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- DON'T leave me! I don't have any friends NOW!
It is around 10:30 pm on a Wednesday night. This is the PERFECT title, as I go through life, more people/friends leave me. Tonight is not much different from my other lonely nights, in that it's just another night that ends in MY eternal loneliness. Most days are, in fact, lonely. It must be because of my limited social finesse. After Scott, my X - roommate, spoke with me last night using one of the latest apps, he informed me of my shortcomings. Then this morning I awoke to his latest message, informing me of the real reason he moved out earlier this year: "Here's the last word, I am going to say about this to you, The reason I had to leave and, you turned me off, and move on, is that your 1st impulse is to offend." He says I turn people off and make them not want to help me. He also stated, "you are just a liability to be seen with in public." Well, thanks, man! What a pleasant thing to say! He may have a point though because my last two birthdays were desolate, as my last birthday had 4 whole people, including me & Scott. My high school friend/bro wasn't there, nor anyone. The only other 2 were Santiago and his GF. And please note, I don't even know him that well. Ok, HOLD ON! In the middle of working on this, my super rational, perceptive BF, made me aware that Scott also came into some $$$, had a fight with the neighbor, as well as us being in a former D/s relationship much earlier in our friendship, which are much more accurate in describing why he left. This alone means that Scott still tries to manipulate me by bringing me down to make himself feel bigger or stronger, so that he attempts to still maintain dominance over me. "Yeah, Scott H. Womack....Good luck with that, bud!" A bold narcissist HE is! I have perused others' writings to, perhaps, find some answers, as they may have the same disorder I have. They explain their MH (Mental Health) issues, and tonight I thought I would explain mine. I am not seeking pity, however, compassion and empathy are always nice to receive. My initial memory of my childhood was Mike, my cousin, molested me at a very tender age, then I told, what I thought was a friend, about my encounter. This was my worst mistake during my entire existence! After confiding my deepest darkest secret to him, all my peers, from that point on, constantly berated me, as they perceived me to be homosexual/gay. With no anti-bullying laws in effect yet back then, there was NO relief in sight for me! Instead, my ENTIRE childhood from elementary throughout middle school was a very isolated time for me. It is interesting to note that I am, in fact, NOT homo! But it took many decades for me to discover who & what I really was, deep down inside. I went from therapist after therapist from the time I was around 6, while I still continue to go to therapy presently. After many years of intense therapy, I finally discovered WHO & WHAT I actually am. I NOW know that while I am NOT "HOMO"sexual, I am actually "BI"sexual. After having different encounters with both, I do know what my preferences are now. Actually, BI is BEST! Of course it is!! Since it's the BEST of BOTH, the experiences should be unlimited, but aren't. They are, in fact, much less than yours as most people want nothing to do with us. That's how I finally discovered myself. It was not until I was around 40 years old, when the doctor first diagnosed me with BPI (Bipolar Disorder). So then I thought I was Bi twice, Bisexual and Bipolar. Now, just within the last year, end of 2019, I received yet another new diagnosis. This time it was BPD. Borderline Personality Disorder. Don't confuse it with split personality disorder, though. The two are TOTALLY different! So, my whole life no one knew what was wrong with me until recently. After two friends adamantly felt I needed more testing, I went. Now, I hope I can start getting comfortable with this new one. I have been studying my new affliction diligently, and I just ran into this article the other day, entitled, "How does a person with borderline personality disorder behave?" It accurately defines BPD: "BPD is a disorder of Dysregulation made up by Emotion Dysregulation (the core of BPD), as well as, Interpersonal, Identity, Behavioral, and Cognitive Dysregulation." This really goes into depth about my disorder. Everything from A-Z. It really hits home with me, as it states that we have: abandonment issues, meaning we worry our relationships won't last, as well as intense emotions, fear of abandonment, and black and white thinking. These all are definitely ME! NO doubt! Therefore, I am always worried about people leaving me, as they always do (like Scott did) while I have very intense emotions as I get angered easily, and as far as B&W thinking, I have even written before, "I am all or none, there is no middle ground with me." So BPD seems to be the correct diagnosis for me, finally. Also, when we like someone (either in friendship or romantically) we love that person intensely. If the other person reciprocates, then we both enmesh ourselves in a very intense and personal relationship. The article states, "BPD is often triggered from the interplay of genetics with trauma during childhood." I surmise the "trauma" in my case was the constant tormenting by childish peers. The core of BPD is "Fear of Abandonment which is central to BPD. BPD is primarily noticed through interpersonal relationships (“Interpersonal Dysregulation”): the article states. It also mentions "fragmentation of memory" which I seem to have a bit of a problem with mine. People may speak to me and I will not remember everything they say. However, with trust it states that people with BPD have trouble trusting others. Because our memories are fragmented, it becomes "exceedingly difficult to trust others." Well, in my case I used to trust everyone too much, and always got taken advantage of. Well, that has all changed now, I don't trust others for a long time. However, depending on the person, if I have a deep connection with them, I will trust them more. A personal note: I trusted Lori & rented a car for her, and now I am out $500 Sec Dep, until she rectifies the horrible situation. She never will, I already spoke to her. NEVER use Fox rent a car!! "Any attempt to remind us of the past will cause us confusion and cognitive dissonance." Then it says that we, "will ultimately rationalize their behavior even against overwhelming facts." A lot of these traits are not necessarily mine but are generally speaking. For us, "how we presently feel about something, makes it the absolute and only truth." Just peruse the positive traits those of us in the BPD family, do exhibit, so we aren't all that bad. Please give us some credit, as well as a little patience, THANKS! Just check this list out for yourself. I have been known to make things, my absolute truth. I am very logical and analytical in my thinking and it is difficult for anyone to change my mind on certain topics, especially when I am passionate about them. Then the article relays, "Black and White Thinking causes us to project our own flaws or bad behaviors on others." It is also hard for me to take the blame for a lot of actions that I may be responsible for, even against overwhelming evidence. It is because in our minds, it means we are bad people. It mentions the Distortion Campaign, "This involves a lot of rationalization as well as the elaborate manipulation and gaslighting of the former loved one that we are known for." Rationalization, manipulation, distortions and gaslighting are not done consciously or with malice, but