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- MAY '20 - Week #2 - Mind body and SOUL
OUR SOUL Many of us have asked the eternal question, Does it live forever? We will NEVER know, and there are many more questions about it. I will, however, cover the ones that I can answer! How do you nurture your soul? I just try to be the best person I can be. Even though I have been wronged more than my share, I will still be the best I can with new people that I meet. I have just started meditation and will nurture it that way. Otherwise, just keep doing what I have already. Do you find comfort in faith or spirituality? Hmm... Well... To be brutally honest, I think that I have much more spirituality than faith, as my faith has dwindled through the years, especially after my father's murder. I do, however, feel that I can have a good spirit innately being good to the people I come across. You can actually be atheist and still have a spirituality about you. I agree with Arrietty about god possibly hating me, if there is even one up there somewhere. That's why I have logically become agnostic. Are our souls the very essence of us or something that you don’t really think about? Well, quite honestly, it isn't much I have thought about recently, or very much at all. However, now that you ask, I will say that I have thought about it long ago. It still intrigues me as to the actual essence of our souls. I am quite certain that it is something that leaves our bodies and of course cannot be retrieved after our demise. Unlike a battery or other power source that can be simply replaced, a soul will vanish forever. But then where does it go? Now that, my good readers, is a question that will never be answered because as soon as you get the answer, you will never return to tell the rest of us. I have some theories about what can happen to our souls if you are evil in this life or decide to commit suicide, so if you are interested let's delve into the other dimension. If you are Just Evil, in this life or another Well, this is pretty obvious. If you don't go to Fiery HOT HELL, I predict that you will go to a possible purgatory and if you are very lucky, you just may get a 2nd chance. I wouldn't count on it though. Before we get into suicide, I will say that I believe in "infinite possibilities" or "ANYTHING is possible" Now for suicide, I actually have a few theories on this one. With that being said, how do we know that we haven't already lived a life, either here or elsewhere, and we are being punished for the wrong doings we did in a previous existence already? What if we are already in hell? Earth is HELL? I believe it! If we commit suicide, do we actually go somewhere else or are we reincarnated back to earth, in a different body, time, or circumstance worse than we presently have? For example, if I was middle class living in a home with enough income to keep me comfortable, Would I then be transported to a poor 3rd world country with no shelter or food and live on the streets? Are we able to get through this wretched life and then move on to the "eternal place in the sky?" OR if we kill ourselves do we feel the pain of the kill, for an eternity? So if we jump, then we would feel the impact forever! Or if we drown we would drown forever. Gun shot, we would feel it forever. Can you even fathom that? Or the place where we kill ourselves--do we perhaps stay there for an eternity as a punishment? Or do we come back through a tunnel born again? Is it still suicide if you resist a burglar and get killed when you could have just given him what he wants? What constitutes suicide? Smoking? Drugs? Even alcohol? Let's just hope for the best "life" after our short existence here in this world and not worry about all this other "shit" Have a great life and dont even think about suicide or these infinite possibilities. Love you BOTH, CJ
- MAY - week #3 - Kindness
Kindness is very simply, TREATING OTHERS HOW YOU WANT TO BE TREATED That's what I live by. That's why if someone respects me, I will return it back to them. If someone tries to belittle me or attempt to make me feel inferior, I will take a step back and assess the proper response and correct them while setting them straight! How do you feel when someone has been kind to you and when you have been kind to others? I got this particular feeling as far back as childhood. One year during Christmas, I was more concerned with giving rather than receiving. I was looking forward to having my family enjoy themselves by seeing what I gave them, instead of being concerned so much with what I was getting. It really gives me a sense of satisfaction or a sense of serenity to be kind to others, even if it is nothing more than helping them. How about kindness towards ourselves? Now, this I haven't given much thought to, as I am really hard on myself at times. However, it is something I need to do more of. I am always striving for perfection and hate to fail, but I recently learned that you should not be afraid of failure because it is how you learn. Were you brought up with an awareness of how to recognize your needs or were you taught that it was self-indulgent? Wow! What an arduous and challenging question. After pondering this extensively, I really wasn't brought up either of these ways. I was brought up under the assumption at times that I thought I could never please my parents, which could be why I despise failing and want to be successful right out of the gate. At times it was "tough love." I was, without a doubt, brought up to be very respectful, considerate, helping, and loving as well as self-sufficient, instead of self-indulgent. I also was taught to take on my own responsibilities and to own my own consequences and mistakes. I was also involved with "Indian Guides" as well as sports like soccer. So I met some of my own needs. When does kindness go too far? Actually it can happen when you let yourself get taken advantage of. I had that problem when I could never say "No" I then found myself buying from many salesmen, things that I really could live without. Also if someone asked for a favor and I obligated myself.Another thing I remember is if someone was doing something I didn't like and I didn't have the balls to say "No, don't do that!" Fortunately, this has all changed. Can it go too far and be damaging - either to yourself or others? Oh my yes! If you do nothing but cater to their every need and spoil them or answer their every beck and call, it will not only damage them, but you will suffer as well. As I just covered above it would be letting them take advantage of you and you would be so concerned with their needs that would not have time to take care of yourself. They would not learn to take care of themselves and they would walk all over you. Not good for either of you!
