Pride is AKA, self-regard, self-esteem, and self-respect.
Hold your head high with PRIDE
I'm able to most days, since I can take great pride in knowing that I....
Graduated high school and finished college with an applied science degree.
Actually got through the military with an honorable discharge after 3 years.
Rescued my little girl, taking care of her with ALL my love while giving her the life that she deserved in the first place.
Handle my bills and finances responsibly.
Am confident enough to be the only one nude at a play party the ENTIRE time.
Am the compassionate, caring, giving, loving man that I am & will always be.
Am bisexual and not giving a fuck whether anyone accepts anymore, while never hiding it, because I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of for loving BOTH!
For NEVER giving up on life "so far" while still trying to live my best life forever!
Created 2 websites, that you can visit if you are interested in my material.
That's about it.
Love you BOTH, (if you were paying attn?)
Good night!