are simply the result of whatever the PBPD feels is true at the time. Fortunately, I have not experienced this, and hope I never do. It says that it happens "as part of the “I hate you, don’t leave me” phase." Black and White Thinking causes PBPDs to Project their own flaws or bad behaviors on others. This is where someone, either you or me, is a bad person. This type of thinking is the reason many of us find it difficult to admit fault even against overwhelming evidence. It would basically mean that I might be bad so I project it away from me. It also talks about, "A person with “Traditional BPD” will express intense bouts of anger and rage towards the former loved one, while a person with “Quiet BPD” will simply become cold and distant." I found out recently I am the subtype petulant. BPD causes many other symptoms: "Getting angry or upset very easily and finding it difficult to calm down (“Emotion Dysregulation”); unstable sense of self (due to the intense emotionality, PBPDs have a hard time knowing who they are or what they like and dislike) as well as strong feelings of emptiness ( “Identity Dysregulation”); impulsivity, drug use, promiscuity, binge-eating or shopping due to the intense emotions and feelings of emptiness; self-destructive behaviors such as sabotaging close relationships or even self-harm (the self destructive behaviors are called “Behavioral Dysregulation”); difficulty to admit fault (“projection” of fault to others); disassociation from reality under stress (and/or hallucinations) as well as incorrect perception of reality (“delusions”) (called “Cognitive Dysregulation”) ; and ultimately an extremely high rate of suicide (up to 70% of PBPDs will attempt suicide and 1 in 10 will commit suicide)." Much to my dismay, "everyone with BPD will exhibit certain BPD aspects, such as Intense Emotions that are difficult to control, Fear of Abandonment, Idealization and Devaluation (and Splitting), Black and White Thinking, Distorted Perception of Reality, Lack of Object Constancy / Emotional Amnesia and Memory of the Past being shaped by Present Feelings. Those are the core side-effects that make up the disorder and they are all inter-connected." Our little BPD family can be really cool too! Just look at this wonderful list. The symptoms that are familiar: Getting angry or upset very easily strong feelings of emptiness impulsivity, drug use, promiscuity, self-destructive behaviors such as sabotaging close relationships or even self-harm difficulty to admit fault and finally... ...incorrect perception of reality??? Then the article sadly states: "BPD is a serious and dangerous condition and one of the four “Cluster B” Personality Disorders (Antisocial, Narcissistic, Borderline, and Histrionic) that are characterized by dramatic, overly emotional or unpredictable thinking or behavior." Then it affirms: "Besides Dialectical Behavior Therapy which is absolutely necessary, it is said that yoga, meditation and breath-work can help manage the intensity of the BPD emotions." Lastly, it adds: "It is also important for the loved ones and former loved ones of PBPDs to seek help for themselves." Well, I am quite proud of this post now.......being after 1 am. There appears to be some link between BI & BPD, according to bi-ed.com, which offer these 5 following suggestions below, click the below link for more information. As I run into more information on this, I will post it here. BISEXUALITY & BPD If you are BOTH BI & BPD, these are, 5 suggestions for you: 1. First, acknowledge that you are a bisexual with this borderline personality trait. You accept it for what it is. It is a predisposition to feelings of being down, being miserable, and hopelessness. Your bisexuality is also part of your genetic predisposition. This is who you are. You can’t change it. You accept it for what it is. 2. You also realize that you are no longer that child. You are an adult in complete control of your emotions and feelings. Your brain, by nature, has a lot of neuroplasticity. You can change your brain patterns by changing your thinking patterns. You can learn to accept your sexual tendencies and make conscious decisions on either exploring and enjoying them or just recognizing these tendencies without acting upon them. Remember it is always okay to enjoy your sexuality. It is always a choice you can make without guilt and shame. 3. If you have a life partner and children. You have some difficult decisions to make. Make them rationally. Do not let feeling of guilt and shame affect your power to choose what is best for the whole you. 4. Do a self-analysis. Every time you feel down, miserable, or hopeless, because of your bisexuality write it down and look at the situation that brought about these feelings. Then use your active imagination to go back into that situation and handle it by being in charge emotionally and resolve it with the positive approach and outcome. Then, if possible, go back to the situation and do it right this time. 5. Chart your progress and celebrate your successes. As time goes by you will find that you are getting better at dealing with your feelings. Be patient with yourself. It probably took twenty plus years to develop these patterns so give yourself the right to make mistakes and slip back into old patterns from time to time. Reassess; make amends; and keep on going. Link to BISEXUALITY & BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER Suggestions for BISEXUALS Be honest with yourself and your loved ones. Dishonesty is a major source of anxiety. Living with constant anxiety and negative energy from your emotions will literally kill you. Do an inventory of your impulses. Do your same-sex desires come from an unhealthy need or are they based on the honest and healthy expression of your heart and body? Above all stop living with constant fear and anxiety. Get rid of the need to please others. In order to live a healthy life, you have to learn that you are the most important person in your life. You are the only one you really have to please. You may have to make some difficult decisions about your sexuality. Whatever you decide, make sure it is for you and not to please others. Remember you are bisexual. You can go either way. If your joy truly comes from your family situation, make a deal with yourself. Recognize that you have both desires. Give yourself permission to have both desires and make a conscious decision to choose your heterosexual situation. If your same-sex desires are so powerful that you do not want to live without them you will have to make a deal with your life-partner. If they cannot live with your bisexuality you have to be prepared to separate. Thanks so much again for your explicit attention. Perhaps I should have shown this to my X, as he said "break it off" on Dec 1st, 20 Love you BOTH, Christopher "CJ" Jeremiah
- Quotes & compliments
