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  • LIGHT - 16

    In the past, I did not see what was right in front of my eyes. I met a guy at a party and we eventually became good friends. In fact, not just a friend but a FWB, (Friend With Benefits.) He taught me some very important lessons including the one he didn't realize he taught me. So, in time, he became a good mentor for me, while also looking out and protecting me too. He became my Dom the way he was keeping me under his wing. I was almost infatuated with him. In fact, if he would have said run nude in the streets there is a good chance I might have done it. I trusted him almost implicitly. After all, he was there for me in the pool the very day after we had met at the party. He was comforting me when I was vulnerable and needed someone the most. It was then when I knew I could trust him because he promised he would help me because he felt that no one else would. That's mainly why he stepped in. He helped me when everyone else turned their backs on me. Over the following months, he took the time with me and instilled in me a wide array of knowledge. With his supervision and guidance, I was slowly becoming a better person. I even wrote a few blogs that I poured my heart, and feelings into about him. He even helped me rewrite some of my material. He showed me better ways to communicate, the way I needed to convey my thoughts. Even if I learned nothing else, he taught me that, "No one wants a needy bitch" I almost started to fall for him, because he had a nurturing way, he showed me other things while taking a lot of time and very patient with me. I'm glad he had the patience and foresight in my abilities. However, he was poly and didn't want a BF. It's really amazing that he was, because, It was close to a year when I finally saw the "LIGHT." I was no longer mesmerized by him. He had his flaws. He was manipulative. He wasn't as perfect as I originally thought. He wasn't exactly the cleanest sponge in the tub. He was a little pushy with his domineering personality. While at the beginning of our relationship, I wanted to spend all the time I could with him and didn't want him to leave my side, after a while, it got to the point that I looked forward to him leaving. After I saw the LIGHT and finally observed him for what he really was, I was no longer in awe of him anymore. I sincerely thank him from the bottom of my heart for being poly, and not wanting to get tied down. Because of that, he allowed me to find a truly special man in my life. At some point he finally left me. But theres one item I have learned in my time, "When a person leaves, don't make them stay, let them go away, and try to learn from them, so you can tackle another day." Now I see a new LIGHT in my heart, one that has never been lit before, because this time I found my first BF. He loves me back while encouraging me to strive higher and become a much better person than I ever was before. He even wants me to continue my education in order to attain a better career. He is my new BF, or as he says, "husbands that perform good husbandry." I am very honored to finally have my new BF in my life. An honorable man that does not have his own secret agenda with ulterior motives hidden down deep. I am elated to finally see the true LIGHT in my life, and in my heart. My heart is finally complete for the first time ever. Now, this time I really am in love Thanks "husband" for coming into my life and making me truly happy and complete for the first time.

  • BOOK - 15

    Good morning class, Do you really need me to tell you how to read? Seriously, you want me to instruct you on how to read a book? Ok then class, I will instruct you to the 4 easy steps then, now pay attention. Open book. Read words. Close book. Move on to the next book. See that was pretty dam easy class, don't you think? But remember two things class, Depending on the type of book, Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. –Francis Bacon The last element, but also the most important, class is that, “Marking a book is literally an experience of your differences or agreements with the author. It is the highest respect you can pay him.”— Edgar Allan Poe Now, class, you have homework tonight, can you guess what it is? Ok, it's very easy and when you come back tomorrow, I expect you to have executed a very elementary task. I want you all who read this entry to heed Mr. Poe's quote and give me your literal experience of this class today and enter your comments on this blog you read. That way I will perceive what you learned this fine school day. Thank you, class for your attention CLASS DISMISSED!