- MAY '20 - Week #2 Mind, BODY, & Soul
Today we will discuss our body. And furthermore, today's word is SKIN My message to you now: BE COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN! Our body is something that should be respected as well as revered, yet in reality, it gets nothing more than gawking, and shocked looks and some will actually get angry?..... if you ever were to wear my favorite uniform. My favorite? My birthday suit! I wear mine with TOTAL pride! Those are exactly the looks I would get, not to mention an expensive night in jail, and a record for the rest of my life! All for what? For wearing what I was born with? Seriously? Yes, being a nudist, I completely enjoy being "open and free!" What? Yes, "open and free" is how I say NUDE because that's exactly how it feels! We were ALL born nude, there are NO exceptions! So why is it that we ALL must hide "ourTRUEselves" & bodies from the world? Seriously, WTF are we ever going to abolish this absurd embarrassment & shame? When? Furthermore, WTF do so many immature puritans link so much sex with our NATURAL attire we were ALL born with? "Nature knows no indecencies; man invents them." ~ Mark Twain ~ Even though I have said it, time and time again, I will say it again for the record. 1 - The human body is beautiful, both genders having their own inherent beauty and an amazing "machine", that regenerates, heals, protects, and gets rid of unneeded materials from itself. Truly remarkable! 2 - Now listen up! WE ALL KNOW WHAT WE ALL HAVE!! So I ask, what is the big secret and why are we hiding if we already know what's there? Most of the time it's because, aside from the ridiculous asinine laws, we aren't confident in ourselves. A hard fact is that we are harder on ourselves than others are. I am too tall, too small, too fat, too short, too....the list is endless. It's always something! Real bodies are beautiful. Love your body and love yourself! Be proud of what you have! NOT ashamed! I believe the human body is something both natural and beautiful in its completeness. You should stop trying to impress others and only be the best you can be. Be satisfied with what your body looks like and realize that NO one's body is absolutely perfect. Change what you can, accept the rest! We are all "imperfect!" That's exactly what makes us human. Why can't we all just accept everyone for ALL of our imperfections, which we all have anyway, and live in harmony and unite together? If we ALL came together & just did that, WE WOULD NOT EVEN NEED CLOTHES! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Did you forget that? About the only way, I can be a true nudist, is that I have blatant self-confidence. I must have nerve or it would've been hard to bare, if I had no courage to try it! Take my word, once you try it, you will find that the best feeling is being nude and skinny dipping is just out of the world - PHENOMENAL! Remember, treat your body as special as it is! YOUR CHOICE!!
- MAY - Week #2 - MIND, body & soul
First off, we need to define these. My definitions are: MIND - The physical brain. It is a part of the body and remains there, in life and death. It's the most important part of us, we can not live without it. Unfortunately, this will all change in a decade. BODY - That which you occupy while on earth. Everything that is connected to you. It is your earthly vessel here. SOUL - This is what makes you, you! This is, "inherently eternal." It is what will go with you after you leave this life, at least that's what we are told. This is what separates us from the other life forms on earth. They have their own instincts and we have control (or we are supposed to anyway) and can differentiate between right and wrong. Whether we choose to be right or not is another consideration. For all intents and purposes, these are what we are all made of and I have always believed that the hierarchy, is ... SOUL - tells mind what to do. Knows right & wrong. Makes the decision to do or not. MIND - receives and then transmits it to the... BODY - which actually carries out the actions. Today I will talk about MIND Questions posed: Is a healthy (or unhealthy) mind linked to your kink? For me personally, I surmise that it's pretty healthy. However, kink is such a minute part of my life, and even more so, now that I have NO one in my life ever again. Have you found that being on FL is good, or not so good, for your mental health? Well, quite truthfully, with me being an undesirable older man in a woman's world, I just blend in with the multitude of guys and don't even get noticed. So that in of itself is not good for my MH. But I must realize that it is so minuscule in my life that there are many more criteria that I must base my MH on. Living my absolute BEST life is paramount. How are you coping throughout lockdown and what does a healthy mind look like to you? Actually, for me, it is not hindering me in any way. I seem to thrive on solitude and it's the perfect means for writing. I can only imagine what it's like for most people, though with full-time jobs and such. Is it different for everyone? I'm sure it is because we all lead different lives and socialize with different people. It's what makes the world go around. Tomorrow's post-BODY! I have a lot to say about that.