QUOTES Hello to you ALL! YES! YOU! - All my loyal readers & friendly followers that enjoy my material. You know what I like best about you? That YOU ALL are honest to god........HONEST! So, I believe you ALL will enjoy my quotes, & if you like them enough to use them please just place my name, Christopher "CJ" Jeremiah with them, this allows others to see me/name while perhaps, they may even visit my site giving me & my site more exposure. The following are my original quotes. Please enjoy them. My 1st initial quote: "If there's no hair, dont despair, my tongue is there" Do not worry, the rest are better "So when a person leaves to go away, don't make them stay, try to learn so you can tackle another day." Leave on FL 3/9/20 "If you were confident in your life, you'd be nude" "If you are human, you are my friend" "I'm me and that's all I can be!" "I have what I have, NO more, NO less" "Be open and free! as it's the best way to be," (yourself) If we ALL could simply accept everyone, we would NOT even need clothes! "I'm ALWAYS NUDE, BUT NEVER NAKED!" MY specialty is beyond your expectations, while you just lay back and enjoy my superiority in the oral arts. Understand that I don't actually "suck" it. I do much MORE!! I Make love to it! Dec 5, 20 Focusing only on the black & white, will not allow you to see the true light, as it's not entirely right, but when you look into the gray, you will then see a new, much better way! Dec 27, 20 BISEXUAL Quotes: "Being BI is NO lie, the BEST of BOTH is what you MUST try!!!! "Being BI is NO lie, be proud to have the talent to indulge in the BEST of BOTH & enjoy! March 9th, 21 liked bi @BisexualBrunch "I am content with my sexuality. I know "WHO" & "WHAT" I am. Once you know that & convey it to others, NO ONE will EVER be able to take that away from you." Newer Quotes If we ever could actually unite and ultimately live in peace together, you can not even fathom what a wonderful, phenomenal, and astonishing unification we could encounter. COMPLIMENTS Now these are the high regards that a lot of YOU have for me. Thank you so very much for taking your valuable time, to reach out to me, while giving me a reason to smile, and strive further in life. The web can be dangerous OR it can be friendly, while you make NEW friends, as it brings OLD friends together! In my case, I have met you throughout my hand of TYPING or WRITING. After coming in contact with you, I'm very glad that I can touch your lives in a positive light, especially when there have been occurrences in my life that I just wanted to give up! You, in turn, allow me to realize that maybe I AM making a negligible difference down here. Thus, I am sharing with you some kind & good natured comments that some of you have bestowed upon me so graciously. 1st & foremost, I never intentionally offend or upset the influential people that cross my path of life, so if you see something of yours included, yet don't want it divulged publically, then tell me immediately and of course, it will vanish, never seen again. DO NOT worry. Only 1st names OR your web name will be on this page, NOTHING else! COMMENCE! Regarding Nudely not Lewdly on nudeandhappy: Capt. James J O'Donnell January 5, 2020 At 10:58 pm “this sums up exactly how I see nudism, well written and thank you Christopher Jeremiah January 6, 2020 At 10:23 pm Thanks for your comments. Im glad there are those of us that can see clean, respectful nudity for what it is, in no way harmful or offensive. In ref to Sublime experience on nude&happy: Wzrd Wizitch (Stephen) Hi Christopher, just wanted to express my appreciation for this fine piece of writing. You have captured the nobility and beauty of shared non-sexual nudity very well. As a lifelong naturist, I am very familiar with the experiences you describe and having read a great deal of material on the topic, I want to say that I believe that your writing here is amongst the very best I have seen. Well done and thank you so much for sharing. All the best Stephen Christopher Jeremiah October 1, 2020 At 3:45 am Edit Thanks Stephen for taking the time to express your appreciation. I am overjoyed when I get comments, that way I know it's impacting someone. I consider this my best work; I hope I can top even this. When I first wrote it, my friends didn’t think it was even mine, it was so good. Paul reached out: Hi CJ. Thanks heaps for the warm welcome. I have read a few of your blog topics and I thought they were very well put together. You seem to me to be a very authentic man. In response to me tackling topic of "nudity harming children?" Boicudi relayed his gratitude: I commend you for taking the effort to write an article like this, most adults (especially men) would not go anywhere near this topic In response to "Does nudity harm children?" Ted Bun said: An interesting read ... I think you have summarised the evidence pretty well! In response to, "Does nudity harm children?" Clothesfree indicated: "I like the way you express yourself and portray social nudity." Jason, NJFL, from TN expressed his sentiment I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog. I hope there is more to come. What a beautiful and flowing writing style. Love it! MsKernowGeek, regarding my 1st post ever, BISEXUALS love YOU BOTH! "Wonderfully put together piece. Well written, concise and informative."
- Need I say it again? Nudity does NOT equal SEX!!
I know a lot of you don't want to read another nude topic, but after reading an ignorant individual's comment about nudity and how showing certain parts automatically mean sex right off the bat, I have to set the record straight for those of you who may also share her ignorance and stupidity. First off, the following is an informal writing I did for my own eyes only, but now I will share it with you, after editing it up a bit. "I wear Completely nothing. I feel Completely human. I am Completely open & free." It was titled, ALL Male Nude Party For those of you that think nudity is sick, perverted, or deviant, and always saying that us men are the perverts or sexual predators, allow me to light a candle so you can see the light, AKA reality!! I went to an all-male nude party where pretty much all the guys were homo, except for Me and Tony who are bi. Now I'm setting the stage because if it's ALL nude, ALL men AND we are ALL gay/bi, then there must be loads and loads of sick disgusting sex, right? WRONG!!!! There was absolutely NO sex of any kind at all! But how can this be if we were ALL nude, ALL men and ALL homo or bi?? Allow me to fill you in, Its because nudity is NOT always about sex!!! Did you hear me? Ok, I'll say it again, just once more for those in the back that weren't listening Its because nudity is NOT always about sex!!! You better have heard me that time, because I am not saying it again! So I better not ever hear you say that sex=nudity or nudity = sex again! If I do, I will know you have got to be the biggest imbecile on earth as well as the most ignorant. "Nudity won’t transform our boys into being obsessed with pornography by sexualizing nudity. Nature cannot do this, and it can only be done by a warped society that promotes and perpetuates it." Now, yes I realize that it had a very angry tone to it, but when I hear time and time again from yet another ignorant moron, that nudity automatically means sex, I have a very hard time maintaining my usually calm demeanor. I really do NOT know what else to do, to drive it into another thick skull. If me and Bro Jo are simply walking down the street, doing the exact same thing, at the same time, how can you say I am being sexual in any way, just because Im, "open & free?" If I am NOT touching myself inappropriately at all, then how can you say that I am doing anything at all sexual? Do I really need to post some pics so that you can see whats sexual and what's NOT? Ok, thats pic A. Now for pic B: Now for Pic C Ok, time to tally it up! Multiple choice..... A. All of them B. None of them C. Pic B Which one? What? Hold up! Pic C wasn't one of the choices. Besides he has clothes on. Are you really going to tell me that the correct answer is Picture C, the last one? Damn it! I cant fool you, can I? Well you are absolutley correct! As you can see, the nude pics had NO sex in them, while the last one with clothing, had sex all over it! Have I proven my very strong valid point? So what does nudity equal? OPEN & FREE! NOT SEX!! Thats for sure!
- Discrimination - against who? Men OR women?
