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- Are you a self-proclaimed HOT shot?
When I was on a fetish/kink website long ago, this post you are about to refer to was my most loved post. 20 Loves, and 22 comments. I got inspired by a young punk kid, about 20 years my junior, when he actually had the audacity to tell me to call HIM?? "Daddy" This is when I write, when I have unique experiences like this. You must comprehend that I am a very self-confident man. If you prefer that I do something that is a bit unorthodox, you better have a dam good and valid reason. So after dealing with him, I wrote this. If you can't figure out the theme, it is just saying that, "If you want me to call you something, you must "EARN IT" Now that you understand the context of this piece, we can begin, and you will just LOVE the way I do this! If you are a "hot" shot in your own personal reality inside the depths of your demented thoughts, then I take great pride in creating this informative correspondence just for your thorough perusal, so this is the exact point where you better pay extremely close attention as there may be a exam at some point. Ok, folks, it's about time for another blog from the ever famous newdchris, me! What did you say? What do you mean I am not famous? But I say I am famous so who are you to tell me any different? I mean, don't you do the same thing when you want me to call you master or sir? After reading, Alchemy's blog about being a self-proclaimed master I thought that we all can "self-proclaim" what or who we are. Isn't that the way it works here? A "sir" that I just met and was speaking with me for less than two hours told me to call him sir after I asked his name. I thought he was going to say, "I am Ted or Todd", but he wanted me to call him "sir". Now, this is why I have such a problem understanding this lifestyle. You want me to call you sir without any valid reason? Just because you wake up one morning and say, "Today from now on, I am going to be called, sir." During my tenure, in this new lifestyle, I have learned something from a Dom, He told me, "she is not just 'a' slave, she is 'my' slave." So in fact, he meant that I couldn't use her for my own use or command her to do anything, so I certainly could not expect to treat her like my property and await her reaction. Make sense? So why would you expect ME to call YOU sir without any valid reason or provocation? Let me give it to you straight, if you want ME to call YOU sir, master, daddy, or anything else, you must, (pay attention now), EARN IT! Am I supposed to call you sir? Earn that TITLE! Am I supposed to call you dom? Earn my RESPECT! Am I supposed to call you master? Earn my TRUST! Am I supposed to call you daddy? Earn my DEDICATION, then you will, in time, EARN my LOYALTY as well! Then I would be more than happy and willing to call you anything you want. You don't just call a graduate student, doctor, do you? Obviously not. She must go through years of schooling, take a multitude of proficiency exams, and attain an advanced degree first, called a doctorate degree, then she needs to go through a residency and only then can she expect you to call her "Doctor" Now you don't mind if ask you what you went through to be a "sir", do you? Ok, my point is made as well as understood. I will also add that he was 2 decades younger than me, so I just can't wrap my head around calling someone that much younger than me, "sir." or even "daddy." & Master? surely you MUST be kidding & just out of your mind! It's like if a 10-year-old walked up to you and said to call him, Mr. soandso. Wouldn't you fall backward from laughing so hard? Or if a student tells their teacher to call him, Mr. Jackson, and calls the teacher by their first name, same thing. I will say this though, if I am in a scene with you while in the heat of the moment and I am taking on the sub role, then I can see calling you your self proclaimed title because that would be the proper reference for you. I have called someone daddy before but again it was because I respected him. Why has it taken so damn long for it to sink into your deranged head? I always RESPECT someone who EARNED IT! NOT a moment before! So if you want ME to call YOU "sir" or anything related to it, you know what to do now. Start practicing! Oh yeah! This is a perfect time for that exam I mentioned earlier JK! Lucky you Thanks for your attention. Love you both, Christopher
- $100 Trillion dollars to the 1st one to answer ALL
1. What direction are we headed (either ourselves or all of us together)? 2. Is our race going to end soon with our inevitable extinction? 3. Why can't we get along with our fellow humans? 4. Why do we judge others? 5. Why, just recently, are you a different gender that NEVER existed before? 6. How can trumpovich have supporters and not be fired if he is prejudiced and racist? Now he says that fallen soldiers are suckers AND losers. What a buffoon! 7. Is the deep state planning for world death to reduce us to 500 million worldwide? 8. Is the plan to end the political parties as we know it and get a whole new form of government in the house? 9. When is the world finally going to end? 10. What was the exact time and date of the sun's birth? Earth's? 11. How long, exactly, has that mountain been here? And the ocean over there? 12. Why cant people just ignore others instead of calling the cops when they are NOT even near them? 13. What is the weight, capacity, and depth of the ocean? 14. How long will I, you, he, she, or your sibling be here? 15. Why are there some that have a mansion that is way too big for them, and others on the street with nothing? 16. Ok, how about what is at, under, around, or in the inner Area 51? Aliens? Spacecraft? How far down does it go? 17. Why do we have war and secrets from other countries instead of cohabiting? 18. Why cant the rich help the poor, instead of being way too greedy and selfish? 19. Why are humans the weakest, yet, can be (if they wanted to) the most intelligent species on earth? 20. Why cant humans work for a common goal/purpose like the bees and ants? BONUS QUESTIONS: in the event of a tie. Does a cancer stick (cig) actually take 7 minutes off your life?