- MAY - Week #1 - HOME
A HOME away from HOME. If this were true, then I might actually have a home. Unfortunately, I have not had a real home for about 4 decades. My only true enjoyable home was my house on 40th St. Yes, I even still remember my childhood phone number, 814-838-7524. Can you believe that? The beautiful memories of that house abound, but I should describe it first. My 1st memory of it, I was in the garage with dad as the contractor was still putting the final touches on in the garage. As a split level house, you enter the front door and you are on a landing that has stairs up to the main level, and down to the basement level. Once on the main floor, you could look into the formal living room to your right and into the family room ahead of you, with the kitchen intersecting the two. It had 3 bedrooms with one bathroom. I don't know why it didn't have a master bedroom with a bathroom attached. Aside from that, it was the only house I have been in with a "mother-in-law" quarters downstairs. It had the typical 2 car garage while it was where the big oil tank was for heating the entire dwelling. Even with all these features, those were not as impressive as the property itself. We had the entire property from 40th to 39th street. Yes, absolutely! Talk about the ultimate space for playing, aside from all the trees in the way. That's why I also remember splitting all the wood with the ax, boy did I get a workout as a mere 10 year old, so wielding an ax was not only fun but challenging! However, when I just wanted to play, I went on Mr. Gorney's property adjacent to ours. He was so pissed off when we broke his windows on an old building in his backyard as we were constantly kicking balls while playing kickball. When we got tired of that we went over to our driveway and practiced basketball with the hoop dad installed next to the drive. I also remember Dad helping me with school projects in the garage too. During the holidays, we were looking for our Easter baskets and found mine in the dishwasher. Great hiding spot, Mom! Then on another special holiday, we went downstairs to open presents. Hmmm, can you figure out which holiday this was? One year I was worried that Santa wasn't going to make it since we didn't get much snow that year. Fortunately, to all of our relief (including our parents), we did get snow and did get Santa. Whew! Since we did get our presents, my lil bro and I got RC cars and my remote could work his car, so the little terror that I always was, I went ahead and controlled his car with my remote as he was trying to operate it in the driveway. LOL!! I know....I should have been a good boy, but it is so much more fun being bad. Don't you agree? If you think this was a memorable and fascinating place, just wait until I tell you about my grandparent's place with even MORE property! But let's save that for another time. MayHome
- HONEST - #30
Today is HONEST?! I better be, or I could get struck down! Since I must be honest, I will start out by telling you about myself that you may not already know, then afterwards - You will LOVE what will come up next as a bonus. My honest story: I was born back east somewhere. NY to be exact! I then moved around a couple of places until finally settling in a small town of about 200k people. Now for the scary declaration, I hope that I can open up to you because today I must be honest. Back in elementary school, I was constantly made fun of for being gay. The really funny part though is that I wasn't really gay, it was just immature kids being cruel. I only had a few friends and the one good friend I did have went to a different school so I never saw him. I had to endure this humiliation for my entire elementary and middle school years, up until I moved away. After my 8th grade year, it was then when I moved to Vega$ around '85, and ran into a few friends because, in Vega$, I wasn't "gay" anymore. Even though I was getting a fresh start, the taunting already did so much damage that I was too shy to ever get a girlfriend, which obviously didn't help matters. My new friendships I will never forget, because as Vega$ is very transient, and there are a lot of people that work at the test site, most families don't spend too long here. So I met my 1st friend in 9th grade, Steve then Vance in 10th, Finally I met Dale in 11th, and still have him as my big bro practically after 35 long years to this very day. All along during my childhood, I thought a lot of people, including my cousin, had it so much better than me. I have even met two friends recently within the past two years, that didn't even know their real dad. So now I see that I haven't had it as bad as I thought. I will never think that I have it so hard again. I actually have it ok, I guess. After finally graduating high school, I went directly into the army since my dad talked me into it. I have always had the feeling that he may have just wanted me out of his and his fucking girlfriend's hair. But now I have some decent benefits, so it worked out for the best. I had a horrible time in the army, but I made it through just the same. Been married twice and then had a male friend, then after that I now have my BF. So if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm BI and very proud to love both of you. That's why I always sign my blogs, Love you both, do you understand now? I already told you about my daughter, in Change #3, in March. I am a totally masculine man, if you were to meet me, you would have NO idea that I'm BI. I can have a temper, but I have had it under control lately. I have lost a few people in my life because of my temper. I have been told I am needy but also working on that too. Not sure how much else to say, but now comes the REALLY FUN part!! In celebration of the last day of the month today, I am going to do something very different and I thought you might enjoy it. I am going to say 5 statements, and just ONE of them will be false. 1 - I have run around nude in SF, CA for 5 miles. 2 - I have driven across the country 3 or more times. 3 - I met Rodney Dangerfield. 4 - I have been to only one country in Europe, during Desert Storm. 5 - I have won a $500 jackpot! As a thank you to you loyal readers of my extensive blogs, If you can figure which is the winner, then you will be a winner! Ok, you know what I am saying next!! Love you both, CJ
- BROKEN - #28
