After reading this article, suggesting gals look at us as less masculine and weaker than straight men, per some studies showing that women perceive bisexual men,
First "less romantically attractive and even less sexually attractive than straight men."
Second, "they were less likely to date and have sex with a bi guy."
Lastly, "bi men were perceived as being significantly more feminine than straight men."
This really astonished me!
I have always conveyed my masculinity to others while never acting feminine.
Any BI guy I have been around NEVER acted feminine, or less of a man to me.
Even so, after close examination of these studies, if these women really feel this way,
it essentially forbids us to be BI.
"In one study, out of 1k women surveyed:
63% wouldn’t date a man who’s had sex with another man."
"Simultaneously, 47% of women said that other women have attracted them,
while 31% of women have had sexual encounters with another woman."
Very hypocritical stats.
So, it's just fine for THEM, to not ONLY be attracted to THEIR OWN sex,
but also having sex with THEIR OWN gender..???
BUT contradictorily, WE BI guys are FORBIDDEN to do anything with OUR own sex!
Why is the double standard always applied ONLY to female needs in society?
Did you ever notice this standard is ALWAYS to HER advantage, NEVER ours?
This double standard allows HER preferences of various activities with anyone, so SHE can freely choose HER life.
So, SHE can be BI, while society adversely treats BI guys negatively for their BISEXUALITY.
This double standard is ALWAYS much more advantageous for females since men will have fun with a BI female, however with prejudice, ladies HATE BI men.
This standard, "BI" far, puts all BI guys in a terrible light, while females divergently ALWAYS have their fun with ANYONE they choose, since females get chosen back, while men also choose their own partners, these partners will not choose BI guys.
So, does that seem fair to you?
Not if you are a BI guy!!
Since, by default,
They force us BI men to pick from two quite objectionable options:
1 - either admit to who we are deep down while possibly NEVER finding our soul mate to share our life with.
Sadly, this is MY consequence.
2 - lie if we are BI.
MUST pretend to be straight OR gay, just NOT BISEXUAL!
MUST hide your NATURAL attractions to others.
These equate to:
habitually lying in order to find someone, for if & when that ever happens, our lives with our new soul mate will be unfulfilling while being forced to live a lie.
Is this you?
This is the,
Yet, doesn't everyone expect honesty in their relationships?
What a sick, twisted joke!!
Then the article proposes that we "look for" other BI people to associate with.
Well, keep in mind,
Looking for
are, in fact, 2 separate actions!
Where, exactly, do we find fellow BI people?
Now, this should be the QUESTION of BISEXUALS!!
This is an arduous, if not impossible, feat to endure!
GOOD LUCK with YOUR search & ATTAINING this task.
The ridiculous conclusion that escapes me is how there are some "guys??" out there who throw on a dress, and other feminine accessories, while parading and pretending to be someone entirely the opposite of what they REALLY are, while certain other guys* and even "society" somehow accept these sick twisted "individuals."
With us BI guys, who simply have different sexual preferences than others have, ONLY WE get shunned by a LOT of you in society, just because we have an attraction to BOTH genders, we are less than desirable to many others.
Well, I most certainly DO NOT!!
Is there anyone anywhere who can explain, logically, the rationale behind this?
Thanks for your attention, as I remain BI my stance,
Christopher Jeremiah
certain other guys*--defined as those guys that prefer the wacky freaky female pretenders over and beyond a REAL BI guy!