little back in the day. He introduced me to a few different things. He has looked out for me while always being by my side, if I really need him. It's amazing that we have been friends for over 35 years now. There have been various times I thought joining my family members that I have never met because they were already “UP there" would be a fantastic idea! This means suicide; in case you are missing my subtlety. The 1st time this crossed my mind was in the army during basic, when I thought about perhaps taking more pills than required, but I am still here. My confidence level has never been very high. One example is that I was always too passive to say the N word, the one that ends in “O.” So, when dad wanted me to join the army, I didn’t say NO, so I ended up going in. Therefore, after graduating, I went back to my childhood hometown before entering the military. While I was there, my wonderful sister, Lisa, who has accepted me, introduced me to her good friend, Nicki. She seemed like a decent girl, so I asked her out. Our 1st date was on the beach. At dusk, we were both bold and daring enough to skinny dip in Lake Erie! Since it was really chilly though, we didn't last long and went back to Lisa's house and reconvened on the couch downstairs, where we got friendly for a short while. My 1st chance to pop my cherry. But I learned the hard way, DON’T INTERRUPT SEX! I had to get up, so she got up too while losing interest. I know her even today. They say you always remember your 1st. Well, she was definitely my very 1st, and remembering her, is my honor. Thanks, Nicki. Yes, I was a late bloomer, so I was still “untouched” when I entered the military in July ‘87, right after my short 2-month vacation. After getting through Basic and AIT, I finally arrived at my permanent party duty station, running into another guy, CPL Walker, who invited me to go boating with him. We were just friends at first. With me being less in tune to different mannerisms and picking up their subtle clues the way some people can, I didn't pick up on his right away. Before we went boating together while getting ready to go, he laughed at a joke with others. I had the weirdest feeling! It just hit me! He HAD to be gay! It was just the way he laughed, so effeminate, not really a manly laugh, I thought. Back then, in the late 80s, if ANYONE knew about our inclinations, they would have discharged us immediately with absolutely NO benefits! While we were on vacation later, we took my motorcycle off-road and stopped, while all alone out in the middle of nowhere near a dry riverbed. He started massaging my back, gradually getting lower and lower, until he was practically at the lowest point, still inching lower. He confirmed my weird feeling from earlier. During times like these, it really felt like someone actually wanted ME. But, in reality, it was only for their own selfish needs. So, when someone gave me ANY attention at all, it felt good. My entire life, anyone who I am attracted to, NEVER feels attracted to me. So, even if I have no attraction, I feel like if I don’t enjoy the attention that I actually get, I may get no other opportunity. I feel I had better get what little I can from anyone who's willing. Finally, he got so low I just took off my underwear so he could do as he pleased. As soon as I did; I heard him, “Want me? You really want me, dude? I’ll go for it!” All the while he was getting closer to doing just that! We kept having our fun for a while, but eventually he moved on. After he left, I was all alone again. Sometimes I wonder if my middle name should be "ALONE" or perhaps "LONELY" they BOTH fit me to a T! In the meantime, since all girls are ALWAYS only into other guys, SSG Melton introduced me to his younger sister, Lisa, and she became my very 1st girlfriend. We were together for a short time, having our fun, while she was the one to finally, “pop my cherry!” So, finally, at 20, I was no longer a virgin. Throughout my life, it seems like my oral preference for guys has been much stronger than the gals can provide. Anyway, after I was finally “seasoned”, and after my service was up, I headed back to Vega$ while meeting Margaret Stevens. She was living with her parents, so we had to sneak around behind their back for any fun. We did it whenever we had an opportunity. I remember she was one of the hotter ones I had. Also, much to my pleasant surprise, she didn't have the same aroma I had experienced before, so no, not all gals have this. So, I put my face right in it and actually enjoyed myself. After trying both though, my preference is still his hot manly muscle, as it gives me something to play with, 1st with my hand, then manipulate it in my mouth as I use my tongue. Also, instead of being hidden, forcing you to search for it when you are with her, it's already out & ready