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  • I NEVER stand behind MY friends!

    Are you surprised by MY declaration? I will tell you where I DO stand for MY friends! With danger right in front of you, is standing behind you going to protect you? my BEST friend Most importantly, you must realize that.... a minimum, I will stand right beside you, as I stand close to you by your very side, but ideally I will stand directly in FRONT of you, so I will succumb to the danger far before you ever encounter it, my BEST friend ...I am ALL the way --OR-- NONE at all, there is no middle ground with me! If we are friends, I will go to the END of the earth to find you or fight to the death to save you, if it means your safety, which is of paramount importance to me. Being without fear of death, I will stare it right in the face if I know it will keep you safe, and void of any harm, my BEST friend I would rather DIE a hero knowing I gave you my "ALL" rather than to LIVE a chicken knowing I gave you "NONE" failing you miserably, my BEST friend. I would rather be triumphant in saving you and know I gave you my utmost to keep you safe, rather than being worthless to you and not even attempting to assist you, thereby having you meet your agony or anguish, my BEST friend Now I ask YOU! Where do YOU stand for YOUR friends?

  • Women agree us Bi guys are more versatile

    When Zach Zane of interviewed Dr. Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli, of Deakin University, about her book, Women in Relationships with Bisexual Men: Bi Men by Women, he was interested in her study, that she dispels stereotypes about BI men. She interviewed 78 women who dated, married, or previously dated BI men. She also mentions they definitely need more resources for BI men, and the women who date them. He asks various questions about the men, while she answers & speaks truthfully about her study and research on the BI men and the women involved with them. She included both "out" & "closeted" men noting some important differences. Most importantly, Women Report That Bisexual Men Make Better Lovers, Fathers, and Partners.

  • To me, a TRUE friend is one who....

    1 Can share their thoughts and ideas as well as being able to be open and honest about themselves completely. 2 Can accept me for who I am completely without question OR hesitation. 3 Sees me at least TWICE a week. 4 Will never lie, cheat, or steal. 5 I can trust implicitly. 6 (optional) Is very loving and affectionate. I realize these 6 criteria are very stringent for anyone to befriend me, but I never take my important responsibilities lightly. Just get ready for the best friend of your life. A newer update will NEVER be needed ever again! Robert, the ONE & ONLY man I have EVER cared for, or felt so deeply for him, just broke it off on the 1st of Dec. I will NEVER get him back, even if I tried. NEW FINAL UPDATE - Nov '20 I really do NOT have any fucking clue WTF is up with Rob!! I may have just FUCKED up my ALL-TIME worst ever because its the 7th today and I have NEVER heard a tiny lil peep out of him since the 2nd, Monday, YET!! So WTF do I believe now? Has he just ghosted me? Called it QUITS?? He doesn't seem the type to ghost! But I don't know FINAL UPDATE 2020: Met my new BF, finally, on Sept 25th, 19. We started dating the next month. I will be with him only till the 1st. He WAS truly special to me. When he loved me at least. UPDATE April 1st, 2019 My new friend from December '18 has improved my life, see "his" changes yet? Improved profile much-improved attitude More positive blogs and much much more UPDATE December 15, 2018 I finally found a great friend. He is so awesome, that I shared a lot with him and he cares for me. He listened to me and we share a lot in common. I will concentrate on his eternal friendship to be a part of his life. He's wrestling nude in the dark with me as I write this one.

  • May I get your opinion on these important questions

    Why are there so many men only interested in unfulfilling acts of self -serving sex just to get their rocks off, while women are the exact opposite? Why are women usually the ones that enjoy cuddling, love, & affection, but not sex? Why don't men care about respect, or intellect, while women are always concerned about these & are very passionate to be respected for their minds and intellectual beliefs? Why are women always the most desired, while they are not a bit interested in the many men that pursue them to satisfy their own selfish needs? Men have no problem being seen nude & are usually nudists, but women have NO desire to see any men, who want ladies to see them, while women are the exact opposite; hate being seen nude, usually having body image issues. Why do women have works of art for their bodies, yet always so shy and insecure about themselves with body image issues around men? Why do we have substances available, that are harmful, illegal, or even both? Why can't we all just get along with each other and accept others who are different, while not being judged on features like our bodies? Why is it, the superficial & shallow ones can't mind their own personal interests & issues, rather than gawking & looking at others who are not even in their personal space, simultaneously exerting themselves with much effort to hurt others? What questions come to your mind? There are many more questions out there that still need answered, so feel free to chime in and share them with us. If you have further interest in my work, please consider my other material for your enrichment and you are always welcome to share your experiences and comment on anything I compose. I hope we can reach out while pondering the future of our various life concepts. Thank you so much for your time and attention Chris

  • Nude Beach? OR Just Clothing Optional?

