Are you surprised by MY declaration?
I will tell you where I DO stand for MY friends!
With danger right in front of you, is standing behind you going to protect you?
my BEST friend
Most importantly, you must realize that.... a minimum, I will stand right beside you, as I stand close to you by your very side, but ideally I will stand directly in FRONT of you, so I will succumb to the danger far before you ever encounter it,
my BEST friend
...I am ALL the way --OR-- NONE at all, there is no middle ground with me! If we are friends, I will go to the END of the earth to find you or fight to the death to save you, if it means your safety, which is of paramount importance to me. Being without fear of death, I will stare it right in the face if I know it will keep you safe, and void of any harm,
my BEST friend
I would rather DIE a hero knowing I gave you my "ALL" rather than to LIVE a chicken knowing I gave you "NONE" failing you miserably,
my BEST friend.
I would rather be triumphant in saving you and know I gave you my utmost to keep you safe, rather than being worthless to you and not even attempting to assist you, thereby having you meet your agony or anguish,
my BEST friend