Most of us always hear about feminine discrimination, but what about us men? Well, for those of you who seem to have the impression that women are the only ones who get more than their share of discrimination, this post is definitely the one for you to read & learn about the other side we men are in. This question came up on a site made exclusively about Q & A: Is discrimination against men real? Can you give any example of discrimination against males? Following this question, there was a multitude of examples of how we men always get the very short end of the infamous stick. I also read about how upper school staff mistreats ONLY the male teachers. Matthew Bates, a male teacher, explained how he may NOT perform the same actions as female teachers. He gives many alarming examples from his teaching career of students from K to 8th grades, thus students around ages 3-14. The following is his accounting of his own disheartening experience: Anyway, most of my coworkers are women. Among the things they can do, but male teachers cannot do, are: Help younger students in the bathroom if needed. A five-year-old student who can’t figure out how to undo their belt to go to the bathroom? A female teacher can help them… not a male teacher. Have younger students sit on their lap to calm them or read to them. A five-year-old student in distress and crying? Do they need a hug? Better find a female teacher to do it. Point out certain uniform violations on older students. Female teachers can point out any uniform violation on any student. But a male teacher pointing out if a female student’s skirt is too short, or they’re showing too much skin, or they have on too much make-up? No. The male teacher has to ask a female teacher to point it out for them. Poke their head into the students’ bathroom to make sure the students aren’t just goofing off and wasting time in there. Female teachers have no qualms about pushing open the door to the boys’ bathroom and telling them to hurry up. But a male teacher doing the same to the female students’ bathroom? Not if they want to keep their job. Basically, anything that could even remotely be misinterpreted as even vaguely pervy to an outside observer… a male teacher has to avoid it, for their own sake. Whereas female teachers are given A LOT more leeway in such matters. If the above isn't a prime case of a double standard, then I am at a loss as to what is. The first one on his list is very insane to me. A female teacher must help not only the females but must also assist the male students with their bathroom issues. I would think that matching gender teachers help their own corresponding students. That, to me, would make the most logical sense. But, just to me, right? There is an extensive list on how we are more often discriminated against in much more demeaning ways than females could ever be, however, I will touch on a few of my own experiences. First, I shall Include my experience back in elementary school. I recall my teachers separated us boys from the girls and male teachers had to be with us, while the female teachers and students were together in their own room. This was back in the 70s, when I was in, around 3rd grade. We had to watch a short film, which I believe was kind of a "coming of age" film. It was a documentary. The only thing I really remember was that it had 1 boy getting ready to go in the morning, and it quickly showed his ass. I think it was about hygiene and other related topics. The point I'm making here is, that Mr. Groves and 1 other male teacher were in the room with us boys, so back then this bullshit discrimination didn't exist. Another experience was during divorce, as we ALL know, men always play 2nd fiddle to their female counterparts in any family-related issues in any court. Divorce and much more prevalent, custody issues, are the most major concern of men. In NV, there is an organization, Equal Rights for Divorced Fathers (ERDF) that specializes in helping fathers retain the few rights they have. In fact, they have a strict policy of NOT allowing any female inside their building. Even if the dad has a new female partner who is actually on his side, even she must stay out. ERDF has specific lawyers who work with them to help their clients. They are also privy to which judges will be pro/con to fathers. They have about 2-4 paralegals who help clients draft various court documents so the client can get his paperwork done properly and also promptly. The only reason ERDF exists is that females are always at an unfair advantage all the time in all family courts. The judges who are in favor of us are indeed a rare breed in the system. Another way that will discriminate against us men all the time is gender-based pricing. In moving from children to adults, ALL adult events/functions are totally unfair to ALL us men. Someone ALWAYS prices events like this to be beneficial to her! FEMALES: ALWAYS FREE!! COUPLES: 1/2 price, such as $30 for entry MEN: For some unknown reason, pay DOUBLE, YES!! DOUBLE what 2 people pay. In this scenario, men would pay a whopping $60! So we must pay twice the amount that 2 people pay for the same admission to the same event while she just walks in freely with her good looks?. Yeah, that sounds really fair, agree? Just found out earlier today that it isn't only in unjust pricing, but the mere willingness to ONLY work with females! I have run into this very predicament on more than just a few occasions myself. Photographer runs an ad, then later he discloses his prejudice against us single guys. He discloses, as long as a female is in the mix, he does not have an issue. FF, MF and yes even FF, but males only? Yeah right!! It will be the same day as our leaders being completely honest with all of us. EXACTLY!! Not in my lifetime, we single guys just remain scum of the earth! Also, wikipedia lists many more examples, which may be the same as the 1st link in this article. A few last examples, they believe females more often than us, men are the sick perverts and violent ones, as soon as a nude man is spotted, 911 called, but not the same for nude females eternal double standard to her beneficial advantage, as they usually jail him for domestic disputes and many more!! I am very sure that there are many more examples that can be included here, but just to mention one last unfair action against us is one I am positive that you know about already. It is a simple 4 letter word. It starts w/ "D" If you are familiar with the Draft, being around far longer than I have, you know ALL men must register for the govt's nice little Politically Correct term, Selective Service! Yes! Men must! But ONLY men!! Not any other sex/gender!! But the females don't even have to go to war if they do not desire to. My personal experience was very enraging: I had been out of the army for about 6 months. I had my ETS in May, '90 to go "back on the block" as a civilian. Then as fucking bastard bush declared another unnecessary war, as is always the case, I, and about 20k other Individual Ready Reservists (IRR) went right back in to serve this very worsening country to fight for the eternal root of ALL evil, oil & money, and also power & control. We had to comply, whether or not we liked it! AND whether or not we had a bar to reenlistment, which means you can't come back into the military, even if you want to. BAR forces you out of service NOT letting you continue your dedicated, loyal svc Mailgram calling you back to serve forces you IN!! FYI for you, just in case you're not privy to this secret info.... GOVT only cares about their own covert needs, NEVER us!! So, they sign a contract; they don't honor it, but us?? ALWAYS must honor it! Just look at the Bill of Bullshit/lies to us, find just ONE they abide by. I challenge YOU to find just ONE single "right" they adhere to when THEY were the ones to start the first ten amendments, and completely disregarding ALL of them now!! While, simultaneously, I heard on the news that a female, who was already in a unit at Nellis, thus, currently serving in the air force, told authorities she would NOT be entering the war! Just as ALWAYS, females want to be equal until it is NOT in their favor! This is exactly why they are never ever going to be equal, if there is any variable or difference between us, then logic dictates impossible for equality! Pay attention class! This entire post is about how society treats each of us in the opposite way! So, quiz time..... EQUAL OR GREATER THAN OR LESS THAN?? No matter how you slice it, dice it, or cut it NEVER EQUAL, NEVER HAS BEEN CLOSE TO EQUAL, NEVER EVER WILL BE EQUAL!! If females are equal, please inform me why we are always separate from them. Camps, restrooms, jails, locker rooms, and the list goes on. So, now you understand she has EVERY SINGLE advantage for her exclusive benefit, it's HER own world made for just HER! EVERYONE seeks her, NEVER want us men Thanks for so much of your attention while I will always...... Love you BOTH, Christopher
- Shall I call you homo, since you call me bi?