    It was Halloween 2018. My friend Larry took me to enjoy my very first nude beach experience at "pirate's cove." located in Pismo Beach, California. Before we arrived, I envisioned hundreds of people, as friendly as ever, laying out all over the sand next to the Pacific Ocean. Well, unfortunately, when we got there it was absolutely NOTHING like I expected. First, getting there is never easy. Just getting down to the beach from a parking lot high above was the first challenge. A rope was necessary to navigate down a steep incline, in order to even get down to beach level. When we finally made it to the beach, after letting go of the rope, that out of five people in sight, four of them had clothes on. Larry, did we come to the right place? I really felt like asking him. Now for some reason when I hear "NUDE" I get visions of “no clothes" right?” Guess not. I thought I would finally be at a place that I could feel "open and free." So far, I'm just not getting it yet. The "vibe". From what I saw so far, there were more clothed bodies than nude ones. As we walked to the spot Larry had picked out, I spotted a couple. The man was lying on his back while the woman was giving him a ‘hand’ if you know what I mean. I’m pretty sure that’s forbidden in public, even at a nude beach. Arriving at the spot Larry was looking for, we decided to lay down and soak up some sun. I noticed another couple about ten yards away lying on their stomachs. The man closest to me got up, and I saw that both were ..... WOW! I certainly misjudged that one! Because one of them had long hair, I had mistaken him for a woman, but it was becoming clear that there were NO nude women at this beach.  At least not that I could spot. Then, to add to my curiosity even more about everything, the man that stood up, put his bathing suit on to go "into"??... the water. What???? Huh, that makes about as much sense as gettin a burger at KFC! So, much for my first experience so far.  Not that I’m a voyeur, but it would be more comfortable if others were partaking. The Next day, I thought I would give the nude beach experience a second go-round. Maybe yesterday was just a fluke, right? I arrived earlier than the previous day. I was one of around 10 scattered people on the beach since it wa still early yet.  It almost felt like a semi-private beach. A couple of people were walking by me on a stroll. They were clothed. Surprise! There was another couple further down the beach. A man and a woman. He was nude. She wasn’t. I mean, why should she be? its just a "ALL men" nude?....beach I think it is anyway, isn't it? I was really doubting it at this point She, too, was helping give her man a ‘hand’ not so discreetly and followed it up with a "mouthy" finish. I am always the very first one to preach that, nudity isn’t about sex, and it irritated me I was being proved wrong in two instances on two separate days in a row! The beach was beginning to get crowded, as people were filtering in small packs.  At that point, there were approximately five people of fifty that were nude, besides myself. There was one topless woman with her dog, which made me feel better about the fact that I brought my Lil chi, Mimi, with me that day. I was thinking about talking to two men walking by to, maybe, ask them if they understood how this was a NUDE beach. I really wanted to document my entire experience on video, but I knew that would be frowned upon, and is usually strictly forbidden. But then, I thought sex was too? I don’t understand why I couldnt video, since everyone covered themselves anyway. After looking around a bit, I notice the people to my right seemed closer to the age of college kids, just there for a peek-a-boo, perhaps. They were here, obvisously for the wrong reason. No matter though, NO one ever enforces this behavior. Only the area to the left was actually the nude beach, I was informed later. Even though just a little way from the lot, it has a sign saying, "from this point on" Then… .... .....wait for it…… Holy mother of god! Do my eyes deceive me? must be imagining this!! OMG! There was finally "a woman?" that was fully nude! I couldn't believe my eyes! Finally, a woman on this so-called "nude" beach was partaking of the ambiance. The very first one in two days! I honestly think I have seen more skin on a regular boring beach. I discussed this issue on a message board online, and I found out that there is NO beach that requires nudity. You can't own any property on the shoreline at the beach, so the land is public. Being public, nudity can't be required. Of course not, but clothing can?!?!?!?! since over 95% of public places MANDATE & ENFORCE clothing! Only private clubs can and do require nudity in their pools, but even outside their pools, clothing is still optional. So, what I have concluded & declare now, is this… There are NO nude beaches ANYWHERE in the USA. While there should be three options: clothing required, clothing optional and nude, the nude ones do NOT even exist! I declare this as ultimately true, because there are NO beaches whatsoever that REQUIRE a person be nude. As far as, I understand in Europe, beaches aren’t called “nude beaches,” at all, rather they allow one to be nude at will. So technically, in America, there are ‘clothing required’ and ‘clothing optional’ Before I close, Just 1 question I ponder, Trying to be as respectful as possible, I would like to ask you a sincere valid question, Normally, being the case, men wear shorts to cover their “privates” and go topless since they have nothing to hide…. So, why is it that women go topless instead of bottomless? There isn’t really much to show on the bottom, while a lot more to see on top. Doesn’t it seem a bit backwards to you? It really does to me. I welcome comments from ALL males, females, nudes, textiles, aliens, etc……. Thanks for your attention, & of course, LUV U BOTH, Christopher

  • My story of, My "Lil" Mimi & How I rescued her

    Have you ever fostered or adopted a little girl or boy? Well, one day in October 2010, my wife, Eve, had two studs, Sammy and Kimbro. Since 2 was not enough she had decided to foster a little girl also. When she was brought home, she was so tiny about, 15 pounds at the most, only 5 years old, and, as you can imagine, frightened beyond words. Apparently her name was Minerva, and I welcomed her to our new home with open arms. She was overwhelmed since the two of them were running all around trying to catch and sniff her. She couldn't hide from them as she was just as big, or actually small, as they were. I tried putting my hand out to let her know to come to me if she was being bothered. She, however, wasn't ready to come to me just yet and kept trying to get away. I was confused as to why she wouldn't come. It was then when Eve gave me the terrifying news. She relayed to me, this poor little girl was abused and that's why she was fostering her. My heart sank! I could not for the life of me, fathom how there could be anyone out there that would actually have the audacity to defile and violate such a precious innocent not to mention defenseless, little girl! Eve then said it was a man that did this. "It was NO man!" I retorted. "The only thing that could do such a heinous act is a DEMON!" She agreed. But if that wasn't enough, there was more to her tragic story, the most distressing news of all. This is what made my decision final! It was what really burned me up inside above ALL else! If the abuse wasn't already enough on this poor defenseless little girl, it was the fact that she was actually left in a foreclosed home to perish. My final decision was that she was no longer Minerva. NO! NEVER again! She was to be henceforth, MY Lil Mimi! I could not risk having this lil girl fall into the hands of another wretch ever again!. She was MINE FOREVER more! However, the next morning the house was a little too quiet for my comfort. I looked around and everyone was gone! I checked my voicemail to see if she left me a message as to where she was going. OH SHIT! She said that she was taking Mimi back to get adopted! What? Was I still sleeping and having my worst nightmare? It just couldn't be!! I must not have made myself clear enough that Mimi was MINE now! I couldn't let her go. I just couldn't! I instantly drove down to the adoption place and took her leash from another guy that was waiting for her "proposed" new family. I made it crystal clear this time that she was to be MINE. Eve came back and got everything straightened out with the management. It was a relief that she was to be with me from now on. So me and my lil Mimi were together at last! For the next month or so everything seemed to be going well, but then unfortunately, Eve and I just couldnt get along and we broke up forcing me to leave. At first I did not have any place for myself so i was just sleeping in my truck. Unfortunately, my lil Mimi was still with Eve. I knew that I had to find a place quickly if I was to get Mimi back. I finally found a place that would take not only me but my lil Mimi as well. Since Eve knew that 3 of them would be too much for her, she eventually gave Mimi back to me. From that moment forth, we would never part ways again, ever! After a few months I met someone and we set up housekeeping together. One night after coming home from shopping, I was putting items away in a closet and Mimi freaked out! I couldn't even tell what her problem was, as she had gone into the bathroom and just hid behind the toilet. She was also squealing intermittently. I wasn't even touching her but she just kept squealing whenever I came close to her. I thought something was wrong and I didn't know what to do for her. I wasn't sure if she would make it through the night, so I just got down on the ground with her and did what I could for her. I tried giving her treats and she wouldn't even touch them. We called an emergency number right away but it would be $200 just to see her. I decided that if I just watched her and stayed close, that she would be fine through the night. 7 am finally arrived after a long worrisome night and we went straight to the doctor's office. The owner of the practice saw us then tested her and to my confusion, told us that she was not in any physical pain. We were very perplexed. What can the problem be then? What else could it be? It was from this moment on that I knew she had some psychological problems. This malicious demon must have really done a number on her. She was having relapses from her earlier life. So there was nothing the doctor or me could do, just treat her with all the love and kindness I had in my heart. That's NO problem at all! I have plenty of that to go around. So, from then on I always keep her close and treat her as my daughter. I let her heal in time. She had another psychological break just once more but she's been fine ever since, thank god. Well since you have figured it out by now, I might as well tell you, my lil Mimi is not only my daughter but my lil Chi, which is short for chihuahua. She is long haired and extremely adorable. For those of you who know the meaning of a dog being your son or daughter, I won't have to say another word, but for those of you who have a difficult time seeing animals as family, just imagine if your child was hurt, it's the same feeling for me as she is my daughter, My Lil Mimi. Now that you know the feeling I have for her, I would like to say my piece on animal cruelty, if I ever see a person, "using that term lightly," abusing or hurting an animal--> I will act first then deal with questions later! Dont you ever forget it. Now that you know that she is my Lil chi, allow me to tell you a little about the breed. Chis are fiercely loyal and will protect you as if their life depends on it. Every time someone enters, even if she knows you, she will bark incessantly thereby alerting me. Furthermore, even though chis are naturally protective, she is even more so, I feel, because she was abused so harshly, that now that she is with a loving caring master, she does not want to lose me, which makes her even more protective. But I will share just 1 more item and then we can depart, just how well behaved she is. I can let her downstairs and she will do her "business" and come back up on her own without me even watching her. Don't worry, I keep my ears open for trouble. I just listen to her barks. She never barks unless there is trouble, she is so well behaved. She rarely has an "accident" either, and she just moves from room to room with me. She is just fine taking a bath, and she doesn't even give me any trouble with her medicine. Then at the end of the day she will even hop off the bed to go to the floor if I let her up to be with me! Maybe Im biased but I think she is a gift from above. After all, does your dog behave this well?