- Why am I here?....out of all the places in the vast universe?
Have YOU ever asked yourself this question? OR, perhaps Just what IS my purpose/mission in this life? Or simply, Why was I even born? I have been questioning these impossible mysteries with more confusion and uncertainty than should be humanly possible. Looking back on my life with all the various choices and decisions I have made, along with my aspirations and hopes for my future, only reinforces, then further complicates my search for any possible logical explanation out there somewhere. Mainly, because my original dreams are about as far away from reality, as we are from Pluto. Imagine comparing a pro basketball player to my actual reality, a writer still looking for a profitable niche. Now, you see just how far Pluto is, don't you? At least, my destiny is much clearer now. I no longer concern myself with seeking others for companionship or any socialization. There is just NO one out there for me! Even if there was, I have no desire to bring new life.... HERE! Speaking for me anyway, the most important reason I will NEVER create any new life, is I would NEVER intentionally bring anyone here, only to force them to exist in the very same cold, cruel, deceptive and vile existence I am unfortunately forced to live in. I could NEVER be that cold and cruel. With me in this off the wall, evil, and beyond sinister world, by mistake, this is exactly why I really have NO clue or any idea at all what my purpose is here or what I am even supposed to be doing on this terrible planet. Make sense? If I was dropped off, or placed here inadvertently, perhaps my only mission is to go where I actually DO belong without wasting any more of my short time left down here. Looking for life's purpose is so far beyond our capability, as its way too complex for us to finally find out, that the answer may actually take multiple existences to even come close to any answers. Even with all that I have said, I actually do have a few potential explanations in mind. More than a decade ago, when a scared little defenseless, abused little girl, came into my life, she just stole my heart! She was also more than precious, innocent, and so very loving, yet also very courageous and beyond brave soul! She, at the same time, really needed a completely loving home as well as a beyond patient and caring master. Taking ALL this under consideration, maybe I am to do nothing more than really give her ALL my eternal love I have within me that I possibly can. I will always be here for my precious adorable loving lil Mimi, my really sweet and always well behaved little fur daughter, so she ALWAYS has a safe loving home, where she is, and always will be, completely protected from ANY & ALL evil in this totally cruel insane malevolent existence. After she was so brutally abused with complete maliciousness by a vile heinous repulsive life form, for the 1st 5 years of her dismal and dejected life that she really never even deserved, I boldly stepped in without even a split 2nd thought and saved her life, no longer having to ever endure any further mental and physical abuse for the rest of her time down here! When I saved her, her background just totally broke my heart and spirit. It turns out that she, being the poor defenseless lil chi, she is, was not only abused, but then beyond all the demoralizing and humiliating totally deplorable years of beyond cruel abuse, the totally evil pitiful demon, only drove the final nail into her abhorrent and terrifying coffin, further. This was for her final annihilation, she also was left in a foreclosed home, most certainly to meet her frightening horrific demise. If she hadn't been found by some type of guardian angel's powerful watchful loving eye that saw she needed a miracle just in the nick of time, it just causes me unmeasurable pain and agony to even surmise her horrid destiny. To this very day, I just don't know, for the life of me, how some beyond abhorrent foul life form could ever conceivably do that or could even share the same existence as us! But as we all have been placed down here somehow in such an odious revolting and beyond insane world that will always retain its gruesome, warped and demented tight grip around all of us, and its vile sins against humanity with no peaceful end in sight, I can possibly see why, while its detestable and loathsome ways are just way beyond us. This is the very pertinent reason, I wasn't even going to risk her ever, receiving anymore immoral, beyond vicious abuse anymore. If I didn't welcome her into my loving empathetic life, then I could never bring myself into a peaceful place in my soul considering how her impending destiny could have turned out. She could have started the same vicious cycle all over again, with a new sinister evil demon. Who knows? It makes me wonder if I were to leave this miserable existence down here to go far away to a much more superior exceptional existence, and leave her behind, would this mean that I failed my mission in life? On a much simpler lighter note, maybe I am just here to be a kind heart and loving soul to people whose lives I touch with my sincere heartfelt communication & well intentioned advice. Recently, I have been receiving kind and warm sentiments from those who actually give me a purpose for all my literature that I so diligently produce. I am on a few websites where I reply to people's self-disparaging posts as they pour out their feelings reaching out, possibly for some help. I like to consider myself to be a decent guy, in my own opinion, anyway. But I could be way off. It doesn't even have to be inside the internet world, it can also be in person as well. After all, when we interact with anyone, no matter how slight, our actions lead to different events in their now altered life. But since we all must now be in compliance while we all are forced to wear such ridiculous non-effective muzzles henceforth, this is impossible now. Still yet another possibility, is that it is my destiny to impact this cold, cruel, & callous, not to forget beyond evil, world on a much grander scale. Just Imagine! It just might be in my future to actually become an advocate, or even more influential, an activist! After all, I am the ever-famous BiMaleNudist, on Twitter. Yes, I am Bi and also a nudist. Hence my title. Any more questions? Aside from fighting for a worthwhile cause impacting many people, then perhaps I will only impact a needy scared little child, which is a much more humane action, than bringing a brand new life into this world, being so cruel and vindictive