There are numerous fragile items here on earth.
Everything from a little 5 lb. chihuahua, to a little girl, all the way up to a fully grown woman. Almost everything on earth can be manipulated in some way.
But do you have ANY idea what the most fragile species is on earth?
Before you even attempt an answer, think about the only species on this entire planet that MUST use artificial items to hunt, build shelter, and even defend itself.
Do you really think you have the correct answer?
Homo sapiens!
That's right!
Us! Mankind.
Did you get the answer correct?
Don't worry, because most of you don't even consider us as extremely weak.
Just stop & think about it, though, for a brief moment.
There is absolutely NO other species at all, on this very planet, that must wear clothing AND also shoes for protection OR also buy their weapons and tools from a store.
Just imagine, man wearing only what he was born with, NO footwear for protection and absolutely NO artificial tools or weapons of any kind.
It would be a much different world:
NO tall buildings,
NO bridges,
NO roads,
as the list is endless. We would have to live an entirely different way.
This is the very pertinent reason why we, as humans, are the most fragile species on the entire planet. I mean really, just think about this, there are some days that we cant even walk outside with our bare feet on the scorching pavement, as its way too hot to even consider walking outside in the desert especially.
Notwithstanding the temperature, its impossible to even walk out on the painful desert floor!
Or review the other extreme, just try to walk outside while its too cold to walk in the snow. Forget about temperature, just imagine walking on the painful ground.
Uneven surfaces such as rocks, pebbles, pickers piercing your tender feet, etc, etc.
How many animals regularly wear anything?
Unless they are domestic and you buy something for them, AGAIN at a STORE.
But natural wild animals out in the vast wilderness?
NO way!
Imagine walking through the immense wilderness and encountering a ferocious bear or mountain lion.
What would you do with NO clothes, NO shoes and NO weapons of ANY kind?
I cant imagine you doing too much of anything!
Unless you are not the average Joe?
Do you, even for a split second, think you would you even stand a chance?
We both know the answer, that's what I thought.
Ok, how about hunting without all the clothing to make us less visible to the deer AND the guns we bought to use for hunting down our dinner?
Same answer again!
Now, just take all of that special fancy equipment away, then see how well you accomplish the impossible hunt. That's why we are so fragile, and not just from the big animals either.
Did you forget about the tiny animals you may not even see?
Scorpions, chiggers, spiders, and yes, even microscopic lice. Don't even get me started on other microscopic life forms, like viruses and bacteria that the entire world can't even survive from without wearing something absurd and beyond ridiculous on their faces now. Even these insane muzzles can injure you too! If you wear them way too long, you actually inhale back in your own CO2. That's why we wear clothing, and other types of PPE, but take all of it away.
Then what?
One last time, what chance on earth or even hell, do we have at all?
Since the 3rd time is a charm, I have definitely proven my point, protection from other life forms.
Now, for my next point, lets consider going from here to there and perhaps back again. Without some mode of transportation like a bike, car, plane or ship, I think we are all stuck & totally grounded.
Just think about every other species and life forms on the planet.
What do all the other species use for themselves?
Their natural appendages that they were naturally born with, nothing else!
Birds have wings!
Dolphins have fins!
and cheetahs, the fastest land animal on earth, have very strong fast legs for their awesome speed!
Feel free to try getting from your home to almost anywhere else, as you will, without fail, almost always be using a specific mode of transportation to get around.
So, the next time you think we are all "bad ass" and can perform better than anything else on earth, you had better just think about:
What we use to hunt with,
what we use for our protection,
what we use to get around this world,
and lastly, what we would do without it all at our disposal!
After you have very carefully considered all these very important factors, you then must examine what all the other species in the animal kingdom utilizes.
Now that you have studied all the evidence, do you agree with me now?
Humans = Fragile
Not even a debate!