As a preface to this special post, I would like to dedicate this to all my avid readers and loyal fans, but especially to those who are under the impression that my site is focused exclusively on nudism and related topics. Much to your relief and surprise, this has absolutely NOTHING to do with any type of nude topic. This post does, however, have EVERYTHING to do with the 4 types of sexualities (or our orientation, as they are often referred as) while I ask individuals how they can be offended by referring to them accurately. As you may be aware, I am extremely logical and analytical in my thinking and how I examine a topic. I will state, right now, that logic, as I'm told, cannot always be used in every circumstance. Osman declared in reply to me, "Language use is a social construction; derogatory words are based on usage (culture) rather than only logic." However, always keep in mind that words cannot hurt you in any way. Especially if you consider that the words used are a mere fraction of communication. Keep this in mind as I will use the same argument and logic with you, as him. Whew! It is finally time to begin. I will start by stating the 4 most common well known orientations, and defining them. I have omitted the less common ones, such as, Demisexual, which is one that I also correlate with. There is Pansexual, which is simply a modified BISEXUAL sexuality. In their proper order, they are: "A"sexual - An orientation that mostly focuses on affectionate encounters, such as cuddling, without the primary focus being on sexual acts. Not common at all. "BI"sexual - An attraction to BOTH genders. Also, the one that's discriminated more than any other, (see my Bisexuals love BOTH, for genuine proof) while ironically being not only beautiful, but is also Bi far, the BEST one of all. After all, BI is BOTH BI is BEAUTIFUL and NEVER forget that BI is Bi far the BEST! "HETERO"sexual - The attraction to only the opposite sex/gender. May be the most common but not entirely proven yet. and now finally for the one that is the very focus of this post, "HOMO"sexual - An attraction, exclusively, to their own gender. Male or Female. I am glad this one is last, as it allows us to focus on it more clearly. You will notice that I capitalized the prefix, before "sexual" in each one. This is so we can focus on the pertinent fragment of each sexuality. The prefix is just a shorter version of the entire word, is it not? In calling me BI, it's the very same as referring to another as HOMO, it's simply the short version without the "sexual". Please realize that that BOTH the heteros AND homos have vernaculars to refer to them, Straights and Gays, respectfully. What other, very significant feature, did you notice that is NOT included? Observe your following hint: You are so used to this, that you are likely oblivious to it. All right, times up! I will reveal that BISEXUALS, don't have their own vernacular. You never noticed this before now, did you? Bi is just.......Bi, nothing else. No other terms for it at all Why is this the case? Do we not deserve one of our very own? Just something I wanted to point out for further consideration. Now I shall make a lucid point for my post today, Since bisexuals are referred to as simply, Bi, nothing more, I will pose this question to you, If Bi is accurate and proper for bisexuals, then, why do homos take offense to being called "homo?" Homo is just short for HOMOsexual, which again, is the attraction to the same sex. So, quite clearly, there is NO difference with GAY & HOMO. We should be able to use both of these interchangeably, without offending anyone. I really fail to see any problem with either one. I have always been informed that it is NOT WHAT you say, but HOW you say it. Remember, the words you use are ONLY 7% of communication! So whether I ask, "are you homo?" or "are you gay?" it's the very SAME question. Unless, perhaps, there are some that may be ashamed of their sexuality. This, however, should NEVER be true, as we have NO control or choice in our natural attractions for others. I am, bi far, very open to any orientation, as I am BI and very proud to love BOTH, even though I may slightly lean towards gay, or, thus, homo. Therefore, I am the very LAST person to speak derogatory toward homos, or anyone. Since I am BI, some look at me as half hetero and half homo, as I have been told. So, in essence, I would be speaking against "half" of myself. Why would I ever do that? Furthermore, since I have a BF who is homo, WTF would I ever speak derogatory about him who I love with every fiber of my soul? In addition, I have attained the friendship of guys that are, in fact, homo. Hence, having their valued friendship is greatly important to me, so I obviously have NO intention of purposely speaking offensively either to them or about them. One last imperative point I must make is that, Ms. Roosevelt, affirms that, NO one can EVER make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent! If you believe this quote and practice it all the time, then being called homo would NOT even be an issue for you. The KEY here is: NEVER give it! I am perplexed how anyone can let an invisible, touchless, odorless, tasteless force hurt or offend them in any way. The only way a mere word can hurt you in any way, is if you believe it to be true. You must know who you are and what you are! Perhaps I may be seeing certain realities through filtered lenses, since I am bold enough to be able to stand before you, or anyone, entirely nude, and NO one can ever offend me at all. For I have achieved the ultimate level of blatant self-confidence! Getting back on topic, if a hetero was speaking in a demeaning manner or in any way derogatory towards, "you homos" then this would be quite different! It would really depend on his tone and the manner/context in which he used it. I feel that I have clearly conveyed my valid points in a clear cohesive style as well as presenting my firm and logical stance here today. If I left something out or was unclear about something in this post, then you will be elated to know you have access to comments in which you can not only ask questions, but also have the courage to voice your own views and beliefs. I really encourage ANY & ALL feedback, as its the ONLY way to find out if you agree with my statements, think I am way off base, have further clarifications on something or just want to add something I missed. This means I welcome BOTH POS & NEG feedback to ALL my material. Looking fwd very much, to hearing from you soon! Get your comments in, so I can discern how much you liked or disliked this post. Also, I am currently seeking all members to suggest topics for my future posts. PHOTO credits: Love photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com
- You have a way about you.
When you Text me, I get so elated to hear from you. When you call me, I feel so special you are taking the time to let me hear your thoughtful voice. When you Duo me, I feel your love and that you want me in your life forever to have me! I wish I could just be with you all day long and beyond. When you visit me, with your first eye contact it drives me into your arms. Finally, Feeling your comforting touch it makes me realize how much I have been with out. YOU loving ME is EVERYTHING to ME! Love you BOTH, Christopher Jeremiah
- Never swear that you wont do it!
Don't ever swear that you won't... ....do it. Is there anything that you ever swore you would never do? Did you ever swear that you were never going to do it? What's it? You know what "it" is...... ....IT! IT can be anything. OR IT can be something. In my case it was something..........that I said I would NEVER do. NEVER say NEVER! Because, you just might......and you may surprise yourself. I always swore that I would never ever ever be in a LD relationship. But here I am, in one. I am in love with my BF, or just perhaps, my husband who is the first one I have ever had that I truly love, that always reminds me to perform good husbandry. If I would have never been in a LD relationship, I never would have been able to meet him. He is CA I am NV We met in CA, Barstow specifically. We BOTH put in the effort to meet for the first time. A good thing too, as he would have never come all the way to Vega$, to meet me. My point is that you never ever want to take a chance on passing something by that may be life changing, especially if it will be for the better. You never know what your future holds for you. So don't ever count events out, otherwise you could pass on something major. It can, and just may, happen to you. Whatever it may be, always be prepared because the world is forever changing. In fact, the only constant is change itself! An LD relationship is not easy for you or your partner, but when it is worth it for you, its never easy for you two. Personal note: I was told that my husband was like a 2nd grandson to a friend's grandmother. That's how I know that I have received a special gift from above. The best guy in the world for me. When he is patient, loving, perseverant, kind, and protective and much more, there is NO doubt at all. Will forever miss you Rob, Your "husband"
- What should we hide to be free together?