to go. Looking back, most of my experience has been with guys. I have found guys much easier to deal with. I seem to be more comfortable speaking with them. Because of my sheltered childhood, and never really being around gals, I never know how to talk to them. I am more confident in the present, though. I was always going to the gay bars while I was younger. One night, I was talking to two guys and the HOT one bought me a shot and wanted me for the night. That’s new! We went to the Luxor, and I gratified him all night! I was totally into him as I just made love to it. The same feeling that I get to this very day. I remember after we finished; he informed me, “Yes, you have pleased me.” Yes, everyone, oral is my specialty as I have mastered my technique. That night, I proved it to myself, finally feeling like I could do something beyond astonishing for someone. I have always had & retained my talent. He was about the only one I can really remember, though. After that one memorable night that I still look back on to this very day, I kept going to gay bars. There were about 4 or 5 in town, as I recall, the only guys that were even slightly interested in me, always seemed to be only the older ones. So, since I always prefer younger, I never had much opportunity to be with anyone much to my liking. As I explained earlier, recalling Walker, I either go for it while I can, or just forego any chance at all. YES! You are correct! It IS SAD! In '95, I finally had my sights on a new lady, Lisa, an optician I met while delivering FedEx to the business she worked at. She invited me over to her place one night and we had an awesome time together. She, in time, became my 1st wife, while I remained BISEXUAL, because sexuality doesn't change regardless of who the partner is. Being in my late 20s already, I figured I better get someone to share my life with, as no one else was ever interested in me and I also was not getting any younger. So, since I was so lonely, it made me decide to settle down even though I always feel like I am just settling. Since NO ONE ELSE was ever interested in me, I married her. To this day, I realize I shouldn’t have done this, as I wasn’t really in love with her. I just didn’t want to be single anymore. The only reason I got married was to be with “someone.” All my life I have always settled for what I can actually get. I have been lonely my ENTIRE dismal life. In case you never felt lonely before, try to imagine your life being so empty and unfulfilled, that you would rather just leave this place to join your long-lost family members. For me, it's my heart having NO reason at all to even beat anymore, and that feels horrible, demeaning and so damn EMPTY. In time, after the passion subsided, and arguing a lot, we wound up getting divorced anyway, so it was a waste of time for us both, as we married for the wrong reasons. After Lisa, I ran into a Filipina lady who I met and her culture was extremely different from ours here in the USA. Again, I wasn’t really in love but figured I should be with someone, or stay alone, and since no one else was ever interested in me, we hitched. We were together maybe 7 years, until one day she saw a gay website I visited, and her reaction, perhaps being the same one of most women was, “I nearly puked when I saw that!” So, she found me out! Who cares? We didn’t really belong together anyway, as we never loved one another. In the end, she was basically trying to terminate the relationship anyway, since she already received what she wanted, thus not needing me anymore. We were always at odds, anyway, as she always tried controlling me. Never a wise decision. So yet again, divorced, saw it coming. Wow, I just realized she was the last woman I have ever been with in my life. It's been guys ever since. That just dawned on me right now. Sometimes we....... The sexual outlet above, I NEVER experience It's just as well we parted ways, because I'm very oral with guys anyway, as I have informed you, so I'm just better off with guys, apparently. Why don't women ever notice me, or even know I exist? They're not attracted to me, right? I have seen NONE ever interested in me, anyway. But I still am attracted to women. I even have a collection of pictures of some I find absolutely gorgeous. That’s why I identify as BISEXUAL, because having an attraction to both must mean, without a shadow of doubt, that.... and, BISEXUALITY, is the only orientation that fits me to a T! Therefore, if I ever found a woman with whom I clicked with, I am sure she would attract me. The only glitch is, I have always had a craving for cock. After my 2nd wife kicked me out of the house, I ended up at the Garage, another gay bar. I ran into a different man who allowed me to stay at his place since I was so neglected and desperate for a place to stay. Kind-hearted