  • ONLY choices are MURDER or LOVE?

    PART 1 Parents, please tell me if you have any idea what UNCONDITIONALLY means. To me, and the many parents that TRULY love their children, it means "NO MATTER WHAT!!" So having kids means you will LOVE them, NO MATTER WHAT!! Understand? It's so very sad to know that there are STILL way too many parents that do NOT have a clue what this means. Being in a BI-teen group on another site, I continually get asked, "How do I come out to my parents?" What? Why would this even be a question that teens need to ask? It is because there are STILL way too many parents that do NOT have a clue what UNCONDITIONALLY means, as I already stated. Otherwise, teens would not have to ask this. Well, there are parents that absolutely need to be treated the same exact way, they treat their very own kids. The monsters I am referring to, that were somehow allowed to become parents, not ONLY tortured their son, but ended up actually killing him! When I came across, couple could face death penalty, and found out what they did, my anger isn't even on the scales, as it's beyond measurement! Anthony, just 10 years old, thought he had parents who loved him and he could confide in. Oblivious, he told them he liked boys and girls. Now, being a mere 10 years old, he could have meant that he liked to talk with them, play with them or many other things that go through an innocent child's young impressionable mind. Apparently, I am oblivious in a sense, where it is beyond me, why I am even in a world where there is much more hatred eternally, than love will ever exist. Is this a nightmare I am having? How can humans, being so called, the "most advanced" species on our planet, hate AND EVEN KILL, their very OWN offspring? Can you even imagine another species that is capable of this? I cant! God forbid, we all just can't get along with each other and accept everyone for who we all are! Will NEVER happen! At least love your own family!! Most importantly, your OWN kids!! WTF people? I don't understand why, when considering race, we are a racist if we are hateful towards a specific race. We MUST be civil and kind toward EVERYONE! But, when it comes to sex/gender, the "norm" is to exclude one of them? Thus, if you are monosexual, attracted to ONLY one sex, this is just fine? But loving BOTH, is NOT normal? Or accepted! So, we BISEXUALS are outcasts! How are we outcasts for something we DIDNT EVEN CHOOSE? Why do some people's rights matter, yet others do NOT? When I hear about an innocent, loving child being killed by fucking hateful parents who have an obligation to him, to be his first line of communication, I just want to terminate them in the worst way possible! Another problem I have, is why are these kind of hateful people, even parents in the first place? I would love to have him in my life and show him how much I love him and raise him in a loving home. Instead, he is just eliminated from this fucked up world. Well, if he has left a fucking world where there is more hatred, bullying, judgments made about others based purely on looks, murders and much much more, then he will be much better off. .However, the torture he endured was NOT needed or justified.!! What are your feelings and how would you deal with these demons? Perhaps figure out how to deal with his monsters or what some may call parents, who should be kept alive and tortured the same way as they did him. I couldn't even get through the article after reading about the way he was burned by cigarettes and hot sauce. WTF kind of world did I get dropped off on? OR Am I already in hell?

