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WOW!!! Xmas "mourn" is here! For YOU!!

Updated: Dec 25, 2020

Just woke up since mom, was cleaning my place up.


I go into the kitchen where she's making cookies.

"Mom, doesnt it make more sense to do those BEFORE Xmas?"

I inquire.

She responds in a cute motherly tone,

"Oh my dear son, Vince & Suzy Lou won't be here for another few hours. I got plenty of time. There you go, always doubting your mother......ME!"

I don't quite get it.

So I probe for more info,

"I thought they were going to Montana this week to visit her family?"


Smile Clive

Then I look down at Clive, Hmm,

"I dont remember him having his haircut."


Then if too much isn't going on already, Dave drops by.

"Hey dude man, I just wanted to drop these cookies off to you, and my Mom's special cake for the holidays."


"Really? But that cake has been my favorite since we were buds back in HS. Shes so sweet."

"Well, must get back to my kids now, but Merry Christmas!"

he says on his way out.

Cake AND cookies from his mom & my BF Dave, I've known since we were kids.


As he is headed out the door, I notice some white material all over the ground.

But it couldn't be snow, Im out west in CA, and it's like 70 degrees out.


WOW! That bitch be HOT!!!

Then as I turn around and start going back inside, I notice a gal walking her dog with NO clothes on?

No, not the dog, her!! Nothing on!!

Naw, couldn't be.


Once we open presents, after Mom gets a few of her favorite items, I open mine, and it's a brand new PC, since mine has been acting up lately.

How did she know?


To you & your health & fam, Mom and Vinny

We all, including my bro and his wife Suzy, start eating Xmas dinner, and I notice that mom has not only made my favorite Xmas ham, but her potato salad is extra special delicious today. It has been a long time since I had her delicious, wonderful creation.


CJ you wont believe it!

Just after dinner, mom tells me that my cousin, Leann, is on the phone. She even has some fantastic news!

"Hey CJ, you will NEVER guess what happened!"

she tells me, excited as ever.

"No, I probably won't, it sounds majorly fabulous, if Im picking up on your merry voice,"

as anticipation builds within me.

Knowing that I will never guess her wonderful news, she blurts out,

"Davy is going to stay with me for a while and he has totally changed his attitude."

" mean your SON Davy?"

I inquired, since he has not spoken to her for years or longer.

I just couldn't believe it, she's right, I would have NEVER guessed her son that hasn't spoken to her in nearly a DECADE, is totally different now, and is treating her much better with the proper respect due her.


Mom comes up to me,

"CJ, do you want to sample my Xmas punch, it's a lot like eggnog?"

Im very pleased she even made it,

"Of course mom, if that's the stuff Im thinking it is, I will drink till I drop!"

saying it in a kidding manner.

As she gets the pitcher from the kitchen, I notice that my TV works again. The cable signal and other little quarks have been very annoying, but it works fine now.


Now, Im ready to drink up that fabulous punch she made for me, as I wait patiently on my couch.

Ma..uhm..TV on? zzzz

I partake of her delicious concoction and since I was so zapped from the night before; I glance out the window as I sit on my couch and close my eyes, just resting them for a moment.

I hear my phone ring, and.......?

Who's there? No answer? No, I didnt answer it yet


NO! It cant be?!?!!?

WTF am I doing in bed?

I was just on my couch a second ago.......wasnt I?

I get up out of bed while I take a look around the house, calling my mother and my bro too.


Vince, where are you guys?"

I look everywhere in the house, but can't find them!

Then I finally get to the kitchen and...

NO punch

NO cookies

and.....what NO TV?

Maybe I lost it, my mind that is?

As a last ditch effort, I look outside and of course....

NO snow,

as I figured.

I finally figured it out!!

NO family,

so, NO bro and NO mom

NO cookies, punch or cake

NO company, as Im ALL alone again!


NO cheer

NO happiness

So, in reality,


BUT, there is plenty


messed up home

Hunger as there is NO food in the house today

Everything beautiful, cheery, happy, and of course my relatives NOT actually here!

ONLY ONE AND 1 ONLY, EXPLANATION for this whole "Merry" Xmas!

Since I can NOT actually have these experiences, in reality.

It was, without a doubt, a fucking DREAM!!!

So, after ALL that cheer, goodwill towards me, holiday food, friend stopping by,

It was, in reality, Xmas MOURNING for me, & Xmas morning for YOU, NEVER ME!

I have really lost count, by now, of how many Xmas's I have been alone, notwithstanding all the other holidays

There was just 1 thing that was reality, my Big Bro, Dave brought me some fudge.

So, that was thoughtful of him. I guess since I got to see 1 whole person IRL, then I can smile for a brief moment, anyway.

Sometimes I wish dreams & reality would switch places.

Man, how I would love to stay asleep for my lifetime, if this ever was the case.

QUOTE of inspiration:

"The opposite of bravery is NOT cowardice, but conformity instead,"

Dr. Anthony



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