to all its inhabitants. I would much rather give of myself, in giving new and refreshed hope and re energized inspiration to a needy shy and reserved teen that really desires a knowledgeable caring adult that is beyond confident, that can instill this into the teen who really needs a loving dad to coach him on finding a way to somehow make it through this dismal life. "Anything is possible." It's one philosophy I truly live by. Being BOTH bisexual AND a nudist, just those two unique attributes alone would give me 2 areas in which to fight for while project my blatant self-confidence for decades to come. Even more so, if I decide to fight for youth. They really need a strong adult to be by their side while also being right in their corner! Since nudists are the only minority in existence who have absolutely NO rights, this alone would be a lifelong battle. Especially as the whole world is, for the most part, against wearing the best suit on earth! The very one that we were born with. WOW! The possibilities are just beyond infinite! Or perhaps, if none of these cards are in my deck, maybe I should just continue on my present course while I maintain my good nature with others, and hopefully, I will realize my mission, or purpose, in life when the time is right. The best way for me to make it through life to the next step in my quite possible eternal journey, is by teaching myself how to stop hurting others in life that mean the world to me, and then acquire the proper knowledge where maybe I might actually attract good people towards me while I also, and most importantly, manage to keep them IN my life! Time to take a deep breath now! Its mind boggling to consider all these potential scenarios! Love you BOTH, Christopher
- I am something, yet I am nothing
I am something, because, I am a son, brother, and perhaps a cousin, to maybe a couple people in my family. I'm a driver who could meet you by accident and affect your life inadvertently. I'm a true friend to 2 people out there somewhere making lives easier or harder. if I am spotted doing something abnormal, people would notice and take action. if I die, my family and friends might be a little hurt and sad, perhaps. yet I am nothing, since, I have been here for less than a century, yet the oceans, mountains, and sun have been here since the beginning of time. I am, but just a spec of dust, compared to the size of my surroundings, i.e., city, state, country, and immense world, and imagine the universe. If I was on a crowded highway, you would never even see or notice me at all. I may be about 200 pounds, but I am lighter than a feather and have no mass when compared to the weight of the ocean, mountains, or even a single building on earth. If I am in the middle of an ocean, desert, or forest, then I would never be heard or seen. I am no better than you, her, him or any of them, but in fact I am just another Joe Blo on this vast never ending earth, doing the best I can till I am no more parting ways. Whatever problems plague me in life, chances are, they’re not at all significant in the grand scheme of things. When I finally die, the world wont even blink an eye, not caring or even knowing. Much different than a world leader or celebrity that is ALWAYS known and causes great grief. On a much more grim and bleak depressing note, when I do finally leave and venture to the great beyond and unknown, it would be weeks before anyone would even notice.
- Why do you call yourself BISEXUAL?
WHY BI? YOU asked! I'm glad you asked me why I'm Bi - I will be only too happy to explain, Thank you for your interest. I am very interested in answering your question in great detail so that you can understand me when I declare, "I love BOTH of you and each of you arouse me in different ways" so instead of loving only one of you, I enjoy the BEST of BOTH!! I really don't want to limit myself to just half the population. I am Bi, because I have been with BOTH and would love you BOTH again. If I was not attracted to one of you, then I would be missing out on half the fun. Why would you deny yourself certain pleasures "bi" not having sensual erotic fun times from the other gender? Ladies first, She enchants me, as she projects her innocent sweet smiles from her cute adorable face, and also while her beautiful smooth body is a pleasure to admire as I enjoy her more petite figure. As I cherish her captivating figure, her eyes can steal my attention & be striking in appearance while they have a way of mesmerizing and luring me into their presence with their seductive disposition. She has such a delightful smooth body, that I can only dream of caressing her entire exquisite beauty from head down to her tantalizing petite toes. If I even take my eyes off her for only a brief moment, I will deny myself part of her alluring elegance. That, "bi" far, is what I love most. My ideal body type is, young sweet and smooth. This is the primary reason why I am so attracted to her. Her only hair is silky smooth on her head and perhaps down below, is enough for me. I love how she has more petite sweet feet and smooth luscious legs, and softer tantalizing toes while still other parts of her anatomy are very inviting and enchanting. I shall close, as I also mention her shapely succulent breasts, while sucking her perfect tasty nipples to our satisfaction is one of my favorite duties as I please her, while I also desire her body for her alluring beauty. Now for Him, He's HOT in His own right, which means He, is just as gorgeous as she is, in His own alluring way His anatomy is particularly inciting because he has his own special equipment that gives me wild, hot, passionate pleasure as I get to play with Him, first within my hand, then I begin manipulating it with my mouth as I transfer Him into bliss or sometimes even ecstasy. I am virtually, while nearly exclusively, extremely oral and my love muscle is actually my tongue. I am very honored to assert my mastery at making love to His very own exclusive male essence. I have excelled in the craft of blissful fellatio. I have honed my skill beyond words, as I transport Him straight into total euphoria. I really must ponder, which of us actually receives the greatest pleasure, in our mutual exhilarating delectable experience. It is BOTH my honor and pleasure to make love to his perfect part, giving us our ultimate pleasure together. Now, keeping in mind the smooth body I like, I can just imagine Him having a HOT delicious, sweet & sexy, smooth, young body that I may lick, suck, and kiss all over to my utter jubilation & exuberance. Now to