I'm that nice guy you always seek when needed, otherwise, invisible.
Yes, I'm ALWAYS the only one...
...here for you to share your thoughts with.
...who listens when you need me.
...that you express your concerns and emotions to.
...who really cares about you at the deepest level.
...that you confide in when you get lugubrious enough to confer your feelings to.
Yes! Absolutely, that’s why I am always here for you, while the other guy that treats you
subserviently is always the only one who has you in his life permanently.
He is the ONLY one...
...who gets YOUR heart incessantly.
...who has you perceiving yourself negatively by making you feel you need him.
...that can make you feel inferior to him.
...who does not let you feel positive or content in your life.
...who makes you feel you must serve him while he won't reciprocate.
But I am always here for you anytime you need me for anything,
yet, I am never the one to hear “I do” from you, as you continue to say “I do” to him, while you feel miserable that he never lets you feel loved, just needed.
Apparently, YOU do not want ME in your life because you always go back to him repeating your viscous cycle perpetually, after you finish up with me.