In life, you must always be honest, otherwise, you might lose the people most important to you that have real dignity and great value.
I unfortunately lost 3 of the most significant people in my life, never to speak to me again, since I didn't follow this.
Isn't that just fucking fabulous?
So I will attempt to explain how to be honest so you will live a much happier life.
Sometimes I said things to suit only myself, like saying that I was there, but actually I was somewhere else. There were other times I said something else, thinking it would be a good plan to deceive them a bit, so I would only take my own needs into consideration over theirs. Whatever various deceptions I devilishly came up with, they would keep me out of trouble, ONLY in the short term though, as the lies and deceptions turned into trust issues.
Some even believe that not telling the whole truth is lying, but I do not believe this to be the case, though.
If you go to the restaurant and don't say the exact way you got there, leaving certain erroneous information out,
would that still be lying?
Not really, NO!
You informed them of where you went, your specific route was irrelevant.
As if all the misinformation I was constantly coming up with for my benefit, wasn't already enough to deal with, I made promises that I wasn't able to deliver on. This really mislead them, so after a while, they didn't even believe me. After this, they didn't even respect me anymore.
What you are about to embark on, is the journey NOT to do what I did. Keep in mind, it is especially hard on people that have already experienced certain emotional pain and hurt in horrible ways. This fabricated existence affects the younger generation, who has a lot to absorb about these various concepts, such as understanding, trust, and communication.
One Christmas long ago, I somehow thought that it would be better to say that I was still in town, but in reality I was really back east with my family members.
They caught me in a lie.
It turns out that I would have been better off telling the truth, after all, that is exactly what they thought would be better for me during the holidays. They rather have me being ALL alone at home, even though this is exactly how I spend it on many holidays, ALONE!!
Im sure most of us have lied and regretted it also, as there are many reasons to embellish the truth, but no matter the reason, always be up front and honest with everyone you deal with.
As you are ALL aware, there is ALWAYS an exception to EVERY rule on earth. This is exactly what they do to keep us ALL on our toes!!
Much to my sadness and grief, they were out of my life long ago, but just recently I lost the ONLY one that I have EVER loved in my life, as I gave HIM my eternal heart and soul. That famous straw was leaving him in bed when I started my trip home.
After getting on the freeway, he called me, and inquired if I left him again like I did once before. Since my balls are not the biggest and bravest around, I denied leaving him and said I was just out for a few and I would be back. What's even MORE tragic, is that I even agreed to getting him breakfast, knowing full well I would not be back.
Maybe I am just totally oblivious to the tried-and-true methods of showing those special ones in my life, just how much I care about them.
YES!! I agree with you!!
I HATE me too!!
My bleak and pointless life is now pointless with NO purpose whatsoever without him in my life forever as it's no longer a joy being me.
Will I EVER learn??
It's doubtful.
In being honest, I don't think so.
Even though there are people that lie to stay out of trouble, (or in my case, remain in trouble) there are other reasons too, there are also lies to eliminate rejection, as well.
What about your orientation or identity?
Do you go ahead and just say your gay?
"If I tell her I'm gay, will she still like me?"
you may have asked yourself on over one occasion.
What if you want to be female, even though you have something "down there?"
In this case, you follow the exception below:
In being honest with yourself & others, I feel that we should "essentially" be NUDE, as in this state, you are YOU!!!
NO misleading, NO hiding, NO enhancements, NO facades, NO dishonesty!
You are YOU
NO way to hide behind cloaks, screens, lies!!
1 more thing, they do not permit this!
Makes NO sense - here you are beyond honest, incapable of lieing, while they also arrest you!!
YOU are male.
Pretend to be FEmale!
So, this is what I refer to as DIShonesty!
YOU are completely deceiving EVERYONE, of your actual self!
Wearing - high heels, makeup, wig, dress, and more!
Now, in this fiasco, you are NOT giving an accurate view of yourself!
We see you as an abnormal freak, as you are lying OUT YOUR ASS, about what YOU actually ARE!
So, as you pretend, EVERYONE sees what you are, NOT as you portray anyway.
Lastly, simply put - the pigs don't even give you a 2nd glance for your dishonesty!!
Understand all this???
I hope so because I definitely DON'T!!.
A more popular practice, MEN switch over to a woman.
A Tranny, as we call them.
Rather than speculating about pretending to be Female, if you fancy, wearing all the female attire, you can alter yourself and join the real life tranny I know. The only glitch with "him" is that he must be his actual male self whenever he is around his dad.
He always dreads seeing him, because he.....
.... hates being a man??
Now, this is where I get confused.
Try to keep up, I am attempting to explain "HIM" to you. I am going to run through this and hope it makes sense, at least to you.
During the rest of the time, he is ALWAYS "FEmale."
When he must dress as a guy, who he actually is, instead of being his "normal?" everyday female self, he feels bad about himself and yearns to be a chick again.
So he dreads seeing his dad since he doesn't like.....
.....being a guy?
Hoping you can make sense out of all this.
He won't be able to be a woman that he wants to be, so he can't wear his wig, high heels, dress, and makeup.
I then must ask,
is it proper that he has to be "dis"honest with himself and his dad?
He figures that his dad won't have anything to do with him if he's a female.
His dad rejects him in this case.
He chooses to be "dis"honest with his dad?
He is being who he actually is.
Is this dishonest or honest?
Now, do you see how ridiculous and absurd this total fiasco is?
Now, in the meantime, he plays a charade to portray he is "female."
This is who he actually wants to be in his everyday life.
Here he is being dishonest, IMO.
S/he is actually a man, but he lives as a female......why??
I have no fucking clue!!
In reality, he is dishonest with the world by being what he's not- Female.
Now, when he sees his dad, he is actually who he is- a man.
But seeing his dad, he's being dishonest about who he parades around town as.
This is going to take more energy to explain than I have at this point.
So, if you can figure all this out, more power to YOU!!
Can you imagine what my life would be like if I admitted to being a bisexual nudist?
If you see the paradox here, then you must see my point.
But if you don't, you should see if I am honest about who I am,
then I get,
I don't have anyone in my life now,
so, how would I get along with less than that?
Another writing I had created relays the DOUBLE discrimination against us BI's.
I explained that we have 2 choices:
BE HONEST about who we are, but then getting rejected, thus NO BF/GF
Lie about our sexuality,
but then never able to live a fulfilling and honest rewarding life
With people judging me, it would even be worse and I would find NO ONE for me in this vast immense expanse.
Since using extremes is never the answer, I can't really be totally honest with everyone, but I can't lie either, so I must remember to tell you what you ask but not reveal too much info about myself either. This strategy dominates.
See below for my example:
If you are a lady, you might see that guy across the room and you think to yourself,
"Who is he?"
"What is he all about?"
"What about his likes and dislikes?"
You continue to wonder about all these unique traits he might have.
You could go on for a while and you finally realize,
"All this mystery turns me on."
That's what keeps you intrigued and your interest piqued.
If you know everything about him, you will no longer have a special interest in him.
If he reveals everything, then you will turn your sights towards another guy who, again, is mysterious.
That's why the really smart ones will continue to leave their true selves in the cloud of the unknown so that his mystery will intrigue you.
If you just release the bare bones about yourself, people will continue to wonder about you, so always say less.
Remember, Less is More.
You gals really love mystery, don't you?
It's what turns you on into HOT mode.
So don't reveal everything about yourself.
Mystery is pertinent for attracting the hot babes.
The point is, just be honest about who you are without giving away all your mystery at once.