wrap it up: I see the obvious advantages to both his/her unique and inherent beauty. Their own particular equipment is intensifying as it awakens the power sex god within me while it gets me very hot & aroused. Both have their own unique elegance in the proper places. I can actually admire both of them while I love the way I can see their enticing beauty in two separate elegant packages. As I marvel at their similar form, I also worship each of their individual essences. To look at them both and see what each of them has to offer in their own unique respect is eternal bliss because it is so captivating. Twinks are, "bi" far, the most enjoyable & delightful for me as they stimulate my spark my desire as my favorite one to frolic about. He combines the smoothness of her, with the proper seductive and tempting male anatomy that I love to execute my all time favorite execution with my mouth and hands. He is smooth, sweet, and succulent. His sweet meat is a tender delicacy as it melts in my mouth while I also caress him into ecstasy with my love muscle. He is absolutely my ideal mate. It is beyond elation to describe the way he makes me feel beyond fucking awesome! He makes it well worth my devotion when he gives me the opportunity to utilize my love muscle on his perfect part as nothing else even compares to my feeling of euphoria with Him.
- Are we in a apocalyptic movie or is this actually real life?
I really hope I am in an alternate reality or a warped nightmare right now. I must be one of the very few seeing what is right in front of our faces. Do you have fun playing games? I mean besides the ones the government always plays with you. Have you ever played 20 questions? Well, that was the 1st one. JK! I can play this all day but let's just ask you a few to start. Do all the current world events warrant further inquiry? Is all the reality in this world right now for the rest of you? Sheeple, would you also run naked in the streets if the govt told you to? Do you normally just obey without question or hesitation? Maybe some logic? How healthy is it to be isolated from other humans who are naturally social animals? Do you really believe all the false positive tests and false numbers of "covid" deaths? Did you hear that hospitals get an astronomical amount of money to say a patient died of covid, even though its a different kind of death in reality? I could ask away and would not even scratch the surface of possible questions. This entire fiasco is very frustrating. I can't even go to a store or other public establishment without having to wear a fucking mask! Then once I am forced to wear that, I hear a female voice over a loudspeaker urging us to "practice our social distancing" Are you fucking serious? It reminds me of movies like The Running Man, that depict the government controlling us. I guess as long you let them, they will! The TOP 1% really must love the unilateral unconditional control they have over this weak feeble world. That is the VERY reason that we will fall as a civilization and are extremely feeble. Reason: We will NEVER band together! Makes me wonder, Are the bees and ants really that primitive? At least they have the superior intelligence to work for a common purpose instead of fighting with their own species. In The Running Man, starring Arnold, it is about a sinister game show run by the govt who is blatantly lying to the American public, when all the while, the ignorant oblivious sheeple just voluntarily and unquestionably believe them without any hesitation. The sheeple don't ever question their govt. They just completely obey their deceitful leaders like good little subservient children. "Yes, mommy and daddy govt, I will wear my mask so I don't get sick" "Yes, mommy and daddy govt, I will stay home and just keep distant from all my friends and family" "Yes, mommy and daddy govt, I will not go see my dying relative, cuz you say not to." I believed that this whole fucking debacle was actually a precursor to martial law, but then I find out since we are all just good little subservient robots who are listening intently to the fucking govt, so this will not be needed after all. A very grave revelation, this is only the very beginning! Who do you listen to? Govt who is always constantly lying to us? The conspiracy theorists whom some of you say is "off the wall?" or not scientific? The various news channels who play up events and hire crisis actors? Actually maybe I should just listen to social media, you know, the same ones that told America to vote for trumpovich? Perhaps social media isn't such a bad idea, as there are many who know that this whole false flag op, is beyond specious! If sheeple can listen to social media to dictate to them who to vote for, then I might as well listen to the other sensible people who know that there is much more to this than meets the eye. I also have heard that this bogus "social distancing" is so the satellites can distinguish each of us. The problem with me listening to social media, is the very problem in itself. I DONT LISTEN TO SOCIAL MEDIA. I don't follow the herd to the slaughter. I only confer with logic, thorough analysis, and intense inquiries. Also, I watched an educational special on Netflix that stated the virus can enter through your eyes. Can you please tell me how a mask prevents you contracting this virus? Because the mask isn't covering your eyes, right? So it is such a lethal deadly virus that we don't even have "BIOBINS" for disposal of the masks. I am just getting so frustrated with the way we are always lied to and I know the govt isn't telling us what's really going on, yet everyone just accepts whatever they say. Never a question or rebel or anything. I'm the other end of the spectrum, I ALWAYS seek the truth, its just that I might be on a different planet than where truth is. Since humans hate change and allow themselves to be ordered around like little children that cant think for themselves, this inhumane world will NEVER transform into a loving giving caring environment for us to flourish together. It will continue to be all of us doing whatever we are always told. I cant even begin to fathom how a mere 1% of the world population can even start to have complete control over the other 99% of us. So if 1 whole person wanted to skinny dip, that would mean that the other 99 would ALL comply and join the first 1. I just don't see how this would be possible! It sure must be astronomical to have that kind of hold over that many! May you burn in HELL fucking elites! Christopher June 29, 20
- I am NOT ashamed of who I am!
