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Writer's pictureChristopher Jeremiah

VA Day - Part IV - BONUS!

Updated: Dec 30, 2020

After I got home, I got a job as a mail runner.

Running mail around here was decent to me.

This lasted but a short time, about 6 months later fucking bastard bush declared war!!

Guess what that means?

Nothing to do with me?

They didn't want me right?

Did you remember the BAR to REENLISTMENT that I was so sternly given???

Do you recall that it meant,

Did NOT want YOU back in the army,

Do NOT EVER come back into the army AGAIN,

YOU are NOT wanted back, EVER AGAIN??????


Hmm, well, this is the, well, You KNOW!

They ONLY do what suits THEM!

If it's peacetime, then they have NO use for me, and don't even want to think of me!

But since I was....

READ the RED!!!

But when THEY REALLY need me during a fucking war, that the crooked politicians & fucked up leaders are always declaring, based on THEIR OWN PRIVATE agendas,

THEN & ONLY THEN, do they need me!

So, understand....

"Come the fuck back, we require you to serve, no matter what we said before! Because we only do what we want and dont care 1 bit how it affects you, we ONLY care for "US"A, not anything to do with any contract that we signed because we are ALWAYS above the law, and we don't have to listen to what we say unless we want to and it benefits us, and us alone."


Me neither!!

So, when WE sign a contract, WE ARE obligated to it.

But when the fucking govt does anything, it never applies to them, unless it benefits them, as well as, if THEY WANT TO!

So, the bar to reenlistment only stands if you want to come back,


THEY say its valid.

but since this is them,

they CAN and WILL force you to do whatever THEY want, AND it suits ONLY THEM!

So, after I got my mailgram, calling me back after I had such a fabulous time before, I was fucking pissed!

All the while, when there was a female, I heard on the news that flat refused to go!

She was even in a unit. So she should have gone in long before I did. But we all know they cant go in. They always say that they want to be equal but then they figure out ways they shouldn't have to do certain things. So they're never equal when it counts.  I was a civilian anyway, not in any way affiliated with the goddamn army, while SHE was in a unit already!

Another injustice for me!

YET again!!

WTF else is new?

But, I should be used to it by now, and the people in my life should get a basic understanding of why I despise the fucking govt.

No worries, I got drunk off a bottle of crown and passed out for the night.

I was really wondering what would happen to me.

Was I coming back?

Was I going to get killed?

Was I going to get injured?


Have deformities on myself?

I had.......NO fucking idea, what to even expect!.

Then the day came.

I was shipped off on a bus

, and some of us guys partied on the bus, but we finally got to our destination, Ft Knox, KY.

Uhm, Ft. Knox?

GReat! Fantastic! Shipped to the WRONG place!!! Our govt at it AGAIN!

"No, you guys have to go to APG, MD.

Again!" the person says.

"But I was there already, years ago for AIT."

I was perplexed?

"Yeah, I know. That's why you are going again to get a refresher course."

I'm told.

"Great! So why were we shipped here?"

I inquired.

"Cause our govt made a mistake!"

"Haven't you ever made a mistake?"

I'm asked.

"Uhm, yeah, plenty. But I'm not the govt who is perfect and never makes mistakes and is above the law."

I inform them.

"No worries, the govt never pays for their mistakes, the taxpayers do, so they don't care, off with you now!"

Yeah, that makes perfect sense. I figure since the god damned govt is overrun with bureaucrats and always back asswards,

why else would they NOT give a fuck?

I just hope ALL the americans, dont mind this MAJOR financial burden that the ALL powerful and considerate gov are placing upon them.

So, we were off again, to APG.

Then, we get there, we get our training, and again, I get shipped off to.........?

A little place called Giessen?

Now, I am here, in another country, as far from my home as I have EVER been, was a whole new world! I was on a small installation and was back in the barracks, AGAIN!

All of us newbie visitors, here only temporarily, fresh off the block, were told to see the 1st SGT, an E8.

An E8?

