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Discrimination - against who? Men OR women?

Writer's picture: Christopher JeremiahChristopher Jeremiah

Updated: Dec 31, 2021

Most of us always hear about feminine discrimination, but what about us men?

DO NOT forget the discrimination that men face everyday!

Well, for those of you who seem to have the impression that women are the only ones who get more than their share of discrimination, this post is definitely the one for you to read & learn about the other side we men are in.

This question came up on a site made exclusively about Q & A:

Is discrimination against men real?

Can you give any example of discrimination against males?

Following this question, there was a multitude of examples of how we men always get the very short end of the infamous stick.

I also read about how upper school staff mistreats ONLY the male teachers.

Matthew Bates, a male teacher, explained how he may NOT perform the same actions as female teachers.

Boys always benefit from male teachers in elementary school!

He gives many alarming examples from his teaching career of students from K to 8th grades, thus students around ages 3-14.

The following is his accounting of his own disheartening experience:

Anyway, most of my coworkers are women. Among the things they can do, but male teachers cannot do, are:

  • Help younger students in the bathroom if needed. A five-year-old student who can’t figure out how to undo their belt to go to the bathroom? A female teacher can help them… not a male teacher.

  • Have younger students sit on their lap to calm them or read to them. A five-year-old student in distress and crying? Do they need a hug? Better find a female teacher to do it.

  • Point out certain uniform violations on older students. Female teachers can point out any uniform violation on any student. But a male teacher pointing out if a female student’s skirt is too short, or they’re showing too much skin, or they have on too much make-up? No. The male teacher has to ask a female teacher to point it out for them.

  • Poke their head into the students’ bathroom to make sure the students aren’t just goofing off and wasting time in there. Female teachers have no qualms about pushing open the door to the boys’ bathroom and telling them to hurry up. But a male teacher doing the same to the female students’ bathroom? Not if they want to keep their job.

Basically, anything that could even remotely be misinterpreted as even vaguely pervy to an outside observer… a male teacher has to avoid it, for their own sake. Whereas female teachers are given A LOT more leeway in such matters.

If the above isn't a prime case of a double standard, then I am at a loss as to what is.

The first one on his list is very insane to me. A female teacher must help not only the females but must also assist the male students with their bathroom issues.

I would think that matching gender teachers help their own corresponding students.

That, to me, would make the most logical sense.

But, just to me, right?

There is an extensive list on how we are more often discriminated against in much more demeaning ways than females could ever be, however, I will touch on a few of my own experiences.

First, I shall Include my experience back in elementary school.

I recall my teachers separated us boys from the girls and male teachers had to be with us, while the female teachers and students were together in their own room. This was back in the 70s, when I was in, around 3rd grade. We had to watch a short film, which I believe was kind of a "coming of age" film. It was a documentary. The only thing I really remember was that it had 1 boy getting ready to go in the morning, and it quickly showed his ass. I think it was about hygiene and other related topics.

The point I'm making here is, that Mr. Groves and 1 other male teacher were in the room with us boys, so back then this bullshit discrimination didn't exist.

Another experience was during divorce, as we ALL know, men always play 2nd fiddle to their female counterparts in any family-related issues in any court. Divorce and much more prevalent, custody issues, are the most major concern of men.

Now those shout...DAD! OR speak volumes on FATHER

In NV, there is an organization, Equal Rights for Divorced Fathers (ERDF) that specializes in helping fathers retain the few rights they have. In fact, they have a strict policy of NOT allowing any female inside their building. Even if the dad has a new female partner who is actually on his side, even she must stay out. ERDF has specific lawyers who work with them to help their clients. They are also privy to which judges will be pro/con to fathers. They have about 2-4 paralegals who help clients draft various court documents so the client can get his paperwork done properly and also promptly. The only reason ERDF exists is that females are always at an unfair advantage all the time in all family courts. The judges who are in favor of us are indeed a rare breed in the system.

Another way that will discriminate against us men all the time is gender-based pricing. In moving from children to adults, ALL adult events/functions are totally unfair to ALL us men. Someone ALWAYS prices events like this to be beneficial to her!


COUPLES: 1/2 price, such as $30 for entry

MEN: For some unknown reason,


YES!! DOUBLE what 2 people pay.

In this scenario, men would pay a whopping $60!

So we must pay twice the amount that 2 people pay for the same admission to the same event while she just walks in freely with her good looks?.

Yeah, that sounds really fair, agree?

Just found out earlier today that it isn't only in unjust pricing, but the mere willingness to ONLY work with females!

I have run into this very predicament on more than just a few occasions myself. Photographer runs an ad, then later he discloses his prejudice against us single guys.

He discloses, as long as a female is in the mix, he does not have an issue. FF, MF and yes even FF,

but males only?

Yeah right!!

It will be the same day as our leaders being completely honest with all of us.


Not in my lifetime, we single guys just remain scum of the earth!

Also, wikipedia lists many more examples, which may be the same as the 1st link in this article.

A few last examples,

they believe females more often than us,

men are the sick perverts and violent ones,

as soon as a nude man is spotted, 911 called, but not the same for nude females

eternal double standard to her beneficial advantage, as they usually jail him for domestic disputes

and many more!!

I am very sure that there are many more examples that can be included here, but just to mention one last unfair action against us is one I am positive that you know about already. It is a simple 4 letter word. It starts w/ "D"

If you are familiar with the Draft, being around far longer than I have, you know ALL men must register for the govt's nice little Politically Correct term,

Selective Service!


Men must!

But ONLY men!!

Not any other sex/gender!!

But the females don't even have to go to war if they do not desire to.

My personal experience was very enraging:

I had been out of the army for about 6 months.

I had my ETS in May, '90 to go "back on the block" as a civilian.

Then as fucking bastard bush declared another unnecessary war, as is always the case, I, and about 20k other Individual Ready Reservists (IRR) went right back in to serve this very worsening country to fight for the eternal root of ALL evil, oil & money, and also power & control.

We had to comply, whether or not we liked it!


whether or not we had a bar to reenlistment,

which means you can't come back into the military, even if you want to.

BAR forces you out of service NOT letting you continue your dedicated, loyal svc

Mailgram calling you back to serve forces you IN!!

FYI for you, just in case you're not privy to this secret info....

GOVT only cares about their own covert needs, NEVER us!!

So, they sign a contract; they don't honor it, but us??

ALWAYS must honor it!

Just look at the Bill of Bullshit/lies to us,

find just ONE they abide by.

I challenge YOU to find just ONE single "right" they adhere to when THEY were the ones to start the first ten amendments, and completely disregarding ALL of them now!!

While, simultaneously, I heard on the news that a female, who was already in a unit at Nellis, thus, currently serving in the air force, told authorities she would NOT be entering the war!

Just as ALWAYS, females want to be equal until it is NOT in their favor!

This is exactly why they are never ever going to be equal, if there is any variable or difference between us, then logic dictates impossible for equality!

Pay attention class!

This entire post is about how society treats each of us in the opposite way!

So, quiz time.....




No matter how you slice it, dice it, or cut it


If females are equal, please inform me why we are always separate from them.

Camps, restrooms, jails, locker rooms, and the list goes on.

Females want EQUAL rights? They should have EQUAL responsibility!

So, now you understand she has EVERY SINGLE advantage for her exclusive benefit, it's HER own world made for just HER!

EVERYONE seeks her, NEVER want us men

Thanks for so much of your attention

while I will always......

Love you BOTH,


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