  • Domme Kalia vs. me when I try to be nice

    We shall proceed with a solid background leading up my "wonderful," or more accurately, a much needed enlightening experience with an overly pompous bitch. After finding out what she said to me, you will see just how accurate I am. A few years back, I was new to this site and BDSM, while I was dipping my toes in the water. This inexperience led me to reaching out to kinksters and "talking" on the discussion boards. I came upon a talk that went something like this: "We are women, not females." So, as I was so innocent natured and never trained, I must have come across perhaps ignorant of the ways of this unique lifestyle. I was told to continue our convo, in private with my future nemesis via PM. She informed me I should not have joined their convo. As I walk you through our "pleasant" discussion, I will include some of her actual concerns as I always keep valuable information, just in case I may need it later. She initiated our conversation, and I will literally show you how she conversed with me. YOU are just going to love this! Her forcible vehement demeanor is off the charts! She urges me to read the rules of.......I hope your ready for this club's name. The ever famous, ClubFEM. Don't you just get a kick out of that? Completely hilarious!!! She started with this: "You are a ? who is an exhibitionist according to your profile and you've joined a FemDomme group. Please understand we are not here to pander to your fetishes, wants and needs. On the contrary, you are here for our enjoyment, to service our needs and to BEHAVE." Oh? you mean BEHAVE like a good little doggy? The reason she cracks me up so much, is that ? mark she places at the very start of her communication with me. Additionally, she boldly states, without any hesitation at all, that I am here for "our" enjoyment, meaning her and her mistresses, NOT her and myself, not at all concerned in what I, or men in general, want or need. This power hungry termagant explains that ANY activity she partakes in, is SOLELY for their own, her mistresses, enjoyment AND the females needs exclusively. She establishes this very pertinent point early in her chat with me. Later in the evening, I drafted a great blog about MY experience with these forceful bitches; I had the pleasure of receiving kink commandments from a very polite and honest, resourceful gentleman. He outlined "The 10 kink commandments" for me and any other interested parties on the site. Now, would you just love to learn the #8 commandment? Much to my pleasure and heightened enjoyment, it simply stated, "We do not engage in humiliating and degrading scenes for solely our own amusement." Do you see anything at all, that perhaps looks a bit familiar? In case you didn't catch it, we will compare bitch kalia's description side by side with #8. Bitch kalias you are here for OUR enjoyment, to service OUR needs and to BEHAVE." Wonderful #8- MY FAVORITE!! We do not engage in humiliating and degrading scenes for solely our own amusement. By now, you must have caught it! This forceful rabid broad CONFLICTS #8 commandment!!! So, I do not understand why killer kalia has the authority to blatantly disregard a commandment when the rest of us, are required to follow rules! So, I assume that she considers her & her group somehow above the rest. This is exactly the mentality that these authoritarians use and live by. Then comes her last word, BEHAVE, as if we men, or maybe boys? or, wait!! could be TOYS or was it in fact, OBJECTS like we are good little dogs. Furthermore, she feels like I challenged one of her mistresses! OH Shit!!! Fuck NO!! We wouldn't ever want to do this daring task! This claim surprised me, as I didn't really intend to. I really love a monumental challenge, so I can test my limits. In her superior demeanor, men are merely "objects" in her world. So, if I desired an impossible challenge and harnessed the energy, maybe I might be so inclined. However, with these imperious broads, my effort would be better directed towards another battle that I actually have a chance at victory. In short, these are the tyrannical bitches YOU don't really want to fuck with at all! Take my word on this! Now for her next dictatorial belittling of her rival. "If this is your MO, then I suggest you look elsewhere. We have plenty of wonderful boys that our Mistresses enjoy playing with." Now, I will point out the inferiority that she seems to equate with us prominent men. Do you see the 2 words that she uses to attempt to talk down to me/us? WE are merely "boys" NOT men , NO way! The only amusement for these "eminent" (in their own minds) entities is "playing" with us "subservient" males. She then questions MY self - admiration, saying, "You obviously feel you can say and do what you think." MY silent response to this claim is simply, I thought humans do, in fact, perform this very ritual throughout the long lifetime we are in while here on this very planet for the long haul, they give most of us an organ, called, a brain and also FREE WILL, to make a multitude of decisions on our own. She continues, "That's not the mark of someone submissive or mannered in ClubFEM. Sorry...I doubt you'll be a good fit." Perhaps you may be onto something, you may be correct! See what I was referring to? FYI, I can certainly be sub, but you better put the correct ending on "sub" I can choose (this is what FREE WILL is) to be submissive, but NEVER EVER subservient! MAJOR DIFFERENCE!! As long as you can fathom the difference between the two! She then sends me a message stating: "you seem to miss the idea that this is a FemDomme group, where the woman socialize and play and the boys are there to serve us and be our toys." Can you even begin to believe her unorthodox statement, and her bombastic pretentious and imposing attitude? She is exactly the type, I would relish knocking down a couple of levels to introduce her back into reality. This whacked out bitch must think she is higher than her creator!! But please allow me to go on. First, she tells me what she really thinks of me, "Your are rude, conceited and presumptuous." then she informs me I insulted one of her clan, (Oh my god NO!!)and then she gives me a sweet lovely little compliment, "and you are oblivious." Oh, thats NOT a compliment! Oh well, it doesn't appear that she is even capable of positive thoughts or remarks. Then after all this conversation, she goes on and informs me what she has no need for, "We have no need of wise guys, who think the world revolves around them and are thinking with the little head." Oh, dont you worry about the "little head" remark. This is just a preliminary comment for what is coming up next. After this, I sent her a long message telling her that I will never be spoken to in that tone! Then I inquire after my LONG message, "Does this make sense to you?" My very last sentence was, "I am very finished with this conversation." So, can you even guess what her response was to me? I will bet my life that you will NEVER guess so I will just show you her very grown up and mature retort, to me. First, she dignifies herself by telling me I am absolutely correct! While also agreeing with me that this convo is over. "You are absolutely correct. This conversation is over." But you know damn well that she just could NOT end it right there. She, being the "dignified" queen? that she tries to portray, must get the last word in, so she wants me to say HI to some guy, Casey? Really, a cosmic mystery who he even is. But he must have very miniscule body parts, at least according to her. To this very day, I still have not found him to say HI! Oh? She also wants me to talk to his tiny penis? Bringing herself back down to a teenage level, she then hopes I will, "Say hi to casey and his tiny penis for me." Hmm, well, I can't find casey, so I doubt finding his penis will be much easier. It really makes me ponder how she is privy to his magnitude. That IS a very valid question. Did she see it at some point? She then also relays that these "men?" using that term loosely, "they do let us use them.....they beg me to as well as the other ladies. But this won't be the case with you." These "men" if that term fits, must have some psychological issues to deal with, if they beg to be used by arrogant egotistical, high and mighty, stuck up females like YOU!! In regards to your remark about, wont be the case with you, you couldnt be any more correct!! I will enlighten you so you may comprehend the TRUE facts about why you will NEVER have me even consider submitting to YOU! Now bitch kalia, listen to me INTENTLY! Saying this once and ONLY once, the ONLY ones that I will ever even consider submitting to are doms & dommes, that MUST show MUTUAL respect. Since this term is NOT in any way part of your vocabulary, as you are too inflated and pompous, not to mention self-centered, and very grandiloquent, I will focus my attention to doms that I can trust to look out for me, AND my best interests. OH! I will definitely set YOU VERY STRAIGHT on the proper path. I WILL NEVER EVER in my entire existence, allow ANYONE to use me as ANY TOY OR ANY OBJECT! This is another reason YOU will NEVER "play" with me!! Who OR what you deal with while "playing" seem to deserve you, because they have, absolutely NO self-respect, self-esteem, and certainly NO self-confidence! I presume these are the ONLY ones you are capable of breaking down, and sissyfying, since actual REAL men, like me, would NEVER allow you to control them! I will trust the proper Dom to guide me on the correct path of life!

  • BISEXUALITY defined Bi fellatio?

