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Writer's pictureChristopher Jeremiah

Are men more logical than women? We equal?

Updated: Feb 20, 2021

Do you perceive perception the same way as me?

Does this mean you do or you don't?

Well, ok, we will see whether you actually do, the same as me.

Even if you don't, then you are still welcome to think freely, or even freely think, as this is exactly what we are doing here today. Whatever is better for YOU!

Okay, freethinkers, it is time to think freely.

Which of these is YOU!?

Are you equal to me?

Definitely not!

Well, am I equal to you then?

Of course not!

If you are not equal to me, then how would I be equal to you?

something must be identical to be equal.

Keep this in mind for the rest of the discussion.

When I spoke to a very logical friend, he told me that the answer to almost every question is,

This is our first lesson in perception.

First off,

Are you male or female?

Are you sure?

I really am curious...what did you see 1st?

The reason I had to ask if you are sure is that, in the past, I have spoken to some of you, and you adamantly declare that you are, in fact, NOT a female, but in reality, a woman!

Interesting and mind boggling

Well......Hmm, ok.

I am the 1st person, in keeping an open mind, who must be fair to all, so we shall examine this thoroughly.

Can you enlighten me how you can be a "woman" but NOT a female?

When you were born, were you already a woman?

Well, I have been wrong before, but rarely.

If I am actually wrong now, please inform me.

We shall use my favorite principle,


I assume that when you were born; you were a girl,

who is what?


A female!


Do you perceive what SHE is? That's what YOU ARE!!!

So proud of you! YOU got it on the very 1st try!!

Unless you were FEMALE before, but now you are NOT?

So now that you are a woman, did you transform out of femaleship into a male?

You realize there are only TWO genders, right?

But, wait!

If YOU are a woman, but NOT a "female"

then by deductive reasoning and LOGIC, I can't be a male because

FEmale is equivalent to a MALE, so if YOU are, excuse me, a "WOMAN" we MUST be fair now,

I am a MAN, NOT a male, at least by someone's deranged logic.

In being totally equal now, this is what we realize at this point,



thus if you are "woman"

I must be a MAN, but NOT a male!!

I think I was LESS confused back before when we started analyzing this?!?!

So, get off the semantics and realize who and what the fuck you & we are!

If you really want to dispute this, then simply,

Put a female and a woman side by side and enlighten me on what the difference is.

By the same token, a male, man, dude, guy, gentlemen are ALL the same thing.

Ok, lets finally move on to the REAL world, as I am breaking a sweat figuring this out!

So, now, what do you think about, 2 gallons of water being equal?

It just depends on what the purpose is or the "equality criteria" is.

If you are putting out a fire, then totally equal.

However, if one of these is ocean water and the other is tap water, then they can't be equal for drinking.

You actually agree on this?

Im glad!

BOTH seem equal, unless 1 of them has different water!

Now, let's look at numbers.

Is 4 =4?

At first glance, yes, of course!

but then if I say 4 cars are equal to 4 trucks, then no way.


Are all men equal?

Think carefully!

Example of NOT =!!

Do these 2 guys look equal to you?

Their hair alone makes them different!

YES, whether you look at their faces OR body!

Some of us guys have college degrees, some don't,

some of us are well to do, others are not,

some are tall, some short,

some fat, some skinny,

some old, some young.

Now do you get the point?

It really comes down to 1 single factor.


So depending on what you are comparing, we are not always equal.

But if you compare something else, then we must be equal!

So, now to upset some people, NOT intentionally though.

So, as far as men being equal to women or women being equal to men.....

We just aren't the same, so we are NOT equal.

Love it or hate it, it's just the truth!

Which above are equal? Blue = RED?? NO!! NONE!

For those of you who just have to disagree, then are you going to tell me that each of us can get pregnant and bear children?

What about holding the door open for the ladies?

If EQUAL= then why don't you ladies hold the door open for us guys?

What about having to use 2 different restrooms?

If we're equal, then why don't we just use the same locker room, bathroom, etc?

We are NOT equal!

Simple. End of story!

Well, not quite yet!


Do you have something to add?

I most definitely DO!!

I must add, yet another pertinent reason that they will NEVER be equal to us, MEN!!


READ these FACTS below:

"Of course, as you already know, females didn't have to go to war, then or EVER!

So next time you may say or ask me,

Are females equal to men?


If they were equal, then they should do EXACTLY what us guys MUST do."

NO deviation whatsoever!!

If there is ANY at all, then WE are in NO WAY EQUAL!!

Got it?

Great, Im very glad that all of us are on the page!


Just remember the EQUALITY CRITERIA.

It really comes down to what criteria you are basing "equal" on.

We ARE equal in some aspects, but others we are NOT!

The old expression is, "comparing apples to oranges."

The same or different?

Well, yes, they are BOTH fruit, edible, also grown on trees, but otherwise?

They are just not the same. So when she uses this expression, you could state that they are the same, if you would like.

But if you ask me, I prefer using a more accurate analogy, such as

"comparing cars to swiss cheese" for a much stronger & different comparison.

Now, try with everything you have to find ANY similarity with these 2!

Just some food for thought to spur an excellent discussion about how your perception of the world allows you to see concepts differently than him or her or you and me.

Do you feel I'm dealing more with semantics than logic?

Obviously there are no correct or incorrect answers to the questions, but I am very interested to find out if anyone has the same point of view as me.


whether you are Female/woman





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