Just curious if there is ANY of YOU, ANYplace, @ ANY time in YOUR life that can even come CLOSE to having this much BADLUCK ALL @ once.
The million $$$$ prize is up for grabs, if YOU can top this!!
WORST luck in the world I had in MY life on March 10, 21
1st - Just came back from the bathroom, and I forgot something, HAD to return.
2nd - After a shower the curtain rod fell down, so I just left a little wet, NO drying.
3rd - Power co. NOW wants more $$$$, after I just paid them yesterday, $60
4th - As I go to sit down at my desk, my RT foot lands on a drink bottle.
5th - SD card is FULL on my phone, so I can't record ANYTHING!!
6th - While Im on Evernote, there is some kind of field I can't get rid of.
7th - Pen broke while I was writing all of this down!