    Do you claim to be "straight?" Okay are you willing to perform fellatio? I really cannot understand a YES to BOTH! How can you claim actually being straight, if you perform fellatio at all? Then there are gay guys that won't perform it. I can see gay guys NOT performing it, but how do you call yourself straight if you will do anything at all with your own gender? This just doesn't compute. I even asked Spok about this strange claim. and do you know what he declared? "That is illogical!" "Well, now that's what I thought!" I retorted. Ok, back to seriousness now! I define BISEXUALITY by CLEARLY STATING, willing to partake sexually with both genders while showing an interest in both sexes. I always believed that if you will do anything at all with your own and/or opposite gender, then you must be BI. Look at it this way. Imagine a scale having values from 0 to 100, with the 0 being completely gay while 100 indicates totally straight. It shows you are at absolute 0. Then this reading shows that you will never be interested at all with the opposite gender, meaning that you will never touch them or even be curious about it. It shows you are at absolute 100. Then this reading shows that you are ONLY interested in the OPPOSITE SEX though, so you will never even consider any activity with your own sex! Are you with me so far? I hope so, since I was getting ready to inform you of our future. What do you think the FUTURE is? So, if you are anywhere between 1 & 99, then you are bisexual by default. This includes any curious feelings about either/both sexes. We know BISEXUAL NEVER means you MUST be equally attracted to BOTH sexes. It could mean an attraction be anywhere from 90/10, — to 10/90, and anywhere between these. Consider an interest in mostly men, while being male, they could think of you as being "HOMO-flexible." However, if you instead are mainly going after the opposite sex, then you would be "HETERO-flexible." BOTH are degrees of......BISEXUALITY There are many other orientations that are degrees of BISEXUAL, such as PANSEXUAL & much much more!! Just feast your eyes on this extensive list!! In conclusion, if you research this then you will discover that Freud declared we are all born innately bisexual. This concludes the article If you're interested, find comments from my original post on the original site, BELOW. VegasCandaulist Honestly prior to all the labels society and organizations has developed over time I agree with you to the definition to bisexual, however, if you researched to the definitions of each sexuality there is a reason for these labels to exist. I have learned to adapt to the changes of this day and age and accept most changes that only make sense in the end. Sep 5, 2018· novissbliss The more you define something the less meaning it has.. Sep 8, 2018· closet_slave Some people don't identify as bisexual out of personal preference. They may like the feeling of being forced to do something taboo, as in forced bisexuality, instead of willingly going for it. Then there are those that are personally in the closet and refuse to admit to themselves that they are interested in the same sex. They reserve themselves to personal fantasies and never "come out". It depends on each persons own preference, their upbringing, how they view the lifestyle and society and how they see themselves fitting into the world. We all grew up with a different past. some people veer toward bisexuality out of curiosity, others because of trauma, and others because of lust, and still others out of sheer open mindedness. Yes, If you call a rose by any other name, it would smell just a sweet. But your sense of smell and mine may have vastly different perceptions of sweetness. I say "what ever floats your boat". I know what I like, my motivations, and what I like to call it. If you have your own sensibilities and prefer to indulge in your own preferences under a different emotional set of rules and titles, it is not my place to correct you. The great conundrum of the human condition: the only thing normal about the world is that no one is normal. Have your cake and eat it too, just please let me watch. Sep 10, 2018· NewdChris Very interesting, first of all how would you be bi out of trauma? Wait a moment, are you speaking of someone who perhaps was molested? They then turned into a different sexuality? I feel like I am open minded so that may be why I am bi. No one is normal is absolutely correct. The only way I might define normal is the majority. If the majority of people ran around nude, then they would have to be normal, right? But unfortunately only a few people know that the human body is beautiful and don't have a hang up about it so we remain in the minority. As far as letting you watch, I have been trying over & over again with no success of anyone who watches me. Sep 10, 2018 closet_slave Yes, molestation is one type of trauma. But to answer your question, we are all on our own path, so the titles we take on may not be what everyone thinks it is. If a guy says he is strait, but likes to suck cock, then he identifies as strait, and likes to indulge sometimes. I would call this strait with bi tenancies. you are right that, by the normal definition of strait, they are not. but they may feel a stigma about identifying with anything but strait. for some people there is only black and white, no grey. you are either strait or gay, there is no middle ground. one is good, the other is bad, and they refuse to identify with what they believe is bad, so they stick to being "strait" even tho they enjoy the occasional trip down same-sex avenue. Sep 10, 2018· Eclectic_Erotic As somebody who loves the English language, it offends my sensibilities when ppl call themselves "straight" when they continue to have sex with the same gender. You're not straight if you let guys suck your cock, sorry to let you know. Maybe you're the fetlife definition of hetero-flexible, which puts you as preferring the opposite gender, but also indulging in same sex fun. As for me, I knew I was bisexual for as long as I can remember. Always liked boys and girls and played with both. Never ever had a coming out aha moment because of that. I like to say I'm a gold star bisexual! Oh and yes labels DO MATTER. To say otherwise is dishonest and not logical! Sep 11, 2018· VegasNudist_55 People have told me there is no such thing as a bi male. Either a guy sucks dick or he doesn't. I do not believe that but to each their own Sep 11, 2018· NewdChris If you are a male who lets another guy blow him, then you are not totally straight. I can see that! You are still taking on the masculine role though. The gay /bi guy is still taking on the female role in his desire to blow the other guy. So I would have to agree that he is Hetroflexible to be able to let another guy blow him. The guy who is willing to give him head to the part of the female role of blowing another man. Sep 18, 2018 closet_slave Check out the Kinsey Scale. It describes heterosexuality vs. homosexuality idealizations and actions on a more fluid measure than just black and white. I find it more agreeable with the actual spectrum of the human condition. Sep 26, 2018· FunVenturaCouple About 10 years ago I (the male on this profile) was asking this very question of myself. At the time I was hosting and facilitating the largest ongoing monthly poly function in the Seattle area and so I created a discussion on this topic. At that time, pansexual and queer, were terms that were so unfamiliar they were rarely used which made the discussion a little more cut and dry. As the 90 minute discussion boiled down terms and meanings what stuck with me was the idea that someone bi will seek to date, go out with, be intimate with and fall in love with both the M and F gender somewhat equally. With that definition I am able to see clearly that my wife is bi and I am hetro-flexible. Where I continue getting confusion though