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You Nude? YES! New Too? Then You're NEWD!

Writer's picture: Christopher JeremiahChristopher Jeremiah

"Good morning to you!

I was told you were coming.

So, you must be the NEWD one, he was speaking of.

I remember when I was new, but I wasn't nude yet."

"But you are nude?

and New?


Then U R NEWD!!....without a doubt!"

"Oh! Keep quiet. He is about to address the major problem in today's preposterous backasswards society."


I am speaking now, to you ALL!

Greetings, one & ALL,

I am Christopher, but if you prefer calling me CJ, that's perfectly acceptable as well.

Whether you are nude, new here, or just really NEWD, and even you seasoned vets of our lifestyle.

I welcome you ALL.

This is a unique examination into the eternal, yet also irrational, ludicrous and totally insane judgement of our lifestyle, by our adversary, the textiles, who has called their local enforcement on us, as they share the same illogical beliefs. I will attempt to demonstrate their reverse logic, if we can even refer to it as logic, our adversary uses to keep us distracted from the main issue, preventing our enjoyment of our vested interest, while I show how deranged the opposite POV is.

As veterans of my usual material, you will see a new side of me today, as this is a narrative of my POV on how this demented society acts towards us, as they hinder our desire of enjoying our alluring, elegant anatomy in a completely innocent and tasteful proclivity.

As for the rest of you who are NEWD here, I'm sure you will enjoy the sketch at the end of my presentation today, but usually I am much more serious.

For you ALL, even though nonfiction seems to be my forte, this is a rare look into my meticulous ability at fiction, regarding our mutually beneficial lifestyle.

This will be a cross between humorous fiction and blatantly serious non-fiction.

I consider it an oxymoron, with us being the "OXY" while our ridiculous rival is the "MORON"


My 1st attempt at humor, but by the way you all reacted it is also my last.


1st, I would also like to address a few points about changes to society and show our sentiment that all other minorities are receiving their own rights, but we see nothing at all for our rights as nudists, naturists and others who want to experience just how

"OPEN & FREE" nudism really is.

Why MUST WE be the only group inconvenienced by being the only minority without rights?

I thought we are actually in the 21st century.

But I seem to have my doubts with the way our USA society handles us.

World is changing, while ALL of us are NOT able to partake any change,

so why hasn't nudism changed for the better in modern society?

Or at least having a more modern POV about the divine gift bestowed upon us?

While the entire world is far beyond puritans, we are still left behind in life??

At least, all should, by now, have different attitudes towards our lifestyle.

As others have the govt protection, they are all strong in their presence.

NO change for NUDISM!!!

NO change for "NATURAL" life

NO change for an OPEN, HONEST lifestyle


Its perplexing why, in the past years, like the 60s - 70s, nudity wasn't such a big deal, i.e., everyone could be O&F while they swam at the YMCA. There was even a school, Mercyhurst PREP, that allowed boys to skinny dip! But now, 40-50 years later, this whole ignorant society, instead of Progressing towards the future, has regressed, or at minimum, just stagnating.

We are so far out of the pilgrims and puritan days!

Imagine if technology just stood still!

Where would we be?

Why aren't WE allowed OUR very OWN lifestyle, while being honest with ALL?

As time continues on into the future, we, as a society, are NOT changing at all!!!

Speaking of the times, many people have been advocating these very peculiar imaginary genders in the spotlight lately. This is brand new, just starting out only about 6-7 years ago. Yet, these "individuals" have all the rights of respect, while professing validity, and then telling all of us we should, or must, call them what they claim to be, even though they are NOT!

Deception, & mendacious lying, are so rampant & certainly NOT EQUAL in ANY way!

As time changes, the government allows individuals to change their "gender" at will, while these uniquely disturbed individuals dictate that they have a different gender (ID) & at the same time keeping all their rights, while society/govt simultaneously forbids US NUDISTS, to have ANY rights!!

These individuals are actually showing the entire world they have gender dysphoria, which, of course, is a DISORDER!! I am mighty surprised they want their DISORDER public broadcasting their mental state all over the place!!

I look at this as dishonesty, as they claim a gender which is the counterpart of their actual sex/gender, then some of them say NB, thus claiming they are sexless, meaning they are NEITHER male NOR female!?!?


Is your head spinning out of confusion, yet?

MINE is!!

So, I ponder what these sexless, individuals have, down & up there?

I would love to have anyone, EXPLAIN WHY they CAN JUST mislead society, while they falsely claim who they are (or aren't) and just proclaim & PRETEND to be something they are NOT!!

Why we nudists NEVER lie, we have NOTHING to hide!