  • LAUGH - #14

    Do you ever feel like while everyone around you is laughing, you're not? While everyone else laughs, I NEVER do, as I NEVER have a reason to. I'm at a party and everyone is laughing, but on the inside, I am crying. On a mountain top, the other hikers are laughing, but on the inside, I am hurt. At a pool party, everyone is laughing, But on the inside I am disappointed. On a ship, everyone is laughing, including me on the outside, but on the inside I am frightened. At a wedding, everyone is laughing, and having fun, but on the inside, I am angry At a BBQ, everyone is laughing, and having a great time together, but on the inside, I am impassioned Now, while driving to California , everyone else is going to visit their family members and smiling while they laugh all the way to Uncle Rob's place, But on the inside, I am very pissed off because I had planned to take my BF to a concert, but alas, during this beyond ridiculous plannedemic total fiasco, the 1st concert in a very LONG time, was of course, postponed far into the next year all the way into May!! Now, since the concert NEVER ever happened at all, ANY other plans have been halted, because of this eternal bullshit with this fake assinine SCAMdemmic. Then couple that with NO MORE BF ever, you then have me NEVER EVER to have ANY reason at all to EVER laugh, smile or even chuckle EVER again!! You cry and you cry alone- if you laugh the world laughs with you. OIC now. I completely understand why I have been so lonely every time I cry MY ENTIRE miserable life! Love you BOTH, Christopher

  • Click with Rick - #13

    During August '19, I had been talking with Smoothguy, on A4A for a couple of days, and we figured we would CLICK so I decided on meeting him. But I have learned, NO PIC = NO Meeting! Well, at first I wondered if he even looked at my profile because I must have mentioned that .... and much to my dismay he yelled out, "Oh, Chris I don't want you to be bi!" But thats who I am! I didnt choose it! Did he just reject me? I didn't hear back from him at first, so I figured he did, but then to my utmost relief, I heard from him 2 days later. Whew! I was so relieved! I might also mention that he didn't even have a pic of himself on the site. Apparently, he's into getting to know someone first instead of the usual nasty pic that the superficial disgusting guy would utilize. I could see how dignified and polite he came across in his mannerisms while speaking to me. So I can understand where he is coming from, in getting to know someone first. Guys can be so shallow with appearance. After a week went by, we finally decided to exchange pictures, and since I just started using another PC, I didn't have any recent pics on the new one I'm using now. But then I thought he could just look at me online at my profile. MY GOD! You would have thought the world was coming to an end! As soon as I mentioned FetLand, he asked, "What kind of crazy shit are you into, Chris?" "I am into sweet feet, ropes, and nudity," I told him. So I started wondering if fetland has a bad reputation or if maybe it's just the idea of BDSM that is so scary to him. So I was wondering if we could still "CLICK" together. First, I thought he rejected me because I am BI, now this! I don't even dare to ask what's next! I figured he was worried about me being into pain or something totally off the wall disgusting, and now he may never speak to me again? Maybe he is under the impression we're all into bondage, whips, leather, and chains, so pain is the only kink that has any impact on us. I mean really, at the most, I am into lightweight activities compared to some people. Seriously, some of them are into slavery and being dominant as well as even owning another human being! Some of them maybe are into beating someone till permanent marks are on their body. They can also be into such HARD core shit, that I wont even mention here. Not ME! My dilemma is that I'm not kinky enough for fetlians but am completely off the deep end for the vanilla people. I mean seriously, What does he think? That I'm into hardcore shit or something? Well, I was totally relieved that he did finally give me another chance a couple of days later, thankfully. Well, fast forward to Wednesday, Sept 25th, '19 and I finally met Rick and spent the night with him in the motel in a small town between us, since we live 4 hours apart from each other. Well, I am glad we met because he is fucking gorgeous! Younger than me, sweet and smooth and to top it off, muscular. We immediately CLICKED after he arrived. I will just say that we had a fantastic evening and spent the next morning together! AND I will just leave it at that. He is just so beyond fucking awesome & gorgeous and very helpful when I am doing difficult tasks. He is always so loving and caring. No one else has ever cared for me in the same ways before. Understand, that Rick only knew me for a day or two before he was doing all these wonderful things for me. For instance, he was assisting me with my brows and ears. He even took my daughter for a walk. Then He was actually talking about being my husband, in a humorous tone I am sure, when he was talking to me about the future potential of our relationship. I knew we were starting to CLICK! He also went to the store with me to find me some decent clothes that were much more fashionable to wear than what I have already. I really have no fashion sense like he does. He is more of a metro-sexual, I think, as they are called. If he did not have any feelings for me or care about me being presentable, he would not have been there to help me out with my shopping. He even went walking with Mimi, while I was getting a haircut. He also accompanied me to the dog park so Mimi could run loose. The only thing that concerns me is his fear of the whole kink & fetish world. He is just way too paranoid about it. I wish he was more open to the idea of having fun and being uninhibited. I want to be with him, but I enjoy ropes and was thinking about exhibitionism. He is ok with me being a nudist, most of the time. He is a great fit for me and he does seem to be a top dominant in the bedroom. A BIG PLUS! I seem to think that I am not a good fit for fetish and kink anyway because I never find anyone willing to play with me, so the community does not desire me and he is just way too hot to lose. I'm sure that I can put fetland on hold and see how far we go together. After all, we did CLICK! Now present day, in 2020 He means the world to me, but we are in an LDR, so we only see each other when we can. He is the 1st one I have ever been in love with, after all, it's said that, "The good ones come to those who wait." I'm glad we "CLICKED" together. Love you BOTH, Christopher Jeremiah