Ok, my smart readers, Does this post make the grade? You must give it a T or F If you surmise that it's Totally True - Give it a T However, if it, perhaps, is Falsely Fictitious, then choose the Fan Faring F! We begin as the main person is explaining their preference for activities. Ever since I've been into kink, I always wanted to see how being restrained felt. Oh, it doesn't matter, straps, rope, even handcuffs if I'm desperate. I finally heard about an event, so I decided to join a rope function this Thursday. The Rope Social it was called, and only a measly $5 to enjoy it? Even the bums could afford that! Ok, you want to know how long it's been? I actually haven't been into any fetish for very long now. I am still fresh and new to this whole world. That's why I have so much struggle finding anyone for a partner. I heard that this social can partner you up with a rigger if you get there early enough. What could be better? Learn about rope while at the same time, be social with others in the same community. Hey, it's finally Thursday! PERFECT! I showed up and it looks like they already picked partners. I counted and there were about 20 people, not counting myself. Once again, just like always I was the odd one out. Everyone had a partner except me. 10 riggers 10 bottoms. and lonely little me. WTF else is new? I should have known! I just sat there for the 1st half of the event. I figured waiting for someone to be available would be a good idea. Maybe someone would show up late and I might get lucky for once. After a couple of hours, someone did come in and approached me. He asked what I was doing just sitting by myself. I thought to myself, "I didn't even know where he came from. I didn't notice him earlier. Did he just show up? I wanted to answer his question with, "Well do you see anyone willing to tie me up?" But then I would show my frustration and come across the wrong way. So instead I said, "Well, I just came and forgot to arrange for a partner, so now I don't know what to do." He advised me, "Well, usually there are enough tops for the bottoms but this instructor isn't really that concerned with new people." Well, that's just great! I thought to myself I wanted to express my true feelings but before I could say anything, he then expressed his disappointment, "I feel kind of bad that this happened to you, so if you wanted to meet sometime, I could try some things on you if you want? I'm kind of new here too." Wow! Did I hear correctly? Did some good come out of this lonely night, after all? I was so thrilled that we set up a time to meet next week. No questions asked. We were set to meet Wed night since that is the only time he had free. So while I was talking to my friend the night before, who has been doing this whole kinky thing for around 15+ years, I told her about my upcoming meeting with this new guy. So as I was telling her about my exciting wed night coming up, she asked me about ....vetting? I was confused, "Huh? Did you say voting? I'm lost here." She interjected, "No, VETTING! It's where you ask him tons of questions about who he is, what he does and his safety practices, like does he have cutting shears for the rope in case he can't get you free?" I was so dumbfounded! I thought that everyone is ok and safe, after all, he was at the meeting, so how could he NOT be safe? Besides, what is there to it? You tie someone up and you untie them when they are ready to be free? Right? I mean, really, what could go wrong? I was so disappointed in myself, but at least I know now so I can "VET" him now. After all, life is all about learning as you go, so this is what happens. Well, Wednesday night finally came and he was here to pick me up. He didn't want to meet at his place after all. He said that his kids would be in bed and didn't want to wake them. I thought that was perfectly understandable. But wait a minute! Where were we going if we weren't going back to his place? So I inquired, "Uhm, where are we going then?" He mysteriously answered, "OH, don't worry about it. I will take you to my work. No one will be there, so we will have total privacy. Whether you like to be tied to objects or in a fetal position, you will be well taken care of." "Oh....ok." is all I could say. I didn't know if this was a relief or possible "caution ahead?" I then asked him about his safety shears. "Oh no worries, I have been doing this for over 5 years, and never needed them yet," he told me confidently. 5 years? I was then thinking to myself, he said he was new, didn't he? He then had an answer for that, "Oh yeah, I meant new here.....in town. I have only been here for a year now, but I have been tying people up for years." Oh well, I was kind of relieved now. I didn't want to sound like an interrogator so I just relaxed until we finally got there and he led me through a semi-dark yard to a mysterious tunnel. Then I had a lot of thoughts running through my head, Why so far out in the middle of nowhere? What if I run into trouble? If he was at the rope social he must be ok, right? Why do we need to be in a dark tunnel that leads to... who knows where? "Ok readers, if you are still with me the climax is coming--you won't be disappointed." Well, against my better judgment I conceded with his directives. We go into the tunnel for what feels like a hundred feet or more. The only dim light, is from his flashlight. I didn't want to think about it failing. We finally stopped and after I caught my breath, he found a ladder that was really just rungs stuck on the side of the tunnel wall. He was very comforting while he tied me to the rungs, checking on me constantly making sure I was safe. Yeah, this guy is fine, I thought. Why was I worrying so much? Now, I, for some reason, felt safe and secure, my legs tied together with my ankles crossed, my arms were above me tied tightly up on the 4th rung. The only part of my body that I could move was my neck. So I could look around in any direction, whew! He checked on me one last time. "Now how do you feel? You are perfectly comfy?" he conscientiously asked. "Oh, yes," I said. "It's the most comfortable I have ever felt!" "Or you will ever feel!" he blurted out. My heart sank! My heart was BROKEN! My will was BROKEN! I felt I was BROKEN I didn't know what to say or how to feel, Am I going to die? Am I really this fucking stupid? So, then I just looked up at him as if to say, "what do you mean, can you tell the future?" I wanted to make sure that I heard him correctly, so I really did say, "Uhm, what do you mean?" He then confirmed my terrified feeling, "Well, yes. I