when I see men label themselves as being bi, or looking for a bi couple to play with, is; by labeling themselves as bi does that mean they want to have another man suck their cock, do they want to suck another mans cock, do they want to fuck another man in the ass or do they want to get fucked in the ass by another man? Seems many bi men are one of these but not all four and my thoughts about a man who identifies as bi is that he enjoys all 4 activities with another man. Your thoughts? Oct 1, 2018· FunVenturaCouple @Eclectic_Erotic I have the same issue with swingers who identify as being monogamous because they don't get involved with anyone emotionally other than their ONE partner and think of having sex with someone else as nothing different than having dinner with someone else and so even though they are having sex with more than one person they call themselves monogamous. Oct 1, 2018· Eclectic_Erotic @FunVenturaCouple I'd be perfectly cool with that kind of couple. Oct 1, 2018· NewdChris @FunVenturaCouple technically all 4 of them are not required to be bi. I have heard of gay guys that don't suck dick as per above. I am not big on anal but since I have been bi my whole life and I have been with a lot of guys, I am very oral as well as being able to give a great bj for the guy who loves to play with me. I think that just the fact that you are willing to be with him, that alone is a good indicator that you are bi. You just have different reasons for your attraction to the other people. It's the same thing as if you are not interested in certain things with your wife but it does not mean that you are not straight, if you have no desire for those things. Oct 3, 2018 AlaceAmory homoromantic, heteroflexible, bisexual, pansexual....etc etc. So many different variations but in general society most people say if you will have anything to do with men & women then we're bi. Oct 10, 2018· NewdChris Exactly Amory, that is what I said. Anything to do with or even if you are curious about both of them, you are bi. I have also heard of omni and demi, you are absolutely correct, so many different ways to describe it. Thanks for the comment. Oct 10, 2018 closet_slave I have heard that bisexual doesnt accurately describe thoes that are attracted to transexuals. The most socially accepted label I have encountered is pansexual. Basically you dont care what a persons birth gender or reassigned gender is, you are attracted to them all, depending on personality of course. The most confusing label ive heard someone describe themslelves as is gender-fluid. but I realize there are two different types of gender identity: what you identify as, and what your attracted to. for instance you could have a gender fluid male that is exclusively attracted to women. so essentially you arestrait. or you identify as gay, but have bisexual tendancies and are open to playing with women, but are only emotionally attracted to men. There are so many lables on gender society now a days, I just say I dont care whats between your legs, just use me good. Oct 11, 2018· closet_slave @FunVenturaCouple the Gay community has a great lable for who likes what: top likes to fuck, bottom likes to be fucked, oral top likes to only be sucked, oral bottom likes to only suck, and versatile is open to a combination of the 4. I feel that there has been a steriotype of either gay or strait for so long, that this label doeant really carry over to bisexual men because there is a new kind of homophobia. Not a fear of gays, but a fear of being identified as ONLY liking men. you will find on several swinger profiles that alot of men are actually bisexual, but identify as strait as to not scare off homophobic husbands of potential couples. Even swinger clubs frown on, if not openly ban guy on guy action. Most venues open to male bisexuality either are specifically oriented house parties or gay clubs. Oct 11, 2018· NewdChris I think that I both understand what you mean as well as agree with you 100 percent, I think. I was going to change my profile as pan, but after your input I will remain bi all the way. I believe that I am bi and appropriately love both, men and women. Now for others who are non binary who say they are neither male or female, or these trans people or CD or TV or other venues in the world of gender, I am not sure if I have any further attraction for them. When you get into gender identity, this is where they are very different from the rest of us. And it is just too perplexing for us to even fathom. For someone who does know and can answer, can you tell us how a non binary human can use a public restroom? Again thank you for all your comments and continued support of my bisexuality and the discussion of the definition of bisexuality. Oct 11, 2018 FunVenturaCouple @closet_slave Insightful. Thank you. As the Co-Founders of Non-Monogomous Lifestyles Association we find similar confusion around Non-Monogamy. So pervasive is the grip of monogamy on our society that those who have recreational sex with others and remain steadfast in their emotions and commitment to the one and only in their lives continue to say they are monogamous. It's almost like there is something inherently wrong with being non-monogomous. Oct 11, 2018· NewdChris Well I am willing to tell you about my utmost worst case scenario of a bisexual. It gets broken down like this. It does not matter how you define it, being bi is not the way to go through life. I don't want to elaborate more on the topic here, but I am completely free to explain all of this to anyone else who might be interested. So go to my bisexuality group under my profile and it will all be exactly explained to you. Oct 11, 2018 closet_slave @FunVenturaCouple I believe what you are describing is similar to the situation I mentioned above. That there is such a stigma against homosexuality that bisexual men don't identify as bisexual in swinger sights. The concept of non-monogamy may also have a similar social stigma with possibly being related to polygamy or polyamory. Swinging has been touted as basically treating casual sex as a hobby, while you still remain emotionally faithful to your life partner. As a apposed to cheating where you are not remaining emotionally faithful. But non-monogamy may have a social equals sign to polygamy, which holds it's own stigma in the conservative world. Swingers that want to shy away from the emotional aspects of alternative lifestyles are probably the ones that decide to self-identify as monogamous, even if their actions are a violation of the definition. Adultery (weather consenting or not) is still crime in the military and other parts of the world. This in and of it's self may be a contributing factor. Polyamory on the other hand is not as well known or understood in the alternative lifestyle spectra for new comers. I often equate swinging to the couples version of a one night stand. Where as polyamory is the couples version of becoming engaged and further coupled emotionally. For them, the concept of non-monogamy may seem second nature. To me, what ever floats your boat. Have fun, live life to the fullest, stop getting hung up on labels. "Keep calm and fuck on." Oct 11, 2018· closet_slave @NewdChris congratulations on finding your niche. Oct 11, 2018· NewdChris @closet_slave I want to clarify what you mean by versatile. I am more specifically oral versatile. I may not be totally versatile but definitely oral verse. I have done it ALL but generally I love 69 being my favorite! I also want to let you know that you are also correct about the clubs not being friendly to guys. As far as I know the studios is friendly but the rooster is not. I hope you didn't mind my little interjection. Keep up the good work here! Oct 12, 2018 NewdChris Thank you all so much for your time and comments on this post. I look forward to hearing from anyone else who may have another idea of the definition of bisexuality.