So, as they lie and deceive the entire world, pretending to be something else while using deceptive deceitful methods, they have NO problem from anyone, while being protected by the govt, thus NOT bothered by any enforcement, and usually don't even get dirty looks from society.

Oh, but it is perfectly fine to ignore us, unless someone sees you!

Us being seen??

I don't even know if man would survive!

Someone sees us???

I hope the world would survive!


Do you even know what a major catastrophe that would emerge??

We, as nudists, are completely the opposite, as we believe in total honesty and transparency with whom we are as peaceful, loving, and accepting people.

However, they forbid us from being completely open & honest with society. We don't hide behind cloaks of secrecy, and facades that mask who we actually are. We are being unconditionally forthright with BOTH ourselves, and others. While society turns around & shuns us, we treat them respectfully. Instead of getting any protection from the govt, they turn around and arrest us instead, without even considering who we are as peaceful respectable human beings, and then also charge us with heavy or stiff punishments, such as a possible "sexual offense" especially us guys while simply showing the world who we really are.

I will reiterate that we show the world precisely who we are, without secrecy and any prevarication, because we hide nothing from anyone!

That's what we nudists stand for!

While nude, we are HONEST, down to our inner self, showing everyone, we are authentic, proper people, with NOTHING to hide EVER!!!!

NO hiding behind garments, as we DO NOT have OR want any!!

It is the backbone of our mutual lifestyle.

As we show everyone our real genuine authentic selves, all who see us, instead always consider us as deviant, deranged, sex fiends, as they stare, gawk and scrutinize us with an evil mannerism. Some may actually come at us, very livid and agitated. You MUST ALWAYS keep your spray handy!

WHY are they so irate at our honesty & self-confidence??

I will leave this question for you to think about & answer it in the comments.

When a friend of mine was in his CD attire, the officer actually asked him,

"what do you ID as?"


LIE to world, and its just fine?

But, us?

While WE are being honest with the world about ourselves, the PIGS DO NOT even ask any question: he would simply just haul us off to lock us up!!

GOD FORBID..... let us be OPEN & FREE, while also being OPEN & HONEST!!

Yeah, that is really "fair?" to ALL of us!!

EVERYONE ELSE has rights, but NOT us nudists!!!!

.Honesty forbidden--> while dishonesty, & deception is now the american way!

Name every minority in the world, country, etc and rights THEY have!

We nudists are a minority,

so, where's our rights?

what rights do we have?



Now, we have nudist RESORTS.

So, don't get ANY ideas that we are to be restricted to one little spot on earth,

ONLY allowed here, but not there!


If you consider this a right, then why don't we place another minority there.

Even HIV's didn't have a separate colony or their very own little spot!

HIV people even had/have an incurable disease!!!.....and intermingled with others.


Cretinous, & obtuse, certainly NOT logical!!!!

But it's these imbeciles with their PIG uniform that somehow reverse it back on us!

I raise my arms up in confusion, I can't comprehend the absurd irrational laws!!

In my sketch coming up, it shows their lunacy of placing unwarranted & unjustified blame on US again.

The DERANGED & PERVERTED cops in action!!!

It addresses the lunacy of not being able to be O&F in your very own home!

It's just this kind of absurdity and idiocy that really gets under my skin and stays there. The world has been changing, however, NOT for progression, more like regression or stagnation.

Time for this brief sketch I conjured up.

I meant this to be humorous, yet also very serious!

Its NO laughing matter at the way this fucking world treats us, as you will see momentarily, you will observe how the PIG is laughable, and ludicrous, just by the fact he's talking to the WRONG person.

We just want to be left alone and "dress" our own way!

WTF, can't we do just that?

We are bothering NO one!!

That right there is the ENTIRE paradox.

Now, I shall show you how a visit from ill-advised deficiently dense cops, can turn the blame around directing it to US, while the OTHER party just dictates what WE MUST do!

One more matter I thought I would bring up,

is how textiles somehow can ignore us when we dress,


when we are O&F, they stare right at us!!


Doesn't our natural pure form make them uneasy or uncomfortable?

OH my YES!

Textiles are superficial


very shallow too!

They actually have a human body too!


SCENE: Pleasant weather about 70 degrees. I locked my door, but the screen allows the fresh air in, along with a window.

I am in MY OWN home, relaxing in MY HOME,

which is MINE, understand?

I pay rent

I clean it

I take care of it!!!!!!



a knock on my door,


I was just relaxing, about to have dinner.

Now, I must get up off the couch where I was MINDING MY OWN GOD DAMN BUSINESS!!!!


By golly gee, it's the insane cops?!!!