  • FRAGILE - #11

    There are numerous fragile items here on earth. Everything from a little 5 lb. chihuahua, to a little girl, all the way up to a fully grown woman. Almost everything on earth can be manipulated in some way. But do you have ANY idea what the most fragile species is on earth? Before you even attempt an answer, think about the only species on this entire planet that MUST use artificial items to hunt, build shelter, and even defend itself. Do you really think you have the correct answer? Homo sapiens! That's right! Us! Mankind. Did you get the answer correct? Don't worry, because most of you don't even consider us as extremely weak. Just stop & think about it, though, for a brief moment. There is absolutely NO other species at all, on this very planet, that must wear clothing AND also shoes for protection OR also buy their weapons and tools from a store. Just imagine, man wearing only what he was born with, NO footwear for protection and absolutely NO artificial tools or weapons of any kind. It would be a much different world: NO tall buildings, NO bridges, NO roads, as the list is endless. We would have to live an entirely different way. This is the very pertinent reason why we, as humans, are the most fragile species on the entire planet. I mean really, just think about this, there are some days that we cant even walk outside with our bare feet on the scorching pavement, as its way too hot to even consider walking outside in the desert especially. Notwithstanding the temperature, its impossible to even walk out on the painful desert floor! Or review the other extreme, just try to walk outside while its too cold to walk in the snow. Forget about temperature, just imagine walking on the painful ground. Uneven surfaces such as rocks, pebbles, pickers piercing your tender feet, etc, etc. How many animals regularly wear anything? Unless they are domestic and you buy something for them, AGAIN at a STORE. But natural wild animals out in the vast wilderness? NO way! Imagine walking through the immense wilderness and encountering a ferocious bear or mountain lion. What would you do with NO clothes, NO shoes and NO weapons of ANY kind? I cant imagine you doing too much of anything! Unless you are not the average Joe? Do you, even for a split second, think you would you even stand a chance? We both know the answer, that's what I thought. Ok, how about hunting without all the clothing to make us less visible to the deer AND the guns we bought to use for hunting down our dinner? Same answer again! Now, just take all of that special fancy equipment away, then see how well you accomplish the impossible hunt. That's why we are so fragile, and not just from the big animals either. Did you forget about the tiny animals you may not even see? Scorpions, chiggers, spiders, and yes, even microscopic lice. Don't even get me started on other microscopic life forms, like viruses and bacteria that the entire world can't even survive from without wearing something absurd and beyond ridiculous on their faces now. Even these insane muzzles can injure you too! If you wear them way too long, you actually inhale back in your own CO2. That's why we wear clothing, and other types of PPE, but take all of it away. Then what? One last time, what chance on earth or even hell, do we have at all? Since the 3rd time is a charm, I have definitely proven my point, protection from other life forms. Now, for my next point, lets consider going from here to there and perhaps back again. Without some mode of transportation like a bike, car, plane or ship, I think we are all stuck & totally grounded. Just think about every other species and life forms on the planet. What do all the other species use for themselves? Their natural appendages that they were naturally born with, nothing else! Birds have wings! Dolphins have fins! and cheetahs, the fastest land animal on earth, have very strong fast legs for their awesome speed! Feel free to try getting from your home to almost anywhere else, as you will, without fail, almost always be using a specific mode of transportation to get around. So, the next time you think we are all "bad ass" and can perform better than anything else on earth, you had better just think about: What we use to hunt with, what we use for our protection, what we use to get around this world, and lastly, what we would do without it all at our disposal! After you have very carefully considered all these very important factors, you then must examine what all the other species in the animal kingdom utilizes. Now that you have studied all the evidence, do you agree with me now? Humans = Fragile Not even a debate!

