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Writer's pictureChristopher Jeremiah


How long will it take for man to crumble?

Unfortunately, if we stay on our present course, it could be sooner rather than later. If this happens we will all definitely perish and CRUMBLE to mass extinction. We must tap into all of our inner strength together to avoid this at all costs.

Even though we all have our differences, let's put them aside, because,

Why can't we all work together to help all of society together as a whole?

The fundamental reason for man to crumble, is that we all are out for ourselves exclusively. Instead of thinking like bees or ants, with our animalistic instincts, and working together for a common cause, we instead think with our own selfish needs and fend for ourselves, instead of society as a whole.

So, which species is actually more advanced?

It appears to me the bees or ants are.

You know the difference between fighting one lonely bee to a whole swarm?

There is safety in numbers.

What number is the most safe?

6, 60, 600, or a scary 6000?

I'll let you decide.

When entities are working together as a single cohesive unit, they become invincible this way, and then they will triumph over any antagonist.

It is like when I learned an army of ants is capable of defeating a running horse!

It gave me the proper perspective of the intense power of "safety in numbers"

But is it really human nature to sacrifice ourselves for the safety of all mankind?

OR maybe I should ask....

Is it within our souls to work together in massive groups?

Get fucking serious, will you?

The only humans on earth who are aware of the numerical concept, are the 1% of this entire world's population, who are actually working together and controlling the other 99% of us all.

WTF even knows if this is really true, because that's the same as me relocating to a large city, and everyone would listen to my every command.

At least to me, I can't even comprehend this, let alone fathom it.

I can't even imagine how it would ever even come to fruition.

Did you ever realize how much at the bottom you are?

While you let that sink in, I will get back to this working together concept that NO one will ever comprehend or accomplish.

At this point in time, I can't even get a mask for free, even if I wanted one!!

However, I am not in the habit of sending false messages like these.

Exactly why I despise being FORCED to wear a muzzle!

While we are on the subject of masks, I just have to relay last night's lovely ordeal.

I phone ordered food from a small restaurant/bar, and that makes sense,

where else would you order food from?

So, keep in mind, where I ordered FOOD from.

I arrived to quickly grab my order and then,,,,,?

Yes, leave!!

So, I would be in there NO MORE than 5 minutes!

A simple IN/OUT!

So just as I entered, some dumb bitch required me to wear one of those popular muzzles that seems to be the latest trend.

Now, again keeping in mind my location,

what activity is performed at this location?

Lets check to see if you are still with me.

Put it ALL together:

In and out, like in a flash

Eating and drinking is done here

She is commanding me to wear a muzzle, which is worn over........?

the same orifice that is utilized for the very purpose of which this place is in business.

So once again, like usual, I am beyond perplexed, ok?

First, I'm going to be gone in like 5 minutes, from an eating & drinking establishment, which requires me to wear a muzzle over the only opening in my body that I am aware of that eating is done through.

Yes! So start wearing tissue!

So here's my million $$$$ question,

Just HTF, am I going to eat or drink with my mouth that is required to be covered?

And as I exited right away, I believe I saw some sitting at the bar who were NOT wearing muzzles.

Do you now see my total confusion?

Is it "safety" or is it really about CONTROL?

"I am!" the sheeple always say

So as you contemplate the completely impossible answer, let's move on.

Wake up and smell the coffee, SHEEPLE!!

I believe that means YOU!

I guess you are going to try and say that I will catch (or is it give?)...a deadly lethal virus in a matter of minutes with NO one coughing!

Oh, and I should mention that I can't GIVE what I DON'T HAVE!!

I just absolutely adore these places that require a muzzle but then for some reason they DON'T provide one.

So let me explain,

If YOU REQUIRE ME to wear anything, you had better goddamn well provide it!

This is EXACTLY what I mean when I say we will NEVER EVER work TOGETHER!!

If there was anyone in this world that gave a fucking shit, masks AND muzzles would be passed out hand over foot! Currently, the govt mandates these ridiculous muzzles we are forced to wear, but I myself have been to several govt properties, that require me to wear one, but of course, they're NOT provided!


That seems like a thoughtful, caring, giving govt that is looking out for its citizens.

On the OTHER foot, I'm really sure that......

Now this, is a revelation!

These are the VERY SAME sick bastards that took many reprehensible actions against us.

Just look....

You dont believe "They" have AND will?

I have even heard that this is just the very 1st step to their ultimate plan for us all.

So I am at a crossroads or maybe a fork in the road,

One side:

Those of us that enjoy freedom and free will (ability to be adults and make decisions).

These are those who say this whole FFF (Fake Fucking Fiasco) is our "honest" government totally controlling us.

As I have ALWAYS known, #1 is my number.

Other side:


Those of you who love to obey anything and everything you are told or ordered to do AND are incapable of decision making abilities. Oh, and you also love to wear muzzles.

So, all you SHEEPLE should join the MASKHOLES,

You BOTH would join forces & make an amazing team!

Do YOU feel that we work together in any way shape or form?

As you ponder that obvious question to which we ALL know the proper answer, let's reinforce it with 2 more.

If I may inquire, when your neighbor and others were hoarding toilet paper and food, did they offer you any?

Or have you done anything for them or offered anything of yours?

I should be much more positive and optimistic, and say that at least our supreme above the law potentate is FINALLY "out of there" so now we will see just how well the new one does when he is sworn in.

My question is,

was this a man made biological agent used to control the population,


a legitimate virus that is starting to crumble our society?

Hmm, well it just depends on if you are a conspiracy theorist, or in the alternative, a happy oblivious SHEEPLE.


If you have even the slightest capability to somehow think at all, then start RIGHT NOW!!!

Are you all starting to WTF up yet? Open your eyes!

Now if you actually have that free will that I mentioned, then this whole fiasco, is a PlANDEMIC!

It is very uplifting that the whole election fiasco is finally over.

I'm glad that racist prejudiced buffoon POTUS Trumpovich is DONE! He really enraged me when he went above and beyond by calling all fallen soldiers BOTH losers AND suckers You got what you deserved trumpovich! It looks like there is a tad of justice, for a change anyway.

My query is simply this...

...Is there any way at all in this world that we all can unite in peace & harmony and try looking out for our fellow humans, instead of only worrying about our greedy selves and constantly working against each other?

If we all worried more about us all together, then society would stand a chance, instead of crumbling.

It is my intention to deliver a powerful thought provoking message.

What are they again? EQUAL??? to us?

Is it getting through?

Are you going to listen?... or ignore me?


Yeah, of course. Have fun staying totally blind!

I guess you are going to ignore me, because there is NO chance in HELL or EARTH, that we are EVER going to work together for our mutual benefit in our entire existence.

As I mentioned, people will NOT even give you a mask to save our very own species!

Be sure to enjoy our new flag....

Not sure about you, but I like the one with stripes and stars much better!

I look forward to your comments to express your feelings about this very frightening rival to all of us. I have great respect to those that say what they honestly feel, as I do just that. We are all entitled to our opinions, what are yours?

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