You sure?

Uhm, well, that's what a 1st SGT is.

OK lets find out.

So, we go in to meet him, and....


He's just an E7!

How can HE be a 1st SGT?



Don't tell me!

He looks familiar too!

The same fat fuck as BEFORE!!

Then, he says to ME,

"Hey, I know YOU!"

How does my horrible luck persevere?

I mean, really? WTF?????

Guess!.. WTF I run into now?

Yup, you guessed it!

Fat fucking SFC Guerra!

Remember him?

Oh, well, I will be MORE than happy to refresh your memory.

The one who wanted to "smack my goddamn ass!"

Last 4 words are EXACTLY what govt does to me EVERYDAY!

AND also,

the one who was going to Germany!

One in the same.

So, it all adds up now.

He was acting as a 1st SGT, an E8 position, even though his fat sorry ass, was only an E7.

He was a SFC, which is right HERE

Apparently, in the great proficient army, if they are short of E8s, they will give the position to the highest-ranking E7 in the unit.

This is a 1st SGT, an E8--what he wannabe!

He needed an extra rocker at the bottom, AND the diamond in the middle!

So, when I saw him and he recognized me, instead of saying one word to him, I said to my SSG next to me who was my squad leader,

"I kind of need to talk to you like, NOW!!"

Later on, I spoke with my platoon SGT, SFC Rousseau.

Well Well, guess what little, (if that's even the right word here), tidbit I find out?

I actually come to find out that he actually outranks FAT Guerra,

I really wish I knew why he wasn't in the 1st SGT position.

But, I stop & think....... while putting it ALL together. 1st you need to,


Our streamlined govt





Then I simply,

"Oh yeah! Now I get it!"

But, at least he was really cool.

Another SFC Ray.

After all, there were some real cool ones that I ran into in my time.

I even remember drinking with him, that's how fucking cool he was!

I have to wonder what happened to some of these great people/leaders.

I will NEVER know though. I hope Dave Ray is ok. His fam too!

To date, this was the only time in my entire life that I made it to Europe.

Guerra did explain that German beers are a lot stronger than the watered down American ones.

Why does this NOT surprise me?

PARTY time!! Most definitely VERY FUN!!! while I was there for 6 months!

But, I tried crystal wessien while there. But now that Im here again, I will usually drink HEFE weissen, with a lemon wedge.

Yes, Yum it is, especially on plenty of hot days out here!

Also for the first time in my life, I had mayo with fries.

Uhm, Mayo with fries?

YUP! That's what I said, MAYO w/FRIES. Or, maybe it was FRIES with MAYO, something like that! I also had schnitzel brochen and bratwurst.

Also in Germany, they actually charge you about 30 phennies for ketchup at Mc D's.

NOTE: Disregard my great spelling of all these German terms. Only there once!

I remember just like always, there was another Sgt that had a problem with my haircut.

These fucking SGTs had NOTHING better to do.

So, after I got it cut, I saw him as I was going back to the barracks. After he made a remark, I asked him if he was happy with it. One of the soldiers around him asked him if he heard what I said, and later he had me in a room (seems to be a trend for me) and was counseling me about it. He asked me which unit I was from and I set him straight and said,

"I'm not from a unit, I'm from back on the block, get it right!"

But thankfully, the SSG who was my squad leader, who actually outranked this puny E5, came in and told me to leave.

Right on, Sarg, you go!

Saved again!

He also told the nosy bold SGT to leave me alone, while I walked out as told.

So, see, there were some cool ones too. This same SGT was picking on the fat IRR guy too, (Oh, I didn't mention him, ok stand by) so my SSG was getting kind of sick and tired of the little BUCK SGT.

Ok, now for the fat IRR guy. Nothing much to say about him, just that he was another IRR like I was, only......uh....ah...bit! Remember, we were guys who were supposed to be the fuck out of the goddamn army!!

We weren't supposed to be here!!