  • BISEXUALS love BOTH of us!

    This is the 1st major article I wrote on a website. This is basically how my writing career began. It went from a short, almost antagonistic piece that no one would even consider publishing, all the way to what it has become today. I have published this on at least 2 or more sites. I will occasionally add to it, if warranted. What does BISEXUAL mean to you? Some claim it to mean, REJECTED by both. Let us examine this theory together I will examine this rejection theory and attempt to conclude, if that's even possible. As we progress and evolve together, there seems to be less of a line, or as you may call it, binary. Our sexuality is, as some call it, fluid. So it will be difficult to come up with an absolute, but as I scrutinize this, I will also cite articles to back myself up. Are you ready to dive in and get the answer? We shall begin. We, BISEXUALS, are friendly and accepting people. We always respect your sexuality and your natural given attractions to others. Why can't some of you accept and respect ours? It hurt me when I came across two profiles on a dating site that were discriminatory against us BISEXUALS. What made me even more perplexed, is that while we BISEXUALS love BOTH, most of society are rejects us the most!! What really blew me away was that one profile I saw was actually from a BISEXUAL woman! So now, OUR OWN kind even hates us? If that's the case, how are we going to find anyone at all? Yes, we love BOTH of you! But most people only love HALF the population! Gays love one half & Straight people love the other half. We love the entire population, I do too because, Let's look at the acronym, LGBT. Even though we comprise more than half of LGBT, you notice that B is not the first letter, but comes in as the 3rd letter, and we also are the most discriminated against, by none other than, homosexuals themselves! Whether male or female, they are still against us, BISEXUALS. I thought at least my homo brothers and sisters were with us. Samantha Allen asks, "are bisexual people shut out of the LGBT club? while referencing the Journal of BISEXUALITY. (JoB.) She states, "BISEXUALS face twice the discrimination as our gay peers." This really makes me feel like we BISEXUALS don't belong in any society, with anyone! I would really like to get a better understanding of the way some people think of us. We are so loving, yet we are the ones that get rejected the most. I just don't understand why you can't accept us for who we are. Allen proves my point, "the discrimination we face within the LGBT community is as real as discrimination we face outside of it". The below video speaks about the discrimination we face from Lesbians AND gays while touching on LGBT organizations not helping BISEXUALS in time of need. I thought we are all supposed to be accepting of each other for our differences. How would you feel being rejected? So can you find it in your hearts to love us? If you are BISEXUAL, tell me what you think when Allen references the JoB quoting, "745 people surveyed & found that the bi-phobia experienced from the homo segment was disturbingly comparable to what they had experienced from the hetero segment." This is because, "BISEXUALS experience monosexism, the privileging of sexual attraction to one sex or gender, from heterosexual, gay, and lesbian communities", the study concluded It stands to reason why we BISEXUALS have some of the worst mental illness and negative effects in the LGBT community, including suicide. There is no doubt about it when, "BISEXUAL men are 6.3 times more likely to consider death by suicide than straight men. AND BISEXUAL women are 5.9 times more likely to consider death by suicide than straight women." in yet another study concluded. , Am I making too much out of this? Well, let me enlighten you about the experience I had at Paris when I went to get "sex tips for straight women from a gay man" there. The gay man asked who in the audience was gay. Then he asked about the straights. Guess who he didn't even consider! That's right, us BISEXUALS! This is the phenomenon known as Bi-erasure. So, once again, we all were erased! I would just love to know what some people think of us, so I can get a better understanding of how others may think we are so abnormal. Imagine if I were to state that I dislike or don't accept a particular race, or group. Let's say, if I called transgender people, "freaks," would I be correct or accepting? Not on your life! They would look at me at as a racist or bigot! But if there are some who hate us just for LOVING BOTH, we are just supposed to be impervious to discrimination from both sides? The Heteros are not the only ones who discriminate. As I showed earlier, the homos are also discriminatory towards us. Here is one example, when I was conversing with one of them, he actually told me I had to choose! "You can't be bi, just choose one." he said. Can you believe that? I can't love BOTH, but I must choose only one? Okay, if I must choose, my choice is BOTH! I always thought our sexuality was not a choice. It is just a part of who you are as a human being. Are you actually going to say that you chose to be monosexual, you are homo or hetero? Obviously not! You can't choose your sexuality You can't choose to love tomatoes 1 day, then hate them the next. It is a NATURAL attraction, not something you can control. How would you feel if I told you to choose to love BOTH of us? After all, just Because don't you forget, BI is BOTH AND BI is BI FAR the BEST!!! To add salt to the wound, I am in the worst-case scenario, a BISEXUAL man. After all, for decades, we "BISEXUAL men have been portrayed—even within the LGBT community—as secretly gay, sexually confused vectors of disease." Allen suggests in her other article. "It's hard to convince people that I exist when they barely see me as human." Do you know that we exist? I'm sitting here right in front of you and wrote this article. So we, BISEXUAL men, must exist, otherwise who would have written this? We "BISEXUAL men, have our very own existence questioned more often," Allen states yet again. Some individuals out there think we are just in the closet waiting to come out, or perhaps we want to remain "half normal." Why is BISEXUALITY among the women somehow more socially acceptable? Is it that guys always have that fantasy of getting more than one babe in bed? Why is there always a double standard for the guys? Do you see us Bi guys as weak, unmanly? Before you answer, maybe you should ask, Dr. Chiarolli, when, in her book, she asks about 80 women, and most see us as not only "better fathers and husbands," but also on the list was better "lovers too!" But wait! That's not the only article that points this out, Jessica Pan also states this in hers. She prefers us BI guys over the macho, straight ones. Listen to her, when she asserts that, "after being with a BISEXUAL man, I would never go back to being with a heterosexual man in a relationship ever again." I would allege that we BISEXUAL guys are way better in bed and are much more open, especially when I read that, "Women reported that their BISEXUAL partners would want [them] to explore and have fun sexually—to be open to BDSM, or having another partner outside the relationship." also in her article. So, on the off chance that you define a man's strength and virility based on the women he has, then we BI guys hope you "macho" ones enjoy "sloppy seconds" Who is feeling unmanly now? If you are a BISEXUAL man, and you are the one who is feeling unmanly, READ THIS! So, women already know we are more open in the bedroom, so the next time you may feel that we BI guys are falling short somehow, listen to your other half, and remember what we learned here today. We BI guys don't care about how society perceives us. We are too busy having a fantastic time with our partners. We do what we enjoy while also putting our partner's needs first. Because of the stigma, we BISEXUALS have some of the worst mental illnesses and negative effects in the LGBT community, including suicide. Lois Shearing also touches on our mental health in her article, when she states, "Mental health is another area where bisexual people fare worse than our gay and straight peers. In late 2018, UK LGBT advocacy charity Stonewall released a new study showing that 28% of bi women and 18% of bi men had deliberated self-harm in the last year, compared to 14% of lesbians and 8% of gay men." That is very disturbing. Please always remember that you are not the only one, there is always someone else in the same boat you are in. So for instance, if you're BISEXUAL, there are many more of us. In fact, we are the majority! Freud even stated that we are ALL, born, innately BISEXUAL, then all of us branch out to the other two orientations. Keep in mind that there is sexual energy among both of us, guys and gals. Each of us has a beautiful aura about ourselves. Each gender is beautiful, as both the male and female anatomy has its own inherent beauty. Why do some of you feel that we are so abnormal for loving both of you? And how do we get a chance to be a part of your life if you don't even give us that chance in the first place? Judgmental people just don't make any sense to me. Some people believe that we can't stay loyal or monogamous to one person. Such preconceived beliefs make it nearly impossible for us BISEXUALS to even find a partner creating yet another obstacle faced when we attempt to court a prospective SO. For instance, when I told my BF when I first met him, he retorted back, "Oh, Chris, I don't want you to be BISEXUAL!" Madeleine Holden, in her article The women who go wild for bisexual guys, proves my point that most of you believe we are greedy or can't be loyal, "Both are more likely to experience anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts than straight and gay people, a phenomenon attributed to the “double discrimination” that comes with being not quite welcome in either the straight or gay communities. Similarly, straight, lesbian and gay individuals are generally less willing to be in a relationship with bi people, leading to a kind of paradox: Bisexuality is viewed as a hedonistic, choice-fueled, all-you-can-eat sexuality, but bisexual people are left feeling like they’re not really wanted by anyone." We love BOTH, yet BOTH reject us. So can the theory "Rejected by BOTH" be true? What are we BISEXUALS to do, to convince you we are worth loving? One last thing I want to add is what my best friend has to say about how she feels about our bisexual dilemma. She states, "It's not as though I would never fool around with a bisexual man. I'm just saying that if I were to actually feel it necessary to go online to look for a partner, I wouldn't want to be with a bisexual man. Because I'm straight, I feel that it would just be leading myself into trouble. It wouldn't be fair to ask a person that is attracted to men as well as women, to not be able to be with men as well. I believe in a monogamous marriage, so I feel that I would prefer to be with someone that could at least be with just one side or the other. Not as if I'm saying that a straight guy wouldn't want to stray to other women, but I feel it is fairer that a bisexual is able to be in a relationship with another that likes the same thing. Openness might be a bit easier." So there you have it, I thank her for her honesty while she proves the "rejected by both" scenario. In my case, my BF originally stated he didn't want me, and now you hear from my other friend while she also states it right here that she doesn't want to be with a BISEXUAL man. So what would I have done if my BF would have rejected me also? This is exactly the dilemma we face. The very dilemma which pushes people away from us. Do we, Be truthful and possibly never have a relationship since they may reject us? OR Lie about who we really are, NEVER having an honest or meaningful relationship! I, however, feel that if we are ever to have a meaningful relationship with anyone, that being dishonest about who we truly are, might be the only option. I really hope I am wrong! It is really a dam shame that our sexuality ostracizes us from others as our particular preferences can not be controlled by our "natural" attraction to others. My ultimate declaration that I want to convey: I am very proud to be BISEXUAL, but I am not pan-sexual as I am not attracted to every single person in the world. I am attracted to cisgender men and women only. I, IN NO WAY, agree with Robin Ochs, with her opinion, that there are over two genders (or sexes). If you care to dispute me, then reveal a 3rd or 4th set of genitalia to me. So I ask you all, monosexuals, please enlighten me to your way of thinking, AND fellow BISEXUALS, please proclaim if you agree with our particular dilemma in which we are unfortunately in, because we love "BOTH". Love you both, Christopher "CJ" Jeremiah

  • Dick pics? Yay or Nay?

