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Writer's pictureChristopher Jeremiah

Interesting! Find out the Astonishing Distinction About Sex & Sexuality

Updated: Mar 11, 2021

Ok, all of you.

This is what we will cover today:

Note the differences between ID & ORIENTATION

2 VERY Different concepts

I guess you all must insist that I stay busy.

Believe me, I am already more than busy enough, thanks anyway.

Well, if not you that's insisting, then at least the ones that don't quite comprehend the contrast between our orientation/sexuality AND someone's actual or simulated gender.

I will EDUCATE you on the difference. But you must pay close attention, as some of the presentation can be a little challenging.


This is really easy as pie, unless of course you prefer a cake walk.

Let's get down to business.

Sexuality (orientation)

This is simply WHO attracts you, or put another way is WHO YOU want sex with.

Sexuality or Orientation, or as this refers, Identity

With me so far?

Now, do NOT get this confused with GENDER Identity, which is next.

Good, now for a trickier concept.

When you hear gender/gender ID, this is entirely distinct from sexuality.

Here, in this case, a person's gender/sex OR in today's imaginary society, their IDENTITY, who they perceive themselves as, is what this term refers to.

So the reason for my article is to show my position that these are entirely unequal, so those that keep lumping BOTH together are mistaken.

Case in point:

Take, for instance, the misleading article I found:

Does Age Gap Matter to Gay/Bisexual Men and Trans?

Did you catch the mismatch in this article title?

Well, you should have

1st of all, right out of the gate, it seems like they were talking about Gay/Bi guys, then suddenly they decided, at the last second, to throw trans in at the very end.

It's just way out of place!

It just doesn't mix or go together properly. It's like they are talking about one thing, then just tack on something at the very end w/o the proper context.

You see?

I can't adjourn just yet, without addressing LGBT.

Again, do you notice what they are doing wrong?

I agree with this!

Ok, let me show you then.

What's the LGB for?




What are all these?

Ahh, yes!

You got it.

Orientations, or again sexualities being the same.

Test time

Now we are getting into the trickier territory.

What is the T for?

Yes! Again you got it!

You are batting 1k today.

Great job.

Now you see the difference!

If T is for Tranny, or perhaps Transexual, WTF that is, maybe even, Transgender?

I just don't know because it's hard to keep track of all these "identities" as they get more and more ridiculous.

So attempt to understand,

It is a GENDER, or gender Identity (ID)--NOT an orientation!

So why would it get lumped together with contrasting terms?

I just don't get why they lump the genders/ ID's with the orientations.

I mean, notice how they start out talking about orientations, then at the end, they switch over to a gender ID, suddenly.

It makes NO sense.

Look at it this way, if you were talking about trucks for a while, then just threw a car on at the end,

would that make much sense to you?

Do you see how they have NOTHING to do with one another?

Look at them in classes.

There are FULL-size trucks, then there are compact cars that get good gas mileage.

2 very distinct classes

YES! We are already speaking about it, join us?

They are comparing sexuality, or who you love, with a simulated gender, who you are, or pretend to be.

Do you see the conflict with this comparison?

This year a new alliance just formed that understands exactly what I am saying. They saw the confusion of Trannys being with sexualities.

The LGB alliance,

"a new lesbian, gay and bisexual alliance group has been heavily criticised for excluding the transgender community, prompting people to label it transphobic"

saw this as misleading and formed an organization of,

“influential lesbians, gay men and bisexuals”

as they revealed their inspiring mission to

“counteract the confusion between sex and gender which is now widespread in the public sector and elsewhere."

During an important meeting in London, with attorney, Alison Bailey, of Garden Court Chambers, it was a “historic moment for the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual movement”.

If I was really off base with my observations or perceptions, there would be no LGB Alliance. They are saying exactly what I feel.

I was, however, very disappointed in how they represented themselves, they actually said,

"We are an LGB group, which is lesbian led. We welcome support from anyone who shares our aims/objectives–be they straight, gay, lesbian, trans or whatever."

You may not notice their moment of conflicting purpose, but I most certainly do.

They firmly claim to be LGB, Les, Gay, BI?,

don't they?

So, when they mention "anyone who shares our aims"

who do they mention


who do they NOT mention?

Let's go through it.

They mention straight, then say gay, which they represent, lesbian, who they stand by again, then they say trans who they actually don't have in their acronym.

Then who do they mention at the end?


Are you serious?

So they say they are

the LGB!! ??? Alliance??

Don't they??

What does the B stand for then?


Who did they specifically NOT mention?

After trans they just said, "whatever?"

I guess I, and the billions of other BI people, are just "whatever?!"

Yet they claim to be LG"B"!

Just yet another example of us Bis getting erased!

Well, alliance, I better call you by the correct name.

How does "LG" alliance grab you?

Much more accurate, don't you think?

On their site, they state their key objectives:

  1. To advance the interests of lesbians, gay men and bisexuals at a time when we are under threat from concerted attempts to introduce confusion between biological sex and the notion of gender.

  2. To amplify the voices of lesbians and to highlight the dual discrimination we experience as women who are same-sex attracted in a male-dominated society. We support women’s reproductive rights and bodily autonomy.

  3. To protect children and young people from being taught unscientific gender doctrines, particularly the idea that they may have been born in the wrong body, which may lead to life-changing and potentially harmful medical procedures.

  4. To promote respectful freedom of speech and informed dialogue.

They say what they want to do:

1 - Advance the interests of LG......not sure about "B" though.

2 - Amplify voices of Lesbians

3 - Promote free speech

4 - Protect children

They also clearly declare their aims, mission statement, and code of conduct.

You can find these on their website.

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