  • WRAP! it up by 10.

    I am supposed to write about "wrap?" What kind of wrap? Not really sure.....take your best guess! Ok, I will try.... Oh, I know! How about, "Its a wrap!" Uh, no not that kind of wrap, we are not filming Ok, WRAP??????, the Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)? Uh, nope not that either.... just try again. Well, would you like me to wrap you up in my arms? Oh, hell yeah! But lets finish this 1st. Oh Hey! I know... ...Wrap, instead of a sandwich? Yes!! Now you got it! I always prefer wraps over a sandwich any day of the year, anyway. I mean, what's the best part of the sandwich? The meat and cheese and stuff. So, why would you want way too much bread, more than necessary? The least amount of bread that is practical to enjoy your sandwich, NO doubt! So, go out and get "wrapped" up today, and hold the tomatoes! Then get your ass, and your loving arms, back here so I can get wrapped up, by YOU!!

  • LEAVE - 9M

    LEAVE = GROW Remember back to your first childhood memory when you were just a little child and your 1st day of kindergarten was today? and you must go to school now! You had to leave your parents for the very 1st time. But you learned and grew from it. What about when you left high school to go off to that huge university? You had to leave because you needed to grow again and you had to go to the next step in your growth. Then you finally made friends at college, just about the time you attained your degree, but then you must what again?...... ....Yes, leave college behind, but acquired some knowledge from more than just a book. So when you leave, you grow, at the same time, there are people that come into your life for a particular purpose, to help you grow to learn, and then they must move on and leave you to the lesson they taught you. They're not meant to stay, So when a person leaves, to go away, don't make them stay, try to learn so you can tackle another day. **Case in point:** I had a dom whom I idolized. I would have done whatever he instructed because I figured I could trust him. But one day I woke up and finally saw the light! I saw he wasn't perfect like I thought. I finally saw him for what he really was and he was no longer my dom. He wasn't the cleanest or the most worthy of my time. But he taught me some things. So the fact that he was able to teach me certain knowledge and "LEAVE," means that he taught me what I was supposed to learn and it was time for him to move on to his next step in life, and LEAVE.

  • PRIDE - #8

    Pride is AKA, self-regard, self-esteem, and self-respect. Hold your head high with PRIDE I'm able to most days, since I can take great pride in knowing that I.... Graduated high school and finished college with an applied science degree. Actually got through the military with an honorable discharge after 3 years. Rescued my little girl, taking care of her with ALL my love while giving her the life that she deserved in the first place. Handle my bills and finances responsibly. Am confident enough to be the only one nude at a play party the ENTIRE time. Am the compassionate, caring, giving, loving man that I am & will always be. Am bisexual and not giving a fuck whether anyone accepts anymore, while never hiding it, because I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of for loving BOTH! For NEVER giving up on life "so far" while still trying to live my best life forever! Created 2 websites, that you can visit if you are interested in my material. That's about it. Love you BOTH, (if you were paying attn?) Christopher Good night!