As a nudist, I cover nothing so that I feel “open & free" and experience the true freedom that I believe only nudism can convey. However, just in case a textile joins in, I am going to address coverage for all intents and purposes as it pertains to “concealment of our body” while proving that there is really only ONE area alone that seems logical to me to cover at all. To break these visitors, or textiles, in I would like to enlighten them about my newd lifestyle gradually, in case they aren't quite ready to expose their genuine authentic selves immediately. I would like them to acclimate themselves gradually to the utmost feeling of freedom at their own comfortable pace. We all reasonably presume that the average person in developed societies of recent years is comfortable baring our “common” parts as “proper” exposure to the public eye. The “uncommon” parts only half of us have is the primary focus today and is what I am interested in learning and informing you about. Men have typically believed that the area “below the waist” and “between the legs” should be totally private. While ladies, on the other foot, believe they must cover not only her same area, but the public should not see the area on her chest, namely her mammary glands only. Keeping in mind, when I speak of the chest area, I am referring specifically to the fact that only the areola /nipple is common to both of us, yet this, oddly enough, is the very part that asinine and ridiculous regulations cover, per law. Let's take a lady, since they are always first. As we allow her to get comfortable joining us, let me continue explaining that, even though these are common to both of us, most irrational laws and illogical statutes require them to cover her upper body. However, now that she knows these are actually common to both of us, I'm sure she will graciously remove the top part of her “shame shield.” I feel if anything must be covered, it’s the breast itself. But that would not make much sense either. Not the nipple! The breast is the component that’s NOT common to both of us, but the nipple is. Point being, that our common parts don’t need coverage. Logical enough. Think about it. Feet, hands, ears, etc. don't need coverage since they are all common to both of us. So why does our all powerful clueless government force our lovely counterparts to conceal her areola? It makes NO sense to me, especially from a logical POV. Now, I know most of you are probably taking in the elegance of the entire breast, but just focus your attention on the darker tip of the breast. Strictly The areola. Please remember that while our components all have various shapes and sizes, the parts themselves are still equivalent. As an example, take my favorite part, our feet. They are all the same, toes always in the exact same place on the very end, while our feet, a long flat part that connects the toes with the heel at the other end. Yet, they are all different, Well, what's different everyone? Strictly our.... Drum roll, please !!! SHAPES & SIZES ONLY!! So, as I demonstrated, most of our features are identical! Whoops, I said "most." Didn't I? We all know that there are a couple components that are not identical. I believe we all know what they are. First of all, we guys have our infamous, “junk” downstairs. The forbidden package containing a love muscle and 2 family jewels. Does anyone know why it's called junk? As for you gorgeous ladies, we just covered, or should I say “uncovered”, your chest area. So, since we don't have these two areas in common, they are the only areas that “must” , using that word loosely, be hidden. As you can see, we only hide the uncommon parts, right? Well, really...…No. I'm very sorry to say. Again, there's always an exception to every rule. Considering this, what am I referring to? Our only common part that's still concealed for some unknown reason. "Calling on you in the back with your hand raised." Your rear end? Yes, absolutely correct! Or the gluteus maximus, Or simply our ass. This one is self-explanatory, further clarification being superfluous. However, some inside info to relay to you all, it's interesting to observe that to my knowledge, it's not covered, pardon the pun, in any regulations or statutes. Even in my jurisdiction, they require us to cover our pubic region, with a fully opaque covering, saying absolutely nothing about the rear. I will also remark that most of the time it's also censored in the media. Case in point, when I posted a link in redditt to my "Bi guys are more manly" post, there is a lovely pic of a female, uh…"ass" & I was told that I must "post a warning that there would be nudity in my post." It floored me! I didn't even know how to respond! As we are indicating right here, it's a COMMON part of the body! Why does a group of Bi......men?.....have to be warned about nudity of ANY kind? Will grown men (or ANYone) be harmed or injured by viewing a goddamn pic? Why is it even hidden.... if it's COMMON to both of us? We just spoke about this very appalling mystery a few moments ago!! Ok, all of you, just checking to see that all of you are still with me, almost done now. So far, you ladies should now have self-confidence upstairs and we have now found a part of our bodies that’s common so we shouldn't need to hide it. Now, as we work our way around to her front, we can see..... ...wait a moment! Actually, we can't see her front, as she really has nothing to show or conceal since all of her equipment is internal. The vulva contains everything of importance; therefore, it is the only visible feature down there on hers. Besides, if there's hair down there hiding the vulva, there is nothing visible, so there's nothing to cover. Considering this, we can now recognize the complete irony. She has nothing to cover anywhere, yet they require her to hide 2 parts, BOTH her upper and lower body. Do you all agree? All right, I believe she has been “uncovered” extensively. Now, I know you guys thought I forgot about you, but I always save the best for last. Now, we will plunge into the most private area ever known. We guys are the ONLY ones that have anything to cover, "if coverage is even needed at all?" The only area on either sex that is exclusively private is our manly package. It is NOT common to both of us, so if anything really needs hidden, it's this alone on us guys. But go ahead, in proving that you're gentlemen and jump in with both balls, and show her you have nothing to be ashamed of, & reveal yourselves! We shouldn’t allow the ladies to have all the freedom of being bare by themselves. Let's show her we support her and show her everything we have. Nudists will always attest and declare, without question or hesitation, that there is absolutely nothing any of us have, that we need to be embarrassed of or ashamed of in either of our exquisite bodies. Both of our alluring bodies have their own inherent innate beauty, for he gave both of us a precious & divine gift for our stay down here and we should cherish it, while in NO way being ashamed of displaying it with total pride, instead of constantly being embarrassed of it. Always remember 1 very CRUCIAL & IMPORTANT fact while we are all down here..... TOGETHER WE MUST CONVEY BOTH OUR BODIES ARE ELEGANT AND NOT SEXUAL!!! As long as we all indefinitely expose it in a clean, respectful and tasteful manner, with ABSOLUTLEY NO sexual connotations, in time, they will learn to separate, disgusting, tasteless sex, from clean, wholesome tasteful allurement and refinement. Afterwards, perhaps, we all can finally live in a charming world with the freedom of choice, for our very first time!! Always remember, our shapes and sizes are meaningless, while accepting others for who they are, inside. Whew!! That was intense. I hope that you all have a better appreciation of our respective anatomy, now. Now that we know we are all equal, let's all go out by the pool while we shed our fake facades being “open and free” together and respecting one another as our brothers and sisters with open arms while foregoing any judgement. Thanks for your attention, and Love you both, Christopher "CJ" Jeremiah
- My Expensive Valuable Lesson