GREAT!! Last ones I would EVER want to speak with!

PIGS that were born with NO LOGIC!!!!!

Remember, they cannot compel you to speak.

1-- Right to remain silent, even if they don't read Miranda

2-- They WILL use anything they can to be sure YOU are guilty. ANYTHING!


Door is now opened.

Don't forget----> Keep yourself as the principal focus!

DO NOT allow them to look inside!



"Hello, my name is officer PIG.

Sir, WE got a...... "

"LOL!! Are you serious, NO WAY

Officer PIG???

You just fucking with me?

right? HAHA HA

Ok, I think I am ok, that is a just multitude of laughs, how many people don't laugh??"

"Can we continue?"

"I sure hope so!"

"As I was informing you, there is a complaint from across the street...".


Great!, Now what exactly does that have to do w/me?"

PIG: "Well, the lady says that she doesn't want to see you."

ME: "Well, that's great, as it stands I really don't want to see her either!

Besides, she has no appointment with me, never called me back, if she is the same one.

So, you are here to inform me about a bitch way across the street or other side of complex?

So, what are YOU here for, OFF PIG?"

PIG: "You must be responsible for HER actions and wellbeing, by altering what YOU are doing, by covering YOURSELF."

ME: UHM, excuse me?

You are really confusing the fuck outta me here.

What does that have to do with me reading my book?

PIG: "SHE wants us to tell YOU to close your blinds or put something........on...".

ME: "Let me try to fathom, or at least maybe understand or comprehend what you are saying......

SHE doesn't want to see ME?

SHE, wants ME to cover, conceal, hide who I am???

So that SHE can't see ME???

Am I in the right ballpark with you.......whatever, guys?

Am I close?

Or just way too shocking!"

PIG: "Yes!"

ME: "Allow me to fill you in on MY logic, because it doesn't seem like you have the littlest bit.

Now listen carefully!

I am in MY home,

you understand so far?"

Officer PIG:

"Well, yeah, that sounds right, I think so."

ME: "which I pay rent for, NO ONE ELSE, again that's ME, are you still with me???"

PIG: "Yeah, you pay the rent."

ME- This is the most ridiculous, absurd shocker I have ever had!!!

and I AM the one O&F!!!

Now, I have an idea, but it may be tricky for you 2, so I will go slow.

Fair enough?

Earlier, I was training my son, who's in kindergarten now,

I taught him a brand newd lesson.

I asked him a question, and he would answer.

Got it so far?

Simple enough, right?

My question was,

(NOW U 2, need to pay attention, because it might get confusing for you BOTH)

ME: Here's what I asked him. Again, he's in kindergarten.

"What do you do, when YOU DONT want to see it, or them, or ANYTHING!!!!!??????"

He totally amazed me. He got the right answer on the very 1st try!!!!

He's a really great kid, so proud of him, he gets his sense and logic from me.

I look at him, and can't fig out what his mom gave him.

Ok, now we shall fig out YOUR level of comprehension.

PIG: Well, sir, were you uh.....ya

ME: That depends, but it's not in my nature to hand over info to you.

Esp, when my GF Miranda, tells me NOT to.

PIG: Oh no sir, we don't expect you to tell us all about you. We were simply inquiring.

ME: Well, what are you doing asking me questions then?

PIG: "We are simply trying to have everyone get along"

ME: Hmm, Very intriguing.

Everyone getting along sounds peachy to me too!

Well, let me make a LOGICAL suggestion, so we CAN.

You may not have had that before? A LOGICAL suggestion.

But again I will speak slowly so U 2 can keep up.

ME:: Very 1st action for you.

When you go back to her, you ask HER to make sure HER

blinds ARE CLOSED! Then close HER drapes.

Then if that fails, direct her vision, that means to change HER direction of HER line of sight, over to ANYTHING SHE DOES WANT TO SEE.

That way, SHE won’t SEE ME!!

But wait!!

Here's the fabulous news!

When SHE alters HER vision, SHE can make HER choice of 3, not just 1, methods to see SOMETHING ELSE.

Don't get distracted now.

SHE can use 3 DISTINCT parts of HER body to see what SHE wants to see!

The 3 parts are: HER EYES, NECK, and YES!!! Even HER complete body!!

Just 1 thing though, tell HER to take it easy and the first time SHE attempts this to only use 1 part at a time, that way she can acclimate herself slowly, conform at her pace,

I don't want her to strain herself

SHE can also cease being a vouyer, which I thought was illegal, at least at some point.

Guess what THAT will do to HER sight or vision!!

And NOW,


Love you BOTH,


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