The ONLY reason we were here was because of fucking bastard BUSH!! and all his hidden secret CIA agendas. Now I know how some of the Vietnam soldiers feel.

Another item worth clueing you in on, was when we had to pull guard duty.

Listen, how the ARMY made us do it.

UNloaded weapon

at night

in a foreign country

during war!

Now, who here thinks that is a good idea?


Well, not me!

Then you will see this:

A little tired tonight....Are we??

Oh, shit!!! I'm NOT jeopardizing NAT security, am I??

Hmmm, if I am...TOUGH!

When you come to get me, just come in shooting then, got it?


Good luck with guard duty!! All I can say!!

Why would you have a soldier guard anything during wartime with an UNloaded weapon?



in a

FOREIGN COUNTRY? I have NO fucking clue myself!

But, just remember, that's OUR great caring proficient good old Govt, for ya!!

The same exact one that you vote for and getting these crooked politicians into.

But aside from the stupidity & ignorance of our lovely govt, that we are under the control of, I had a pretty good time trying all the beer.

Bring it!! Right over HERE!!! Gimme half dozen!!

I think this was around the time that I started gaining weight too.

I wonder why?

OH YEAH!! One prob tho, where do I begin??

So I did a lot of partying and ran into one girl at a bar, that actually spoke English.

I spoke the best I could of German, but I only could do the basics.

In other countries, they are much different from the USA. In the USA, for instance, I, apparently as an American, am required to learn non-native languages to make others comfortable in MY country. In OTHER countries, I must learn THEIR language, because I'M the visitor.

Does that just make perfect sense to you?


or maybe I should say, GREAT, instead.

Because most things I don't quite get, but as long as one of us comprehends this, I guess that's all that matters.


Oh, I must give you an incentive to stay?

OK, feast your eyes on this juicy, RED..................LIGHT DISTRICT

WOW!! MY 1st time!!!

While there, we went to Frankfurt on a train, the only time I was on a train in my life. He took me to the "Red Light District." At the time, I wasn't quite sure WTF that was.

But after seeing it with my own eyes!

Yes, just like window shopping because when I was walking down the hall, the chicks were just chillin in their room and some were scantily dressed if at all. Some were relaxing in their hammocks, a few were actually right at their doors. One of them gave me a hand job, but that was about it.

After the partying, and other fantastic activities it was almost time to GTFO again.

MY sentiments EXACTLY!!!

When we IRR's were getting ready to leave, we were just standing around waiting. Remember, still in the army so this was quite normal, another favorite activity in the military.

Remember "hurry up and wait?"

Then as a 1st SGT came by, and I don't quite remember exactly what I did, but one of the other IRR guys, it was actually the FAT one that I mentioned earlier, practically snapped at me,

"If I ever see you be-bopping around like that in front of a 1st SGT again, you will be sorry."

WTF did I do exactly?

Why he's worried about what I do, in front of a SGT, as I'm getting out anyway, I have NO fucking clue.

But remember, it's ALWAYS MY fault!

You should have that ingrained into your memory banks by now.

So I didn't bother saying anything, because back in those days I didn't say too much, and we were BOTH getting out to come back to this "lovely CUNTry." So, I didn't want to fuck that up, I wanted back here! No, don't ask me why. It would take too long to fig it out.

Now, if you want to speak up against me, GOOD LUCK!!

Since my luck is always so fucking great, just take a wiId guess to who I sit by?

Right next to him on the flight back home.

Absolutely CORRECT!!!

We did have the best seats in the house though because we were at the front of the plane and must have been 1st class. It was like a lazy-boy recliner.


Yes, I'm serious! Therefore, I wont really complain!

It was decades ago, back in the start of the 90's,

so who cares now??

Are we finished yet??

YUP!!. we sure are!!!!


Yes, I'm serious!

Why do you keep asking me the same question over again?

That means NO MORE fucking army ever!!!!

Good night!

But before you split.........

HEED my advise!!!


Have a great time in your life BUT, don't EVER join the army!

Do you understand me?


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