I will tell you about a lesson I learned as I was coming back from Germany after the war I was in. It was approximately March '91 right after I was coming back from serving in Desert Storm. Yeah, I was Mr. Billy Badass, that's me, being hardened and seasoned from going to war. Yeah right!! How NOT true that was! A whopping 3 months! January - March 1991 Yeah, you don't get hardened and seasoned in only 3 lousy months. I was still a naïve dumbshit that always trusted people way too fucking much. I have been too trusting my entire life. When will I ever learn? Prob the day I die - not a moment sooner! But I have learned from my experience coming home on this day, long ago. 1st lesson is to be careful in foreign cities. Foreign, meaning cities other than your home. Some history for you 1st, I had gotten called back to active duty in Jan '91, because they discharged me in May '90, less than a year ago. Then, only about 6 months later, the ground war broke out in January. They called me and about 20k other guys up because we were IRR, (that's Individual Ready Reserve.) When you sign up for the bullshit military you obligate yourself for 8 years total, so after my initial 3 years was up in May 90, I still had another 5 years to go, in IRR. Of course, as you are well aware, females didn't have to go to war! So next time you may say or ask me, Are females equal to men? I'll say NO FUCKING WAY!! If they were equal, then they should or WOULD do EXACTLY what guys do. There was one, I heard on the news, that flat out refused to go! She was even in a unit. So she should have gone in long before I did. But we all know they cant go in. They always say that they want to be equal but then they figure out ways they shouldn't have to do certain things. So they're never equal when it counts. I was a civilian anyway, not in any way affiliated with the goddamn army, while SHE was in a unit already! "Oh, you won't ever get called up, that's nearly impossible" I always heard. Yeah, leave it up to me, what are the chances, right? I will also disclose that back in the 80s when I was originally in, it was basically a sissy army because when I was in during peacetime, the only things they worried about me doing was, shining the old boots, early morn PT, (Physical training), haircuts, uniform pressed nice and flat with starch, and oh yeah, don't let me forget about the shaving I had to do EVERY single solitary day. So they were not worried about training us how to fight or anything else related to actual war. They were more concerned with us looking "pretty." Don't forget, this is the army that takes away a drill sergeant's hat for making a PVT stand in a perfectly clean trash can. It was no longer the days of going into the army and coming out a green beret like the Vietnam days long before! So getting back to March 91, before I ramble till next year, after I got back from Germany serving in the war, I went to Philly and arrived at the bus station to take a bus from there, to my childhood home in a small town in NW PA. I wanted to surprise my mother so instead of going back to Vega$, I figured I would make it to PA for a surprise visit where she still lived. As I sat there, this mother fucker must have spotted me from at least 100 miles away. A tall lanky nigger, with a heavy Jamaican accent, needed MY help? Now let me put it to you straight, right now. I'm not prejudiced in any way. But when a person acts like something, I will call him on it. There is a major difference between black and nigger. In my book, and it is mine since I'm writing, these are 2 completely different concepts. This mother fucker was a low down evil dirty nigger! Hands down! Get me? Now, I'm not going to say all of them are like him, but when he took advantage of my trusting good-hearted nature, especially after me serving my country in fucking WAR!!!... then I will call him whatever the fuck I want! OK, so getting back to him asking for my help, but WTF, could I possibly do for him? "Hey man, I'm from Jamaica man, and I need help with reading the street signs." "Can you help me, man?" "Come out to the street out of the bus station for a while so I can see how well you can help me today ." he said in about a single breath. So, let me get this straight, he needed MY help out of the other people sitting around in the station. Well, being the honest helpful soul I always am, I thought I had time to kill anyway, so what harm could it cause? Don't answer that just yet. He did his little song and dance to lead me right down the street to... ...what do we have here? Yet, another nigger. How bout that? There must be a "blue light" special on these fuckers today. I won't ever forget this MF. I still remember his metal silver round glasses, along with his nice neatly trimmed stache. But then I notice something else about this one. This one didn't speak "Jamaican man," he spoke perfect fucking English. It just so happens we run into him, by chance? But little old naïve oblivious me doesn't suspect a thing. Now realize this was 3 decades ago, so my memory isn't spot on anymore regarding this incident, but somehow they convinced me to combine my money with theirs in a handkerchief so, now everything was together in one? Sure, it looks fine to me. But not to worry, they let me hold onto it so they could run and do something else, and I would hold onto the money until they came back? Yeah, ok no prob. I will just wait in the bus station till you get done. Unfortunately, my stupid spidey sense always kicks in after the fact, so I remember I hid the handkerchief in the bus station restroom just in case. I waited for them to come back. and waited and waited Well, this was taking fucking forever, so I figured I better check on the ol money and went into the bathroom to look at it closer, and low and behold... What the fuck did I find? Yup, you guessed it! it was filled with WORTHLESS fucking paper! The old "Bait and Switch" Now that I know what it is, I will NEVER fall for it again. So I think its safe to say these fucking niggers weren't coming back. I was fucked, yet again, because of my good-hearted helpful nature, for being the kind giving Samaritan I have always been. The reason? Must be that I can never say the N word. Uh, not that one, I meant a different N word. NO!!! That's the word! I really should learn this simple 2 letter word by now. It shouldn't be that fucking difficult. So the next thing I remember was that I ended up talking to the plainclothes security guard and, what does he ask me? "Did he have a heavy Jamaican accent?" I was speechless for a quick second and then said, "Why, how did you know?" "He's been around here before, you should have come and gotten me when he approached you," he told me. But I didn't think anything of it when he was talking to me, so it didn't even occur to me to come to get the guard. But he did ask me one last question, "Do you have enough to get out of here with? I mean Do you need a ticket?" So is this at least a good thing that came out of this ordeal? Is there going to be a silver lining to this cloud? Well, before you answer, you obviously aren't familiar with my guaranteed constant fucking piss poor bad luck, so I better tell you that I answered his question by saying, "I already have my ticket, thanks" So, then, it appears that I couldn't even get a fucking free ticket out of this dismal ordeal of fucked bad luck that I had gotten myself into today, because I already had one. But what's the difference now? I already "threw away" or perhaps "gave away" 3 bills! Yes, I admit it. Me! Mr. Dumb fuck, yet again! 3 big ones, never to be seen in my life ever again! So the lesson here? Listen up intently now, because I will say it only ONCE, Never be a nice guy and help people out, because when it looks too good, it always is!!!
- In Dom I Trust
Now, really the best way to have a enlightening stimulating conversation with you is to explain what I perform for my Dominant as well as how I submit without question or hesitation so it is absolutely necessary for you to realize that...... If my Dom requires me to--Play with him while I give him pleasure--------I must comply If my Dom requires me to--Bow down to his feet and suck his toes---------I must obey If my Dom requires me to--Wrestle while He forces me to the ground-----I must submit If my Dom requires me to--Go limp and let him use and abuse me----------I must trust If my Dom requires me to--Be led on journey to submission------------- ----I must follow If my Dom requires me to--Assist my brethren-------------------------------I must respect If my Dom requires me to--Strip naked and fulfill his every desire-----I will have done it For if, I really want to please my Dom and love and serve Him the way I should, I will do whatever He requires of my servitude for him, without provocation and willingly without question or hesitation.