had my fun but now I have errands to run." I am hoping he does not mean what I think he means. Then as if I wasn't confused already by now, I inquire, "What kind of errands are there for you at ten o'clock at night? "Oh my god! AMAZING!! That's the first intelligent thing you have said since we met!" he says in a victorious tone. "I'm very tired now and its bedtime for me," he states as he starts to leave. "So you are just going to leave me here, in this vast darkness, and therefore killing me making you a murderer!" I yell out! He then gets very irate, clarifying what he is, "Now you better listen to ME and listen carefully, I am only going to say this ONCE! I am not a murderer! I am a RIGGER! I only did what you requested. I tied you up because YOU wanted me to. As a rigger, I tie my victims up, I don't do anything else whatsoever. GOT IT? Now you do whatever you have to. If you get free, then safe you will be. If you get dead, then you won't have any other choices to make." "Now Good night and Good riddance, you stupid Fucking moron!" he dictates to me. I was just too BROKEN to do anything. After everything my friend said, I didn't even listen to her. It's my own stupidity. I deserve this. Do I just stay here and die? Do I just give up without a fight? Do I try to get free, even though he has tied me uptight? How can I get free anyway, even if I want to? I struggle and struggle, but as I do it almost feels like this rope is getting tighter. But then a couple of hours later, since I have been fidgeting so much, I notice that my feet are feeling little less constricted. Is it my imagination? Then I check my hands and they seem to feel looser too! Ok, maybe I do have a chance, as slim as can be, but it is still a chance! I continue to struggle, and to my amazement, the rope gets looser little by little as I continue to attempt to get free. I was very thirsty, so I knew I had to break free soon to drink anything. After about 2 hours of battling and brawling with the rope, The rope was finally BROKEN, Now I have definitely spoken! Look at me I'm finally FREE! Whew! Did you actually get through the whole story? So, what is the consensus? T OR F Perhaps I left some little "hints" or clues? I will leave this up for a little while & see who gets it right (on the money) I will also, think of an award to give to the correct readers! Thanks for reading this entire story. As I always reassure you, LUV YOU BOTH!! Christopher
- CALM - #22
As we embark on a journey, we come across a mid-size city of about 1 million people. It's very appealing as its just a short drive to the beach from the outskirts of town. Wait. Hold on. You hear something? Here I am trying to tell a story and there is no doubt that it must be, that young hothead Tommy again, blowing up at someone like he always does. We since he's interrupted me for about the 5th time, I might as well tell you about him. Well, he's just a normal young punk kid who just barely graduated from HS. He has a normal build while hes clean shaven. I think he just got a new GF. I dont know what she sees in him. Hes around 25 now, and not going anywhere too quickly. How could he? He's always losing his cool. He can never stay CALM. I'm willing to bet he's walking down there somewhere in the city. Lets see if we can find him. Yup, thats him down there. See him? Ok, lets listen in As Tommy crosses Steven ST. using maple, a car nearly hits him. Tommy banged on the car and yelled, "Hey moron, do you know what a crosswalk is for? Its what us pedestrians use to cross the street!! Great job nearly running me over!" Everyone was so surprised at the way he lost it. But he is getting close to his pad now. After dinner he goes to his room for a little puter time. Hes really tired though and as he starts to doze off, he's caught off guard when he hears a voice. "Just Be C, Tommy," it uttered "What? What are you talking about? Who are you?" Tommy asked in a confused state. "You will know when the time is right!" it said back to him. The next day on his way to work, he could not handle all the dam traffic in front of him not moving an inch. Once again, Tommy was banging on the horn and losing his temper, "Goddammit! WTF, does this always happen to me?" "Just Be C, Tommy," the mysterious voice pleaded with him. "What? You again? I thought you were a dream! Where are you?" "You will know when the time is right." it said back to him. After work, he went to pick up his GF, Sara, and when he got to her house, he saw some guy hugging her! "Hey numbnuts, what are you doing with my girl?" he demands. Tommy then hit the guy and broke his nose. "Hey Tommy, that's my cousin, why are you hitting him?" Sara asks. "No guy touches my girl, besides, I didn't know he was your cousin anyways" he says. Then he hears the voice again! "Just Be C, Tommy" it says yet again. "Did you hear that?" he asks Sara. "What? Hear what?" Sara responds. "I don't know who you are, but..." as the voice interrupts him. "You will know when the time is..." Tommy cuts the voice off. "Yeah I know, when the time is right?" Finally, Tommy and Sara are driving to the beach, while Tommy is calming down. All of a sudden, a car swerves and hits Tommy's car and he and Sara go off the edge of the embankment. Sadly, Sara is killed instantly! Tommy is in shock not knowing what to do or say. Then he looks at the horizon in the distance as the sun is about to set. Then the voice doesn't quite know what to say. "Tommy, why are you not completely enraged?" "Well," Tommy begins, "I finally get it. It has taken me a long long time but now I understand...." as he tells the voice, "All those times you were telling me to Be C? It means Be Calm doesn't it?" "Why, yes you are correct, but how can you be calm when Sara just passed?" Tommy explains, "Because she is in a much better place than I am" "Yes you are right again. And as your reward for finally understanding Be C, I will let you join her in eternity as her soul mate, if you desire?" "No more pain, no more selfishness, just peace and serenity in a serene heavenly body?" Tommy inquires. "Yes, now float to the sky as you are lifted and not afraid of anything" the voice exclaims. "Thank you very much, voice! I will live my BEST life now. Maybe I will see you again?" The voice answers him, "You can count on it! When? Tommy inquires. When do you think? Oh yeah. Of course, shouldve known! When the time is right" Tommy is now finally in peace never losing his temper again.