that he was, he took me in as I slept on the couch. I was there for a few months and he had a friend over one day, “Would you like a cold one?” I asked him. He obliged, and our new friendship was born. We moved out of the good Samaritan’s place and lived in a condo together for a while, getting friendly with each other. After getting sick of Vegas, we moved to about 3 other states, but none of them felt quite like home to me. Finally, while living in WV, being together for around 6 years, he died unexpectedly. I didn’t want to be back east, so I came back to my hometown, Vega$. As I was looking for brand new friends since having such a long hiatus from Vega$ for a few years, I went to a party in July, ‘18 with it being my very 1st NUDE pool party! This was vital to achieving my present day self-confidence. In shedding my inhibitions around BOTH sexes, it immediately gave me my, beyond blatant self-confidence, henceforth, living by Ms. Roosevelts quote, NO ONE CAN MAKE YOU FEEL INFERIOR WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT!! After I stripped off ALL my inhibitions, insecurities, and any feelings of inadequacy, my “coming out” finally happened!! From then on, I have always been extremely..... This is EXACTLY what allowed my complete confidence to shine through! YOU can achieve the same confidence if you had the courage to attend a NUDE party. ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!!! This was MY very 1st time, finally allowing my complete blatant self-confidence to show everyone WHO I was & WHAT I finally became, while never having feelings of self-conciousness or inadequacy from then on. This was a major turning point for me during my self-discovery, while I finally came to realize that.... It was an eye-opening revelation for me, since for the first time, I finally came to realize that...... This was the life altering moment that I had hoped for, ever since I was used & abused being violated during my early childhood. It was from this very moment that I knew deep down that NO one can ever offend me again, NUDE or NOT just as I have proclaimed on anything I have written. "Be open and free-the best way to be," (yourself) Christopher Jeremiah This was the day I transformed into a full-fledged nudist, having what others could only dream of, the complete confidence to show their genuine real selves completely to BOTH of us. Later that Dec, now being a completely self-confident nudist, I actually went to a different type of party. This time, I was the sole one nude, finally having the utmost courage BOTH in my body, AND in MYSELF to do this in front of everyone. I proved to myself that I had blatant self-confidence shining through as I sat on the couch, fully "OPEN & FREE" while everyone else remained fully covered as they saw me in all my glory. This was my very first time I was "OPEN & FREE" around concealed people! This story must be told! As I was sitting on the couch, kind of keeping to myself, as I am shy...... Yes, I know what you’re thinking. How can I be shy while being totally nude in front of everyone else wearing clothes? Yes, good point, I am going to have to get back to you on this. .......a guy, Scott, was looking for someone to play NUDE twister with. I, being the ONLY one in uniform, must have obviously caught his eye. He asked me if I would help him out with playing, while also seeing if I could get anyone else to join in. I obliged but couldn’t find anyone else as confident as me. Even though no one else wanted to join in, he and I alone played twister together. While I reminded him, he must be in the proper uniform, he joined me. The MC, calling out colors for the game, was none other than Shawn, whom I had known from years earlier when he ran a BISEXUAL group I was in. After getting acquainted with Scott at the party, he came to my place the very next day, in order to pick me up to go out. He took me to a bathhouse; I will never forget what he did for me. Being so very despondent and disheartened, he comforted me while hugging me. I was feeling lonely and isolated again, since I had no one in my life to be with. He helped me while being dispirited, never forgetting him being a genuine friend to me, just on the 2nd day of knowing him. He was giving me some encouragement and promised me he would help me. There have been a few isolated times where I wonder if they send some people to us from above. He cheered me up while also remaining totally platonic. In time, I started falling for him, but fortunately he was poly, so he would not be interested in tying himself down to just 1 person. Eventually he moved out at some point. Now, in the present day, Looking back as I reminisce over the decades gone by; I haven't really been with that many people, while now as I remain single, keeping in mind that I will never "settle" again. For about a year, I finally had my 1st love, the only BF that I would have married, as he has everything I have ever wanted. So abundant in all the qualities I dream about. Special note: This has been my true life story, so I want everyone to not only enjoy it, but learn from it too. This includes young adults that can sincerely learn from my mistakes but also from my awakening. So, if you are younger, especially, that reads this at some point, then I want you to know that it's perfectly fine to be who you are having total confidence in yourself. There are only 2 assertions, found within yourself, that you must accept and whole-heartedly believe, that will give you the complete self-confidence you need for the rest of your life. YOU & YOU ALONE MUST KNOW 1 - WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE!! AND 2 - WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE!! Once YOU go down deep within yourself, YOU will have the ONLY correct answers to these very meaningful declarations AND NO one will ever be able to take these away from you. The sooner you find these within yourself, the sooner you will have your blatant self-confidence in life! The time for you is NOW!!! Don’t fear the world's negativity while waiting for something that may never materialize! Most urgently and importantly, Don’t you dare ever take your own life if things get too tough, or what you think is too rough for you to deal with! If I can make it, so can YOU!!! There is ALWAYS someone who will listen and love you for who are. I do, and I don’t even know you. BI the way, You are a human being that matters to the special people in your life. If you don’t think you can talk to your parents, or they somehow show that they hate people like us, just remember there are plenty of other caring thoughtful adults, like me, either at school or somewhere that youth can talk to caring people that know exactly what you are going through and you can confide in. Your parents MUST be familiar with, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, if they are NOT, GTFO and call someone who knows the meaning, AND can get YOU to SAFETY!!!! Never think you are alone! Not even for a second! If you love him, go after him! If you love her, go after her! And yes, even if you love BOTH, then go after both and see who you love most and who you are compatible with, then choose who you want to be with, and whatever your choice is...... DONT EVER BE ASHAMED!!! Instead of EVER being ashamed of loving BOTH, YOU should be LOUD AND..... Do you hear me? Don’t make my mistakes! Maybe if I would have figured out who I was in the 1st place, my totally bleak, & dismal life would have been much happier while also being so very different. I was ashamed of myself my entire life until July 2018, when I finally woke up & could That is too damn long to be ashamed of myself while not believing I was worth loving. Go after who and what you want while NEVER giving a flying fuck what anyone thinks of you. They are NOT you, and they also don’t live YOUR life! YOU are the ONLY one that does! ALWAYS REMEMBER, while you also never forget..... JUST GO FOR IT!!! Love you BOTH, Christopher "CJ" Jeremiah
- 26th Day of Challenge - In 10 years?
Where would you like to be in 10 years? Me? Simple!! DEAD!! Especially, if this fucking fake fiasco continues. YES! COVID!! I hope I follow my fathers' destiny: Grandfather: dead @ 52 Father: dead @ 54 ME: Dead @ 56! See the pattern? Sorry, but if you knew MY life, you would have mercy and understand! Still Love you BOTH, Christopher
- 25th day of challenge - 10 people to dinner
List 10 people, dead or alive, you would invite to dinner. Include the dinner menu. 1 - Charles T (Granddad) 2 - Carrie T (Grandma) 3 - Russ T - (Dad) 4 - Betty Makisin (Grandma) 5 - George Mak (Grandpa) 6 - Paul T (Uncle) 7 - Barb Troki (Mom) 8 - Kathy Suzek (Aunt) 9 - Lynn T - (Cuz) 10 - Brian T - (Bro) DRINKS Variety of Beverages Water Fresh juices Beer Vodka Pre-dinner Stuffed mushro0ms Salads Clams casino DINNER Seafood surprize Surf & turf Beef Medalions Steak Florietine DESSERT Baked Alaska Caramel Brownie w/ choice of ice cram Cheesecake w/raspberry topping Ok, even though you would be the 11th, you can attend also! Since I still love you BOTH, Christopher
- The 24th day of challenge - 1 million to spend
If you had $1,000,000 to spend how would you spend it? First, my house would have to be a priority, needing a place to put my pool. 1 acre of property minimum Next, my car is to be the one to set my sights on, as I now have a garage to put it in. A Ferrari, perhaps? I would then build and create a community that allows the "Open & Free" expression of our pride in our bodies. NO more shame NO more embarrassment Just our FREE & PROUD confidence in ourselves FOREVER more!! Love you BOTH, Christopher