- Why us bi guys are more manly than you
For starters, I shall inform you that, We prefer to make our partners happy with our willingness to do what she desires us to perform for her satisfaction. Our initial goal is to make sure that we have the balls to do anything for her no matter how weird or unorthodox it may be, so that she will be satisfied with our performance. HER PLEASURE IS OUR PRIMARY FOCUS! If she needs to be Dominant, we will please her by following her lead. Conversely, if she feels the need to be Dominated, we will graciously grant her request as she desires. We are MAN enough to fill both roles, with total confidence! Both these options allow us to have a truly unforgettable and exhilarating experience together as we share ourselves respectfully to each other, while we continue our journey to explore our mutual interests and continue pushing our limits together! We have the courage to be open with our sexuality while also being free to do anything she desires for her enjoyment. We have no problem expressing our self-confidence since we are not concerned at all with what society may be judging us for or whether we are "man" enough for our mutual gratification! If she is interested in us having more fun with her and wants us to do something that is off the deep end, we will do our utmost to please her. Our hearts sincerely make it work for her so she will be satisfied with our passionate performance to help her get the most out of her needs and desires. We bi guys are very loving and affectionate, not to mention loyal. Yes, I absolutely did say loyal! She allows us to feel proud of ourselves as confident bisexual men who are the very first ones to show her that she can feel comfortable with us all. We love to openly express ourselves while having the utmost fun and freedom to do anything that she requests of us and she enjoys. We are always willing to give her a gentle touch to show her that we are very proud of our bi-sexuality, OR if she desires the action to be a little more wild, we can certainly accommodate her needs, and turn things up a notch as well. We always make her feel as important as a sex goddess because she is always the center of our attention, WHILE we can also show her how a submissive slut feels only if she desires this as well. In return, she makes us feel valued as real men who view her as an equal partner. That's exactly why we will be more than willing to do anything we enjoy regardless of others' perspectives on how it may appear to them, while it also gives her the ultimate pleasure and excitement. We are very passionate and show our love so we can bring happiness with our mutual affection for each other. If she has the imagination, we have the devotion and desire. Bottom line simply is, that we are much more manly than other guys who worry about their masculinity as they are not willing to perform anything that may compromise their manliness. We are REAL men who have the courage to do whatever she asks of us, no matter what her needs are since the last thing that we concern ourselves with is how society perceives us. Can you so-called "macho" guys say that? OR.... ......are you too worried about "them" thinking that you are not a man? One more thing, ladies, so called "macho" men are not worried about your needs. They will get off, satisfying their own greedy lustful needs, then get off of you and leave you hanging in limbo, while you're unfulfilled and disappointed with your experience, while he gets dressed. So ladies, who are you interested in being with as your companion for the most gratifying and enjoyable experience of your life?
- Guys, it's NOT all about your size!
Time now, for yet another composition for you to learn from while you listen to some well thought out logic. This time it's to instill some confidence in "YOU" guys out there, as well, to educate the gals out in the audience. If it's just 1 trivial insignificant item that we posses, in which YOU guys always worry about incessantly, it's without fail, the size of your perfect part down there. You may have noticed that I did NOT say "us" guys, because I for one, have no reservations with my personal magnitude ever. You see, the pertinent reason I have NO concern at all, is I have over the top blatant self-confidence! Also, you might be totally shocked to learn that I can stand before you, her, him, and anyone else on this great earth and NEVER be offended by ANYONE at all. But that's not all! The even more shocking certainty that I shall declare is, when I do stand before you, I am perfectly comfortable being "open and free" right in front of you! Now, that's not to say I have a really large tool down there, but I always tell the truth about the extent of my manhood. I simply state that "I have what I have, no more no less" Is this not true of ALL of us? I was given what I was given, and I am proud of it. There is nothing we can do about it, so why not just deal with it and be proud, NOT ashamed! Yes, that's about the "size" of it. A perfect pun - intended! Ok, let's get down to the facts. 1st and foremost: Our love muscle is only what we were given, and there is no reason that we should be ashamed of it. There is absolutely nothing that we can change about it. Why would you want to anyway? Big, small, huge, tiny, large, or medium: it is yours and NO one else's. You should be proud of what YOU have! What do you need a big one for anyway? Oh, Maybe just to impress her? Well, allow me to enlighten you guys. She does not give a flying fuck about your size. Surprised? Our counterparts, yes, HER! are NOT as shallow and superficial as you may expect. She is much more interested in your BIG head! Of course, you know the one, it's on top of your shoulders. The very same one that contains the qualities that she IS actually seeking in you, while she is far more impressed with, way beyond that irrelevant meaningless member down there. Size is just 1 characteristic of your component. But in the other much more relevant and influential head, where your integrity, courage, respect, confidence, compassion, and loyalty are, she is much more impressed and fascinated with. If I ever run into anyone in my journey that has a problem with any proportions anywhere on my body, I will not even involve myself with her . She is a total waste of valuable time where I could be spending in a much more productive manner. I don't even bother responding to such a superficial shallow broad anyway. Now for you ladies waiting, ever so patiently, are you aware that our actual sizes, can vary quite extensively? Even if a guy looks like he practically has nothing down there, particularly when its "parked in the garage" or "put away",in hiding, the male member can actually be quite impressive when he's back up and ready for action! I'm not sure of the caliber of knowledge that you ladies possess, but you may have heard that there are 2 types of cocks that perform far differently from each other. Additionally, these extremely vital components can vary greatly in their range of proportions. The range of its capacity that its capable of, goes far beyond what you would expect. But, I shall describe the 2 different types of components we maintain, while we enjoy them during our daily lives. First, some of us, carry the ever so popular, "Growers, not showers" in which it will appear very tiny or perhaps look like we don't have anything down there at all, however, when it gets summoned to duty while its called into action, it will be MORE than impressive! There are some of us that have been known to begin with, it hiding away, then after arousal when its actually fully awake & its really ready for action standing at around, at least a 7" to maybe an 8" Example: Some of us can have practically nothing to show when flaccid, it may even look like its hiding inside, but it may very well be around a 7" to 8" love tool when necessary. Next, not to be forgotten, there are the other half of us, the "Showers, not growers." in which these are the very opposite, in their actions, at the other end of our manhood. As you may have guessed, these, in particular, are somewhat bigger when they are just hanging around waiting for her to arrive, but they don't grow very much when aroused. 2nd Example: Perhaps we may have a 5" or 6" when just idling at rest, but when it gets called into action, it may only grow an inch or two. I hope you both fully understand the completely petty & trite mannerisms that you guys are so concerned with while being so frivolous and immaterial. GUYS: Size is so incidental & meaningless while going through life. You should be way more concerned about treating your lovely lady properly, in the appropriate manner, with respect, honor, and loyalty. GALS: Its always crucial & very critical to remember when we are just "standing by," what you see will be completely different from the "hard time" when its up and ready for action waiting for the upcoming exiting fun! There is NO way that you can possibly judge anything about it when it's just sitting "dormant." So give us some credit if you should happen to notice something pretty insignificant down there, you will probably be very shocked at the "hard" times ahead! Now, everyone I hope you have a better understanding of the "little" guy down there and you now have confidence in it. Love you BOTH, Christopher