- Compare Nudism with its more nasty bro, Exhibitionism
Unfortunately, those outside the nudist lifestyle, namely, the textiles, most often misappropriate these 2 very contrasting terms. They, in turn, mistakenly see these as very similar. Then their misguided interpretation will actually skew their comprehension of the two, while they retain their ongoing ignorance on these very terms. Whereby, textiles and others outside the nudist lifestyle wrongfully consider a nudist and an exhibitionist to be very much the same thing, I will educate you how to comprehend the very obvious difference between them. The ONLY similarity in them is that both are without clothes. Also, I must point out that nudism is, in fact, completely tasteful, and wholesome, while it's also family friendly. As the only similarity being lack of clothing, you will notice there are many differences between nudists and exhibitionists. The most important distinction that helps differentiate them, though, is their intent. Unfortunately, the nudity component has led textiles to assume that nudism and exhibitionism are the same, giving nudism a very negative connotation. How do you think we define, “Nudist” properly? One critical concept in order to define it properly is: Understanding the values and morals that we live by is vital. We must always respect these: We were all created equal with similar equipment, yet our shapes and sizes make us the individuals we should be proud of being. Respect for yourself and others is a vital component of nudism. One pertinent matter to remember is that nudism is always practiced in a platonic non-sexual venue. Nudism focuses on “self-respect, respect for others, as well as the environment,” states Francis Schelstraete. Remember that if you encounter any distasteful actions, you definitely are NOT in a Nudism sanctioned event. In its purest form, nudism is the preference to be “open and free," and encounter the liberation and exhilaration that results from not wearing the cloaks that society, which can come across as very shallow at times, forces us to wear. It is about being: “Open” - allowing others to view your genuine true self and not shielding yourself with artificial facades that mask who you honestly and genuinely are. "Free" - because it feels like you are as free as a bird flying far above the horizon when you shed the shell of clothes that bind and restrict your body. Hence, “Open and free”. If you have found for yourself how pleasurable and exhilarating nudity is, you already appreciate how freeing it feels. If you feel fantastic while not paying attention to what others perceive, you are a nudist without dispute. If you would like to experience how it must feel, I encourage you to accept that it is your body and you should be honored to have. It's what makes you unique from everyone else. All of us are imperfect, that is exactly what makes us individuals. We nudists just want to be ourselves and enjoy who we genuinely are as human beings. Why cant everyone respect us the same way we respect everyone else? When I am home, I am always nude and I enjoy the liberation and exhilaration that I experience in my life while not concerned about being seen. This is why I choose to embrace nudism while I am home alone. If I have roommates, I encourage nudism but never force anyone into it. Even so, I am forced every day to cover myself in public. The term, nude, to me, is used for more tasteful or artistic subjects. For instance, tasteful nudity or nude art, as opposed to naked art, which I have never heard of, and there is no “nakedity.” Just as there are nudists, yet no “nakedists”. I feel that the term, naked, is more immoral or distasteful. It tends to be used to describe Adam and Eve’s shame, or refers to erotic acts. Some see nakedness frequently as sexual with certain impure connotations to it. (For more on this, see my take on nude vs naked.) If a person’s intent in being nude is to enjoy the freedom and pleasure of being without clothing, then that person is likely a nudist. People also participate in nudism because it helps with their sense of self-acceptance, and diminishes some of the societal pressure about body image. But whatever their reasons, nudism is typically about the personal experience of accepting your body as a complex and beautiful entity. Now, how do we define an Exhibitionist? Exhibitionism, by contrast, is not about the feeling of being nude, but about the power of exposing the body to an unsuspecting stranger to get a thrill from their reaction. An exhibitionist is trying to be seen and to push their naked body onto others to shock another individual. Although some practice exhibitionism with other consenting adults, more often it is a means of getting a rise out of surprising another person. It is self-gratifying, like nudism, but can come at the expense of another person, depending on the context. Exhibitionism is inherently self-centered; however, it has an added component that it is intended to invoke an emotional reaction from an oblivious victim. They are hoping to have comfort or satisfaction by allowing their naked body to be seen if they have their own way. In a sense, they will "force" others to look at them and be gratified by being seen. Some see exhibitionism as a mental/sexual disorder, however in certain communities it may not be if people consent to it. That's why there is no consensus on whether it's a disorder, mainly since there seems to be a fine line between “exhibitionism” and “indecent exposure.” In the case of indecent exposure, the consent is always missing and the naked person gets off on the fact that it shocks the oblivious victim. That's the thrill or power trip for the naked person. It's the sexual drive behind his/her motives. It's because society conflates nudity and sexuality, that they will assume the worst when they spot a