  • CHANGE - 3

    Change--The only thing in the universe that is constant Today I'm doing something unorthodox. I'm actually going to let my daughter, whos in real life, a precious lil princess, talk today. She's going to explain the monumental change in her life. Listen to her intently, because it was LIFE CHANGING! No, it really was! NOT an exaggeration Take it away Mimi, Oh, hello there. My name is Mimi... This is me! My master, or I actually call him Daddy, talked me into telling you about my monumental life-enhancing change. Why monumental, you ask? Because my change is like comparing the desert to the ocean OR... ... outer space to the earth, it was that dramatic for me! I am so grateful to my Daddy for well over a decade now, for rescuing me when I was just 5 years old. I don't even like talking about it, but if I must, He rescued me from a horrible monster who abused me daily for the 1st 5 years of my life, and if that wasn't the worst, then it was when this inhumane demon went even further and locked me up inside a closet! Can you believe that? But I NEVER saw him again. Thank God! After being locked up so long I started barking as loud as I could because I couldn't go outside for my potty breaks. I didn't even have any food or water to drink at all. All of a sudden these strangers that I never saw before opened the door and found me and rescued me. I most certainly would have died if they hadn't found me when they did. I was getting dehydrated. I was confused because I didn't even remember how long I was in the cold spooky darkness. When I got out I noticed all the power was shut off and it was so hot. I didn't see much furniture and my bed was gone. At least the terrible mean devil must have been long gone when I was rescued, because I didn't see a trace of him. All I felt was relief after being found and that he was gone. It makes me shudder and cry just thinking about it. Daddy says that Lil ol me is strong, courageous, and brave for getting through that, but believe me, there were many days I really wanted to vanish and never go back! But there must have been someone somewhere looking out for me because then a huge transformation occurred. LIFE CHANGE! After I was at this strange cold place with tons of my cousins and distant relatives, my residence changed. Someone brought me into a warm kind loving home where I met my new Daddy for the very first time. I was real nervous at first, but when he stretched his arms out for me to come to him, he seemed to be really nice and so very loving too. He adopted me as soon as he found out I was locked up. But after a decade of having my kind loving Daddy look after me, I am forever grateful to Him and it brings me joy as well as happiness to be in His safe protective arms. Its been a little rocky at times because we have moved around a bit, but one thing NEVER changed for me; it was the fact that my Daddy always loves me and treats me so extra special every day. Like his own daughter in fact. Come to think of it, He always calls me his daughter. But I'm not too sure what I am cause He is always calling me his precious lil princess too. Either way, He lets me sleep with Him in His bed, even though sometimes I just hop off and want to be alone, to go sleep in my own bed. I don't know why. Maybe its that He is just so good to me, and I don't think I deserve Him all the time. In fact, here's a pic my daddy must have sneaked in. I must have been zonked out that night because usually, I hear the littlest sound. My daddy always brags about me being so well behaved too. Why? One reason must be that I am so responsible. Because I am actually allowed to go outside by myself and do my duty, but then when I'm done, I come right back in less than 10 minutes without Daddy even watching me. Yes, little ol me! Oh, don't worry I'm sure he listens for my bark, cuz if someone approaches me or tries to take me away, I will bark like the dickens. I don't even run after my fellow K9's cuz all I want is my Daddy. He even takes me to the park every day, but instead of running around and playing with my cousins, I am carefully watching my Daddy so he doesn't leave me. Being a long-haired chihuahua, or chi for short, I am naturally protective of my master. I, however, am extremely protective of MY Daddy, because I don't want to run into another monster like my former owner, and since I don't want to lose him EVER!! He never even needs to put my leash on cuz I stay with Him all the time. I just love Him so much. I NEVER want to lose Him, because He is just way too kind to me all the time Like I said, He is my life now and will be till one of us moves on to the next life. Hello everyone, allow me to chime in, for I am "Daddy" This is a true story to the best of my knowledge, so I am glad to have her with me now. After I found out the abuse she suffered and then being locked up? There was no way in hell or earth that I would ever let her get treated like that again! I just can't imagine, down to the bottom of my heart how such an inhumane monster can even think about doing that! It just disgusts me! As soon as I heard that, I swiftly scooped her up from that forward, and NO one EVER needs to concern themselves with that type of abuse EVER again! She even had a couple of psychological breaks in the beginning, but she has been fine henceforth. Thanks for allowing her to tell her heart-wrenching & heartwarming story this evening. Special message to ALL those who may have a pet or one in the future, Please, I plead to you, don't ever leave an animal locked up, if you cant take care of them, at least bring them to a shelter for christ's sake! Once I get my 2-acre property in utopia, I will take all the unloved animals to come live with me, but in the meantime, take care of them or take them to safety.