Hello, Glad you stopped by to see how PROUD I actually am of WHO I've become. Please allow me to introduce myself, I am BiMaleNudist. You just might find me on social media if you are paying attention. Yes, you are correct. I can see that I can't get anything past you. I am Bi and very proud to love both of you & if that's not enough, I am also a nudist in a clothed, ignorant sexualized world. You must wonder how I make it through life this way, being so outside of society. Well, cease your wonderment, and join me now as I take you through my 2 attributes that set me way over there, outside the box. I shall educate you as we delve into the specifics of my SEXUALITY & LIFESTYLE, as long as you are accepting, and OPEN-minded. 1st & foremost — I am BISEXUAL I am naturally attracted to both the guys and the gals. I think you know as well as I do, that we do NOT choose our natural attractions, that's why they are called "natural." You did not choose to be straight. But then again, you over there on the other side of the fence, did not choose to be gay either. Some of you may find it repulsive that I can be intimate and perform certain pleasures with other guys, but on the other hand, I find it completely repulsive & reprehensible to "own" another human or beat someone until they are blood red. Quite honestly, I prefer much simpler & more enjoyable activities. They are so much more satisfying and enriching for BOTH parties. My main forte, is being very orally gifted, especially with the studs, as I delight him into ecstasy, performing the utmost fellatio that he is ever going to receive from anyone! But I do NOT stop at his tantalizing tool, as I also worship sweet feet. Just what I'm into, don't be disgusted. To each his own, right? as we all accept others with various palettes, while staying respectful, and always remembering, there are eternally, Different strokes for different folks. Furthermore, it just baffles me how someone could not enjoy the BEST of BOTH! You do understand that by denying yourself just 1/2 of the pleasure, you also, quite logically, only receive 1/2 the pleasure. I mean, why limit yourself to only half the population, with many more possibilities? Am I right? Now, you perhaps consider us to be promiscuous, or have constant threesomes, or we can never be loyal to any one person. Is that what you actually think of us bisexuals? As they say, don't judge until you have walked in another's pair of shoes! My BI-sexuality actually makes me quite lonely, contrary to your very clouded views, since most of you do not want to be with us, bisexuals. So instead of always having fun with all kinds of interesting partners, that are NOT even interested, it, in all actuality, makes most of us, endure unwarranted loneliness. Even my X BF said, when he first met me, "I don't want you to be bi!" Well, why not?... I ask you ALL! It must be because you don't think we can stay loyal, is that it? Well, I've got an important revelation for you, so listen intently, as you hear me proclaim with utmost certainty, and firmly that, I CAN AND WILL be forever loyal! Got it? But in a nutshell, I am NOT ashamed of who I am OR whom catches the innate sparkle of my eye! 2nd attribute - I am ALSO a NUDIST! Ever since I tossed my inhibitions away forever, I just feel totally beyond fucking awesome with my birthday suit exclusively. I will never wear a bathing suit again, and after you experience skinny dipping you won't ever either. Wearing something just to get wet, has got to be the most ridiculously absurd concept in the history of man!! It just feels way too, "open and free", for me to cover the divine gift I have been given, knowing how beautiful we ALL are. As soon as I can fathom a use for clothes, I will be more than happy to wear them. The one and only reason to wear them would be to protect us from the cold, maybe the sun in which there is sunscreen, or dangerous conditions that requires PPE. Otherwise, they serve NO function to society at all. After all, why spend a lot of money on clothes when being "open and free" (nude) has NO COST, whatsoever? The problem with most everyone on this great green earth is their blatant ignorance of correlating nudity and sex, 2 totally unrelated concepts. These same individuals can't even fathom that clothing can be much MORE SEXUAL than basic innocent nudism. UNDERSTAND: Clothing can be very sexual, as nudity can be completely platonic. But let me ask you, What do YOU see they load this pic with? Come up with an answer yet? He has something on, so he is definitely NOT nude! Well, if you are unsure of your answer, perhaps clothing, isn't as sweet & innocent as you have attempted to portray previously, and you might just have those 2nd thoughts, perhaps when you claimed that nude = sex? I just revel in delight when I'm right! My point PROVEN!! Time to move on. If people can ever during their nosy uneventful lives, comprehend this very important concept, they may just free up and open their shallow superficial minds! But until there are many more open-minded individuals who can actually somehow learn the difference between them, we will always live in conflict, instead of serenity, with NO freedom of choice. It would certainly grace me with a liberating feeling, if I was ever able to wake up 1 day and start being the adult that I believe I am, and finally make MY OWN choices for once! But, I only choose my lifestyle because of the freedom it allows me to have and the blatant self-confidence it awards me with, transforming me into a much deeper person. It really displeases me I must deal with shallow superficial people all the time. You know the ones, They are only concerned with trivial