nudist. On the same token, when different individuals show themselves on social media, it is easy to tell the nudists from the porn addicts. If they focus on the genitalia or sexually stimulate themselves, then it's an exhibitionist beyond a shadow of a doubt. That is also what porn is and what we nudists are always mistaken for. On the other hand if it's a photo or even video of the entire person including a face presented in a tasteful manner, then I will guarantee that it is a nudist or naturist, without question. Sadly, as soon as an uneducated person sees nudity, the oblivious ones cry, “Porn!” without a second thought. People on twitter don't understand what the difference between porn and tasteful nudity is. We nudists are confused for porn all the time, that's why the textiles automatically judge us by their ignorant views of a naked person. Textiles always equate nudity = sex. However, this is NOT the case. Journalist Jeff Clark has an interesting take on nudity and sexuality. He states in the Globe and Mail: “There is nothing inherently sexual about nudity. You can be highly sexual with all of your clothes on. You can also be non-sexual with your clothes off. By not exposing our society to non-sexual-nudity, we teach everyone that nudity equals sexuality. Having non-sexual-nude events encourages a culture of consent. It's important to teach this so that people don't just touch or take what they want without permission.” If you want to enlighten yourself on the difference between the two, porn and nudism, then feel free to go to @thenudemale on Twitter. It is a project I have been working on in which you will only ever see men in completely non-sexual poses. Images never include erections or focus on the genitalia; they only show men with their full faces. Go ahead and indulge yourself after you are done reading this article. I challenge you to find anything that is ostentatious or vulgar in any way. It is unfortunate that textiles' way of viewing nudists is almost always sexual. They don’t even consider our actions, just our bodies. They don't consider our activities, they merely see what they want to perceive, by our exposed skin. Textiles can be very ignorant of nudists’ values and morals, this is exactly why they can feel confusion and animosity towards us. We, as nudists, need to educate textiles and show them that we are not doing anything to focus attention on ourselves or to offend the textile. We need to show them that our bodies are tasteful, and let them know that it is something that is beautiful, not pornographic or sexual. Textiles should learn to consider what the individual is doing rather than just what they see. So these are the differences between nudism and exhibitionism. There’s no reason textiles and nudists can’t all unite and cohabitate. Textiles can see us nudists for who we are rather than what they perceive at first glance. At the same time, we nudists can educate the textiles about our morals and values, and show them that we stand for respect amongst ourselves and others. If you are not familiar with nudism or what it stands for, take a moment to chat with a nudist so we all can develop a reciprocal understanding of nudism. Also, stop and think while you check your conscious or subconscious biases before automatically assuming the worst about someone. When we have a mutual understanding, this world will have more beauty and more acceptance, and all can live in harmony, not dissension. I posted this originally as a guest blogger on writenude.com
- WRITE NOW!- #23
Wow, write about write? This is a brand new type of challenge, so I better consider this very carefully. I know! I suppose I will just tell you about my writing. It is something that provides enjoyment, as well as top notch therapy to express my thoughts and feelings. You see, I am certainly far from the worlds expert at verbal communication, so writing, safer to say, is a much better outlet for me. When I write, I can always go back and forth to add, delete or even edit words. I can do it once or I can do it twice, or even thrice if I really need to. My very first blog post, way back on August 25, 2018, was on bisexuality you may find this now, as BISEXUALS love you BOTH! It started out as a short, almost antagonistic piece, but as I kept making edits and added links, it transformed into what it has blossomed into today, also being published on biresource.org It just took off from there as it spiraled out of control onto many other prestigious websites! By now, I have written on such a diverse selection of topics, such as everything from nudity, as you can see by this very site, when I wrote my very first published article back in January of 2019, up to presently teaching certain life lessons as well as sexuality. I haved dabbled with erotica, as well as personal thoughts and feelings writing about whatever comes to mind. At one time, I had 80 writings on FL alone. Now on that very site I have over 110! Then I achieved the honor of visiting author on nudeandhappy.com when I took a shot and submitted my Sublime Experience, conveying my first experience of being "OPEN & FREE" with a lady I had just met. This is also where I have a handful of articles pertaining to, yup, nudism. As I moved up in the industry, I then got my own blog website, my very 1st one, writenowchris.com on Blogger. Now that I have finally attained high level status, with my own full fledged website, I post everything here for your viewing pleasure. I really have an uplifting encouraging experience writing, as I express my thoughts on "paper," ..err ...uh well, actually a computer screen & keyboard. I just finished a very controversial essay on how children fare between nudity and violent video games, I posted it right here, on CJblog, Nov 4, 20, and mentioned it on Twitter. I always enjoy comments on my writing, so I can see if you like it and if I am coming across the correct way, or in the alternative, if I may be totally off the wall, in your opinion and should go back to the writing board. As I said, I usually don't have the talent of communicating correctly verbally, so I attempt to rectify my lack of oral communication skills through my writing skills instead. Well, enough boring you. I just wanted to brief you on my material about various topics. Oh, did I mention that I love getting comments? Now is your chance! Thanks for your attention and Love you BOTH, CJ