    NO worries--NO pics here, strictly discussion ONLY! Well, hello to ALL of YOU avid blog readers/followers...... I have been transferring my blogs from their original sites over here. I figured it would be proper to find out YOUR thoughts on various topics too. You ALL are more than welcome to contact me with any other ideas you may have for posts. That's the upside to being a member here. When I have enough ideas, I will post them as needed. I must inform you I have been busy for a few days now, since the 1st of March, working on my very 1st book; a thriller, one of my favorite genres. Now, it's my turn to see if I can get up there to join acclaimed authors. If any of you would like me to post a little tidbit teasing style just to show you how it's coming along, then shoot me.........a message that this! Don't forget guys, I write for YOU!! So, keep this in mind: when you read these posts, if they are not to your liking, then it is of utmost importance that you inform me! I want to post everything you find compelling, NEVER mundane. Make sense? Perfect, I will fill you in on today's topic, with this post's origin. This is a post I had done a couple years ago on a different site. Now understand, it doesn't matter which side of the fence you prefer. Even if you really love BOTH sides, like me, this post can be a stimulating piece, while it hits home with us guys. What better place to share thoughts than a thought-provoking and captivating discussion? It is imperative ALL of YOU put some comments down there. I really would appreciate YOUR feedback! Thank you so very much! To start us off, I will state where I stand on this: Even though I am BI, & proud to love both, I couldn't really care any less about seeing our common cock. I believe the ladies are in my corner on this too. IMO, once you have seen 1, you really have seen them ALL. I don't give a damn about sizes or shapes or really anything else. Also, FYI, I am BI, but also demi!! Huh??!?? What did you say? What's that? Oh, I thought you knew, demisexual simply shows, I am concerned more with proper chemistry, which has much more significance than just a dick or a dance in bed. If you are interested in sending ME a pic, then....... a great-looking face pic is much more my speed, OK? You are much better looking when I see your sexy face, NOT something hanging way down below! IMO, if someone must have a dick pic, then I'm sorry to say that someone just might be a little on the shallow or superficial side. Ok, just 1 more idea, then I will zip my lip and get on with it! If I ever run into someone who can't live without a "dick pic," then I just may send them one, but keep in mind, what I send is not always mine. LOL!!! OK!! ENOUGH RAMBLING!! Let's try to get this group cooking. Dick pics! Original title Okay, guys, let's talk about these dick pics that seem to be EVERYWHERE!! I would love to know who is impressed with these pics! They, being ladies, aren't at all impressed. I have been on many sites and always hear the ladies getting really sick and tired of these, and never the least bit impressed. They, the really sensitive ladies, could even say its "assault?" Yes, I agree that is going way too far, especially since I have a legal background and know what assault really is. I really can't think of anyone, except guys on that 1 side of the fence, that are very impressed with these pics. If you really look at them with the right frame of mind, you can see that they are all the same damn thing! Right? You agree? Seen one, seen them all! Now guys, if you really want to impress someone, especially those fun little gals, then all you really need is a clever quote or a little something to get their positive attention!! YOU tell me! Would YOU want negative attention by your disgusting anatomy pics? OR Positive attention? Well, men, I am sure we all know the answer! Speaking of which, I will include the comments on this original post below: The first comment is to be mine. I got a notice from a wonderful, respectful woman today that gave me a new understanding of the pics. She said that every hetero woman loves the pics, and she gave her description of the male member in very high detail, and she was very excited about it when it gets to rise to the occasion. We had a great time discussing this for quite a while. She gave me some valuable insights into what we all think about. We will enjoy the beautiful things that we are interested in. If you have an interest in the penis, then you will enjoy looking at it. If you are interested more in pussy, then you will enjoy it as you can see it. As far as being a BI guy, I just want to make sure I explain myself. I really enjoy fellatio but I really don't get impressed with most pics of them, however I have seen them to be very erotic and tasteful with the right pics. Jul 28, 2018· StudnNY79 I would have to agree with you about your opinion on this subject. I have seen some really erotic pictures of the dick that are very kinky and very interesting. I think the majority will turn you off, but there are a few that are very hot and sexual like the ones that are with another cock at the same time. Aug 6, 2018· NewdChris Well, I guess I am talking to myself and I will inform you I spoke with other female friends and they said that they actually agreed with me they are not interested in seeing them. So once again I proved my point that no one is impressed by these pictures of your tool guys. They felt your pictures mean you are just a player that is interested only in sex. Aug 29, 2018· Wild_Child_73 I find it interesting, though, that your first conversation was with a woman who did like them. I think my objection to them has to do with this line from your OP: "If you really look at them, you can see that they are all the same thing. Seen one, you have seen them all! Of course that is also true of ass pics, headless bare torso pics... for that matter even some whole bare body pics. And the face isn't necessarily any more interesting -- just look through some random high school yearbook. The real trick is, whatever pic you take, give it personality. I have seen some wonderful pics on Tumblr in which the nude figure is only half of what makes it beautiful; the other half is the photographer's imaginative use of setting, pose, sometimes props or lighting. To go back to the high school yearbook: the rows and rows of faces are not interesting, nor are the posed sports teams and academic clubs. The pictures that catch your eye are the ones that capture some unique moment of the school year. That is true of my favorite Tumblr pics also -- they seem to freeze a moment of time, a moment of someone's life. Sep 3, 2018· nkdtom I love all dick pics! Especially if there is a face so I know who its attached to Dec 29, 2018· NewdChris Yes, if it's attached to the face of the person I am more interested. Dec 31, 2018· NewdChris Next is actually the first response to this post when I originally posted this discussion: And now, in response to the cock pic post: Women like me LOVE cock pics!!! Straight as fuck and want to see COCKS!! Any woman who hates cock pics either is a lesbian or asexual...STRAIGHT KINKY WOMEN LOVE COCK! :) Not one penis is exactly alike, and for that, I am grateful. Large, medium, small...thick or thin. Cut or uncut...even those are all unique differences. Skin tones...such a beautiful variety and patterns of color. Veinage...a wondrous road map we gals love to explore. Heads...various shapes and sizes, ridges defined at the edges. Shafts...all so very unique...various curvatures in different directions. Swinging, bouncing, hanging...flaccid and free...glorious freedom. damn tightening, veins popping out. Soft to hard...seeing the process...watching hard cocks pop up...damn! Imagining how it feels to the touch...warm, soft skin, hard shaft...nothing like it! Watching the skin move up and down the shaft as we damn sexy! Precum...the drops of precum on a swollen head oozing out erotic! Watching cocks get hard, move with their own muscle power, and ooze precum...yes! Finally, watching the thick, white, milky, creamy cum explode into the air...exquisite! Yes, behold the power and the glory of the penis!! A truly magnificent piece of art, the masterpiece of the male anatomy!!! Women like me truly appreciate the beauty of cock pics. We won't be engaging in extended online conversations, we won't participate in cybersex...we simply want to see your cock at our own convenience and for our own pleasure. Yes, we objectify cocks online...we don't care who is attached to anonymous; it is all about seeing beautiful artwork: the male anatomy. Thank you to all men who provide beautiful cock pics! We love them!!" Me and her actually spoke at great length of this, but this is her original response. Reply· Feb 12, 2019· more Now for your comments! I am always ready LOVE U BOTH, Christopher Jeremiah

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