body appearance. I also surmise that it's always the guys that worry about their size, not the ladies. However, if I am asked for my particular magnitude, I just tell the truth. "I have what I have, no more no less." Christopher Jeremiah Well, It's the truth isn't it? It's because those of us that are more concerned with the pertinent qualities, do NOT obsess over the unimportant, outer shell. TRUE nudists value qualities you cannot see. That's how you can always tell the fakes from us, genuine nudists. I, as a nudist, have absolutely NOTHING to be ashamed of!! I am actually quite proud of what I have been blessed with. Now, please understand that my earthly vessel is far from perfect, but I accept the items that I cannot change and continue to develop the ones that are within my control. There are some features I have, that I am quite proud of. Our bodies are ours, and we are ALL imperfect, this is what makes us human. I can stand before you or anyone....totally NUDE and you can't offend me. Not a chance! Yes, you absolutely heard me correctly! You sound skeptical. Care to challenge me? If so, prepare yourself for a tremendous loss while you equal your embarrassment. That's what blatant self-confidence is. My body is not perfect, never has been or ever will be. But then again, neither is yours. If you can actually identify the pertinent qualities of an individual by merely glancing at their body, then you should try walking on water too. So AGAIN, I have NOTHING whatsoever to be ashamed of! At all! I hope that you may have learned more about me, but even more importantly, about the fulfilling and confidence boosting lifestyle that nudism offers also. Thank you again for reading this long piece, Christopher
- I have mastered the art of "sucking" cock!
After reading @Goddess post, "How I eat pussy," I figured if a babe, uh, excuse me, a goddess, can write about eating some delicious pussy, then certainly a fabulous Bi guy can write about "sucking" some hot delicious cock! Thanks, Goddess, for the inspiration. After partying and "sucking" or is it BLOWING?? Im not too sure. 2 fabulous HOT cute cocks early this fine, really fun morning, I just had to create this highly detailed description of the proper techniques to utilize when satisfying that HOT sexy stud of yours. Now First of all, I must make myself clear, you must try to comprehend that I don't really "suck" cock. You must recognize the difference of what you may have done or had done to you and perceive what I do when I perform what you may have just tried. What I execute is the very fine art of MAKING LOVE to it, as I have mastered the craft of sucking cock, which is on a whole new level. If there was a degree or even a certificate, I would have attained it long ago. After all, cock and feet worship are my two specialties. Please perceive the very fine intricate detail in contrast between the two, "sucking" and "making love" . When I implement my particular love muscle, my tongue to be exact, I not only employ the finest skills I have performed for many decades, but I also put my entire complete self into it. If I don't give something at least 150%, it's not even worth my time to try. So, foremost, I use my "muscle" to start very gently at the head as I slowly get it up and ready for action. It's like a wake-up call. I focus my entire vitality on it, as my mouth engulfs it into oblivion, while it slides in slowly & naturally while lubing it up with my sensual oral juices. Now, you must understand that each guy differs greatly from the last. Some like long and slow strokes, which are best for a sensuous connoisseur and of course there are always the jackrabbits who like the short, quick strokes. When utilizing the long slow ones, you must put ever so slightly more pressure with your lips as you go back and forth on the shaft. This part usually comprising about 5 to 7 inches is more than adequate for your mutual satisfaction. Over 7", and you may need my more advanced lessons. But at this size, it's just about right on. You find that when his delicious, cute cock is not all the way up and ready for you, most of the time you can engulf the entire cock in your mouth and put your tongue around it and just go to town with it. This will be the very best sensation for both of you, as your mouth will be all the way down the shaft, and touching your lips will be the perineum of the urogenital diaphragm. Oh, yeah!! YUM to the very MAX!!! I believe that you have the essential basics down by right about now, so I, the guru, will adjourn class for today. But NOT to worry one bit! I will be right back here tomorrow for questions or refresher classes, should you need them. Always remember that the one who actually has the part in question, "the cock," is the best man to give instruction on the art of satisfying those HOT studs in your life, because we know how to pleasure the proper erogenous zones. We men specifically know exactly what to do in order to make it react the proper way in its ability for standing up at attention as you begin your love making affair. Once you initiate this, you will feel beyond fucking awesome! Thanks and good night to you - Oh, but it's 5 am? Ok, well, Good morning then, now you should really go practice the techniques & simple maneuvers you have learned so well this beautiful, and, exhilarating morning. You may also want to study for the exam to be absolutely sure that you will get the most out of this lesson. After studying a while, you will also have a perfect opportunity to achieve an outstanding grade in my class, while you move right to the head of this class! Now, you ALL should at least know the basics of sucking some HOT, cute sexy cock!
