Have you ever fostered or adopted a little girl or boy?
Well, one day in October 2010, my wife, Eve, had two studs, Sammy and Kimbro. Since 2 was not enough she had decided to foster a little girl also. When she was brought home, she was so tiny about, 15 pounds at the most, only 5 years old, and, as you can imagine, frightened beyond words. Apparently her name was Minerva, and I welcomed her to our new home with open arms.
She was overwhelmed since the two of them were running all around trying to catch and sniff her. She couldn't hide from them as she was just as big, or actually small, as they were. I tried putting my hand out to let her know to come to me if she was being bothered. She, however, wasn't ready to come to me just yet and kept trying to get away. I was confused as to why she wouldn't come.
It was then when Eve gave me the terrifying news.
She relayed to me, this poor little girl was abused and that's why she was fostering her.
My heart sank!
I could not for the life of me, fathom how there could be anyone out there that would actually have the audacity to defile and violate such a precious innocent not to mention defenseless, little girl! Eve then said it was a man that did this.
"It was NO man!" I retorted.
"The only thing that could do such a heinous act is a DEMON!"
She agreed.
But if that wasn't enough, there was more to her tragic story,
the most distressing news of all.
This is what made my decision final!
It was what really burned me up inside above ALL else!
If the abuse wasn't already enough on this poor defenseless little girl,
it was the fact that she was actually left in a foreclosed home to perish.
My final decision was that she was no longer Minerva.
NEVER again!
She was to be henceforth, MY Lil Mimi!
I could not risk having this lil girl fall into the hands of another wretch ever again!.
She was MINE FOREVER more!
However, the next morning the house was a little too quiet for my comfort. I looked around and everyone was gone! I checked my voicemail to see if she left me a message as to where she was going.
She said that she was taking Mimi back to get adopted!
Was I still sleeping and having my worst nightmare?
It just couldn't be!!
I must not have made myself clear enough that Mimi was MINE now!
I couldn't let her go. I just couldn't!
I instantly drove down to the adoption place and took her leash from another guy that was waiting for her "proposed" new family.
I made it crystal clear this time that she was to be MINE. Eve came back and got everything straightened out with the management. It was a relief that she was to be with me from now on.
So me and my lil Mimi were together at last!
For the next month or so everything seemed to be going well, but then unfortunately, Eve and I just couldnt get along and we broke up forcing me to leave. At first I did not have any place for myself so i was just sleeping in my truck. Unfortunately, my lil Mimi was still with Eve. I knew that I had to find a place quickly if I was to get Mimi back. I finally found a place that would take not only me but my lil Mimi as well. Since Eve knew that 3 of them would be too much for her, she eventually gave Mimi back to me.
From that moment forth, we would never part ways again, ever!
After a few months I met someone and we set up housekeeping together.
One night after coming home from shopping,
I was putting items away in a closet and Mimi freaked out!
I couldn't even tell what her problem was, as she had gone into the bathroom and just hid behind the toilet. She was also squealing intermittently. I wasn't even touching her but she just kept squealing whenever I came close to her. I thought something was wrong and I didn't know what to do for her. I wasn't sure if she would make it through the night, so I just got down on the ground with her and did what I could for her. I tried giving her treats and she wouldn't even touch them. We called an emergency number right away but it would be $200 just to see her. I decided that if I just watched her and stayed close, that she would be fine through the night.
7 am finally arrived after a long worrisome night and we went straight to the doctor's office. The owner of the practice saw us then tested her and to my confusion, told us that she was not in any physical pain.
We were very perplexed.
What can the problem be then?
What else could it be?
It was from this moment on that I knew she had some psychological problems. This malicious demon must have really done a number on her. She was having relapses from her earlier life. So there was nothing the doctor or me could do, just treat her with all the love and kindness I had in my heart.
That's NO problem at all!
I have plenty of that to go around. So, from then on I always keep her close and treat her as my daughter. I let her heal in time. She had another psychological break just once more but she's been fine ever since, thank god.
Well since you have figured it out by now, I might as well tell you, my lil Mimi is not only my daughter but my lil Chi, which is short for chihuahua. She is long haired and extremely adorable. For those of you who know the meaning of a dog being your son or daughter, I won't have to say another word, but for those of you who have a difficult time seeing animals as family, just imagine if your child was hurt, it's the same feeling for me as she is my daughter,
My Lil Mimi.
Now that you know the feeling I have for her, I would like to say my piece on animal cruelty,
if I ever see a person, "using that term lightly," abusing or hurting an animal-->
I will act first then deal with questions later!
Dont you ever forget it.
Now that you know that she is my Lil chi, allow me to tell you a little about the breed.
Chis are fiercely loyal and will protect you as if their life depends on it. Every time someone enters, even if she knows you, she will bark incessantly thereby alerting me. Furthermore, even though chis are naturally protective, she is even more so, I feel, because she was abused so harshly, that now that she is with a loving caring master, she does not want to lose me, which makes her even more protective.
But I will share just 1 more item and then we can depart, just how well behaved she is.
I can let her downstairs and she will do her "business" and come back up on her own without me even watching her. Don't worry, I keep my ears open for trouble.
I just listen to her barks. She never barks unless there is trouble, she is so well behaved. She rarely has an "accident" either, and she just moves from room to room with me. She is just fine taking a bath, and she doesn't even give me any trouble with her medicine.
Then at the end of the day she will even hop off the bed to go to the floor if I let her up to be with me!
Maybe Im biased but I think she is a gift from above.
After all, does your dog behave this well?