What's the new name of the game we BOTH enjoy playing together?
OH, you don't know the one I am referring to?
You know, it MUST be where we BOTH are trying to win before S/HE does.
When HE plays HIS very own version, it's to "SCORE" when HE NAILS HER in bed.
Well, HER key move is simply to empty HIS wallet.
Don't forget, it MUST have EXACTLY 2 players!
Still stumped?
Ok, here is your LAST hint!
Both HE and SHE are in it to win it.
Give up?
I remember everyone calling it "Battle of the Sexes" long ago.
Is that still the correct name for it?
Well, the reason you may not have guessed, is even though the name may be outdated, this doesn't stop s/he from playing this crafty, underhanded, dirty game against each other by exploiting each other's manipulative techniques with a combination of finesse and really fabulous acting.
Some of these "beauties" should be in Hollywood!!
We really need to be more up front with our counterparts. They are onto your games and dishonesty.
Do you really think they are as stupid as you think?
Ok, maybe a few are, lucky for you.
In speaking for myself, if you request something for nothing,
1st: I will assume you are just another 1 who is out of touch with reality somehow.
2nd: Depending on my patience that day, I may just hold everything in. Whether that works, I will warn you now it doesn't work ALL the time!
3rd: Now, if I am in a mood, then you might just want to disperse! Best advice for you.
Otherwise, if I am chilling and relaxed, I will be approachable. Until you say, that you are one of these:
money hungry vultures,
any other bitch that is after MY money, or any money at all.
any other females that do their best at snatching away at EZ $$$
I won't waste my time with anyone who simply wants something for NOTHING!!
Now, for all of you guys, there are way too many of you, who just want to get your rocks off, and females know this, and take advantage of you. They know we can be desperate, and this is exactly why they want to profit off you.
Well, even if Battle of the Sexes does NOT give it away, it is ALWAYS the ONLY game where HE likes to play mind games with HER, so HE can "score" victoriously!
Now, PAY ATTENTION!!!! as this is exactly where their "BATTLE" begins.
Not a bloody battle by any means, but the award for HIM is "getting off" or HER getting GREEN, the root of all corruption.
So, while HE begins HIS hunt for some "tasty" female delicacies,
SHE will give HIM ALL the attention HE desires.
This initial maneuver is critical in HER arsenal, while SHE adheres to HER very own scheme with scrupulous detail. This ensures the pinpoint precision SHE MUST use to implement HER plan with "Balls to the Wall," accuracy for HER strategic counterattack. SHE hones in on HIM with HER brutality and cruelty as SHE aims straight for HIS hard earned money.
HER well thought out, craftiness, and blatant mendacity is paramount as she leaves HIM confused and disappointed, while SHE pilfers everything.
SHE begins by joining a dating website, let's say, BDSM-local, where SHE unleashes HER money-making scheme.
Keeping in mind the technique I am explaining is ONLY 1 way!!
There are MANY more, so NEVER let your guard down, while staying VIGILANT using the unforgiving internet.
The Net can be a pleasant journey
EVIL hellhole.
ONLY YOU can decide your fate.
SHE has only one primary target in HER conniving little devilish mind:
ALL the desperate lonely men, who are older, fatter, or otherwise unappealing.
These are EXACTLY who she preys on, as SHE strikes with true precision!
SHE craves too much $$$$$$ so it's HER ONLY motivation to manipulate HIS type:
RETIRED & Desperate
Steady $$$ these guys have!!!
These are only 2, but there are many more!
SHE continues HER teasing, sending brief messages, using her sophisticated language and foreign accents. The next step, after intriguing HIM, will be to lure HIM away from the dating site to a phony untraceable number or Google Hangouts, where SHE can blend in with ALL the other "Money Hungry Vultures" allowing the anonymous, invisible internet to cloak her incognito from everyone.
Can you even comprehend just how awesome it would feel to have honest friends 1st?
how much time we BOTH would save just by our blatant complete honesty?
What I would give just to have YOU simply hang out with me. Our confidence would emanate through our willingness to share our deepest, darkest secrets. This would allow us to be humane to each other while we are "open & free" to simply "be" together. But there is NO ONE in this ENTIRE forsaken place that is willing!!
It can certainly be HIM because HE may enjoy talking about HIS new promotion, perhaps, or the big game on Monday.
SHE is more than welcome too, because I might coax her into informing me of HER date last night while SHE seeks my advice.
Just imagine, for the moment, how awesome you would feel just being YOU,
without concealing your soul inside, or your exterior flaws and imperfections.
I could answer anything you bring up.
This environment would be conducive to shedding ALL your guards and facades in every way,
1st, you must share the deep dark secrets you have hidden away deep inside your soul,
2nd, ALSO any exterior flaws/imperfections you conceal every day.
This new environment would allow everyone to share anything they wish, far beyond any secrecy that society requires of us all.
The $10 trillion question is.......
WTF can't we just accept others as they are, for who they are, instead of trying to mask our identity and appearance?
If we ALL could simply accept others, that would be monumental for BOTH of us.
This is a world apart from the present lunacy we are ALL forced to live in.
So, ladies,
why do you feel YOU must purposely deceive HIM?
Is HIS money really more important than how HE feels once you have stolen it?
Well, if you don't care 1 bit,
Who does?
So, you will continue your extortion
So, let's see your handy-work here.....
when he finally sees your true black soul, after your ravenous claws snatch his last dollar, you kick him to the curb outside as he no longer will have anything you're after!!
At this point, you are no longer interested in him!
A real detriment to this already evil, vile society.
NO worries, you simply compliment the type of existence we ALL are used to down here!!
Now for you, GUYS, why do you insist on playing mind games with HER?
I can answer that!!
While SHE does her own deception, you are simply blending in with society!
Sex is over, exactly when the night is, but the way SHE feels after you scored is not.
She is counting the profit from a dazzling eve.
It will happen the same way the next day,
who cares?
BOTH of YOU, are simply adding to what is already down here.
Our beautiful lives on this forsaken place.
It will NEVER change.
Be honest with the guys, since I do surmise they are already privy to your game(s)
Disregard the above statement, I meant it for the next life AFTER this one!!
Besides, remember you get free items, they do not force you to go into war, not to mention you get admission FREE!