  • CUSP - #1

    In speaking of the CUSP, I shall reveal to you now, that I am, NOT only 1, but 2 signs. BOTH an earth sign, Taurus, as well as an air sign, Gemini. For I am, on the cusp of energy as of the 21st This actually makes for a very confusing life, as I don't even know if I am up or down, or even when I should turn left or right. I am not always right though, as I have actually been wrong before, on a couple of occasions. Contrary to popular belief, even I am not perfect. Aside from the ups and downs, & lefts and rights, I have many positive qualities to share that really put me into a really fabulous light. Oh, really? You want me to share them with you? Ok, I suppose, but I usually don't like to toot my own horn. Well, for starters, I am very sensual, so seducing you is my very favorite activity Sensuality is a very good quality to have especially when courting a lovely young lady, As I go down the list, another rare quality that I have is that I am great at communicating. Now those are just the very 1st two. Continuing on, a few more quality & very interesting traits I hold, that are worth mentioning are, that I am very: broad(or open)-minded, as it's more commonly referred to I am also very gentle, mature, as well as a born leader since I can always see both sides of an argument, while also being laid back and reliable too. Being a man, I am also very blunt at times and not overly concerned with my manners. That's important, because I always tell you like it is. I don't sugarcoat a dam thing. We, cusp people, are either all up or way down, as I am usually at one extreme or the other. There is no in-between with me. I am also very proud because I would rather go without, than to depend on anyone else. I am also a tremendous giver, which can always be seen in the bedroom especially. I am also the very salt of the earth when I am awakened by intellectual and spiritual people. Whew!! Is that plenty of info for you, in just 1 whole day? I think I might have bombarded you with a little too much information in such a short time, so I will allow you to grasp and assimilate this immense amount of knowledge. Thanks for all your attention, Love you BOTH, Christopher

  • STRONG - #2

    Strong is ALWAYS..... 1. Knowing who you are and being TOTALLY & blatantly self-confident. "I believe in what's right and I am not backing down at all!" 2. Having confidence in what you have. "I may have short legs, but they are mine and I'm proud of them" 3. Sticking up for the underdog. "She is being abused and I will do something about it RIGHT NOW!" 4. Knowing just when to give in at the correct time. "Ok, she may be wrong, but what's the point?" "You are absolutely correct! honey" 5. knowing when it's right to let go. "I know she is just a teen, but I will have to let her go out at some point." 6. Showing your weakness at the proper time. "I need to be held before I can't take it anymore." 7. Being kind and gentle. "This dog is going to die if I don't nurse it back to health at once!." 8. Never ever giving up on yourself! "This life really sucks, but I am here for the long haul!" 9. Admitting when you are wrong. "Dam, I was wrong about this - I will admit it and show I have strength." 10. Having perseverance far beyond your limits. "I made it 1/2 way, so I can't quit now." BONUS is STRENGTH ...Seeking help when you need it MOST! By taking an active step in seeking HELP, YOU are actually taking control of YOUR life! Thus, asking for HELP reveals STRENGTH, NOT weakness. "Hey, Joey - You got a minute? I might be missing the point here, Will you give me a hand, and tell me what you see?

  • A nudist is someone who….

    ……is friendly & trustworthy who will welcome & accept you for who you are. …. is always honest having nothing to hide behind so they are non-judgemental  ….. shows the authentic, genuine person they are without the artificial facades.  ……focuses on the real beautiful personality that shines through your heart.  …… focuses on your important attributes: smile, a handshake, and your character. ......treats everyone with dignity & respect.  …….is interested in being a friend while you accept their lifestyle. ……is tall, short, fat, skinny, man, woman, or child, white, who always accepts you unconditionally. courageous as a lion, as they have dropped all their inhibitions & barriers. A nudist is… NOT in any way……someone that.... ..…is a dangerous sexual predator that is after your wife or children.  … must be afraid of or protect yourself from. …..craves attention or needs to display themselves lewdly. … interested in looking at your bodies with any sexual intentions. …...needs to be locked up for just wearing what they are born with. …...enjoys isolation from everyone in their separate places while seen as abnormal.  … sick, disgusting, perverted or deviant, as they are seen by others,

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