- COUNT - #20
Ok everyone sit back and take notice. Why? What's going on today? We are going to count today! Uh, hmmm, sounds like a fun time......I guess? We just have to figure out what we are going to count. Any ideas? Well.... Let's see, OH! I know! How about......Um, snowflakes? Actually that's really difficult in the desert. Ok, I think I might try, Traffic lights!? Well, I might be here till next year, and it wouldn't be accurate anyway. Ok time to get down to business. Enough screwing around! I got it! Something that is not too many and not too few. My Blessings Perfect idea! Why didn't I think of that? Let's begin, in chronological order, the best I can. 1st, A mother who still adores me and accepts me just as I am, even though I am Bi. And I put her through total hell for many years. She has NEVER given up on me! Thanks, MOM! A cousin that I have recently been learning that her life isn't as perfect and glamorous as I originally thought during our childhood. I always envied her. We have also been getting reacquainted with each other, recently. Our bond is growing stronger. Very close to her now. A BF, who I still know after 35 years, since high school. As a matter of fact, he was helping me just yesterday on my computer. He solved my problem amazingly easy and fast. Thanks, "Bro" I call him Bro, because he is like a big bro to me, because I never had one. My lil Mimi, who is the best-behaved canine on the planet. I say that with all the confidence because she goes outside by herself and comes back. She doesn't run away. If she has an accident, she actually goes into the bathroom, believe it or not! Very rarely does she ever go in the house. She only barks at the appropriate times upon him/her entering. If I take something away from her, she doesn't really fight me. Giving credit where it's due, when I administer medicine, she takes it calmly and without any fight. She's my precious little girl. Whoops! She heard me! I better say princess. Ok, Did I make my point about the best canine anywhere? I thought so! Another BF that I met right here at a play party back in December, '18 He has taught me a lot, too much to go into, but even if I learned nothing else, I learned, "no one wants a needy bitch!" Right WC? Thanks for your patience and perseverance, man! Good friends that I meet every day, right HERE! I just want to express my sincere thanks and gratitude for the inspiration and words of wisdom from my new friends that have been investing the time to make me feel much more confident while I set my sights on improving my writing. Ok they say "Save the BEST for last" Then it must be my BF, (boyfriend), and "Husband" without the license or cert. I have covered him in so many writings, so I will just reiterate that he is.... BEYOND FUCKING AWESOME, like I just indicated yesterday, when we were on Fire Thank you ALL for your attention, and now you can see just how BLESSED I really am
- FIRE - #19
Dam, it's beyond HOT in here! Oh, that's why! We are talking about FIRE today! No wonder! Ok, here it goes... Ready? ...No one can argue that a volcano is beyond fire hot, it can melt rock for Christ's sake! Sometimes I can get just as HOT under the collar when I think of the kids and teenagers who get thrown out of their own homes because their so called "parents" find out they are different from them some how! Different can mean gay or Bi or any other factor that kids get ostracized from their families for. My heart goes out to these kids. Remember SEXUALITY IS NOT A CHOICE!!! I always wonder how there are "parents" out there, that don't love their own children unconditionally. But before I get way off topic, let me get right to the point of FIRE, today's word. I could not truly speak of fire without mentioning yet again, my BF. I would like to declare that he is the water to my fire. Even though he is a Leo, a fire sign, he is the one that calms me down in the face of rage. I was visiting him one night, and as I was crossing in the crosswalk, where I thought is the proper place to cross, I nearly got run over! I immediately pounded on the car roof. I will always remember he calmly looked right at me and asked, "are you crazy?" He didn't rant and rave or lose his temper, he just kept his cool like always. Since he has such a perceptive perspective, he always puts out my fire of rage by looking at things from an entirely different angle. He helps me to see other points of view while, I am amazed that he is so much younger than me yet he is so completely mature and distinguished in his mind and mannerisms, not to mention how dignified he always comes across. To attempt to describe him accurately, the only way I can describe him is, He is BEYOND FUCKING AWESOME! I hope this phrase does him "justice" because I can't think of another way to describe him. It should give you a good idea of how astonishing he really is. Hey, I know...... ....Perhaps I should ask God, "Did you send him as my guardian angel so I could be inspired to strive my hardest & become the best I can ever be?" AND "Am I really deserving of such a sensational reward after waiting so long?" Not sure yet, because he doesn't seem to answer me, but after meeting my BF, I am very sure the answer must be... Yes, absolutely my child! Love you both, Christopher Jeremiah But I love Him the most,