- Are you a nudist? Find out NOW!
Do you think you can pass my short test? Well, you should take this short quiz to find out. 1. Do you enjoy flaunting your crotch around and showing it off? 2. Do you love to look at everyone's crotch area while you are out at events? 3. Don't you just love to look at those big hot titties on that gorgeous babe? 4. Do you think it's all about sex and looking at what you can get away with? 5. When you look at a naked babe do you get rock hard? Well, then congrats! I will be only too happy to inform you instantly that you aren't even in the same town as a nudist, let alone the same ballpark. What you must be is an ignorant, arrogant, self-centered sex-starved fiend, most likely male and you do NOT know even the 1st thing about being a nudist or our morals and values if you even have these? You, by far, need to educate yourself completely about our clean, wholesome, family-friendly lifestyle. You will have a troublesome time even comprehending that it is all about: respect of yourself and OTHERS as well, respect of your entire surroundings and the environment, accepting yourself as well as others for who you & they are, realizing that it's your body and imperfect as we ALL are, yet loving anyway, accepting others for their worth and flaws, NEVER considering sex or sexual acts, treating others as YOU want to be treated yourself. Understand now? Once you at least have a clue what I am talking about, and understand the very basics, then maybe, just maybe, you can begin to enjoy our beautiful & fulfilling lifestyle. Once people have a bit of decency within them, and intelligence while stopping associating sex with nudity ALL the time, maybe we ALL can live together in peace and harmony and stop living with dissension and disrespect. We will then have the decency to live in unity and harmony while you stop forcing us to hide who we truly are, and give EVERYONE the freedom of choice once and for ALL!! WHEW! I really hope you ALL grasp the concept of proper, wholesome & tasteful nudism! Luv U BOTH, Chris
- My links page
This is a podcast I collaborated with Mr. Joe De Luca in May '20 speaking about the lethal deadly virus that everyone is so completely paranoid over while it's controlling the entire planet. He was gracious enough to interview me discussing the causes of the virus and possible plausible origins. It just totally blows my mind beyond comprehension how a primitive life form smaller than bacteria with absolutely NO brain and NO intelligence or decision making ability, is literally controlling this entire planet!! Do you even comprehend how mind - boggling this is? This is just way beyond my perception!! Perhaps I should post the extensive piece I wrote about this very topic. There are more than a couple theories on the origins of this antagonist. 1- possibly here to annihilate a portion of the population. 2- Payback for our blatant disregard for species we made extinct here. OR Perhaps last, how about if there is a possibility that there is actually NO virus AT ALL! Can you wrap your head around this little gem? I feel, after all that I have learned about this minute life form, and ALL the govt conspiracy, dishonesty, hidden agendas, power hungry leaders, and much more we are not even privy to, it is MORE than possible. There are the freethinkers who know this is a plannedemic, or maybe even a scamdemic, but certainly NOT a pandemic!! Then in opposition to the ones who can think for themselves, are the majority of this bleak weak planet, the ever famous, SHEEPLE. Is that you? These are those who always, are unable to think for themselves, listen to govts implicitly, and without question or hesitation, love to wear the required muzzles AND will be led straight to the slaughter someday soon!! Be sure to have fun with that when that day comes! FACTS: Numbers have been misleading AND purposely increased. Hospitals get paid a larger sum of money to record deaths as covid. Many myths do NOT add up. This list is much longer, but let these 3 sink in 1st.
- May 20 - Week #3 - Theme is Kindness - Gift Day
Today is Gift day? The theme is Kindness. Ok, now I got it. You want to be kind to me for this week and since it's my birthday on Thursday, you want to get me a gift. Ok, no problem. But you don't know what to get me? Well, since you don't know me well, I should probably give you some ideas then. Hmm, this is a tough one. I don't really need anything in particular, but, hey, if you really want to get me something special that I will really love and cherish forever, you can give me...... ......the extra special gift of TIME! That's right! Since I NEVER have any real friends that spend this with me at all, Time.......like spending the day with me would put me on cloud 9. Don't get me a new Ferrari, (well if you really want to?) or a diamond ring that can get lost or damaged. Just spend your time with me. It will be way better than how I normally spend it. My love language is Quality Time with special people so gifts are NOT my cup of tea. We can go do anything! I am always open for suggestions! Just the fact that you will be spending, NOT $$$$, but something far more valuable! TIME!!! We could .... Go out and grab a drink and shoot the shit, OR sit down to dinner and speak in relaxed tones to get to know each other better. Don't want to go out and be around a lot of people? Ok, I understand, me neither. We can go out hiking to the top of the mountain OR swimming in a private little pool where we can actually go skinny dipping. Don't worry I have seen it all before, you don't have anything that I havent seen on anyone else. Because I don't wear swimsuits anymore. Don't worry, you will LOVE IT! OR camping just the two of us, next to a small campfire looking up at the stars contemplating the meaning of life. Ok, I see now, you just want to stay in? Oh, NO prob! All right, just be careful what you ask for, because if we stay in, I am always nude, but never naked! So if you just want to hang out nude with me and get to know each other better, I can order a pizza and beer and chat between us. NO SEX!! I have to be very clear, nude DOES NOT EQUAL sex. So not to worry, it will be purely platonic. So I hope that gives you some good ideas for my 51st (UGH!) birthday. Getting so old! Remember its Thursday so don't be late, cuz it wouldn't be great! I know, corny! Thanks in advance for all the time I will be getting!
- MAY - Week 3 - Kindness - Letter to myself
This was another challenge on the site I was on previously. It was to write a letter to your past self. I actually did a decent job. This was also fun to do. Can you imagine writing a letter to your younger self? The info you could have shared with yourself! Stocks to buy, preventing bad things from occurring, etc. Well, lets go! Dear Teen Chris, I am writing this to you now because I have gotten a 2nd chance to make my life better. I am you, 3 decades into the future! Yes, THE YEAR 2020! I know you are getting ready to turn 20, cause it's our birthday on the 21st. That's this coming Thursday! - May 21, 2020. I am getting so dam old. Just forget about 2k, that was 20 years ago! That's long gone for me. I know you think this is total bullshit, but listen to me and listen good, RIGHT NOW!! Your, (or my), ok, OUR life will be beyond fucking AWESOME if you just listen to me right now. Can you imagine knowing the future, which stocks to buy, or which property at what time, etc? In a few months, you will get the fuck out of the military, I know you hate all the bullshit they have put us through. Just remember it was all worth it. You get some well-needed benefits, that we can't live without. I need to lecture you about school. Get to school right away and study your ass off! Don't wait! I know you don't have any idea what to major in yet. You need to study writing. In your future, there will be computers and they have pretty much-taken everything over. Don't worry, not literally, but everyone uses them and they will be in everyone's house. In 95, there will be a new program called windows and it will pave the way for things to come. You will work from home writing on a wide array of topics if you know how to write well. Also, familiarize yourself with law, I finally decided to get my AAS degree in CJ. What? You don't know what CJ is? Its Criminal Justice! But since you have loads of time now, get a BS in law or writing. That way you will make something out of us when you are my age. I have so damn much to tell you, I just don't know what to say next. Since I know your future, there is something VERY IMPORTANT that you NEED to do. On the very 1st day of November 1995, you need to protect dad from her ex. By that time he will be with "Angel bitch" You will know what I am talking about when you meet her. Protect him at ALL COSTS, no matter whos arguing, no matter who tells you to leave, you need to be there if you ever want to see him again. That's all I can say. I am forbidden from giving you too many details of your future. Don't worry, the rest of the family is still ok. There is something else I need to inform you about. I know you have been confused about who to be with. You need to go with your true heart and not give a fuck about what people think of you. Do you realize that is the very thing pushing people away from you?! They will see right through you and lose respect for you all the while having fun taking advantage of you. Bi the way, I know you are NOT gay. You are attracted to both, so if you want to be with a guy, that is still fine. You will still be bi no matter who you are with. It won't change who you are. There is NOTHING wrong with being bi either. Something I have always wanted to know...if dad found out would he still love me? I'm sure he would. Communicate with him NOW, while you still have the opportunity to. If you don't protect him then he will be taken away from you so fast you just won't know. So treat him right, now while you still have a chance! LIsten up to me right now! Don't marry any woman if you are not happy with one. Don't settle either! You will fuck our life up more if you settle than if you just wait for the right one. Your 1st priority is our happiness. Don't ever worry about having a son or kids at all. It will take many decades before you find Mr. Right but you will find him and be happy. He is everything you have dreamed of. Remember I am you 3 decades from now, so you MUST listen to me, to a tee! Aside from buying up property around town, you need to buy certain stocks when they are in their infancy. Just buy Netflix, Google and eBay. At the turn of the century, you will be an inspector inspecting concrete and you will see the E-bay house they are building for $120 MILLION!! Its called Via Tivoli Yes, one house with a few pools on an immense property. So when I tell you to buy stocks, you DO IT!! The world will change for the worse, after 9/11. I can't give you the year it happens but you will know when it does. Something major in the USA will be bombed and the government will blame it on foreign powers even though they will be the ones who actually did it! There are many more things to say to you, but they have limited what I can tell you. I hope you heed everything I have said, if you do I will wake up in a different reality tomorrow morning. Love, (YES! Love yourself! You must love you first before you can love anyone else, that's why you are still alone!) Me & You, Chris PS, you will have screen names because we are all connected in the future. Oh BTW, you are a nudist too! All those years of being comfortable nude, you will be all the time.